A look back to 2011: Happy New Year Everbody !!

M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
edited January 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 4,572
Yes ladies & gentle men it is (or almost) 31 October 2011 and that means that we have the a litle bit more then 2 months and then it is 2012.


  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    what will the future hold
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    Where's Solitaire when we need her?
  • Posts: 1,856
    Well Bond 23 starts production, Christmas, New Years Eve......
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,572

    The last month of 2011

    You can share your thaughts about 2011, you expections for 2012 and that kind of things. Thread title wil changed later so that you give your trational comments for the special days of the year.

    Like last year iam going to try to at my thaught about 2011. What be the hightlights of 2011 and what be disapointed or suprise me in 2011. I wil comeback on two things of last year who suprise me in 2011 whyle it be a big problem in 2010.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2011 Posts: 14,883
    Well, Bond wise, the year made a good turn around from the MGM problems to giving us
    a heap of awesome on-set photos of 'Skyfall'- so it was a pretty productive year after all. :-bd
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    Why the Greek flag there, @M_Balje?
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    2011 has been the best year of my life. I've had so many joys... A couple of happenings that stick out are:

    - A month's traveling around the US on my own, meeting so many fantastic people and seeing/doing wonderful things non-stop.

    - Hurricane Festival in Germany, with a visit to Bremen before that, where I met the most beautiful and wonderful girl ever.

    Hopefully the year will end with a visit to Finland (where that said girl happens to live).


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited December 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Big earthquake and tsunami in Japan...

    And more problems for them a few hours later...

    Start of Arab Spring... Game Over for dictators such as Ben Ali in Tunesia...

    For weeks I followed the events in Tahrir Square...

    And then the news switched to Libya... 'We want freedom'... but months later the elections turned the Arab Spring into an Islamic winter...

    Ben Ali, Mubarak, Gaddafi... all history now

    Protests in Syria aswell for many months now...

    A huge story made for lots of toilet/rubbish news...

    Strauss-Kahn arrested in New-York.... he was set to be elected President of France a year later...

    One of many headlines DSK's sex life made... More headlines than 9/11 10 years ago

    Greece... tough time for them...

    Almost daily protests and massive demonstrations...

    The 'Merkozy' couple leads Europe in the Euro Zone crisis...

    Ben Laden killed...

    Former President Jacques Chirac escapes trial by being 'toc-toc'...

    We discover the existence of the ratings agencies... and they are very powerful... as Dr. Bill and Bob Sylvestre demonstrates...

    The All Blacks win the Rugby World Cup...

    Big important wedding... Or was it ?

    Of course we lost many great people this year...
    And an immense loss...

    And... the years on a open-ending... Is Poutin the next to fall ?
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 5,745
    EDIT: That was very well put together @DC. Kudos.

    All this revolution in the world is scary. The last time this happened we got a new Europe, and a new Hemisphere of nations in North and South America. So what will this revolution bring?

    And how long before Russia turns violent, and revolts rise in numbers in Europe and America?

    At the moment, being an American, its obvious Americans are lazy. People don't want the jobs they can get because they all went to school to be doctors. We mass-train doctors, vets, nurses, and lawyers, and people complain when we run out of teachers, police, firemen, and jobs. Its very frustrating. I feel that us Americans need a stronger voice, and the Occupy riots only make a joke out of those who actually try and make a change. Occupy started as an honest group, and now they're just misguided college kids who don't want to pay high tuitions.

    America needs its Democracy back. Since Reagan, we've slowly given up our people's and state's rights to the national government for fear of collapse, only to lead ourselves to collapse. America as a nation has stuck its nose in other nation's business, and flaunted our military power to the world, and now that we face true challenges in the middle east and China, we don't know what to do with ourselves. Its disgusting, and as a 17 year old I don't want to grow into this world.

    I fear for what is soon to come.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Yes @JWESTBROOK, I was mixed between amazement and scare while watching the Arab Spring. It was truely fascinating reading, watching the news every day to see how the protests in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia were going... but also scary to not know what these revolutions would lead to. With Islamists winning in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, I fear the worse.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,399
    being in this current state of America frightens me as well... our civil liberties are being handed over without so much as an unkind word - we as a society blindly and faithfully hand them over with strawberry kisses to our "all knowing and honest government" - to help keep us safe, and protected..... what a fallacy....

