First Comment Archives

PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
Just as the title says: What was your first comment.

I am new here and thought I'd join the party. All of these are awesome looking, especially the ones with the squished credit-type fonts. No clue how you did that. You guys are quite good.
-- Bond fan posters, August 2014


  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    If all else fails you could always bid for the tickets for two in the 50 years of James bond the Auction that christies are holding with the people from E O N. it's lot 47 on page 148 in the auction guide which is well worth the price as the money…
    in SkyFall Premier tickets...Can anyone help? Comment by Mrcoggins September 2012
  • Posts: 582
    My first comment

    I have to say I really like this poster. DC in white tux, silenced PPK and the blu-ish background with Day of the Dead ref. As much as I like it I do have some misgivings. It's so obviously a homage to Goldfinger and LALD. As a Bond fan I expected this to excite me just as the use of the OHMSS theme in the trailer did. For some reason though it doesn't. Perhaps it's because the series over time as revelled in it's own past, DAD being the standout point. Whilst I enjoy that it does feel that as the years roll by that it will diminish from this particular Bond film having that 'classic' feel, cos if this gets referenced in a future Bond it would be a nod to Spectre which is in turn a nod to Goldfinger and LALD. Happy for people to disagree, just think you can have too much self-referentiality - give us something new to be nostalgic about in the future.
  • Birdleson wrote: »
    Is there a convenient way in which to access your first comment?
    Seconded. All I see is the 'load more results' button, and that would take me years!

  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Is there a convenient way in which to access your first comment?
    Seconded. All I see is the 'load more results' button, and that would take me years!
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    Here's mine. Nothing too extraordinary.

    Hi. I'm new to the forum. So do you think that the press conference will be held on December 6th or before? I know that Skyfall's press conference was held the first day of shooting.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    If Arnold returns, I'd rather have more of a TND score. An overuse of the James Bond isn't a bad thing to me. Michael Giacchino would fit in perfectly and if Arnold doesn't return I'd hope to have him or Thomas Newman. Honestly I'd like to have some new blood in the Musical Department.
    in The Score of Skyfall Comment by Murdock December 2011

    All Fleming, COLONEL SUN, THE AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY OF 007, the two Christopher Wood novelizations, the first four Gardner books, DEVIL MAY CARE and SOLO.
    in How many Bond novels have you actually read? Comment by Birdleson February 2014

    When I get a minute, I'll post both the JB,TSWLM and FSS Amis reviews here for you. You're in for a real treat!
    in Kingsley Amis on the James Bond Continuation Novels 1983-1995? Comment by Dragonpol December 2012

    Guild Publishing was an imprint name of Hodder and Stoughton, I think - all the Gardner novels from Scorpius onwards were published by Guild Publishing. No Deals, Mr Bond was the last Gardner-Bond (and therefore the last Bond continuation novel) to be published by Jonathan Cape. I thinbk Guild Publishing possibly published them all after this, though I only have a few of the Gardnewr hardbacks, mainly the Gardner paperbacks instead.
    in Gardner Novels, Publisher question Comment by SILHOUETTE_MAN September 2012

    I will just post the ones that are different from what we actually got- just to keep my post relatively short
    There are 3 scenarios I’d be interested in seeing…

    My favorite- Scenario 1
    1. Diamonds Are Forever (1971-George Lazenby) - Well, duh. I hate having the movies go from Connery to Lazenby to Connery again (and Connery ‘going through the motions’ against his wife’s killer adds fuel to the fire of that infamous BS theory that James Bond is a ‘code name’- and is a different actual person)

    2. A View to a Kill (1985- Timothy Dalton) – I feel the series would have been better if Moore quit after FYEO like he intended- only to be lured back for the Battle of the Bonds in 1983- THEN quit for real! lol

    3. GoldenEye (1995- Timothy Dalton)- This movie was MADE for him. Just look at how different GoldenEye is from Tomorrow Never Dies (TND even perfectly sets up a ‘new Bond’ in the PTS- i.e. not showing his face right away)

    4. Never Say Never Again (1983-George Lazenby)- I heard they had actually asked him before Connery expressed interest- damnit, this would have been much better- Lazenby was only 44 years old in 1983- as opposed to Connery at 53 (and somehow looked much older than Moore)

    Scenario 2
    But if I could see it both ways, here’s my other idea…
    Lazenby signs the Contract and becomes the Best Bond ever as the producers predicted!

