The Award Winning : 'Bond...comments while you watch...'



  • Posts: 16,399
    I think this film has a good balance of MI6 regulars in terms of screen time.
    In SPECTRE it did feel a bit like the Scooby Gang, but here it's more natural.
  • Posts: 16,399
    I really do like Ralph Fienne's haircut for the M role in this film.
    He looks like someone from Fleming's era.
  • Posts: 16,399
    Bond gets dissed in front of everyone when he goes to shake her hand.
    Reminds me of how Kristatos dismissed Luigi Ferrara.
  • Posts: 16,399
    Here we go...............the infamous Bond/Blofeld scene.

    A scene I happen to love.

    This is a Bond film I feel if you just roll with it, it's extremely enjoyable. Let go of pre conceived notions of what makes a Bond film Bondian and enjoy.

    I don't mind Blofeld's part in this film or his demise.

    I love Craig's facial expressions as Blofeld needles him and pushes his buttons.
  • Posts: 16,399
    Wonderful shot as Bond drives across the bridge in Norway.

    Yay! The PPK!

    I also dig Craig's threads during this scene. I love the long overcoat.

    The film takes a major turn here with Mathilde.
    It's been so long since this was filmed that child is probably in high school by now.
  • Posts: 16,399
    As Madeleine explains Safin to Bond and their history, Bond eyebrows look like they've been darkened.

    Roger Moore's darkened eyebrows in AVTAK added decades to his appearance.

    In other words, Daniel Craig looks like Roger Moore in A VIEW TO A KILL in this one scene.

    I did a play a few years ago and my fair eyebrows were darkened as well.
    That made me also look like Roger Moore in A VIEW TO A KILL.
  • Posts: 16,399
    "Q, I am going to need that plane!"

    He should've said:

    "Q, send Little Nellie! I repeat LITTLE NELLIE!"

    Here is a nice action sequence. Great chase.

    I think Bill Conti's A Drive in the Country should've been inserted in this scene.
  • Posts: 16,399
    Ash gets his up commence.
    Excellent scene.

    Safin appears ...........

    I think Rami Malek would make a great Count Dracula in an Udo Kier style.

    I've mentioned that before, but he has a wonderful creepiness.
  • Posts: 16,399
    Nearly two hours in and we're off to the final set piece.
    The pacing is excellent in this film, though I do think the story could've been told at around 130 minutes.
    Bond is re-designated as 007 and issues his equipment.
    I've always loved scenes when Q issues Bond a new watch.
  • Posts: 16,399
    I like that bit where Safin is rambling on about being tidier and Bond is mouthing comforting words to Mathilde.

    Brosnan would've said " Sorry, there Safin. I tuned out for a moment, eh?"
  • Posts: 16,399
    Bond on his knees. His knees must be killing him.

  • Posts: 16,399

    We need more characters like Willard Whyte in future Bond epics.

    I like Valdo's death scene. It's pretty good

    Mathilde lost her Dou Dou.

    Speaking of Dou Dou...................

    I had an old school plush Snoopy when I was a kid.
    It looked the way Snoopy looked in the classic Charlie Brown holiday specials from the '60's. I left it at my folks house for them to keep. The last time I saw it, say maybe last summer, it was in the dining room. Now its gone. Where the HELL did they put it?
    I have a feeling the family dog chewed it up and it got thrown away.

    I lost my childhood equivalent of Dou Dou.

  • Posts: 16,399
    It really blew their mind.

    Classic Bond quip.

    M looks more defeated and exhausted than Bond here towards the end.

    I've got this job where I have to climb these ladders now and again.
    I think its funny to go up the ladder slow and exhausted like Craig here.

    As I descend the ladder I pretend to be Roger Moore in AVTAK climbing down the firetruck ladder. I'll be carrying these items down and I'll pretend it's Tanya Roberts. I even whistle Barry's music during that scene.

    When I learn the melody to "Final Ascent" I'll whistle that next time i have to climb my ladder.
  • Posts: 16,399
    If Felix were there he'd say, "Bond...........move your ass!"

    Craig goes up the ladder. He looks like he just ate at TACO BELL and the food didn't agree with him.

    This is where that jet pack would've come in handy. He could've been out of there with seconds to spare.

    See kids, this is why you need an older, more experienced Q to issue Bond's gadgets.
    Desmond would've never let that sh*t happen.

    At least Ben's Q is trying to compose himself. He knows it's his fault.

  • edited February 2022 Posts: 16,399
    Everyone toasts James, yet Nomi is wondering if she can take the 007 number again.
    Does the Dalton Aston Martin have it's original gadgets in NTTD? I hope Madeleine is aware if so and doesn't accidentally hit the self destruct button.

    That would've made an even more disturbing (or funny) ending.

    Excellent Bond adventure. I can't wait for the next one!




  • Posts: 7,920
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    Everyone toasts James, yet Nomi is wondering if she can take the 007 number again.
    Does the Dalton Aston Martin have it's original gadgets in NTTD? I hope Madeleine is aware if so and doesn't accidentally hit the self destruct button.

    That would've made and even more disturbing (or funny) ending.

    Excellent Bond adventure. I can't wait for the next one!





    Ha, ha, I do hope you're right about the Aston not having those gadgets. Am reminded of the opening of The Italian Job, when the car enters a tunnel and you just see an explosion at the other end! What a double shocker that would have been!!
    Great write up, @ToTheRight, NTTD has really shot up the rankings for me since watching it at home!
  • Posts: 16,399
    Thanks, @Mathis1. yeah I also enjoy this film more since it's home release.
    It's quite fun.
  • Posts: 7,920
    GOLDFINGER (1964)
    Time for another comments watch! First time I saw this was on T.V. and think it was Sunday, and i havent viewed it for a while so let's go!!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Gunbarrel pose is a bit sloppy, Bob Simmons definitely missed his opponent with that shot, and boy was it a slow walk!!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Duck off!
  • edited February 2022 Posts: 7,920
    Barrys music fab as always.
    'Robin and Marian' was T.V. today
    Beautiful score from the Maestro
  • Posts: 7,920
    Connery is so cool.
    Love his expression as the bomb goes off!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Bluray is particularly sharp
  • Posts: 7,920
    The relection in the eye, brilliant.
    "Shocking...positively shocking!"
  • Posts: 7,920
    Great titles from Robert Brownjohn, theme has cooled on me over the years, think DAF is better!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Welcome to Miami Beach.
    Cec Linder doesnt impress as Felix. More like Bonds Grandad
  • Posts: 7,920
    And Dink gets her pat on the bum! Whats woke?
  • Posts: 7,920
    And our villain, Auric Goldfinger! Frobe plays an outright classic bad guy
  • Posts: 7,920
    Shirley Eaton, now theres a Bond girl!!!!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Hamilton cuts away a fraction too fast on the "Bond...James Bond!" line
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