Last Video Game You Played?



  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

    I remember picking this up at midnight on launch... I also remember beating it about four hours after I bought it.
    Since I've been on a major Star Wars kick lately I decided to play through the first and second Force Unleashed games. I beat the first in a few days and I started the second last night. I'm already on the second to last level.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

    I remember picking this up at midnight on launch... I also remember beating it about four hours after I bought it.
    Since I've been on a major Star Wars kick lately I decided to play through the first and second Force Unleashed games. I beat the first in a few days and I started the second last night. I'm already on the second to last level.

    @QsAssistant, the games are that short? That must be one of the reasons why they're viewed negatively critically.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    The second more than the first. The first is more varied and simply more entertaining than the second, but the second begins with a more interesting hook. Oddly enough, I feel the Wii version of the second is longer and less "meh" than the PS3/360 version. It also has an awesome Super Smash Bros ripoff of a multiplayer mode.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

    I remember picking this up at midnight on launch... I also remember beating it about four hours after I bought it.
    Since I've been on a major Star Wars kick lately I decided to play through the first and second Force Unleashed games. I beat the first in a few days and I started the second last night. I'm already on the second to last level.

    @QsAssistant, the games are that short? That must be one of the reasons why they're viewed negatively critically.

    The first is amazing. It actually feels like something that could've been a movie. The second was pretty much just trying to cash in on the success of the first one. The only thing the TFU2 has over the first is graphics and the gameplay is a bit smoother. The story is practically nonexistent but it does end in a way that sets up a third that we'll never get. Yoda also shows up for no good reason even though we were told that he has a purpose to be in it... we were lied to.
    The first is worth checking out though.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

    I remember picking this up at midnight on launch... I also remember beating it about four hours after I bought it.
    Since I've been on a major Star Wars kick lately I decided to play through the first and second Force Unleashed games. I beat the first in a few days and I started the second last night. I'm already on the second to last level.

    @QsAssistant, the games are that short? That must be one of the reasons why they're viewed negatively critically.

    The first is amazing. It actually feels like something that could've been a movie. The second was pretty much just trying to cash in on the success of the first one. The only thing the TFU2 has over the first is graphics and the gameplay is a bit smoother. The story is practically nonexistent but it does end in a way that sets up a third that we'll never get. Yoda also shows up for no good reason even though we were told that he has a purpose to be in it... we were lied to.
    The first is worth checking out though.

    I'm not a Star Wars guy, but was just curious.

    Have you played Star Wars Battlefront?
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 I have played all of them, the two originals and the newest one. The new one is fun but it's nothing like the originals. They completely changed what made Battlefront, Battlefront. It fells more like a Battlefield game than anything else. There is also no story mode. The sequel, which comes out later this year, is supposed to have one. I just hope they make it more like the originals.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 I have played all of them, the two originals and the newest one. The new one is fun but it's nothing like the originals. They completely changed what made Battlefront, Battlefront. It fells more like a Battlefield game than anything else. There is also no story mode. The sequel, which comes out later this year, is supposed to have one. I just hope they make it more like the originals.

    Well, it was made by the Battlefield developer, instead of a developer parroting the Battlefield series. That's what made the first two Battlefronts good, they were the same essential gameplay of Battlefield, but through Pandemic's lens rather than DICE's.
  • Posts: 12,605
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017). Amazing game.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    The next-gen 'Battlefront' felt a little too close to 'Battlefield' (due to the developer, like @Agent007391 mentioned), and now BF1 feels eerily similar to what they did with 'Battlefront.' I'm not a fan of it at all.

    Also, finished up 'Horizon: Zero Dawn' today. Had high hopes it'd be a groundbreaking, original IP, but it wasn't meant to be; just a mixture of other titles that have done it better ('Far Cry: Primal' and its crafting, 'Uncharted' with its graphics, 'Assassin's Creed' with its parkour), and the one thing that kept me intrigued was the story, which turned out to be pretty unimaginative and predictable. Shame, but at least the Platinum Trophy is out of the way, and I can move on to something else.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Creasy47, was the game that short? It only just came out, not even a week ago, right?
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I certainly hope Horizon isn't that short. I haven't had much time to play it the past few days but I'm really enjoying it. I like the game play and story so far.
    I'd have to argue about it having parkour like Assassin's Creed. In AC you can climb just about anything. You can't do that in Horizon. If anything it's closer to Far Cry in which you could only climb things that had some kind of marker to show that you can climb it.
    What's wrong with it having great graphics like Uncharted? IMO I think graphically it's slightly better than Uncharted 4.
    I can't really comment on it's crafting being like Far Cry: Primal, because I gave up on that game for being too repetitive and boring. I'll stick with Far Cry 3 and 4.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I hope the traversal in "Horizon" is as responsive as Uncharted, and not Assassin's Creed. Even in the more recent entries, the mechanics of the AC games can be stiff and jittery, very hard to predict and execute.
  • TheSharkFromJawsTheSharkFromJaws Amity Island Waters
    Posts: 127
    I've gone back and forth between Metal Gear Solid 3, Left 4 Dead 2 and Kingdoms of Amalur recently. If you haven't played any of them, that's a shame.
    MGS3 is still the best MGS imo. I haven't played those other two though.

