In Which Movie was Bond the Most Inept



  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Quantum of Solace

    -Kills Mitchell and only link to Quantum; saved by Mi6 info on Slate
    -Kills Slate, poses as him, but NEVER checks the briefcase before hand (I mean really...)
    -Reveals himself to Quantum at the opera too soon (there was only 4-5 mins of recording that Bond noted when he could've gotten at least 2-3 hours of info)
    -Doesn't get a answer from the special branch agent, and still drops him down 5-6 floors
    -Leaving Fields behind without any sort of plan or contact

    All of these are valid points, but a few of them have a reasonable basis.

    -If Bond hadn't killed Mitchell, Mitchell would have shot him, and still gotten away. Bond had little choice in the matter and wounding him would have done little because he probably had a whole pack of cyanide cigs in his pocket.
    -Slate attacked him, death was heat-of-the-moment, it's less than thirty seconds between him walking out the door and Camille driving up and telling him to get in.
    -I got nothing for revealing himself to Quantum. Nothing at all.
    -Ditto on the Special Branch agent, other than maybe he was going to walk down and interrogate him on the parking lot, then Greene's guy killed him, it could have just been a matter of circumstance.
    -We all know Bond has little or no respect for office equipment, and probably feels that Fields is just that.
    Goldfinger, absolutelly.
    Yup. I'm going with Goldfinger. It was not the best plot anyway, and I didn't care much for Goldfinger himself. His only redeeming quality is that he gets the franchise's best villain line.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    TLD and LTK. Dalts never had it going on.
    First off he should have bought giddy-girl Kara a big cotton candy and put her on the extended Merry Go Round ride while he snuck off for a pint with Saunders. That way he could have avoided the whole cringe inducing ferris wheel scene, and ideally the whole puppy love romance, and later hooked up with one of Felix's Party girls, or just as likely both, after the whole adventure was over. This also probably keeps Saunders around, for at least another day anyway.
    Rog at least had the sense to offer Bibi an ice-cream in a similar situation.
    Then there is LTK where Bond got himself so caught up with Pam that he let Lupe get away. Nothing against Pam, but Lupe was the hot tamali of the adventure and Dalts just let her go, even though he met her before Pam, and when she clearly needed rescuing. It boggles. Sean or Rog would have somehow finessed things to manage a friendly dalliance with Pam, but ultimately be there for Lupe in the end, to help her get back on her feet after being Sanchez's concubine for so long.
    No wonder Dalts only lasted 2 films and wound up putting the series on hiatus.

    Timbo - despite the often odd assertion on Internet boards that his was a hugely masculine Bond - was 007 as the '80s 'New Man'. He didn't bed a woman without donning a bullet-proof vest first. And even then he barely bed any when you get down to it...
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    Then there is LTK where Bond got himself so caught up with Pam that he let Lupe get away. Nothing against Pam, but Lupe was the hot tamali of the adventure and Dalts just let her go, even though he met her before Pam, and when she clearly needed rescuing. It boggles. Sean or Rog would have somehow finessed things to manage a friendly dalliance with Pam, but ultimately be there for Lupe in the end, to help her get back on her feet after being Sanchez's concubine for so long.
    I'm a Dalton fan but I had the same reaction when I first saw LTK. Plus, Pam had this clingy streak about her. Sure, Bond liked her but he also liked Aki. And what happened 2 days after Aki's death? He was chasing after Kissy Suzuki. I figure Pam meant about as much to him as Aki did but she seemed to think she was another Tracy.