    1. Diamonds Are Forever (1971-George Lazenby)

    2. Live and Let Die (1973-George Lazenby)

    3. The Man with the Golden Gun (1974-George Lazenby)- just think about how cool that martial arts school scene COULD have been…

    4. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977-George Lazenby)

    5. Moonraker (1979-George Lazenby)

    6. For Your Eyes Only (1981-George Lazenby)

    7. Octopussy (1983- Timothy Dalton) Seven films is a lot for ANY actor- time to welcome a younger fresh Timothy Dalton!

    8. A View to a Kill (1985- Timothy Dalton)

    9. GoldenEye (1995- Timothy Dalton) (I always prefer this- in any scenario)

    Or on the other hand- Keep Lazenby for Octopussy to go up against Connery’s Never Say Never Again! How cool would THAT have been???

    Scenario 3
    Finally- perhaps the most unpopular opinion…. but if done right…
    1. The Living Daylights (1987-Roger Moore)- Sure, he would have been pushing 59 by this point, but if he ‘played his age’, like Connery did in NSNA, it could have worked- and Roger Moore facing off against Gogol instead Gen. Pushkin (since they had so much history in the older films) would have been great to see
    in Your Ultimate Bond Timeline Comment by Master_Dahark March 2011

    Asking for permission to come aboard.
    in New members - introduce yourself Comment by ClarkDevlin November 2014

    Seems we are discussing more here the various walks/poses of each of the actors and the gunbarrel graphic but not so much the music which for me can make or break a gunbarrel - CR and LTK being prime examples of this (music makes CR and breaks LTK) so after studying each one in silence (I'm at work and having the Bond theme blaring out 22 times (well 21 times fellow pedants) would be pushing it) heres my take.

    1. Dalton - Oozes smoothness, danger and class in all aspects. This man is Bond from the off.

    2. Lazenby - If we omit the treadmill aspect his actual pose is quality. I remember really hammering my kneecap trying to copy it on our hall floor when I was a kid. Its something like the Bond from the books would do; make the target smaller and even if his opponent gets a shot away it will probably be high and then he nails him. Like the hat as well - wouldnt be averse to it returning.

    3. Brozza - Very smooth and controlled. Seems to have a very accurate aim and to drill his man right between the eyes. Quite like the CGI barrel here as well - especially compared to later efforts.

    4. Rog 2 - The one I grew up with although now I can see its pretty sluggish by comparison with some of the others.

    5. Craig 1 - Possibly the best turn and shot. The gunbarrel and CGI blood that flows faster than any fluid I've ever seen (apart from one perhaps...!) though is utter bollocks.

    6. Rog 1 - Practically identical to his other one except for his wandering aim which I'd never noticed until now. The things you learn round here.

    7. Simmons - A bit too slow on approach but then springs and fires quite spectacularly. Loses an extra mark for putting his foot outside the circle.

    8. Connery - For such a physcial man Sean seems to have the co-ordination of a blind, one legged giraffe on an ice rink. Ends up like hes trying to balance on a tightrope - one breath of wind and he'll topple over. You can see his ankle ligaments really straining to hold him up until the camera cuts as teeters on the brink. Would have loved to see him in South Pacific in his early career, his dancing must have been all over the shop. And how did he get a trial with Machester Utd? Woeful.

    9. Where to start? Daniel seems to stomp along like an angry toddler before turning most unaturally as if he is some sort of computer simulation. I think the original Goldeneye on the N64 had a more realistic looking pose. At the start he almost walks out of the other side of the circle before the clown controlling the camera catches up with him. MK1 (or whatever they are called) do a shocking job on the barrel and a worse one on the warp speed blood (little tip guys - gravity does not pull a liquid downwards that quickly).
    And whats all this walking away and then the barrel turning into the Q of Quantum? Presumably because the genius (that will be you Babs) who greenlit the idea to put it at the end didnt know what to do next seeing as they couldnt segue into the film so had to come up with some 'creative' way of getting Daniel off the screen which wasnt a jump cut. For christs sake MGW have a word with Keys and Gray and grow some and keep Babs in her place and make sure we get Kleinmann back for the next one. And put it at the beginning FFS.
    in Rank the differing Gunbarrel Sequences (from best to worst) Comment by TheWizardOfIce March 2011

