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The War Games is a very good story and utterly bonkers at times, so much fun. The reworking of the score is great, I heard Master like themes in there which I liked, I will definitely try to buy this new score.
Bloody brilliant a must watch for fans, the War Chief is one of many great proto Masters, in my head canon I like to think he is an earlier incarnation of The Master.
There is one obvious issue with this cut though if you have seen the original episodes it really won't matter.
The final act gave me chills, glad I watched this on Christmas Day it was amazing.
Not sure what to make of the ending, it smacked of the tag on ending to Capaldi penultimate episode when Billy did what ever she did.
As for me, I found the episode quite entertaining, and at times quite moving (poor Joy ! I know how she feels.) But ultimately, it's a romp, with a few great moments. And BTW, I lodged in the Sandringham Hotel the four times I went to Cardiff. Nice hotel, but no elevator (so not wheelchair accesssible), and Saint Mary's Street is far from being the quietest street in Cardiff.
I'm hoping Moffat will be back for more at some point, but it's still good to know that Dr Who can still be as good as this.
It's looking like the Disney deal may be over from various hints around the place, and that production on Series 3 is looking no closer to starting, but hopefully they can find a new partner if they need one (and hang on to Gatwa).
Plus in what might be Moffat's final story (but he's always saying that) him putting Sylvia Trench in the show and making her queer is why I love his work so very much.
My favourite Doctor,The Eleventh Hour was a brilliant debut to the greatest season, certainly of the modern era.
I would go out on a limb and say that The Eleventh Hour is the best debut story, of any Doctor classic or modern. The early scenes with the Doctor little Amelia were so wholesome.
And what can I say about Matt Smith that I haven't already. Not an obvious choice, but one that ended up being so so perfect.
The Rebel Flesh two parter is one of my favourites, Smith is incredible. There is a scene with Amy that is shocking initially until you see the genius ending. Man that era was good for the most part.
Smith interpretation of the material added a lot of depth to the character. Smith one of the best actors ever in the role.
It's a decent cake, despite the lack of jelly babies.
Rather... orange, don't you think ? And here's the Steelbook :
Et en Steelbook :
"The Robot Revolution": Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Peter Hoar
"Lux": Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Amanda Brotchie
"The Well": Written by Russell T Davies & Sharma Angel Walfall, directed by Amanda Brotchie
"Lucky Day": Written by Pete McTighe, directed by Peter Hoar
"The Story & the Engine": Written by Inua Ellams, directed by Makalla McPherson
"The Interstellar Song Contest": Written by Juno Dawson, directed by Ben A. Williams
"Wish World": Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Alex Sanjiv Pillai
"The Reality War": Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Alex Sanjiv Pillai