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  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited February 2017 Posts: 3,000
    I was told a while back by someone that you could still download the Skyfall DLC for 007 Legends PS3, you just had to look on the PS store. I checked, and 007 Legends in mentioned in the store, but there is no additional content to download. Still, the fact that it was still mentioned had me wondering if I just needed to buy a new copy of the game, and get a download code (my original copy of Legends PS3 was used). I stumbled across a new copy of the game at Walmart yesterday, on clearance for $10, about $8 less than Amazon with shipping. It even says on the sealed box, "Instructions to unlock FREE SKYFALL missions included inside." Guess what? NOPE! You can't get the Skyfall missions anymore. If you didn't get it when it came out, you're out of luck. The only way I know to play the SF level is to buy it for the Wii U, because it comes on the disk. I actually did that already, but I wanted to try SF out on the superior PS3 controls (Nintendo hasn't made a good analogue stick since the N64, IMHO). Oh, well. I guess I'll be returning it. I don't need a third copy of this game. Activision really does suck.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Creasy47, I really appreciate your perspective. I think I need to give it a go, and even if I end up not enjoying it for one reason or another, it won't be a big pain to the wallet. I think I will find myself enjoying it though. The characters and world seem amazing, it's just not the kind of game you can get a sense of (or tell if it's for you) just by looking at Let's Plays. You have to experience it yourself and play your own story. So I think that's what I'm going to do. I lose days to open world games, so I can only image what the hell one this size will do to me. It's always worth it, though.

    As for Horizon Zero Dawn, it's definitely been on my radar, as all PS4 exclusives are. I've seen some gameplay videos of it that look interesting, and it's clear that it's taking some great elements from various open world games and melding it into its own vision. I don't think I'll get it for a while, though, as there's nothing about it that makes me crave it immediately, though it does intrigue. It's one I'll definitely keep in the back of my mind for future purchase. If you do get it, be sure to share your thoughts here.

    And thanks for the recommend! It's nice to have people here I can turn to on gaming matters, as I don't know many offline.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    You can easily put 50-100 hours, if not more, into 'The Witcher 3', there's a lot to do and see. You'll definitely get your money's worth, that's for sure.

    You're quite welcome! I recall you recommending 'The Last Of Us' to me years back, and I picked that up on the PS4 and I think that might be the best single player story I've ever experienced. Ended up becoming one of my favorite games, loved that one.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Creasy47, that's one of the many great things about the forum. We've got so many gamers playing on so many systems that if someone isn't sure about whether or not they should get a game, they'll be able to find someone here who has played it, and can provide them with their perspective.

    I've been recommended my share of games by people here, and haven't been disappointed.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, agreed, I've typically been satisfied with a lot of the recommendations thrown my way on here.
  • Halo 5 had this game since release and barely picked it up, I flew through the previous games. Determined to spend some time on this game and get it completed
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, did you end up picking up 'The Witcher 3,' by any chance? The sale ends on the 28th.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Creasy47, I got the complete edition and downloaded it that night, yes! I look forward to digging into it in likely a few week's time, once I find time between the Bondathon to give it some time. Thanks for helping me take the final leap.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    Continuing to build up my original XBox game collection, I recently picked up 2 games from a local game shop, Forza Motorsport for £2 and a brand new/sealed copy of Men of Valor for £3. I haven't played the latter yet, but I have been playing the former. It's very good.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Glad to see you getting back into it, @MajorDSmythe. Sometimes playing retro favorites is just what is needed. There's periods where I'll plug my Gamecube or PS2 back in and get nostalgic.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Happy to hear, @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7! I'm happy to help; now I can only hope you don't magically loathe the game somehow, and find a lot of beauty and entertainment in it as I did.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    Glad to see you getting back into it, @MajorDSmythe. Sometimes playing retro favorites is just what is needed. There's periods where I'll plug my Gamecube or PS2 back in and get nostalgic.