  • Posts: 1,894
    - Reveals himself to Quantum at the opera too soon (there was only 4-5 mins of recording that Bond noted when he could've gotten at least 2-3 hours of info)
    He had heard enough by that point. Revealing himself to Quantum scared them into showing themselves in the crowd. Bond was able to identify four powerful people within the organisation (though only three were detailed ... I wonder who that woman was).
    - Doesn't get a answer from the special branch agent, and still drops him down 5-6 floors
    Bond did not know the man was from Special Branch. As far as he knew, he was with Quantum. It was likely the Special Branch agent had no idea who Bond was; he was probably directed to go after Bond by Guy Haines.
    - Leaving Fields behind without any sort of plan or contact
    Fields was not supposed to do anything at the party. When she tripped Elvis up, she did it of her own volition.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    He wasn't too smart in Live and Let Die, either. He got captured too many times, he didn't make much use of the magnetic watch despite a few possible places that it may have been useful and he and Felix both underestimated Kananga quite a few too many times.
  • Posts: 2,341
    I was going to nominate THUNDERBALL as bond just accidently falls onto SPECTRE's plot rather than doing any real detective or investigative work. The whole scene at the clinic is just purely coincidental, a car blows up on an English country road and Bond never bothers to mention it at HQ? Maybe he was distracted by the big meeting...

    But I have to agree with you GOLDFINGER hands down.

  • He had heard enough by that point. Revealing himself to Quantum scared them into showing themselves in the crowd. Bond was able to identify four powerful people within the organisation (though only three were detailed ... I wonder who that woman was).

    That may be true, but who knows what other information they were going to reveal in the meeting? Bond cut off Greene in mid-sentence, and he was probably going to explain why his plan was such a priority. Besides, Bond could've easily disarmed the thug and still had enough time to scare the people into revealing themselves. (BTW, couldn't he have also uplinked the conversation to Mi6's feed so they can immediately track whose voice it is?)

    Bond did not know the man was from Special Branch. As far as he knew, he was with Quantum. It was likely the Special Branch agent had no idea who Bond was; he was probably directed to go after Bond by Guy Haines.
    Right, but the guy never answers who he's working for - he just flips him off the building when he had all the leverage into questioning him.

    Fields was not supposed to do anything at the party. When she tripped Elvis up, she did it of her own volition.
    But Fields was never meant to be a field agent (no pun intended) - she was only a consulate and was much as a civilian rather than part of the agency. When Mathis died her security is probably all but gone, so why didn't Bond at least checked up on her before leaving with Camille? Bond probably knows she couldn't handle herself on her own, so why does just flimsily leave her behind?
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    I was going to nominate THUNDERBALL as bond just accidently falls onto SPECTRE's plot rather than doing any real detective or investigative work. The whole scene at the clinic is just purely coincidental, a car blows up on an English country road and Bond never bothers to mention it at HQ? Maybe he was distracted by the big meeting...
    I don't think Bond is inept because of a plot coincidence which was in the Fleming novel also. The Bond of TB is the opposite of the Bond of TWINE(my choice for his most inept).
    But Fields was never meant to be a field agent (no pun intended) - she was only a consulate and was much as a civilian rather than part of the agency. When Mathis died her security is probably all but gone, so why didn't Bond at least checked up on her before leaving with Camille? Bond probably knows she couldn't handle herself on her own, so why does just flimsily leave her behind?
    Because Mr. Haggis put it in his script.

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Because Mr. Haggis put it in his script.
    Now, y'see, when you put it that way, we can't actually count any ineptness on Bond's part. He can only do what the script tells him, as well.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    TLD and LTK. Dalts never had it going on.
    First off he should have bought giddy-girl Kara a big cotton candy and put her on the extended Merry Go Round ride while he snuck off for a pint with Saunders. That way he could have avoided the whole cringe inducing ferris wheel scene, and ideally the whole puppy love romance, and later hooked up with one of Felix's Party girls, or just as likely both, after the whole adventure was over. This also probably keeps Saunders around, for at least another day anyway.
    Rog at least had the sense to offer Bibi an ice-cream in a similar situation.
    Then there is LTK where Bond got himself so caught up with Pam that he let Lupe get away. Nothing against Pam, but Lupe was the hot tamali of the adventure and Dalts just let her go, even though he met her before Pam, and when she clearly needed rescuing. It boggles. Sean or Rog would have somehow finessed things to manage a friendly dalliance with Pam, but ultimately be there for Lupe in the end, to help her get back on her feet after being Sanchez's concubine for so long.
    No wonder Dalts only lasted 2 films and wound up putting the series on hiatus.

