Top 5 Roger Moore Moments’ as 007...



  • Posts: 5,634
    'Well so far I can't complain about the Valet service'

    'You should never go in there without a mongoose'

    'It's odd, but whenever I am stared at I seem to lose my appetite'

    'Maybe Pegasus does too'

    'Play it again Sam'
  • Posts: 4,762
    In no particular order:

    1. 'Keeping the British end up sir.'
    2. 'Fill her up please.'
    3. Dropping the fish out of the Lotus window.
    4. 'But James I need you.'
    'So does England.'
    5. I just love the way he says 'thank you' when Mr Bigs goons throw him into the alley.

    #5 is such a favorite of mine! Pure legendary Roger Moore!
  • Posts: 1,052
    "I don't suppose you'd care for a night cap?"
  • "All those feathers and he still can't fly!" and the smile/wink exchange with Naomi.

    Rog was often so courteous to villains and henchmen out to annihilate him. He seemed to follow the Winston Churchill quote: "When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

  • Some alternative suggestions

    5) 007 being taunted by German teenagers and Roger giving them a rude gesture in Octopussy
    4) The cards "stacked in his favour" in Live and Let Die
    3) "California Girls" ski scene in A View To A Kill
    2) "Alright, keep your hair on" *cheeky pat on Blofeld's bald head in For Your Eyes Only
    1) the Gondola/Hovercraft scene in Moonraker. Cinema's greatest moment? =))
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    edited April 2012 Posts: 1,699
    These are very difficult for me to choose (as many may assume ;) ). Anyhoo, deep breath, here we go...

    In reverse order, folks...

    5. Kicking the goon in the chest outside Mr Big's HQ from The 'Die ~ basically because it's cool as hell; not only is the move superhuman-cool, but Bond is by far the best dressed guy in New York as he does it

    4. In the escape pod from The Spy ~ including the marvellous "Maybe I misjudged Stromberg..." line, the sudden fear Anya may actually go through with her threat, the trademark surrender of a frosty hotty to 007's charms and perhaps the greatest pun-closer of any Bond film

    3. The uncovering-of-Holly (as it were) scene from MR ~ utterly ridiculous, full of (slightly dubious) one-liners, especially the oustanding "I have friends in low places", this one's 24-carat Sir Rog

    2. The Lovers scenes from The 'Die (seduction and bed) ~ obviously, just obviously, because they're simply awesome

    1. The Spy pre-title sequence (including the Union Jack parachute jump) ~ yes, with "But James I need you!"/ "So does England!" and everything else, what else could you choose as #1 on St. George's Day...? ;)
  • Posts: 5,634
    The fight at the ice rink arena with the hockey thugs, For Your Eyes Only

    'I've never killed a midget before, but there can always be a first time'

    The rooftop train battle in Octopussy and subsequent chase with the Knife thrower twin

    Shooting the sniper out the tree in Moonraker 'You missed Mr Bond etc'

    The battle with Tee Hee on the train, Live and Let Die

    Doing the 'crocodile stones' in the same release (Ross Kananga actually)

    Dinner 'talk' with Scaramanga in Golden Gun
  • edited March 2013 Posts: 546
    Sir Roger Moore's sense of humor-

    1.Keeping the British end up sir.
    2.Thank you, but were in great shape!
    3.But James, I need you!
    Bond-So does England.
    4.BTW, we haven't been properly introduce Melina. My name is Bond...James Bond.
    5.Love the drive in the country don't you?
    6.Don't you come up for air?
    7.I could come in for a night cap....some other time perhaps.
    8.He just drop in for a bite to eat.
    9.I never killed a midget before. But there can always be a first time.
    10.Goodnight sir.
    11.Ithank god for hard currency
    12.Good afternoon
    13.Water pistol?
    14.That's a way to advertise.
    15.Take a gaint step towards mankind
    16.You left this at the farrera I believe.
  • Posts: 2,341
    1. running across the crocodiles backs in LALD
    2. Fight atop the plane in OP
    3. Fight at the Pyramids in TSWLM
    4. Killing Sandor in TSWLM
    5. Checking his watch while in the gorilla suit in OP
  • Posts: 5,634
    I'm watching a Roger Moore Bond release right now as I do this, so it's time for another attempt at this, and in no order

    'Take a giant step for mankind' - Moonraker

    Shooting of Scaramanga - Golden Gun

    'You left this with Ferrara I believe' - and kicking Locque off the cliff - FYEO

    The G-force simulator in Moonraker

    Talk with General Orlov on the train in Octopussy

  • Posts: 4,762
    5 Random Legendary 007 Rogerisms

    "Well, I'm sure we can lick you into shape!"