    It's not so much as a loss of interest, it's... I just want a console to play games, simple as that. No streaming, no.. downloading, just games, and offline. The price of a PS4, and the amount of it's features that i'd never use, isn't worth it for the time being. If I do get around to buying a PS4, it will be when the PS5 has been released, and the PS4 is dirt cheap. Until them, I have plenty of hidden gems from past consoles to seek out.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    So, I know I'm severely late to the party, but a friend suggested that I buy Skyrim. Is there a PS3 edition that has all the DLC?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    @MajorDSmythe, I understand where you're coming from; too often, I pine for having my 360 again - tons of classic games that I could sink hundreds and hundreds of hours into, without shelling out a stupid amount of money for the required console/accessories/etc.

    @Agent007391, yes, there's a 'Legendary Edition' that comes with all three sets of DLC for the game: the two narrative/story-driven DLC's, and the cosmetic one that gives you the ability to build houses/furnish them more.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    @MajorDSmythe, I understand where you're coming from; too often, I pine for having my 360 again - tons of classic games that I could sink hundreds and hundreds of hours into, without shelling out a stupid amount of money for the required console/accessories/etc.

    And that's another reason, DLC. Thank heavens for complete editions that feature all of the DLC.

    The legendary Edition of Skyrim is indeed worth picking up, all of the DLC is on disc, so all it needs is to be installed from the PS3 menu screen.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    @MajorDSmythe, that's why patience pays off. Most games release at a $60 price tag with an inevitable $30-50 season pass...or you can wait a year and pick up the entirety of the content for $30. It's why I'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to video games these days, because it's all about $$$.
  • Kinnect Sports bowling, probably the only decent game on this.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    @MajorDSmythe, that's why patience pays off. Most games release at a $60 price tag with an inevitable $30-50 season pass...or you can wait a year and pick up the entirety of the content for $30. It's why I'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to video games these days, because it's all about $$$.

    Yes, I'm not a hyper-active buyer when it comes to games. The last game I bought that wasn't one I got on a big sale was Uncharted 4, nearly a year ago, and before that game there was months where I only bought Batman: Arkham Knight and Assassin's Creed with a big stretch of time between.

    I can wait for deals for most games, and only get things on release when I can't risk the story being spoiled for me, as was the case for Uncharted 4. Coming up, the only game I'll probably get on release is the Spider-Man game heading to PS4, and who knows how far off that one is.

    In this current gaming climate, I don't want to support things I don't believe in, and that includes day-one buys of games that push season passes which are half the money or equal and beyond the actual core game price, and publishers who push three different versions of the same game with editions that can reach up to $100 in price each. It's disgusting.

    I was happy to support CD Projekt Red by purchasing Witcher 3 because their business model is solid, they treat gamers with respect and they don't pull any bullshit to cheat people out of money. They released 16 FREE DLCs for that game, in addition to two cheap DLCs that were collectively 6 times larger than most games out today could ever hope to be. That is amazing and I love them for being who they are. I would have bought the game for $100 if it meant supporting a company that strives to act in such a way as that, when it's so easy to cash in and do what the likes of EA are doing.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Grand Theft Auto V:

    Well, first time experiencing this on PC after finishing it off on PS3 a few years ago. I do realize I haven't had as much fun with a video game in a long time, which is a great thing. Now, Rockstar is the kind of company that knows how to prepare and execute at the right aim. The gameplay, the cinematics, the narrative, the graphics... Leaves you speechless. I also seem to have forgotten how brilliant the radio stations are. Definitely a vast improvement over IV and its expansion packs.

    I guess I don't need further praise the game. You all know about it.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I actually found it a disappointment in comparison to IV. The satire of the game is brilliant, as is Trevor, but those moments can't save a game alone for me. Tonally, Niko's journey was more up my alley.
  • edited February 2017 Posts: 6,432
    I have GTA V on Xbox 360 been debating for a while whether to get it on Xbox One, though I never played V as much as I did San Andreas and IV.

    Currently playing Tomb Raider Definitive Edition on Xbox One I almost finished it on 360, though started again on Xbox One. Love the TB games often play the earlier ones on my PC, it's a franchise that goes back so far can't help have nostalgia for the series.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @fire_and_ice, if you play online you have about a week to transfer any character progress to next-gen. Rockstar are fully abandoning PS3 and Xbox 360 support in March.
  • @fire_and_ice, if you play online you have about a week to transfer any character progress to next-gen. Rockstar are fully abandoning PS3 and Xbox 360 support in March.

