Analyzing the Transition of Power After The U.S. Election and Beyond Into Future Global Politics



  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Regarding Trump tweeting (of course) against Boeing after its CEO criticized him.
    Some linked articles within these:

    put bluntly:
    Yet I hope companies and people do not go silent.

    Trump maybe (not confirmed yet) have sold his stocks in Boeing in May/June. His own strategy of buying stocks that have tanked then turn around and make a profit may yet come into play. Or he could have just been irked by the Boeing CEO's remarks and fired off immediately on twitter. As he does. As president-elect. That is routine now.

  • Posts: 6,601
    Main stream media is another lovely label but serves a purpose. It has sometimes passed on incorrect and false info, yes - but that is not what I (and others; I am not alone) mean by "fake news"; no.

    ..but you should. What Thunder said - a nutshell and worse. At some point, you will see it.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    It is important people read plenty of articles, a variety. You and I simply seem to have a different perspective on what we believe when we read some things. Not everything put out by the so called main stream media is incorrect. Far from it. But all reporting should be looked at carefully, yes. From any source.

    The "fake news" we were pointing out are different from biased regular media reports. There is a definite difference. We could argue endlessly on that; I would prefer not to.
  • edited December 2016 Posts: 6,601
    Thing is, people - like yourself and we all - have been lied to for ages and if you don't look in other boxes and are open to take the impossible into account, there is no chance, you can't even remotely differ one from the other. From what i read, very few here do. You can start with something wrong and build a very solid, logic theorie from there. But its still wrong, because the basement is.

    You are a good person and therefore, won't be able to believe a tenth of what is really happening and has been for centuries. With every fact ridiculed as "conspiracy theorie" those repsonsible are rotfl seeing this innocenceand unwillingness to see things clearly and slap each others shoulders.

    Life is good. We can go on destroying their bodies and minds, so we can sell them expensive medicine for illnesses we created in the first place, so we can continue to control their minds with every stupidity, we can think of and making money with it on plus. Pokempn? No problem. they are willing little idiots follwing our every lead. Everytning and every lie necessary to keep them from thinking FOR THEMSELVES. People coming up with life saving medicine for cheap money. Kill them. People opening their mouth too much with unwelcome truth . kill them or have them locked up. Politicians going against OUR system, not buying into the kartells - kill them.

    Its easy, as people still let us sing them to sleep.

    But they are waking up these days - more and more, Are we ready to let it collapse? i don't know yet. Maybe. I hope. We will find out.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Right. Well you are a good person too, and I know you only mean well. We just disagree on some things. That is okay.

    Any news source should be looked at, dig to find their sources, look to see if debunked elsewhere, etc. Use logic and discernment. It is not easy these days, but we can make an effort to stay informed with as many facts as possible. We don't have to take any report, from any source, at its face value. It is important for us all to try. Giving up our own research is really going to play well only for the politicians.

    GL, you said, "With every fact ridiculed as "conspiracy theorie" those repsonsible are rotfl seeing this innocenceand unwillingness to see things clearly and slap each others shoulders."
    No, that is not happening here on this thread (every fact ridiculed?) and I think that is too broad a statement in general for elsewhere, too.

    Our country, and many people around the world (obviously), are very divided. At the present time, it seems to be that Trump wants us divided, not united. That is what authoritarians do and he is so far following that blue print. I can accept that you and I look at things differently, but without rancor, and with us still liking and respecting each other. However, the divisiveness in politics now is building hatred, and hatred breeds violence. It is extremely unhealthy. That is why I feel it is very important that people do their own research for news, and also share news they feel is worthwhile sharing.
  • edited December 2016 Posts: 6,601
    But the success depends on where you look. And if you take conspiracy theories ad absurdum, you will miss the most important source. Many of them are well proven actually but its often so...impossibly morbid, people don't believe it.