    As for me, I've been trying to get through the Uncharted series. Haven't played any of them until now despite all the great things I've been hearing. Nearing the end of the second one right now.

    I also got a great deal on the PS4 remastered version of the PC classic Grim Fandango. Can't wait to play through that again. Anyone familiar with it?

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    It was pretty short. You can fly through most of the "big" quests (main and side missions) in a matter of 5-10 hours. All the other quests within are "errands" that involve you doing the same few things time and time again, so I didn't bother. Collectibles are highlighted on your path and are almost always in the way of a mission, so you don't have to go out of your way to grab them most of the time, and unlimited fast travel (once you acquire the item for it) makes travel a quick breeze, as does the fact it's one of those games where you really aren't hurting for supplies or items a few hours in.

    @QsAssistant, that's what I mean, I think you misconstrued what I said - what this game does, other games have already done better, so it wasn't as groundbreaking or fresh as I had hoped. There IS parkour in this, but it's poorly done, and half the time I'd wander aimlessly looking for the light-colored ledge I was supposed to grab on to. It has customization (weapons, outfits, creating potions, etc.), but again: other games, like 'Far Cry: Primal,' already did it in a fun, fresh way that it felt stale here.

    The graphics were consistently good in this, but not as awe-inspiring as GTA V Remastered or 'Uncharted 4.' The sunsets/sunrises could make for a beautiful screenshot, until you realize that the light from the sun emanates from a tiny part in the middle of the sun, so it looks fake and odd most of the time.

    I'm probably a lot more forgiving with 'Far Cry: Primal' because it was fun, easy, and cost less than $10, whereas with this, I was expecting something much more for a brand new game that was looking to break the mold and change things up considerably.

    I've always been a gamer that looks for quality over quantity, so great graphics/tiny details are always a bonus over something that's fun and will likely grant a lot of replayability, but that wasn't it for me. It falls victim to the same open-world scheme of "the bigger, the better," which, in turn, just gives you a massive, beautiful world that's all but empty and lacking in content and places to go.
  • Posts: 4,813
    I'm so excited- I convinced my wife to start a play through of Snake Eater!
    We had the PS3 hooked up and we finished Last of Us (love it) and she asked what other older games of mine she might like-- I was like 'have a seat.... I'm going to show you the greatest game of all time.'

    The controls took some getting used to but she's loving it now!
  • TheSharkFromJawsTheSharkFromJaws Amity Island Waters
    Posts: 127
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 I have played all of them, the two originals and the newest one. The new one is fun but it's nothing like the originals. They completely changed what made Battlefront, Battlefront. It fells more like a Battlefield game than anything else. There is also no story mode. The sequel, which comes out later this year, is supposed to have one. I just hope they make it more like the originals.
    I had a good bit of fun with the new Battlefront but got bored of it fairly quickly. I'm not a big multiplayer guy apart from GTA and sports games, so any games light on single-player stuff usually gets a pass from me. I hope the next one includes a campaign or even just a mode like Galactic Conquest in Battlefront II, I spent days playing that stuff.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Creasy47, sandbox games are my bread and butter, but that's my main complaint with so many recent games: the developer makes these amazing open worlds, then fills them with nothing to do. It looks like it has tons of replayability, but when you get right down to it and go exploring, you find the same consistent things over and over again, or just nothing at all.

    It's a shame, because you want to respect the developer for doing such great work in realizing a lush world, but then don't understand why they built it and really didn't use it. The open world becomes glorified scene dressing, and not a true world to navigate in a hyper-interactive way.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited March 2017 Posts: 14,076
    Ace Combat 4: Distant Thunder
    The first of 3 Ace Combat games released for the PS2, and this is only the first one I have played. I recently bought my copy for £4, and while the graphics are showing their age (this game is 16 years old), the game play is superb. Even on Normal, the missions, of which there are 18, are quite challenging. For the last few days, I have been stuck on mission 9 (Operation: Bunker Shot), where I have to provide covering fire during a beach invasion, adding to the challenge is a dense cloud coverage, and a time limit to accumulate at least 2200 points. I'll be picking up Ace Combat 5 (seems to be praised as the best of the series) and Belkan War as well.