    Timbo - despite the often odd assertion on Internet boards that his was a hugely masculine Bond - was 007 as the '80s 'New Man'. He didn't bed a woman without donning a bullet-proof vest first. And even then he barely bed any when you get down to it...
    Yes. One of my problems with Dalts is that he looks anything but masculine with his shirt off. He sure can pull a good mean face though. o->
  • Posts: 2,341
    I was going to nominate THUNDERBALL as bond just accidently falls onto SPECTRE's plot rather than doing any real detective or investigative work. The whole scene at the clinic is just purely coincidental, a car blows up on an English country road and Bond never bothers to mention it at HQ? Maybe he was distracted by the big meeting...

    I don't think Bond is inept because of a plot coincidence which was in the Fleming novel also. The Bond of TB is the opposite of the Bond of TWINE(my choice for his most inept).

    after further review I have to agree with you. I was being too hard on Thunderball. He did handle himself well. I will nominate TWINE and GOLDFINGER.
    But Fields was never meant to be a field agent (no pun intended) - she was only a consulate and was much as a civilian rather than part of the agency. When Mathis died her security is probably all but gone, so why didn't Bond at least checked up on her before leaving with Camille? Bond probably knows she couldn't handle herself on her own, so why does just flimsily leave her behind?
    Because Mr. Haggis put it in his script.

    ;-) :)
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    Timbo - despite the often odd assertion on Internet boards that his was a hugely masculine Bond - was 007 as the '80s 'New Man'. He didn't bed a woman without donning a bullet-proof vest first. And even then he barely bed any when you get down to it...
    Yes. One of my problems with Dalts is that he looks anything but masculine with his shirt off. He sure can pull a good mean face though. o->
    Nah, much of it was probably down to Cubby's pasta. :p

    I jest, of course. I'm sure Cubby's cooking was wonderful - certainly was on the Egyptian set of Spy. And Dalts was, by all accounts, a fine stage actor back in the day; I've never gone too much on his screen work, unfortunately.

    Anyhoo, all this is getting away from the thread's point... ;)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I've never been one for pasta...
  • TWINE by a long shot. That many of you are saying Goldfinger is a mystery to me. Bond's schlong saved the day ffs-- could you get any more Bondian than that? And the fact that Sean was able to make it believable is a further testament to the man's utter greatness in the role.
  • Posts: 1,894
    That may be true, but who knows what other information they were going to reveal in the meeting? Bond cut off Greene in mid-sentence, and he was probably going to explain why his plan was such a priority. Besides, Bond could've easily disarmed the thug and still had enough time to scare the people into revealing themselves. (BTW, couldn't he have also uplinked the conversation to Mi6's feed so they can immediately track whose voice it is?)
    Bond disarmed a Quantum member to get the earphone in the first place. Sooner or later, the other members would have realised one of their own was not present - in which case, they would have known they were compromised and would have stayed in their seats. By interrupting the conversation, Bond frightened them into making a mistake.

    And he couldn't uplink the conversation to MI6 because he had no way of doing that.
    Right, but the guy never answers who he's working for - he just flips him off the building when he had all the leverage into questioning him.
    Because Bond knew he didn't have much time - sooner or later, another Quantum member was going to arrive on the rooftop. Throwing the man off the roof also sent a message to Quantum: that Bond was not taking any prisoners with them.
    But Fields was never meant to be a field agent (no pun intended) - she was only a consulate and was much as a civilian rather than part of the agency. When Mathis died her security is probably all but gone, so why didn't Bond at least checked up on her before leaving with Camille? Bond probably knows she couldn't handle herself on her own, so why does just flimsily leave her behind?
    Bond was not expecting Fields to take action of her own accord. She was there to help Bond blend into the crowd at the party. He also had no time to contact her, because when Mathis died, he realised the police force was in Greene's pocket. If he stopped to contact her, they could have found him more easily.

