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Yes, I wish they'd put them out a little quicker too.
Or so they say .
I found the sequence to be quite interesting and unique for a Bond film. The scene and where it was set really gave a grand, echoing baroque flair to the classic SPECTRE meetings from the Connery era, which now look rather insignificant in comparison, I must say. Never in any other Bond film but a Craig one would we have a scene with an organization and main villain where barely any dialogue is uttered and most of the sequence moves on body language, echoes and whispers alone. It's so different and for me, that's what makes it spectacular.
I will concede, however, that to get a glimpse of SPECTRE's power we should have seen more of their destruction of South Africa beyond the news footage to drive home that point. Maybe we'll get more of a chance in Bond 25 since everything has already been developed.
I'm inclined to agree. Quantum (even though the name is a bit shoehorned in) was nice and shady and fitted with the 'darker' tone of the era, whereas SPECTRE is more of a camp evil.
The flamboyancy works in the earlier films but it felt out of place here where Craig is supposedly a grittier 'modern' Bond. SPECTRE felt like more of a threat whereas Spectre really just seems like Blofeld and his groupies. It's fun but I would prefer it to feel more like an organisation.
and quite scary, as you could see the look of fear on the faces of the members when they had to
approach Blofeld. Not yo mention I loved the introduction of Mr Hinx. :)
Obey him.
This. Would you people prefer that McClory's ghost took hold of Spectre? My answer is no.
I would be quite happy to let Blofeld and Spectre stay in the past.
What a quality first post. I really can't wait for further nuggets of wit and insight.
I think you're probably right.
His 'legendary' status is only due to killing Tracy. If you look at the books he only appears in one scene in TB and a couple in OHMSS. In YOLT he is pretty good but even then only gets a few chapters.
Despite being given a trilogy, so to speak, he's not a patch on Drax or Goldfinger. Even Dr No makes as much impact and he only gets the one scene.
In the films the uneven portrayals really haven't helped him and coupled with the Austin Powers factor he now feels almost as much of a cliche as the DB5 and 'shaken not stirred'.
Again, ranking the film villains, I'd have Dr No, Goldfinger, Scaramanga and Le Chiffre ahead of any of the Blofelds and a strong case could also be made for Drax, Zorin, Sanchez and Silva.
I don't know if anyone has seen Calvindyson's 'Blofeld ranking' video but he rates the best Blofeld appearance as a joint victory for FRWL and TB and he's absolutely right.
The reveal of Blofeld has never lived up to the menace of the guy behind the desk with the cat and the sinister voice whose face we never see.
Donald Pleasance = pantomime Blofeld
Telly Savalas = hard man, physical Blofeld
Charles Gray = camp Blofeld
Christoph Waltz = whiny stepbrother Blofeld
Yes, I was hoping for something a bit different in Spectre - but it's a cliche of a cliche.
Blofeld is now where Bond was after DAD. He needs bringing back to basics but instead they just went with every cliche in the book.
in terms of the question, should every villain be Blofeld?... Hell No... Blofeld is Bond's Moriarty - but IMO, he should be used sparingly - otherwise the character becomes too over-saturated and stale (because of his constant usage)... i personally like it better when Bond is going up against different villains, with their own different agendas.