    Interesting did not know that cheers, I have transferred my 360 profile data on games like Red Dead and Burnout Paradise, that's forced my hand I'll buy GTA V next week.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @fire_and_ice, I think you'll enjoy the next-gen experience, as the online of last-gen is like a prototype in comparison to what it is now. A lot of fixes and additions, and the single player looks better and more alive than ever.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I actually found it a disappointment in comparison to IV. The satire of the game is brilliant, as is Trevor, but those moments can't save a game alone for me. Tonally, Niko's journey was more up my alley.
    I think Michael is most definitely my favourite of the bunch, and I like Franklin a lot too. Good kid. But, Trevor is definitely someone who should be put out of his misery, as the man had gone mad, in deep has nothing to live for, but there you go... I do hate it when he abuses anyone he sees fit...

    Niko is a great protagonist, but somehow he's too down to earth for a GTA protagonist, if you know what I mean. Kinda like Claude who has opinion and can talk. That said, I never liked the expansion packs of IV. Neither Luiz nor Johnny Klebitz capture any essential charm for me. Glad Trevor killed the latter, even though it was unjustified. ;)

    Niko was referenced in V during the first setup of the heist mission by Lester, which was nice. I'd love to see him pulling jobs with Michael. I think he'll like the lad.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I actually found it a disappointment in comparison to IV. The satire of the game is brilliant, as is Trevor, but those moments can't save a game alone for me. Tonally, Niko's journey was more up my alley.
    I think Michael is most definitely my favourite of the bunch, and I like Franklin a lot too. Good kid. But, Trevor is definitely someone who should be put out of his misery, as the man had gone mad, in deep has nothing to live for, but there you go... I do hate it when he abuses anyone he sees fit...

    Niko is a great protagonist, but somehow he's too down to earth for a GTA protagonist, if you know what I mean. Kinda like Claude who has opinion and can talk. That said, I never liked the expansion packs of IV. Neither Luiz nor Johnny Klebitz capture any essential charm for me. Glad Trevor killed the latter, even though it was unjustified. ;)

    Niko was referenced in V during the first setup of the heist mission by Lester, which was nice. I'd love to see him pulling jobs with Michael. I think he'll like the lad.

    I agree that tonally IV was an anomaly in a series that took the piss as a working motto. Still, I found myself engrossed in IV in a way that V didn't reach me at, though I enjoyed it too. I think that's because the more earnest tone of IV allowed me to actually feel like the characters were real, and not the caricatures that they are in V. I liked the expansions for IV too, and for the money were were massive steals considering that each had a full open world and a completely different set of weapons, activities, missions and play-styles. It's a shame that GTA Online, which hasn't been good for a while, basically stomped all chances for story DLC for V.

    Trevor saved V for me. He's the perfect representation of the human id, and the effect he has made the game all the better any time he showed up. He could be every extreme, all the way from sweet to sadistic, running hot to cold with everyone.

    The games just offer two vastly different experiences. If you like more serious and realistic crime games, IV is for you, while V is for those that like the GTA games to let loose and actively make satire of everything.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I actually found it a disappointment in comparison to IV. The satire of the game is brilliant, as is Trevor, but those moments can't save a game alone for me. Tonally, Niko's journey was more up my alley.
    I think Michael is most definitely my favourite of the bunch, and I like Franklin a lot too. Good kid. But, Trevor is definitely someone who should be put out of his misery, as the man had gone mad, in deep has nothing to live for, but there you go... I do hate it when he abuses anyone he sees fit...

    Niko is a great protagonist, but somehow he's too down to earth for a GTA protagonist, if you know what I mean. Kinda like Claude who has opinion and can talk. That said, I never liked the expansion packs of IV. Neither Luiz nor Johnny Klebitz capture any essential charm for me. Glad Trevor killed the latter, even though it was unjustified. ;)

    Niko was referenced in V during the first setup of the heist mission by Lester, which was nice. I'd love to see him pulling jobs with Michael. I think he'll like the lad.