  • edited November 2011 Posts: 2,341
    TWINE by a long shot. That many of you are saying Goldfinger is a mystery to me. Bond's schlong saved the day ffs-- could you get any more Bondian than that? And the fact that Sean was able to make it believable is a further testament to the man's utter greatness in the role.
    Of course he saved the day.but face it : he really was scewing up royally in Goldfinger and TWINE. got Jill killed, got Tilly killed, nearly killed himself, escaped but to get recaptured by Pussy. Stood by powerless while the flying circus "killed" Ft Knox....he would have ended up in a mushroom cloud had Oddjob not killed Kinsh so carelessly. Or he would have had to be freed after the Army fought their way into the vault. And finally after warning Pussy about firing guns in airplanes, he does just that causing the plane to decompressure and go into a tail spin...lucky he found that parachute...
    you see where we coming from?
  • I was trying to think of an instance here that would be on a level with Reeve's Superman II for screwing up or making a mess of it but couldn't quite think of one

    I guess you could include Bond in Moonraker, that bit on the plane at the start where the girl pulls a pistol right from under Moore's nose, while he only sits back and gives a 'doesn't give a fig expression', other bits of notice throughout the picture in abundance no less but you've seen the film

    A view to a kill sure had it's moments too from what I can remember where Moore was sloppy, well, Bond was 57 at the time, so excuses can be made

    Can't argue the Goldfinger angle either, haven't seen this one for eons but recall even now Connery not really keeping his wits about him at critical times

  • He got Jill killed to a degree-- she didn't have to go along with him. In any case you could say the same about most of the "sacrificial lamb" characters in any of the films. I disagree that he got Tilly killed-- she was clearly risking her own life by her actions. Regarding the rest though, it was all part of the plan, augmented by his superhuman confidence, masculinity and coolness...
  • Posts: 612
    What did Bond do in Octopussy? The only accomplishment I can really think of was disarming the bomb, but he was dressed as a clown. Does it really count?
  • To be fair Fields was left to die so the script could exaggerate M's concerns that Bond was out of control and to create the opportunity to pay homage to Goldfinger.

    With regard to the opera scene it'd been a pretty short film if Bond had been a little more patient and waited for Greene to spill all of the beans. Some may say that would have been a blessing however.

    He was pretty shoddy in AVTAK but the same could be said of the whole movie.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Yes, Bond was very inept in QOS. And TWINE. Gosh, Bond was a complete retard in TWINE. He was acting like a total fool. And he was very cringeworthy... Brosnan deserved a Razzie for his TWINE performance.
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 1,894
    He was acting like a total fool.
    How, exactly?

    He did, after all, work out that the money was a bomb. He was the one who realised King was killed with his own ransom money. He found the connection to Davidov, and if it were not for Bond, and decommissioning team in Kazakhstan would not realise that one of the warheads would be missing. Bond worked out that Elektra was responsible, and then staged his own death to bait her into making her next more, and he did it in a way that meant Elektra could not confirm his death. He also reasoned out Zukovsky's part in the entire scheme.

    Honestly, I just think you're basing your idea on the fact that you don't like the film.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited November 2011 Posts: 15,732

    How, exactly?

    He did, after all, work out that the money was a bomb. He was the one who realised King was killed with his own ransom money. He found the connection to Davidov, and if it were not for Bond, and decommissioning team in Kazakhstan would not realise that one of the warheads would be missing. Bond worked out that Elektra was responsible, and then staged his own death to bait her into making her next more, and he did it in a way that meant Elektra could not confirm his death. He also reasoned out Zukovsky's part in the entire scheme.

