As the Chilcot report is published should Blair have his day in court?



  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Western leaders are exempt. Their bloody wars of conquest are "peace keeping" or "stabilizing" endeavours.
  • Over 100 dead today thanks to ISIS, Iraq would have been safer under Sadam, Irony personified, Blair must be prosecuted.
  • Posts: 140
    Blair will have his hands spanked...this country has a long tradition of bringing the 'troublemaker', the 'outsider' into the 'establishment' to control them. I can't see this tradition changing...look at what happened to the establishment darling Jeffery Archer, convicted for committing perjury but still enjoying his life when released with his 'mates'.

    Just see the 'Membership' in Layer Cake - sums it up to be honest.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    I really can't see too much sticking to dear old Teflon Tony.
  • Campbell2Campbell2 Epsilon Rho Rho house, Bending State University
    Posts: 299
    And not just him. But Blair can easily spend a couple of years in a prison to discourage the others. Not bl**dy likely.
  • If he went to prison I'd personally hire a big guy called Buba to man rape him for 2 years.
  • Well the reports out, not a white wash at all, very critical of Blair & then government, I think there very well maybe some legal action....interesting. :-?
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited July 2016 Posts: 23,883
    It is indeed a damning report, but unfortunately so far without consequence, except for public shaming of someone who is immune to it. The same can be said of the condemnatory comments by the FBI Director yesterday of that other joker across the pond.

    Sadly, without legal consequence, there really is no meaning to it as it only stated what all of us already suspected (and in fact anyone with half a brain should have known) in 2003. Again, the same goes for the antics across the pond.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I hope all those poor families who lost sons and daughters, can now take
    some legal action against, that slimeball Blair.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    Sadly there will be enough wiggle room to allow Blair to escape reasonably unmolested. That he was the worst prime minister in British history (IMO) & profited like no other from his time in office yet is still around to mouth off from the sidelines says it all for me. The only tangible bad thing (for Blair) to emerge will hopefully be that his latest bid to be part of Brexit negotiations will be scuppered.

    Meanwhile a lot of people, both British & Iraqis who suffered as a result of his misuse of power will never see real justice done.
  • If the families don't bring legal action against him then he'll just disappear from the scene as all his backers try to distance themselves, the report will become quite Toxic to Blair & will destroy any legacy he hoped for..... L-)
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    I saw an interview with the father of one of the British troops who lost their lives. He pointed out that Blair had refused to meet him or other families to discuss their grievances so in frustration they took to visiting places where he was appearing. The chap said that Blair always slipped in & out of other entrances in order to avoid them & their questions.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I'd forgotten, that The late Robin Cook ( The foreign secretary at the time) resinged
    over Blair taking Britain to war, as the public was against it. It was illegal and it was
    Common knowledge that Sadam Didn't have weapons of mass destruction. It's all
    In his speech.
    So Blair's excuse that all the intelligence pointed to WMDs, is just more spin to
    Protect himself.
  • Campbell2Campbell2 Epsilon Rho Rho house, Bending State University
    edited July 2016 Posts: 299
    So this is what it looks like when Britain 'throws about its weight' and tries punching above it: someone's got to do the actual punching part and it's almost never the dullards who clamoured for it. It's almost always young impressionable folks and in this case countless thousands of civilians since. This war was not only not justified, it was an outright crime. The public was lied to, allies were lied to, men and women in the forces risked their lives for a cynical gang of profiteers, jingoists and lunatics. And not a few of them from many nations had to pay dearly for it. People in Iraq will no doubt be greatly relieved to hear that the world is now a better place for their suffering.

    I seriously hope Blair stands in court for this little piece of 'special relationship' he helped orchestrate. And that he's not alone there. An example wouldn't come amiss here.
  • Campbell2 wrote: »
    So this is what it looks like when Britain 'throws about its weight' and tries punching above it: someone's got to do the actual punching part and it's almost never the dullards who clamoured for it. It's almost always young impressionable folks and in this case countless thousands of civilians since. This war was not only not justified, it was an outright crime. The public was lied to, allies were lied to, men and women in the forces risked their lives for a cynical gang of profiteers, jingoists and lunatics. And not a few of them from many nations had to pay dearly for it. People in Iraq will no doubt be greatly relieved to hear that the world is now a better place for their suffering.

    I seriously hope Blair stands in court for this little piece of 'special relationship' he helped orchestrate. And that he's not alone there. An example wouldn't come amiss here.

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Blair wanted to be George's Bitch ! ....... and he was :(
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    What was most sickening to me was watching this miscreant attempt to be contrite yesterday. It rang hollow and insincere.

    From 2001 memo to Bush (shows he was thinking about Iraq even then):

    Note the first sentence below in a 2002 memo (sounds like something from a wedding vow):

    A letter congratulating George's speech (nose firmly planted up Bush's backside):

    The lie is laid bare:

    A sad stain on British affairs, and even more so since he's still able to parade about globally & freely, speaking for Britain as he chooses.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    To lay the blame on just one man is very insincere. There was a massive financial, political and military machinery backing him.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited July 2016 Posts: 23,883
    To lay the blame on just one man is very insincere. There was a massive financial, political and military machinery backing him.
    Indeed, there always is. Regardless, it is incumbent on those in 'leadership' to not take the bait, as they are the ones who have the ear of the people, not the faceless deceitful 'backers' and 'money men'. This fraudster has the lives of several servicemen & women, as well as thousands of Iraqis on his hands.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Wait...someone lied about them having nerve gas, by slightly stealing from the plot of Michael Bay's 'The Rock'? Kudos.
  • SuperintendentSuperintendent A separate pool. For sharks, no less.
    Posts: 871
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Wait...someone lied about them having nerve gas, by slightly stealing from the plot of Michael Bay's 'The Rock'? Kudos.

    Amazing, isn't it? And some people still think Wag the Dog is merely a benign political satire.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Just goes to show how talented Michael Bay is :))
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