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I think the electors are under pressure from several sources. Look at what just individuals who have criticized Trump have had to put up with (Indiana credit union leader, because of Trump's Carrier 'deal', for example; him receiving phone calls saying "watch your kids" - heinous things like that.) I imagine electors are being pressured now and feel that threats afterwards will be forthcoming. Sure, it is a private vote ... but some are publicly stating they will change and not vote for Trump or even for Clinton (some are writing in a different name). It is brave of them to say so publicly in the current poisoned atmosphere we have. Who knows how they will vote in private? We can just hope they follow their own conscience (be that for Trump or Clinton).
Denying Trump the magic number of 270 is important, but I find it unlikely to happen. But it is the best chance - and really the electors' right - to change the outcome. Then it would at least go to House to decide the presidency. Other avenues, after Dec. 19th vote from the electors will not be as easy or clear cut.
it's interesting because in the 80's and 90's, trump was a centrist, somewhere between a Bill Clinton Democrat and Rockefeller Republican. most don't know that he ran for president in 2000 as a moderate, and was even trying to see if he could find an opening after Reagan's two terms were up. he always had a protectionist streak, but never pandered racism until he the birther movement as an opportunity to gain the following.
our next president is truly a blank slate interested in his own vanity. i don't know why people are angry at the government. the government is just a reflection of the people. Americans only have themselves to blame.
He's baaaaaa-ack!
The Rude Pundit has returned, after a self-imposed time-out, and is pulling no punches. The gist of his argument is that Trump is actually going to be the LOSER-in-Chief, having lost to Hillary by nearly 3 million votes. Here's some of His Rudeness' own prose: Trump won because the Founders created a f***ed-up system to make slave states feel wanted because conservatives have always thrown a fit if you don't just accept their ignorance. And if you want to see more, just because, y'know, it's important that we all hear each other even if we don't necessarily agree, you can find him at
Meanwhile, in other news, Obama is finally getting off his behind and ordering an investigation of Russian meddling in this election because, oh I don't know, maybe they've got The Donald by the wallet and maybe it would be a bad idea to have the American Resident under the thumb of a foreign power. Just sayin'. And the recount in certain states that statisticians think maybe look a little fishy is moving forward. And the campaign to get electors to behave faithlessly to one segment of the populace but faithfully to the founding fathers' intent in creating an electoral college in the first place also moves forward.
The Donald's drive to put the foxes in charge of the henhouse ain't a done deal yet, folks. Looks like interesting times ahead. Merry Christmas, y'all. 'Preciatecha!
OH! THIS is why! He has a luxury real estate company in Miami! =))
And if they actually tried to reach out to white working class voters, they would've won by 5-10%.
“To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men.
The creed of sacrifice is a morality for the immoral…”
And here is this, just more obviousness being pointed out.
Tillerson reported as chosen to be Secretary of State, John Bolton as his deputy.
Tiller would need to be confirmed. Will Congress roll over? Will Republicans still think they can control Trump? Lots of questions, sure.
Tillerson is CEO of Exxon with strong ties to Russia. He is happy to lift sanctions to Russia. Lots of etcs to read about. Here is some info, but there is plenty of info everywhere on this.
John Bolton to be assistant/deputy director, working daily with Tillerson.
They have been struggling to do this for decades. When Obama talked about strengthening our community colleges and helping people get the skills they need for the 21st century, guess who swooped in and CUT state funding to community colleges? The Republicans who have taken charge in state legislatures. And how did that happen? Because those same working class whites voted them in.
I'm sorry. I have no sympathy for the toothless, brainless, hillbillies of backwoods Kentucky and Ohio. They have known for a long time that coal was done, that automation was coming, that if they wanted to survive, they needed to up their skills and training. What did they do? They voted in the bozos who'd make it more difficult to do so...again and again and again.
It's odd that the black community is lambasted for not doing enough to pull itself out of poverty. Well same goes for those hillbillies.
