The Award Winning : 'Bond...comments while you watch...'



  • Posts: 7,920
    The Karate school! Things are becoming a bit dull now!
  • Posts: 7,920
    The Girls are expert at Karate. Lame scene! And driving off without Bond is just so stupid!
  • Posts: 7,920
    So called boat chase! Piss poor!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Sheriff J.W. Pepper.
    Loved him in LALD! But here? ......ugh!!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Lee's Scaramanga looks immaculate in that white suit!
  • Posts: 7,920
    I was going to purchase a model of that Golden Gun recently! Superb prop! But i decided not!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Love how Scaramanga just steps over Hai Fats dead body!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Bond is being sexist with Miss Goodnight! Love it!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Woah! Britt looks gorgeous in that nightie!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Bond is spoiled for choice! Andrea turns up! My wife likes this scene when she watched it one time with me!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Andrea went to a double feature!
    I wonder was it a Bond double bill?
  • Posts: 7,920
    Andrea is dead! Rigor mortus has set in quite quickly!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Francisco Scaramanga fills Bond in on his past!
  • Posts: 7,920
    NickNack is enjoying his peanuts!
    My family always watched 'Fantasy Island' when we were kids!"The plane....the plane!"
    Herve was second fiddle to another gent in a white suit! Actually, Ricardo Montalban would have made an interesting Scaramanga!
  • Posts: 7,920
    The Car chase action highlight!
  • Posts: 7,920
    This could have been a lot better up until the pivotal climactic jump!
  • Posts: 7,920
    The jump must have been amazing back then to original audiences! Apparently it was John Barrys decision to use the slide whistle...and Cubby was not amused!
  • Posts: 7,920
    The Car/plane!!!
    Another awful idea. Saw pics of the crew with the model, must have been fun! But it doesn't work and is pretty cringey to watch!
  • Posts: 7,920
    M's face is priceless here!!
  • Posts: 7,920
    This scene must have been shot the same time as Bonds first encounter on the slanted set. He's wearing the same suit!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Glorious shots of Bond approaching Scaramangas island in the seaplane!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Nick Nack gets doused in Dom Perignon!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Lee's Scaramanga is a little too jolly here! Apparently Guy Hamilton kept telling him to play it lighter! He wouldnt have got away with that if Jack Palance had been cast! Or maybe not? Would loved to have seen Jack in the role, though I do love Christopher Lee in the part! An iconic villain! Much broader than the book!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Scaramanga blows up Bonds cool seaplane!
    Bond is not amused!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Britt is overdressed!
  • Posts: 7,920
    "Theres a useful four letter word...and you're full of it!"
    Dalton got to reuse this line in TLD!
  • Posts: 7,920
    Scaramanga challenging Bond to a duel!
    He should have said it like Woody Allens 'Love and Death!' " Shall we say pistols at dawn?"
    "We can say it...I dont know what it means, but we can say it!"
  • Posts: 7,920
    Nick Nack is plotting to take over!
  • Posts: 7,920
    This final duel encounter would have worked better if it was set entirely in a hall of mirrors, like 'Enter the Dragon'
  • Posts: 7,920
    And so Scaramanga dies! Not the classiest of villains death! So much more could have been made of it!
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