    Honestly, I just think you're basing your idea on the fact that you don't like the film.
    What is the point of your post ? Why do you keep explaining the films to everyone ? Do you honestly think you're the only one who understood the films ? And stop being so insulting when you don't agree with someone. I am perfectly entitled to my opinion on TWINE, so stop saying I am basing my opinion on facts that aren't even true in the slightest.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    It's humanity's nature to lash out with insults when one person doesn't understand what another person does. Certainly you haven't gone through life without insulting someone for this reason. I know I have.

    Plus, he's got several points that I didn't even get until reading his post. Bond was actually pretty deductive in TWINE, but I could never really see it because the performances of several characters (cough - Christmas - cough - Sir Robert King - cough) were simply bad.
  • Posts: 1,894
    What is the point of your post ? Why do you keep explaining the films to everyone ? Do you honestly think you're the only one who understood the films ? And stop being so insulting when you don't agree with someone. I am perfectly entitled to my opinion on TWINE, so stop saying I am basing my opinion on facts that aren't even true in the slightest.
    Again with the defensiveness. You said that "Bond was acting like a total fool" in TWINE. I was just curious as to why you felt that way, considering everything that Bond does in the film. Yes, I listed it - I was presenting it as evidence of Bond not acting like a fool. Is it too much for me to ask for you to explain how you came to your conclusion that Bond is inept in TWINE? Please, stop taking everything so personally, and just put a little more thought into your posts. You never explain the reasoning behind your posts. I, for all my faults, at least explain my reasoning. You say that "Bond was acting like a fool"; I say "no, he wasn't", but I don't just leave it at that - I explain why I think that is the case.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    TWINE by a long shot. That many of you are saying Goldfinger is a mystery to me. Bond's schlong saved the day ffs-- could you get any more Bondian than that? And the fact that Sean was able to make it believable is a further testament to the man's utter greatness in the role.
    And what a schlong it is...


    By the way, I can testify the google search that found that image was 'Sean Connery penis award'... ;)

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited November 2011 Posts: 24,514
    What is the point of your post ? Why do you keep explaining the films to everyone ? Do you honestly think you're the only one who understood the films ? And stop being so insulting when you don't agree with someone. I am perfectly entitled to my opinion on TWINE, so stop saying I am basing my opinion on facts that aren't even true in the slightest.
    Again with the defensiveness. You said that "Bond was acting like a total fool" in TWINE. I was just curious as to why you felt that way, considering everything that Bond does in the film. Yes, I listed it - I was presenting it as evidence of Bond not acting like a fool. Is it too much for me to ask for you to explain how you came to your conclusion that Bond is inept in TWINE? Please, stop taking everything so personally, and just put a little more thought into your posts. You never explain the reasoning behind your posts. I, for all my faults, at least explain my reasoning. You say that "Bond was acting like a fool"; I say "no, he wasn't", but I don't just leave it at that - I explain why I think that is the case.
    Okay, gentlemen. Enough for today. ;-) You're like... boys with toys. [-( Leave us your opinions and move on. I suggest you try to avoid each other's post as much as possible. You both have the gift of being able to communicate your opinions like true lawyers. My sincere congratulations. It makes reading your posts a lot of fun. But when the guns get loaded, thing get sour. :L So please no rehashing of the same old arguments over... and over... and over again. (:| Thanks! :P
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    And what a schlong it is...


    By the way, I can testify the google search that found that image was 'Sean Connery penis award'... ;)

    This post made my day.
  • Posts: 1,894
    That many of you are saying Goldfinger is a mystery to me.
    You have seen GF, right? Bond spends most of the film in captivity, and only ever avoids certain death because others come and rescue him. Yes, he talked his way off the laser table - but that one scene does not make up for the rest of the film, which is just plain dismal.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Also, to show his ineptness, he only talks his way off of the laser table by scaring Goldfinger into believing that MI6 knew about Operation Grand Slam. He had no real knowledge of Operation Grand Slam, he only lived because he's good at bullsh*tting.
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