    being an American used to mean something great, and living here used to mean you could do whatever you wanted to make a life for yourself - now it's just "fall in line, do as your told and shut up." ..... we've grown fat, and lazy, and not able to get off our asses to voice our opinions when it matters... our politicians try to sneak new laws into state constitutions through back door policies before we can have a vote on them.... not to mention, a new bill was passed by congress (needs to only be signed by Obama) that allows military force to be used against US citizens on our own soil - not only that, but the military will now have the authority to detain and arrest anyone they choose, and interrogate them - without any legal repercussions...... hmmm.... sounds a lot like the old USSR doesn't it?... or maybe Germany, in the 30s and 40s?.... all of this was voted for 97 to 3 in favor of - under the guise that it protects us from terrorism.... same as that sham known as the Patriot act.....

    not only that, but we are seeing a social class war starting to brew up.... because of favorable taxes to wealthy in this country, the rich keep getting richer, and the poor - well, they are left to rot.... oil companies price gouge and announce record profits during what is supposed to an economic recession/depression.... bankers who screwed themselves during the financial crisis (that they and the housing market were to blame for) still continue to get off easy... big corporations are forced to downsize, yet their execs still get a yearly bonus and pay raise... everything is damned ass backwards that it makes me sick to my stomache....

    you got the drug companies, who refuse to let their stranglehold over the market go... a claimed shortage in kemo treatment medicine for children have parents now paying over $800 per vile, when it used to be only $75..... possible cures for cancer have been discovered by numerous laboratories here in the states, and in canada - but because the drug companies can't figure out a way to sell it, and continually make money from it, they discredit, and don't approve of any further testing on what progress was made.... don't even get me started on why stem cell research hasn't been okayed yet - oh thats right, we still have crazy christian activists calling the shots in washington...

    i am honestly scared of the future that awaits us.... all i can do, is keep my nose to the grindstone, and do what i can to make my life better, and help out those around me..... because as corrupt as our government and society is now - no amount of voting will solve anything... you vote out one corrupt politician to replace him with another... and when it seems like we get someone who is honest and willing to fight for the people - they get assassinated - or disappear mysteriously.

    thats why i want to make as much money as i can, while i can - doing what i love doing (film and art)... and eventually retire to some island in Caribbean (preferably Anguilla).. white sands, and a mojito until the day i die - no other problems in the world to deal with...... something like this, i could easily do with for my eventual golden twilight years http://www.mycaribbean.com/rental/rentalview/111/1/40/
  • Posts: 4,622
    NIce rundown, @daltoncraig007 Well put together.
    With Islamists winning in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, I fear the worse.
    I fear you might be right. The new bosses could be way worse than the old bosses, although Quadaffi did have to go.

  • Posts: 1,856
    Nice Round down @DC But would just like to add

    The Feb. Christchurch Earthquake

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Nice contribution @DC007. You hit all the bases and we all appreciate the time you took to compile your post.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,572
    Part 1:

    Pigeons news News about accumulation. People having a feeling to share there problems or love together (at one place) and everbody must see it. But as it look like a white pigeons is dificult to find.

    The Earth quike in Japan. After the earth quike in Japan, Brazil get water problems in Rio.

    Revolutions or a accumulation (in various places in the world). Fight for your right. It is a dream or a nightmare.




    The final Harry Potter movie.

    William and Catherine said Yes

    Albert II from Monaco and Charlene Wittstock said yes too. One of the guest is Roger Moore, who looks like a bit ill.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,572
    Part 2:

    Fames people who died.

    13 January 2011. Albert Heijn. (83) The creater of moost fames Dutch Supermarket.

    31 January 2011. John Barry (77) James Bond composer

    31 March. Claudia Hell (29). Austria Judo woman. She died on the age of 29 when she falls out of window from the 6th floor.

    19 April 2011. Elisabeth Sladen (65). Actres from tv series Doctor Who.

    2 June 2011. Willem Duys (82) Dutch tv show presenter.

    3 June 2011. Andrew Gold (59). American singer. Backing vocals of artist like Art Garfunkel, Céline Dion, Diana Ross, Cher en Paul McCartney.

    23 June 2011. Peter Falk (83). Columbo.

    5 July 2011. Jaap Blokker (69) Creater of fames dutch store.

    17 July 2011. John Kraaijkamp sr. (86) Dutch actor/comedian.

    23 July 2011. Johnny Hoes (94) Dutch singer

    23 July 2011. Amy Winehouse (27)

    10 September 2011. Cliff Robertson (88) American actor. For me best known as uncle Ben from Spider-man (2002).

    29 September 2011. Hella Haasse (93) Dutch book writer

    5 October 2011. Steve Jobs (56) creater of Apple, a computer company

    29 October 2011. Cas Spijkers (65) Dutch tv chef.

    2 November 2011. Rijk de Gooyer (85) Dutch actor/comedian. Also part of comedian duo with John Kraaijkamp sr.

    7 November 2011. Joe Frazier (67) Boxing.

    9 November 2011. Frits Broekmeijer. Create of program on Amsterdam tv channel Salto 1. I saw him a couple of times, i know he whas a editor/camera man on a theater where i be couple of times I din't know he whas very ill. I heard about his death 2 weeks later.

