'Anyone for a jelly baby ? ' - Doctor Who discussion thread.



  • Posts: 6,070
    BTW, if you're ever in Cardiff :


  • Posts: 12,526
    I think "The Raven" episode has been the best so far this series with how and what happened within it!
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    What an incredible, ingenious, surrealist episode @-) What a tour de force for Peter Capaldi, someone give this man an award right now! I think this episode will go down in Whovian history.
  • Posts: 6,070
    Excellent acting performance by Capaldi this week. Loved the music too, and the little allusion to 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,065
    For a while there, it started to feel like it could work as a regeneration story. Unless I missed an explanation, but if the rooms reset, wouldn't the diamond block reset as well? As for the Hybrid, i'm not sure where that's going. Capaldi was superb, though.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    The diamond wall was not a part of the "castle", so it didn't reset, at least that's how I intepret it.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Brilliant Gothic story, I love how the Dr escaped. :)
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Sandy wrote: »
    The diamond wall was not a part of the "castle", so it didn't reset, at least that's how I intepret it.

    What about the skulls, though? If his body turned to dust (as it did many, many times) why were his skull/s intact? Can't figure that out!
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Sandy wrote: »
    The diamond wall was not a part of the "castle", so it didn't reset, at least that's how I intepret it.

    What about the skulls, though? If his body turned to dust (as it did many, many times) why were his skull/s intact? Can't figure that out!

    One of many paradoxes in the episode, I think they were on purpose, but I could be wrong.

    On a different note, look who's directing an episode!

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    :)) funny video.
  • JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
    Posts: 4,151
    Heaven Sent - A brilliant episode, Capaldi was outstanding. Can't wait for the next, final (boo hoo) episode of the series. From the trailer it looks like it could be great.
  • Sandy wrote: »
    Sandy wrote: »
    The diamond wall was not a part of the "castle", so it didn't reset, at least that's how I intepret it.

    What about the skulls, though? If his body turned to dust (as it did many, many times) why were his skull/s intact? Can't figure that out!

    One of many paradoxes in the episode, I think they were on purpose, but I could be wrong.

    On a different note, look who's directing an episode!

    He's not confirmed to direct - was just a bit of fun whilst Capaldi is in NZ. Would love for him to do one though
  • Posts: 6,070
    The title of the Christmas episode has been revealed. It's (drumroll please !) :

    The Husbands of River Song"

    And here's another picture :


    Note that River has followed the advice of her grandfather : isn't that a sonic trowel ? Soon to be an exclusive at Forbidden Planet.

    Source : doctorwhotv.co.uk/2015-christmas-special-title-new-pic-78647.htm
  • Posts: 6,070
    And here's the advert for the Christams season on the BBC, with two short clips from the Christmas special :

    Love the dialogue between River and Twelve :))
  • Posts: 12,526
    Really looking forward to the finale on Saturday!!! :D
  • Posts: 6,070
    Question about "Heaven Sent" : Who painted Clara's portrait ?

    My answer : The Doctor himself. Remember, he did that before ("The Bells of St. John" anyone ?)
  • Gerard wrote: »
    Question about "Heaven Sent" : Who painted Clara's portrait ?

    My answer : The Doctor himself. Remember, he did that before ("The Bells of St. John" anyone ?)

    I figured that since the Veil was drawn from the Doctor's memory, the portrait of Clara might've been too. Sometime to make him more emotionally vulnerable?

    It was a great episode, though. Probably one of the best I've seen. Looking forward to the season finale (and the Christmas special!!)
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    Gosh, that was disappointing.
  • Posts: 6,070
    Not for me. All right, it was a bit like having your cake and eating it, but we got some great scenes ("Get off my planet !"), a good esploration of the five stages of death, an ending I certainly didn't expect (karma's a bitch, right Doctor ?).

