The Spy Universe: Shared or Separate?



  • I don't know why but this forum has been particuarly unwelcoming to new members lately.
    Because it's changing from a forum of Bond fans to a forum of Bond fans sharing similar views on topics that have absolutely no relation to Bond ? Then "being a Bond fan" is not enough to be part of the majority because there is now a majority on some touchy topics...
  • Hey I guys, I'm very sorry for calling you pricks in my last comment. It's a personal issue :)>-
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Hey I guys, I'm very sorry for calling you pricks in my last comment. It's a personal issue :)>-

    No need to worry. We all need to let off steam sometimes.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 3,566
    It seems to me there was a "Return of the Man From U.N.C.L.E." TV movie starring Robert Vaughn & David McCallum back in the '80s or thereabouts. As my (admitedly spotty) memory has it, during one particularly sticky point for Solo & Ilya, George Lazenby sped by in an Aston Martin with license plates reading "007" -- fired a machine gun burst or something to get them out of their predicament -- waved and sped away. So we have "evidence" of a sort for Bond and U.N.C.L.E. at least existing in continuities that can overlap from time to time.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited December 2013 Posts: 18,488
    It seems to me there was a "Return of the Man From U.N.C.L.E." TV movie starring Robert Vaughn & David McCallum back in the '80s or thereabouts. As my (admitedly spotty) memory has it, during one particularly sticky point for Solo & Ilya, George Lazenby sped by in an Aston Martin with license plates reading "007" -- fired a machine gun burst or something to get them out of their predicament -- waved and sped away. So we have "evidence" of a sort for Bond and U.N.C.L.E. at least existing in continuities that can overlap from time to time.

    Yes, indeed we do @BeatlesSansEarmuffs. Interesting as of course Ian Fleming had a hand in the creation of The Man From UNCLE! Funny thing, I just very recently came across that scene on You Tube. Wish I had the whole film to watch though.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 4
    I have an idea! How introduce Bond and Bourne in a movie that takes place right after The Bourne Ultimatum. Have them team up to capture or stop some one or some people. Throw hints to Ethan Hunt like a news cast showing the Kremlin destruction in a scene. Then, in the end, show all three (Bond/Bourne/Hunt) getting files for a team/initiative (I call it the Task Force Initiative). Either in this film or TFI, introduce Aaron Cross, Taken guy (Liam Neeson) and Salt (Angelina Jolie) so they appear in the team up movie! The team now officially consists of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Aaron Cross, Ethan Hunt, Salt, and Taken guy! It's a spy movie version of The Avengers
    EXTENSION TO THE IDEA: A Phase Two could have Taken 3 (Return to CIA, brother and his wife are taken), The Bourne Precision (Working Title; Bourne is kidnapped and brainwashed by terrorists; Cross and Salt are main heroes), Bond 24 (New movie with new M) and MI5 I'M JUST GONNA IGNORE THE NEGATIVE RECEPTION ON THIS ONE :P
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2013 Posts: 14,884
    Not so much spy universe here, but rather crime drama TV:

    Just watching an early episode of Luther the other night (great show, as you may know), it was interesting to hear the mention of SVU's 'Munch', suggesting Britain's Luther and New York's Law & Order: SVU exist in the same universe. Upon reading John Munch's wiki page, I found this to be the case.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Which episode is that mentioned in @QBranch?
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2013 Posts: 14,884
    I think it's episode 1 or 2 from the first season. Luther says "Send the details to Detective Munch in Special Victims Unit, New York." Apparently it's a running joke:

    (quoted from a Broadcastnow article)

    Why Luther called Munch, 10 June, 2010

    Nice to see Idris Elba’s call-back to the show that made his name in Luther last week.

    In asking DS Ripley to phone Detective John Munch of Special Victims Unit in New York, Luther was continuing a longstanding in-joke among US crime dramas. Munch was first portrayed by Richard Belzer in The Wire’s predecessor Homicide: Life On The Street and later turned up in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and in cameos in everything from Sesame Street to Arrested Development before turning up in an episode of, yes, The Wire.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited December 2013 Posts: 13,369
    Thanks. I'll check it out later today.
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