    Hey, some don't even believe, what they can SEE! Scroll down till vid.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I will look in a bit. But just to say no, we cannot believe all things in videos either. Thanks for sharing.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    @Germanlady have you ever seen the Mel Gibson flick "Conspiracy Theory"? It's great & I think you'd love it!
    I am neither a conspiracy nut nor do I deny that many conspiracies did & do exist. Some amazing s**t has happened only to be realized decades or more later for what it was. Still, to run with every theory is as bad as denying them all IMHO.
    Just sayin'.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    re Softbank

    More deregulation from Trump will be bringing interesting factors into play. Dismantling, deregulating. Some probably not a bad thing, but each needs to be looked at individually.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Trump's rallies, his "Thank You" tour - will only be in states that voted for him.
  • Posts: 6,601
    @Chris - sure there is bs going on on both sides, no question about it. But pur survival will depend on knowledge what is and why is something going on. Knowing that your Food in the States is Even more poisioning then ours, which is why we dont want or it over here, gor example. Knowing about Monsanto, Knowing that they want to take away our cash, so we dont actually have any money anymore and every bit we Do can and will ne monitored. We have to not fight against but fight FOR our rights. If you dont realise These things, you cant Do this. Etc etc ..
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    This made me smile. Even The Weather Channel is speaking up.

    And here is a fairly succinct layout of how Trump plays with the media:
  • Posts: 6,601
    So what exactly it the quitenessenc eof that. He rules now - what is your message?
  • Germanlady wrote: »
    So what exactly it the quitenessenc eof that. He rules now - what is your message?

    Ehhhh, it's the end of the year darling :-). And Time's 'Person Of The Year' is always something I'm looking forward to :-). Do you actually read Time Magazine @GermanLady? I traceeee a tiny bit of 'Ooowh, you want to post something negative again about Trump!' in your words ;-). Well, that's not the case.

    2015: 'Chancellor Angela Merkel':

    2014: 'The Ebola Fighters':

    2013: 'Pope Francis':

    2012: 'President Barack Obama' (2nd time):

    2011: 'The Protester':

    2010: 'Mark Zuckerberg':

    2009: 'President Barack Obama':

    1927 - 2009: A collage of all previous 'Person's of the Year':
  • bondjames wrote: »
    Nice photo. It had to be him this year. No one else got close, and I'm glad they didn't cop out with 'Brexit' or 'populism' or something else generic.

    “When Americans are unified, there is nothing we cannot do. Nothing. No task is too great, no dream too large, no goal beyond our reach,” Trump said at the end of his speech. “My message tonight is for all Americans from all parties, all beliefs, all walks of life, it’s a message for everyone. No matter your age, your income, your background. I’m asking you to join us in this great, great adventurous world we’re living in.”

    It all sounds lovely, really lovely. Yes, "Americans are unified" when they don't give up and when they realize that there's nothing they cannot do. Frankly, it is a lovely quote from Mr Trump. It's a unifying message. So true! And I agree with him. But only, and sadly, if you leave out the necessary context.

    Because Mr Trump makes it sound as if this year's campaign wasn't the most polarizing, xenophobic, wasn't the nastiest and dirtiest campaign in the history of American politics. He makes it sound as if his message at times wasn't bordering certain neo-fascist traits. And he makes it sound as if 2016 was in fact as positive and hopeful as Obama's campaign in 2008. Obviously, that's not the case. And you know it. He himself was one of the co-facilitators of all this hate, division, anger, and resentment with his arsenal of demagogue vocabulary. Yes, he's not the only causer of all this. Off course not. But he certainly facilitated it, to such an extend that he could actually win the whole thing with it.

    In such an atmosphere dear @BondJames, you have to do better if you ask me. Much better. You can not just copy-paste a message that could have been from previous president-elects. You can not just act as if not much has happened and ask all the people to "come together".

    Mr Trump is already one of the most historically relevant president-elects since Roosevelt. True, but not in a good way. If he wants to be president of a true 'United' States of America, he better plans to write a rousing, empathic inauguration speech in which he self-reflects on his acts, in which he truly shows what Christian and Humanist values are, in which he empathizes with the losing side more than previous presidents, and in which he apoligizes to the people in a sincere and heartfelt way, before asking the people to "join him on this great, great adventurous world" he's talking about.

