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old series, it was two shows together. One a Sci-fi with fighting women the other, a
period action set around the American war of independence ( I Think) with Bruce Campbell, which I loved, very funny. I think it may have been called " In like Jack " ?
Brisco County Jr. was a straight up 1993-4 adventure series with some rather fantastical elements. And of course, a strange sense of humour since it starred Bruce.
It's only one season, but it contains a whopping 27 episodes!! The other great thing is that none of 'em suck! Two, maybe three feel a little 'filler-ish', but even those have entertainment value. The first two thirds of the season deal with the arc set up in the pilot- once that's resolved the final eps are mainly stand alone adventure stories with a sort of wrap up two-parter to finish. It was nice they gave us that in case it wasn't renewed, which of course it wasn't.
I have a fond memory of sanding & heat painting my motorcycle's exhaust system in my living room during the Halloween episode. \m/
Dixie Cousins was a great character....
He shines there.
And check out the movie Burn Notice: The Fall Of Sam Axe