    All in all, a great season. Can't wait for the Christamas special, if only because River seems to take after her grandfather here.
  • I didn't like where they were going for a while there but the ending was okay I guess.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,065
    I have mixed feelings on Hell Bent. One one hand, there was yet another excuse for a female Doctor to happen (awkwardly forced in there, again), and more guitar playing. One the other hand, the classic console room design, and the sonic screwdriver (a new design) is back.
  • Posts: 12,526
    Was hoping for more seeing as their was the suggestion of Dalek, Cyberman and Angel action!!!! But sadly none especially on the Angel front.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I'm a bit disappointed in the second half of this series, hopefully with a few
    tweaks the good Doctor will be back better than ever.
  • This series was the greatest since Season 4 and 5 IMO.

    All episodes were perfectly balanced (I think we all agree that "Sleppe no more" didn't exist), the actors were terrific, the stories thrilling, the monsters really impressive. Davros, Ashildr, Rassilon, Missy and all secondary characters were perfect. And this last episode, sent me back to the epic larger than life as well as personal moments from the Tennant area.

    We had adventures in space and in the past, scary adventures in closed spaces and big invasions, episodes with lots of characters, and this fantastic Heaven Sent moment. The last episode made us discover some new limits of the doctors. and I'm really thrilled by the perspective of meeting River Song this Christmas.

    I had a hart time doing my list, but here it is (from worst to best):
    - Sleep no more
    - Zygon invasion
    - Zygon inversion
    - Before the Flood
    - Under The lake
    - the woman who lived
    - The girl who died
    - Magician Apprentice
    - Witch's familiar
    - Heaven Sent
    - Face the Raven
    - Hell Bent

  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    All in all, a rather enjoyable series. Certainly the most experimental to date. I would like to see someone else take the showrunner helm for series 10, though.

    Overall newwho rankings-
    1) Series 4 (Stand outs: Midnight, Turn Left, The Unicorn and the Wasp, The Stolen Earth)
    2) Series 2 (Stand outs: Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet)
    3) Series 3 (Stand outs: Gridlock, Blink, Human Nature, The Family of Blood)
    4) Series 1 (Stand outs: Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways, The Empty Child, Father's Day)
    5) Series 5 (Stand outs: Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth, The Time of Angels, Flesh and Stone)
    6) Series 8 (The Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline, Dark Water)
    7) Series 6/9 (Stand outs: The Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon, A Good Man Goes to War, The Magician's Apprentice, Heaven Sent
    8) Series 7 The Angel's Take Manhattan, The Name of the Doctor, Day of the Doctor
  • Posts: 6,070
    All in all, a rather enjoyable series. Certainly the most experimental to date. I would like to see someone else take the showrunner helm for series 10, though.

    Overall newwho rankings-
    1) Series 4 (Stand outs: Midnight, Turn Left, The Unicorn and the Wasp, The Stolen Earth)
    2) Series 2 (Stand outs: Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet)
    3) Series 3 (Stand outs: Gridlock, Blink, Human Nature, The Family of Blood)
    4) Series 1 (Stand outs: Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways, The Empty Child, Father's Day)
    5) Series 5 (Stand outs: Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth, The Time of Angels, Flesh and Stone)
    6) Series 8 (The Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline, Dark Water)
    7) Series 6/9 (Stand outs: The Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon, A Good Man Goes to War, The Magician's Apprentice, Heaven Sent
    8) Series 7 The Angel's Take Manhattan, The Name of the Doctor, Day of the Doctor

    Agree with most of the list, although I would place series 9 higher (probably in fourth place). Also agree on a new showrunner. I like what Moffat does, but I would like someone else at the helm.

    And I would like the new companion to be anything but a 21st century Londoner. A woman from the past (like Victoria) or the future (Vicki, Zoe), or another planet. Or an Asian, or coming from the Middle-East (all right, Freema Agyeman is half-Iranian, but Martha wasn't). In short, let's put a moratorium on the English Rose for a while, right ?
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,065
    A closer look at the new Sonic Screwdriver:

  • Posts: 6,396
    So relieved to see the screwdriver return after the stupid sunglasses.
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    So relieved to see the screwdriver return after the stupid sunglasses.

    Absolutely. Now to get rid of that bloody guitar...
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