    How to look up your own first comment, I just found this out!
    1. Go to your comments page
    2. At the end of the URL, type (without quotes) "&page=p#" swapping out number for the one you want. Older comments have higher numbers. If you go too far, the comments page will end up blank. If you hit the beginning, there will be a comment with no option for "more comments".
  • Wow thanks @PropertyOfALady ‎ !

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    No clue. That first post of mine is lost somewhere. (7 March 2005) I believe I tried to point out that DN, by virtue of its small budget, was a more successful movie than DAD, relatively speaking. Then someone who isn't a member any more went nuts on me, pointing out that if he spent 1 dollar and made 100 dollars in return, surely he'd still not have a bigger financial success than DAD. Well, relatively speaking, he would have. His point was invalid.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Thank you, @PropertyOfALady. :)
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    "Yes, like many, I am going through them again. Watched YOLT yesterday, and it is better than I remembered! Love the sets, score, villains and the helicopter pick up scene." -July 2013, Last Bond Movie You Watched
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Cheers for the cool trick, @PropertyOfALady! I had to go back to nearly 700 pages to find my first comment! Yikes.

    I expected my first post to be one that made me seem foolish and out of my depth, but past Brady pleasantly surprised the present one for a change.

    Here's my first post, made just eight minutes after joining on July 10th, 2011 at 3:18 AM in the Parts of Bond Movies that Don't Make Sense thread:

    "I try not to look too deeply at the Bond films, respectively the 1960s films. The little film mistakes and obvious green screens are what make the movies so wonderful to view. I watch Bond films because I love the character he his, the locales, the excitement, and the explosive and blown up plot lines. Looking too much into them ruins their everlasting lure."

    Well done, lad. Well done.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675

    The current incarnation of MI6 has this:

    Glad this thread is open again! Good call, Major! :X
    in The Horror Thread II: The Return Comment by DarthDimi March 2011
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @DarthDimi loves @MajorDSmythe confirmed.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited October 2016 Posts: 9,020
    Here are my first comments:

    1st Comment:
    Good afternoon, MI6 Community

    (My mama taught me manners)

    2nd Comment a minute later:
    this is a test, do you read

    (you never know, I needed to make sure)

    @NicNac 's answer:
    Yes indeed, welcome Jason Bond. :-h

    (that was warming my heart)

    and @Thunderfinger 's reply:
    We have been expecting you.

    (The man is clairvoyant and immediately recognises greatness when it's on the doorstep)

    4th Comment after those warm welcomes:
    Thanks, so I guess it's introduction time. I'm a nice bloke from Switzerland, born in 1974.
    Used to live in Bournemouth, UK for 10 years where I spent my teenage years to young adult. Was quite the womaniser back then, now I'm married with one child age 5 to be exact.
    There's three things I like most
    Star Trek, James Bond, Batman/Justice League
    And beware of my wicked sense of
    Wanna know some more, do ask if you must:)

    (you have to excuse me, I was new and emoticons were alien to me back

    Welcome, BondJasonBond006. :)

    So, exactly three guys welcomed me to this forum. NicNac, Thunderfinger and Thunderpussy.

    That's an outrage :))
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Don't sweat it, @BondJasonBond006, even Jesus was unwelcomed and regarded poorly at the start...and then at the end.

    Anyway, glad to have you with us!
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    And then you formed a friendship with some dude called @PropertyOfALady. Why on Earth did you befriend him?
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,616
    Here's mine, back in 2011!

    CONNERY — 0 LAZENBY — 2 MOORE — 0 DALTON — 2 BROSNAN — 1 CRAIG — 0 Born in Dec it's Lazenby for me! Yes I think it will be an exclusive club!
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited October 2016 Posts: 3,000
    "The last Bond movie I watched was TSWLM. Got to love Moore; 'Can you swim?'"