Oh, here you go:
Also sage advice:
"There's a force in the universe that makes things happen .... all you have to do is get in touch with it."
So he can bend this way or that way, depending upon what he thinks will be good for him. Republicans who have wanted Obama out for 8 years, and who blocked him in every way every chance they got (not putting country first, just their party), now think they can shape the administration the way they want. They are gleeful - yet starting to notice and feel some alarm with his administrative choices and his statements. They will have several rude awakenings on the upcoming bumpy, dirty, and certainly very uncivil ride. Trump's core supporters, at least a certain amount of them, don't care and cannot see negative consequences. They just wanted a big change.
I'm going to walk my dog all over my mountain next, then watch Caddyshack. I hope everybody has a good weekend in spite of the political storm that is still threatening. It isn't going away, or getting better any time soon. Take good care of yourself.
I miss Rodney Dangerfield. He'd be having a field day with Trump jokes, oh yes. ;)
The faces of our owners, err, I mean rulers, uhh, I mean public servants...
IMO, even in their NICEST pictures you (well, not ALL of you of course) can detect a certain smugness and elitist whiff.
Let's look at another face. I'll try like Hell to find a BAD look....
Angry, not at all flattering, but what's THAT? That look that is so different than the others above?
I swear the photo of Trump smirking while having dinner with a contrite looking Romney will go down as iconic, emblematic of this election.
obama was a pretty neutral president, but at least the man had some dignity and class. his biggest mistake in office was inability to gain 50 pounds, drink Gordon's gin, wear a tanktop smeared in bacon grease and watch NASCAR.
That sounds like C, all right.
That s cool.
And Trump trying to laugh it off, of course.
Washington Post certainly not the only one reporting on this.
U.S. intelligence officials described mounting concern and confusion about how to proceed in an administration so openly hostile to their function and role. “I don’t know what the end game is here,” a senior U.S. intelligence official said. “After Jan. 20,” the official said, referring to Inauguration Day, “we’re in uncharted territory.”
Pillar added: “Everything Trump has indicated with regard to his character and tendencies for vindictiveness might be worse” than former president Richard Nixon, who also had a dysfunctional relationship with the intelligence community.
And, haha!
Straight from the KG-used-to-Be!
On one hand, they claim that Obama's position toward Russia was weak, leading to Russia gaining an upper hand on the U.S. However, the also seem to claim that the leak is no big deal and suggests that the Democrats are behind this and whining about the outcome again.
You can't freak out about Putin when it comes to Obama and then shrug him off when it comes to hacking. Sorry. But Republicans pull this crap constantly.
Conway saying that Trump will put his own people into the intelligence services.
DICKERSON: I’m just trying to get a sense of the new president-elect’s views about the intelligence community… The reason I ask is that he’s had a lot of intelligence briefings [sic], and then when he was asked about this question, which is coming from the intelligence community, he said that it was a “laughing point.” In other words, the notion that the Russians were involved in the election was laughable. And so I’m just wondering how he can both respect the intelligence community and then think something they’re telling him is laughable. That seems to be a disconnect.
CONWAY: It’s completely compatible. He absolutely respects the intelligence community. He’s made very clear he’s going to put his own people in there as well. What he has said is laughable and ridiculous is this entire notion, which people are just using as a foregone conclusion, that somehow this was meant to defeat Hillary Clinton and elevate him to the presidency.
Rise and acceptance/normalization/glamorization of white supremists in the U.S.
Please don't just brush this off. Think it through. Think of all that has happened during this election cycle and since Nov. 8th. What Trump has said, how he has said it, and the media coverage (TV for sure, also print media) ... especially since Nov. 8th (in my opinion)
Examples here from L.A. Times and NYTimes. I think it is worth reading through all of this.
CNN already in the news awhile back for pandering to white supremists.
I was unaware of this casting call .. beyond awful. No excuse.