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F**king abysmal and I can't think of any examples that are worse so might as well just close this thread now.
Oh, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of others!
"You meant <grimace> nothing to me." (Pain face)
Brosnan/Craig entries will probably feature a lot here. The ones already mentioned in this thread are good examples.
the whole bit where OP herself kind of throws a hissy fit at James for not wanting to come along with her - she storms off - Bond follows, spins her around and plants a kiss on her - they make out and fall onto a bed together..
it really does not get more soap opera than that, even right down to the camera angles they chose. (sorry @TheWizardOfIce lol :) )
Yes, I'd not really thought of that one.
It is melodrama as Octopussy's hissy fit doesn't last too long!
Plus, it's truly great to see you back to posting duties @haserot!
Yes, that part was awkwardly very soap opera. Stuck out in the film.
TWINE and the words 'soap opera' seem to be inextricably connected for some reason.
TWINE was caught in the same purgatory between "Bond Formula" and "Character film" that SP was - the latter, i felt, succeeded a little more where the former failed..
but the whole bit when Bond confronts Elektra with "There is no point in LIVING if you can't feel alive." is very daytime soap.
just dipping my toes back in..
we'll see if i feel like going back to active duty soon. lol
Oh yes, we all know how 'ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE' Brosnan's acting was there!
Well I hope you decide to stay. Never ever give up!
"What the hell are you trying to do OO7, start World War 3?"
Quite possibly the worst line delivery in the series.
Good one!
Well, it was John Terry!
"I'll do worse than that if you don't tell me!"
"Even if you kill me, I can say nothing!"
Christ I forgot about good old Captain, Leader, Legend!!
JT's performance just screams soap acting. Horrendous. You have to wonder at what Dalts was thinking filming that scene: 'How has this happened? I'm used to treading the boards with RADA trained thesps at Stratford and now I'm sharing a scene with a guy who's so bad he wouldn't get a part in an am-dram production Run For Your Wife at a village hall.'
Perhaps it was after the Lupe 'I love James sooo much' scene that Tim reevaluated where his career was going and that's why he decided to quit.
I've never been a fan of John Terry's Felix Leiter.
Every scene featuring overrated Bardem (he'd fit in nicely in The Bold And The Beautiful).
Everything in the church at the end. That's even more The Bold And The Beautiful or if you prefer it, Grey's Anatomy at its best.
Shonda Rhimes definitely is best friends with Babs :))
I am referring of course to the shame to end all shames. The so called 'confrontation' in Electra's living quarters in Baku in TWINE. "There's no point in living if you cannot feel alive" with pain face in full effect and all that rubbish. I wish I could post the still photo I have to demonstrate how awful it was, without drawing the ire of EON's lawyers.
What a 'Days of Our Lives' or 'Young and the Restless' moment. Beyond embarrassing and truly unworthy of Bond.
If you were to press me, then LTK came close with the shambles of a poolside finale with Lupe & Pam. Earlier in the film too with the now legendary: "I love James...soooo much!"
These sap moments should be watched imho. They are not appropriate for this genre. Babs needs to ensure her desire to appeal to the fairer sex doesn't impact her judgement. Hopefully the Wilson brothers will bring some sanity back.
I thought that was ok myself. A rare attempt (and it should stay so) to see inside Bond. Worked better than the terrible CR scene ('you've stripped me of my armour').