    21 November 2011. Syd Cain (93) As art directer he working on Dr No, FRWL and LALD.
    As Production Designer he working on OHMSS and he be the storyboard artist for Goldeneye. He been seen in Inside Dr No & FRWL and the documentry about Terence Young.

    14 December 2011. Olga Madsen (64). Tv producer. Creater of and writer of the first couple of seasons of ''Good Times Bad Times'', the Dutch As The World Turns. She discover the actor who kills him selfs last year you can see on the picture too.
  • Jack Goldman, 1921-2011 - who he?

    His legacy is in every office, home office, small business, big business in the whole world. As important as Steve Jobs? Quiet possibly.

    <img src="http://news.hitb.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/field/image/photo1.jpg">;

  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    Dennis Ritchie (1941 - 2011)


    Creator of the C programming language and co-creator of the Unix Operating System. Ritchie was one of the most important men in shaping the digital era.
    His contribution was much bigger than Steve Jobs's if you ask me (or anyone who knows a few things about computers).
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 12,837
    For me, its been a good year. I moved from london to wales with my girlfriend, works been easier, definetly better than 2010.

    And obivously we've had alot of big events this year, bin ladens death, the riots, etc
  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    Posts: 869

    Probably covers all major things :)

    May I wish all of you a very merry christmas and a wonderful 2012!
  • Posts: 2,599
    Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Merry Christmas!

    A loooooong day at work, got home to an amazing dinner.

    We opened a few teasers tonight, and I think my family is going to get flagged by every world security organizations.

    My dad bought my sister and my mom thier own 500.000 watt tazers,
    My dad bought me a Smith&Wesson switchblade
    My dad bought me a live flare and a vehicle signal used to show friendly vehicles from air units
    My sister bought a western-style rifle for herself
    My sister bought a .22 cal 'Mosquito' pistol for herself and one for my dad.

    And I live nowhere near a war zone :P
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited December 2011 Posts: 28,694

    Whether it is Crimbo or Christmas to you, I wish you a merry and safe holiday! <:-P
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Merry Christmas to everyone !! Hope you had a splendid meal last night, lots of presents... and have fun discovering your new toys today !! :)>-
  • "If one man can show so much hate, think how much love we could show together."

    I will never forget July 22nd.
  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    Posts: 869
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Merry Christmas/Crimbo my friends. I hope you all had a safe and very merry holiday with your families and loved ones. Cheers! :-bd
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,572
    Part 3

    2 for 12.


    Van Der Laan it is time to go.

    Yippie.. We found it..

    mission_impossible_ghost_protocol_press_conference_tom_cruise_brad_bird_01.jpg The new Mission Impossible movie is out.

    New Bond movie comingsoon..

    The Netherlands having the pool of deaths. Nederland - Portugal

    The first voice of Holland winner.

    Animals having now his own Alarm Number

    okapia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi

    Various country's feel free now too, but realy ?

    A bag of money. It realy be game of money this time. The big winners are Greece and England. The big loser are €uro. Also MGM finaly found some money bag to finance the new Bond movie.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,572
    Part 4: Playboy

    Berlusconi said goodby, but the nominations for the new playboy already started:








    I''ll be back...
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2011 Posts: 4,572
    The Future. 2012 is the year of..

    The soccer game in Poland & Oekranie.

    Eurovision Song Contest 2012 take place in Bakoe - Azerbeidzjan. Bakoe whas one of the locations of The World is not enough. But this time the real one. Of course we don't see The Netherlands in the final again..

    2012 Winter Olympics for young people.

    1912-2012 It is 100 years a go the Titanic sinks, for James Cameron a reasen to re-release Titanic in 3D.

    Whyle with Skyfall Bond celebrate 50 years of Dr No, it is the 25th anniversary of TLD 15 anniversary of TMND and 10 years anniversary of Die Another Day.

    6 May 2012 it is 10 years a go a Dutch Politic guy whas murderd.

    31 August 2012 it is 15 years a go that Diana Princess of Wales died after a car crash.

    Skyfall... Sam Mendes & Dennis Gassner or from the one of above ??

    Dutch Texas go from 19% to 20%


    It be the last hours of 2011. I wish everbody a nice last hours of 2011 and nice New Year's Eve...

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