    I agree that tonally IV was an anomaly in a series that took the piss as a working motto. Still, I found myself engrossed in IV in a way that V didn't reach me at, though I enjoyed it too. I think that's because the more earnest tone of IV allowed me to actually feel like the characters were real, and not the caricatures that they are in V. I liked the expansions for IV too, and for the money were were massive steals considering that each had a full open world and a completely different set of weapons, activities, missions and play-styles. It's a shame that GTA Online, which hasn't been good for a while, basically stomped all chances for story DLC for V.

    Trevor saved V for me. He's the perfect representation of the human id, and the effect he has made the game all the better any time he showed up. He could be every extreme, all the way from sweet to sadistic, running hot to cold with everyone.

    The games just offer two vastly different experiences. If you like more serious and realistic crime games, IV is for you, while V is for those that like the GTA games to let loose and actively make satire of everything.
    Can't disagree with any of that, well said.

    Trevor is just not my type of character hence my disdain of him and his presence, even though he has some of the motivations and the must-do/must-own trait that Tommy Vercetti, but with a redneck/white trash filter instead of an angry Italian mobster. Michael's presence however reminds of, kinda, a family-man version of Tommy Vercetti who's depressed and doesn't have any desires and demands from life anymore, especially with a family that let him down and never understood him. Franklin Clinton, though, is like CJ. Always controlled, preserved, hardly gets angry yet can take care of things in a way you can't imagine. Like Michael said, he's the son Mike always wanted. That's what I love about Michael and Franklin, and their father/son-type of bonding.

    And... like you, I also have a large amount of disdain for GTA Online. Give me expansion packs, DLCs and spin-off storylines any day than online heists that don't seem to have any purpose in them other than being a globally existent multiplayer.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited February 2017 Posts: 28,694
    @ClarkDevlin, one of my biggest gripes with GTA V is actually the dynamics between Michael, Trevor and Franklin. There's some good moments, but often I was just getting pissed off, confused or disappointed in what was being written. Michael seemed to be a very callous, self-centered and disloyal ass, and Franklin too often allowed himself to be manipulated into being a slave for others when he should've seen trouble coming a mile away. One of the reasons why I liked Trevor was because he was one of the only characters with an actual backbone that didn't do anything he didn't want to do, and he never went back on his word. Like he says to Michael, the difference between them is he knows exactly who he is, while Michael is constantly lying to people.

    At the end of the game, I was wondering why they were even friends. There wasn't a chemistry, and realistically they shouldn't be able to stand each other. I could understand their reason for coming together in the missions simply because friends help friends, but they never felt like they were bros in that way in the first place. I just think the writing could've been a lot more rounded for the characters, instead of jaggy as it is.

    In IV, I don't find that issue. Niko isn't really friends with anyone, or just a few people. He joins up with people because they're a means to an end, and he needs to tolerate them to get what he ultimately wants. Obviously that game has a lot of player choice, so everyone handles the game differently at times, but that's just how I saw it and played it. The people he did like, including Little Jacob, Packie and Kate, felt like more genuine characters too, and their relationships were natural too. But again, part of my issue could be because V is all about satirized things and characters (resulting in wacky caricature), whereas IV reigned that in for a lot of the main cast and therefore made the characters more realistic.
  • TheSharkFromJawsTheSharkFromJaws Amity Island Waters
    Posts: 127
    So, I know I'm severely late to the party, but a friend suggested that I buy Skyrim. Is there a PS3 edition that has all the DLC?
    Skyrim! Late or not that's an absolute must play. I've put days into the PS3 version and bought the new PS4 version that I've put even more time into. As mentioned, I'm pretty sure there is a DLC-included version out there. Hope you get it and hope you love it. I'm a little envious that you have a chance to play it the first time.

  • TheSharkFromJawsTheSharkFromJaws Amity Island Waters
    Posts: 127
    I've been on a Resident Evil kick since 7 came out. I beat 7 multiple times, went back to play through 4, and now I'm playing the first (which is still the greatest game ever made and I am open to fighting anyone that says otherwise).

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