    Hence why I think the subtitle of the Time 'Person Of The Year' portrait -"President of the 'Divided' States Of America"- is entirely fitting. It's up to him to make sure the tone and style of his campaign won't be reflected in his first term (which I already think is wishful thinking). At least not too much. Otherwise the word 'unification' means nothing to him; then it will merely sound and look like a fraud.
  • Posts: 7,507
    Yes, "Trump the unifier". What a parody!

    It is not av "lovely message" at all, it is out right disrespectful and outrageous! How can you possibly ask groups of people you have spent your entire presidential campaign alianating and villifying to come around and support you inn unity? It is offensive, that's what it is!

    It is absurd how people on this thread can speak so highly of democracy and yet support someone who basically lied himself into office, as well as supposedly idealizing respect for contrasting opinions and beliefs meanwhile supporting the person who has been the very definition of the opposite. Please cut the crap, will you?
  • I hope you fully read my post @jobo and not just the first two parts.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Time magazine went with an obvious choice, but he is definitely not unifying our country. His words and actions all along, and still continuing, are purposely dividing the U.S. while cloaked as something else. He is not a Republican. He is not typical. He is different and still many people are happy with just him being so different; they want a huge change no matter what, a roll of the dice. So we find ourselves grappling with this whole situation.

    At this point, we can hope that our other govt officials, because of their own ethics (make of that what you will) and the voices of so many American citizens (the only real hope we have is ourselves) putting pressure on all govt officials and organizations, can keep the damage of the presidency under Trump to a minimum. It is sad, but a rather stark reality. I'd be happy for Trump to morph into something positive overall for our country, but so far the vast majority of his actions, words, proposals show he will not change. Not in a positive, helpful way. His words and actions cannot be blown off, dismissed. He is responsible. Look at his entire campaign, what he himself has said and done. Look at how he has acted since Nov. 8th. He is not a positive force for our country. He is definitely out for himself before anything else.

    So yes, we shall see how this all unfolds, but I hope people continue to not accept things that are abhorrent, not go along with everything, not give in or give up - and do speak up to representatives in their state as well as federal govts.

  • Posts: 7,507
    I hope you fully read my post @jobo and not just the first two parts.

    I am obviously not targetting you... There are many more members here, remember...
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    A must read for anyone planning to be here on this planet in the next decade or so...

    A snip: "What about Donald Trump’s promise to bring back US manufacturing jobs? He made a deal to keep nearly 1,000 jobs at the Carrier gas-furnace factory by offering a big tax break.
    We shouldn’t try and protect jobs; we should protect workers. It’s really a fool’s errand to struggle with because after a year or two those jobs will still go. Either they will be replaced by robots or they’ll move to Mexico or China. If Carrier becomes inefficient from being forced to stay in the US, its business will go to competitors in Japan or Germany."
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    A lot of good information in that article from someone who has studied globalization for decades. I like the first sentence of what you quoted: "We shouldn't try and project jobs; we should protect workers." Because jobs will be forced to change over time. Help people in a variety of ways to prepare for coming changes.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2016 Posts: 12,501
    I wanted to post something cheerful for the season. Here is a look at the history of the national Christmas tree. :)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Nice tree post, but only the Electoral Collage can give ME a Merry Christmas.
    I've been good, I swear!!!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Dec. 19th our country could change its future course. Yes! Take that path, Electoral College! Use that independent spirit with a conscience that is in each of you electors.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Beautiful, uplifting. So nice to read her words.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited December 2016 Posts: 17,989
    "State courts that have considered the matter have held that elector pledges can impose, in the words of the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1948, only “a moral obligation, not a legal one.” As that court concluded, when a state attempts to “dictate to the electors the choice which they must make for president and vice president, it has invaded the field set apart to the electors by the Constitution of the United States, and such action cannot stand.”
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