    Now is a good time to collect games from the extensive PS2 library, as most games (there are a number of rare titles that are worth more now, than when they were released), can be picked up cheap.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Alright, I finally did it, I bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition for the PS3. I admit, I'm not that far into it, I've just killed my first dragon and discovered how to shout, and completely missed my objective in a main quest. The main thing I'm happy about is that unlike when I tried out Oblivion, I'm not bored with Skyrim. I'm actually enjoying it like I did Morrowind on the Xbox so long ago.

    All in all, Skyrim is yet another purchase I was leery of that turned out to be money well spent.
  • Posts: 6,432
    GTA V online great fun two other gamers online kept setting traps and ambushing my character it was great fun, think I need to get some better weapons.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    @fire_and_ice, enjoy the long grind to getting better weapons! Online is littered with trolls who spend their time ruining the fun for lower level players.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    The GTA Online community is by far the worst I've ever found myself amongst. When you give players the power to shoot near unlimited rockets and wreak explosive havoc in jets, rocket-powered cars and armored tanks, they do unspeakable, unspeakable things.

    It's the equivalent of giving people the power of a god in the Sims games. With that kind of power, people are assholes.
  • Posts: 6,432
    I ended up in a pile up in a tunnel and cars were constantly being hit by some weapon it was carnage, I discovered passive mode in GTA V online ;)) good if I just want to build my resources... I hope.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Passive mode is a godsend.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited March 2017 Posts: 3,000
    Another new update to No Man's Sky added vehicles, the ability to make racetracks, base sharing, new structures in base building, and graphical improvements. Still boring.

    On racetracks you can only compete for best time, since you can't actually see other players to race. And good luck finding another player's track in a near infinite universe. Base sharing is also pretty much useless for the same reasons.

    One of the three vehicles you can build is this giant, hummer-like, off road thing called the Colossus. The irony is that it's less capable than the other two, bottoming out on everything, and you often clip through the ground when you get out of it. Also, what kind of ridiculous game makes you steer with the right stick, and uses the left for gas and brake?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @BMW_with_missiles, No Man's Sky is the greatest recent example I can think of in gaming that proves ambition can be just as poisonous as it can be to miss the mark.

    Though so much is possible now with current hardware, it's clear that when games are too big, you end up shooting yourself in the foot and miss the mark entirely while trying to impress with scope. Funnily enough, by trying to make the most massive game world of all time, the developer actually made one of the emptiest.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    @BMW_with_missiles, No Man's Sky is the greatest recent example I can think of in gaming that proves ambition can be just as poisonous as it can be to miss the mark.

    Though so much is possible now with current hardware, it's clear that when games are too big, you end up shooting yourself in the foot and miss the mark entirely while trying to impress with scope. Funnily enough, by trying to make the most massive game world of all time, the developer actually made one of the emptiest.

    Spot on! A massive game about nothing will always be far less enjoyable than a small game with direction and purpose.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    The developers of the game could argue for their approach by saying, "But this is how space exploration would be, a lot of visiting empty planets and galaxies." That's true, but a fun game that does not make.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    Alright, I finally did it, I bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition for the PS3. I admit, I'm not that far into it, I've just killed my first dragon and discovered how to shout, and completely missed my objective in a main quest. The main thing I'm happy about is that unlike when I tried out Oblivion, I'm not bored with Skyrim. I'm actually enjoying it like I did Morrowind on the Xbox so long ago.

    All in all, Skyrim is yet another purchase I was leery of that turned out to be money well spent.

    Did you install the DLC's straight away? The Dawnguard one is best kept to one side, at least until you have more holds unlocked, as Vampire attacks can be a real nuisance, even resulting in the deaths of npc (and yes, that means shopkeepers).

    Ace Combat 4: Distant Thunder
    I've completed Operation: Bunker Shot, turned out to be easy when you know how. The strategy that worked for me, was to attack the beach to the north-east, first, taking out the radar on the way, flying inland to take out the Howitzers, then flying back to the beach, and dive bombing the targets there. I managed to clear out almost all of the targets on the first beach, and some from the second, with just 30 second left. The second objective, to intercept the group of fighters, and deal with them, was easy by comparison.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Alright, I finally did it, I bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition for the PS3. I admit, I'm not that far into it, I've just killed my first dragon and discovered how to shout, and completely missed my objective in a main quest. The main thing I'm happy about is that unlike when I tried out Oblivion, I'm not bored with Skyrim. I'm actually enjoying it like I did Morrowind on the Xbox so long ago.

    All in all, Skyrim is yet another purchase I was leery of that turned out to be money well spent.

    Did you install the DLC's straight away? The Dawnguard one is best kept to one side, at least until you have more holds unlocked, as Vampire attacks can be a real nuisance, even resulting in the deaths of npc (and yes, that means shopkeepers).

    I installed the DLC, yes, but do I have to activate them from the main menu? Nothing seemed to actually happen.
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