    "You do know what the Queen of Cups means in an upside down position, don't you? I deceitful, perverse woman; a liar, a cheat, and I'd like some answers NOW!"

    "I'm tempted to say yes immediately! But I think I better have a look around first."

    "You go put your clothes back on, and I'll buy you an ice cream."

    "Sir Godfrey, on a mission I am expected to sacrifice myself."
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited March 2013 Posts: 9,117
    The backgammon scene in OP is Rog on fire:

    The way he clocks whats going on then just slips into the Majors Chair cool as you like, the look he gives Gobinda when he pulls out the Faberge egg, the uber smug delivery of - 'Its all in the wrist' and the icing on the cake - the so wrong but oh so right 'That'll keep you in curry for a few weeks wont it?'

    The whole scene is utter Moore perfection.
  • Posts: 11,216
    The backgammon scene in OP is Rog on fire:

    The way he clocks whats going on then just slips into the Majors Chair cool as you like, the look he gives Gobinda when he pulls out the Faberge egg, the uber smug delivery of - 'Its all in the wrist' and the icing on the cake - the so wrong but oh so right 'That'll keep you in curry for a few weeks wont it?'

    The whole scene is utter Moore perfection.

    Honestly :\"> :\">
  • Posts: 6,432
    1 Bond looking extremely nervous on the small island surrounded by crocodiles. Roger Moores look of fear is not acting, its a great moment.

    2 Bond when he rejects assistance from Dr Goodhead when he exits the centrifuge.

    3 Bond kicks Locke and his car of the cliff.

    4 Bond confronts Rosie Carver 'Make your choice'

    5 Bond fights off Russian agents at the Valley of the Kings, Roger Moores reaction after the fight is brilliant.
  • Posts: 5,634
    BAIN123 wrote:
    The backgammon scene in OP is Rog on fire:

    The way he clocks whats going on then just slips into the Majors Chair cool as you like, the look he gives Gobinda when he pulls out the Faberge egg, the uber smug delivery of - 'Its all in the wrist' and the icing on the cake - the so wrong but oh so right 'That'll keep you in curry for a few weeks wont it?'

    The whole scene is utter Moore perfection.

    Honestly :\"> :\">

    I never quite understood the furore of that. It's as when Bond asks Quarrel to 'fetch his shoes' in Doctor No. It's no big deal ? Moore delivers the line almost to perfection but quite how some get worked up about it, I don't know

    Five more top Roger Moore moments worthy of inclusion, although doubtless mentioned

    #1 Bond 'attempting re-entry' with Goodhead - MR, although I think it's the late Desmond Llewelyn who should really be in the spotlight there

    #2 'No ma'am, I'm with the economy tour' - OP

    #3 The killing of the knife throwing twin in Octopussy - 'and that's for 009'

    #4 Amasova - 'Where's Fekkesh ?'. Bond - 'With the pharaohs'

    #5 Realizing JW Pepper is back and in the car with him in Golden Gun - "Oh no.."
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    edited May 2013 Posts: 16,379
    1. Kicking Loque over the Cliff
    2. "fill her up please."
    3. Speech about killing in TMWTGG
    4. Unloading on Stromburg
    5. Centrifuge scene

    EDIT: Honorable Mentions.

    Killing Blofeld. I know people think it's silly, but I love the look of amusement on Rog's face when he's about to dump Blofeld to his doom. Oh? You want to get off? *smug grin and tips the helicopter.*

    Giving Moneypenny the winning Pegasus ticket. I just love that part. Roger's Bond was such a gentleman. "And I'll buy you dinner when you get back." Keep it classy Rog! ;)

    "You see you do have a heart of gold." Moonraker nuff said! :)

  • Posts: 72
    5. When he says, 'Bond James Bond', for the first time in live and let die
    4. When he flies the plane in in the pre-credits of Octopussy
    3. When the Lotus turns into a submarine in The Spy Who Loved Me
    2. When he is pushed out of a plane in Moonraker
    1. When he escapes from the alligators/ the parachute jump
  • Posts: 5,634
    There you go ! Roger Moore Bond moments...

    Only what I said before, in the above, but will add -

    When Vijay is found dead by Q.

    Q - 'He was alive when I found him'

    Moore - 'Did he say anything ?'

    Q - 'Only that it was Kamals Men'

    Moore - 'No more problems'

    Trying to hitch a lift from the road in Germany and the kids in the car stop, and then drive off when Moore goes to get in

    'Put your clothes on and I'll buy you an Ice-cream'
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