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Regenerating health isn't something that bothers me alot, but I do prefer games when they dont have it. Unfortunatly pretty much every great game has it now.
First person cutscenes are one of the things I hate most about todays games
Here here! Nightfire can not be beaten!
That's exactly how I feel about it.
I'm not going to say COD "spoiled" the gaming universe. Regenerating health takes some challenge away, but it also takes away the tedious search for medpacks that often plagued games back in the day (I speak of Syphon Filter, and, sadly, Doom). My main problem with COD stories is that they're told primarily from the point of view of a briefing/loading cutscene, which is pretty annoying. I prefer to see the characters interact, not quick flashes of a map showing which way the enemy is moving. That said, Black Ops was okay. First COD to tell a story. I don't know what QTE stands for, so I've got nothing on that. I can deal with the first-person cutscenes, but only just because I have other games that don't have first-person cutscenes.
NightFire stands as the best of EA's first-person Bond games (it's superior to AUF only because of story presentation, as gameplay is largely the same, and lords over GERA for reasons I shouldn't have to name), but Everything or Nothing is better than NightFire (if for no other reason than having the real Brosnan).
Don't forget about Vigilante 8 games. They rock.
And Activision Classics for the PS1, a great compilation of old Atari 2600 games.
It would at the very least be interesting.
Oh, the memories. I haven't touched the original 'Vigilante 8' games in a long, long, long time. Those were incredibly fun.
Overall, Activision's games (QoS, GE2010Wii, Blood Stone, GEReloaded) have been more successful, critically and commercially than EA's. I'm sorry to say, it's mostly because they're COD clones (except Blood Stone, which still has COD elements), but it's still truth.
Sorry to disappoint but EA sold far more units than Activision have.
There are also 8 EA games as opposed to 3 1/2. I read something on some website long ago that compared the individual sales of QOS, GE2010Wii and Blood Stone to those of AUF, NF, and EON, and the only one that actually came close was EON.
Well whatever you read was incorrect. QoS was the best Activision performer, about 3.5m across all platforms. Same as EoN. AUF and NF both had sales of over 5m. Bloodstone and GE: Reloaded couldn't even break 1m each.
To be honest, I can't remember what the site said about Blood Stone (I honestly can't even remember what the site was, I found it while looking through Google for about three hours, and I wasn't even looking up anything Bond related - it was a totally weird find that day), but I can remember that QoS and GE2010Wii had sales numbers higher than two of the EA games (can't quite remember which two of those three it was, though). Also, GEReloaded wasn't on there yet, as the game wasn't out at the time. I'm pretty sure I found this site in early 2011.
EDIT: Whoops, sorry about that, I was thinking of another thread on here which was talking about some guys inspired to re-make Nightfire like they did for GoldenEye.
There's not a chance in hell we get a Nightfire sequel, sorry to disappoint. Look at the opening post, it's only a wish.
Yeah, I had mixed up this thread with another, where someone had posted the link to a website where some guys were hoping to make a Nightfire re-make and take suggestions about it from people online.