    -me, June 2015
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    edited October 2016 Posts: 15,303
    Ha, nice idea @PropertyOfALady

    From March 2011...

    The way I see it is this.
    The change is a shock to the system, after all those years it's going to take time to get used to.
    But on the plus side, it gives us a chance to start afresh.
    We can start new threads.
    Make new discussions.
    We can build a new forum, with all the best bits of the previous one.

    This is not the end.
    It's just a new beginning.

    There will be those who we lose along the way, but hopefully not all, and there will be new friends who will join the fun.
    Full steam ahead, and let the good times roll.

    And the first thread I started...
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    @DarthDimi loves @MajorDSmythe confirmed.

    I think I saw that carved into a tree the last time I was at Crystal Lake.

    My first comment on the old forum, may have been about the offer from Blofeld, to buy Bond a stainless steel grocery. My first comment on this forum was:

    I now christen thee: Open.

    The Beyond is released today on both DVD & BR, and with a number of disc out there with the incorrect monochrome opening rather than the originalsepia opening, I will find out later today whether I need to take advantage of Arrows replacement policy.

    Not news as such, but hey, it's start.

    Not only was that my first post, but first thread I started as well.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    I say, it was time for a change. The new layout is a bit confusing, but I'm sure I'll get use to it, with time.

    In March 2011.
  • JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
    Posts: 4,151
    Wouldn't have a clue what my first comment was, even only a year and a half old. Any idea how to get to it quickly without scrolling through all of them?
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    Wouldn't have a clue what my first comment was, even only a year and a half old. Any idea how to get to it quickly without scrolling through all of them?

    @PropertyOfALady explains how to do it in a post above.

    Great idea for a thread.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited October 2016 Posts: 9,020
    And then you formed a friendship with some dude called @PropertyOfALady. Why on Earth did you befriend him?

    I know NICE, INTELLIGENT, KIND, GREAT GUY when I see it. :-*
    The only mistake I made with you was thinking you are British because of the photo I've seen of you in London. But I would have liked you even if you were Cardassian or Romulan.
    Sorry Mr Birdy had to use an emoticon.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I first introduced myself in the new members thread, as everyone should.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    And then you formed a friendship with some dude called @PropertyOfALady. Why on Earth did you befriend him?

    I know NICE, INTELLIGENT, KIND, GREAT GUY when I see it. :-*
    The only mistake I made with you was thinking you are British because of the photo I've seen of you in London. But I would have liked you even if you were Cardassian or Romulan.
    Sorry Mr Birdy had to use an emoticon.

    I can't agree with that more. Such a great guy and a big asset to our community here.
  • JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
    Posts: 4,151
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Wouldn't have a clue what my first comment was, even only a year and a half old. Any idea how to get to it quickly without scrolling through all of them?

    @PropertyOfALady explains how to do it in a post above.

    Great idea for a thread.

    Thanks @Dragonpol. Also, thanks and special credit to @PropertyOfALady on the nice little tip to easily find your first comment. Well, here's mine, nothing spectacular really.

    Hello there. New to the community.

    I've been a fan of James Bond for as long as I can remember; ever since I first saw Moonraker on the tv back in the 80's. After reading Mark O'Connell's "Catching Bullets....." book, i found it amazing how much his love of James Bond mirrors mine in parts. As for the fiction side, I'll be honest I've not read many but that is something I aim to change.

    Hopefully I can contribute to the community and I look forward to chatting with some of you in the future.


  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    edited October 2016 Posts: 3,675
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    And then you formed a friendship with some dude called @PropertyOfALady. Why on Earth did you befriend him?

    I know NICE, INTELLIGENT, KIND, GREAT GUY when I see it. :-*
    The only mistake I made with you was thinking you are British because of the photo I've seen of you in London. But I would have liked you even if you were Cardassian or Romulan.
    Sorry Mr Birdy had to use an emoticon.

    I can't agree with that more. Such a great guy and a big asset to our community here.

    Oh, thank you! <3. Yes, the London photos were the first ones I posted of me. I would love to be British!
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    What thread was that in?
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Oh, haha! I have no clue why I had this idea, but it seems to have expanded far more than I thought.
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