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I quite enjoyed it actually, I am not sure why all the negativity is needed. The show is delivering nicely. I start liking Jody each week a wee bit more.
Still have to watch the Spider episode as I was not able to see it upon release, will do somewhere in the next weeks.
In my humble opinion it was well written, not so action packed which is not something this series has been so far. Which is not a bad thing in itself.
We all have different opinions.
But one thing is for sure the Whitaker Doctor stories are different from the previous eras. and all had they moaners and complainers and their fans.
There was a scene between Ryan and Yaz in tonight's episode which was so flat I started looking at my phone I was that bored, everything just seems one note with forced clunky dialogue.
The less said about the Pting the better...
It looks worse in the episode.
This may end up being the final nail.
I thought yesterday's episode was bland again.
I like bits, but I'm finding the fledgling episodes of the Chibnall era to be ultimately unsatisfying and unimaginative.
Still, no Chibnall for the next few weeks, so things might very well pick up (although I am braced for some massive British Empire bashing next week, which is likely to be a simplistic look at a complicated time).
All that being said, lots of people seem to be enjoying this season.
You must not have liked "The Green Death", which tackled the same subject, then. Or "The Happiness Patrol", which was as anti-Thatcher as could be (same with Lenny Henry's sketch). An so many others, starting with "Planet of the Giants", Doctor Who has always been political, and more often on the "liberal" side of an issue than on the "conservative" side. Sometimes accidentally (watch "The Sun Makers", for example). And let's not mention that a compagnon was named after a well-known (at the time) terrorist. I can imagine the shit storm today if the producers did the same thing.
Then you have asinine moments like this in the current series:
"I've heard you're only running cos you've hated Trump for decades."
"Please don't mention that name."
don't you get it? Trump is BAD, yeah, he's a BAD person. Chibnall is a hack and there were a bucket load of more talented writers who should have helmed the show.
Sounds exactly like what they did with Star Trek Discovery. It's set 10 years before The Original Series and the main protagonist is Spock's adopted human sister who can basically do everything he can but better. Ugh. Sybok was better than this character.
Sliding, sliding...I reckon next week will fall under the 6m mark.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch,serves them all right for being over-confident and thinking the public are idiots,easily preached to.
All Steven Moffat's episodes were about 'love conquering all'. It was never actually scary.
I mean, the last Capaldi-era companion was a mixed-race lesbian. That whole character felt like an exercise in box-checking. Before that, the show has always been about inclusivity and cooperation. It's not like Bond where the character is a chain-smoking, alcoholic killer for the Government (albeit a suave one). If you soften the edges on that character it becomes much more noticeable. Doctor Who has always been a cuddly show.
I think this mostly boils down to older fans feeling alienated by a female lead. Which is kinda fine, since the show has lasted 50+ years with male leads. It's a stark contrast. Though, Whitaaker's performance seems very close to Tennant's. surely, the jump from Smith to Capaldi was more glaring and offensive?
Plus, at least as far as I can tell, the Doctor's gender isn't a big deal. She's an alien, who doesn't bother with such tertiary concerns as gender - that's something humans preoccupy themselves with. Time Lords are a little more amorphous in this regard.
I've not given the new series a proper watch, but the production looks considerably more handsome and well-made than previous ones.
As soon as Chibnall was announced as writer I knew what we were in for, the way he structures episodes is limited and repetitive. For DW to succeed you have to have an imaginative head writer.
The show has always been a favourite but at the the moment it's a mess.
Talk about being Preachy.