Analyzing the Transition of Power After The U.S. Election and Beyond Into Future Global Politics



  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    On Assange, interfering in U.S. politics, in the words of Putin's geopolitical theorist, Alexandr Dugin:

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    On Assange, interfering in U.S. politics, in the words of Putin's geopolitical theorist, Alexandr Dugin:

    Well, we were crippled & blinded all right. And suddenly, The GOP is okay with it because they & Russia seem to have many of the same goals for the U S uv A.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    The GOP is the group with more power to put a stop to all the unethical, harmful things that are in the works. And so far, they are not. Only 2 standing up really.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited January 2017 Posts: 17,989
    The GOP has ultimate power now. Once they gut Social Security, mess up the economy, kick the presently insured to the curb letting the insurance industry sharks free to feed and end food stamps the U.S. will be in for more hardship & peril since the Great Depression. Then and only then will the idiots that buy into the Faux News version of reality even BEGIN to wake up. The spin will of course continue, but as they've shown by obstruction, pain speaks louder than truth (or as will be in this venue, lies). In cutting the American people's throats, they will also certainly be cutting their own for all time. The next two years will be the beginning of the end of the GOP, and if the Dims do not wake up, them as well. Third & fourth party candidates will flourish, and Democratic Socialism will at last begin to take hold.
    We will all perish in a nice game of Thermonuclear War. Want to play a game?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    There will be another civil war if that happens.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501

    Kellyanne coming right out and saying sanctions on Russia may go away ...
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    She's a fembot.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501

    Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, personally assured skittish acquaintances the President-elect didn't really believe some of the more outrageous claims he was making, according to a new New York magazine profile.

    "Back when Trump was spinning birther conspiracy theories, which were lapped up by gullible Republicans, one person who talked to Kushner says he offered assurances that his father-in-law didn't really believe that stuff," the report says.

    Great. Reassured anyone? Jared apparently has said that Trump didn't mean or believe those terrible conspiracies.

    Jared ...

    And isn't it peachy that Trump can ignore the law, putting his son-in-law in his administration? We shall see what our govt representatives actually do, try to enforce - but so far there seems a muted reaction to this announcement. Oh he won't take a salary, oh he will depart from some businesses, that makes it all okay somehow (still ignoring the law).

    And a nice rock music reference on this here ... ;) (Judas Priest fans...)

    And here is some of Jared's conflicts of interests; besides you know, it being against the law for him to be in Trump's administration.

    Kellyanne (fembot, chrisisall? I wouldn't insult the fembots like that) - explains the loophole they will use for this. How handy to interpet this and again force (somehow) Republicans to toe the line according to Trump.
  • Posts: 533
    Someone once told me that Donald Trump thrived on confrontation. If so, I wonder how he would react if most of the world simply ignored him or pretend that he doesn't matter.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    Yes Trump is driven by a real need to be center of attention and acclaim, etc. He genuinely loves stirring controversy. He pushed many conspiracy theories before he ran for president. He thrives on that. And he loves power or even the illusion of being powerful.

    But we cannot put him back in a bottle; much as we'd love to.

    It is impossible to ignore him now. It is a dire situation (no exaggeration) and truly up to our govt representatives to take action. I only hope they take action before the worst things come to pass. Our civil rights, our freedoms, the safety of our citizens in every way, the nuclear fragile balance - all are threatened now. That much is clear.

    What we can do is communicate. Communicate (email, phone calls - phone calls are appearing even more effective) with our govt representatives (local thru federal). Tell them your concerns loudly, clearly, and unrelentingly. I don't mean this as sending memes, threats,name calling, or just complaining on social media and forums. Not at all. We need our communication to count.

    I mean: People, please keep speaking up, be clear and don't mince words, to every level of govt authority we have. Don't do any normalizing or softening of this entire situation that our government has firmly landed in and is developing alarming way practically every day. When you read or hear media - or anyone - normalizing things, accepting things as okay, use words like "controversial" instead of "white supremist" (when the subject is a white supremist), use "alt right" like a benign description, say "will be confirmed while 'bending' the current law", or when you hear of anything you feel in your gut is unethical ... things like that ... please do pay attention. Do notice it. And do not be silent. Don't think "So we'll have a different president in 4 years" ... please do not be complacent in that regard. Our system may not hold for 4 years. Trump is trying to change the very foundation of our entire government system and it is a change towards authoritarian power.

    Please do not rely on our "checks and balances" because you can see in the current news that those are mere words unless acted upon.

    Research the backgrounds (and words) of Trump's administrative picks. There are plenty of resources to do that. Look at Trump's own words, even going back 30 years through present. It is all laid out for us.

    This is happening right before our eyes. Please keep communicating ... that is the tool we have. Let's use it properly. And don't give up.

    Well ...@chrisisall, @BeatlesSansEarmuffs, I've never wanted to say "Beam me up, Scotty" more sincerely in my life. But I don't think I can count on that, either. ;)
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    When did this law come into effect? Was it after Bill appointed Hillary?
  • Posts: 11,119
    I think with trump we're gonna hear a lot of angry narcissist chants like:

    "I am president now!!"

    Even until his 1st term ends. Wanne bet?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    I think the law you are referring to came into effect in 1967, due to JFK's brother Robert being appointed by him, @Thunderfinger. Though I believe it was for more reasons than just that one example, too. Although it is worrying, and it is unethical (even if they find legal wriggle room), there are even more important concerns than Jared just now, with other Trump administrative appointees.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I see. Thanks. Still, Bill appointed Hillary as the leder of the Health Care Reform Task Force in 93.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    Yes, he did. And it was not decided in a really decisive manner. That is still being argued. So Trump will be looking at that as a loophole, too, of course. Do I think Hillary should have been appointed in that role? No, I don't. I wanted the anti nepotism law to have been upheld more clearly then also.

    None of which takes away from the current situation with Jared. It is still unethical, only borderline legal & that depends on which judge or lawyer you ask. It does not matter if unpaid; the law specifically says paid or unpaid.

    So Jared or someone from Trump's team has said he will divest himself from all his conflicts of interest. But those are many. How much confidence do we have that this will be done correctly? It will be messy and not clear cut.

    I think the intent of this law is good but it was not worded specifically enough. Trump has gotten his way so far, so he probably will be able to push this through also. That is just the way the tide is flowing currently.

    More worrying is Bannon and Flynn. Definitely. And what the GOP is doing/not doing. Plenty of concerns; spoiled for choice.
    Here is just one week of items in a convenient list:

  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    edited January 2017 Posts: 4,627
    Well, this isn't too surprising. But still...

    It appears, based on the report, that it was a British MI6 agent who uncovered the info.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,627
    TripAces wrote: »
    Well, this isn't too surprising. But still...

    It appears, based on the report, that it was a British MI6 agent who uncovered the info.

    I'll leave in the redundancy for comic effect. LOL
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    And thanks, @TripAces & Murdock (always liked that one). ;)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Bye Obama. Goddam I will miss you, Joe & Michelle.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    What a graceful, dignified, beautiful farewell address President Obama gave.
    And warning us subtly, encouraging us as well.

    Soldedad summing up the contrasts today:

    Our govt is a world of opposites as of January 20th; in pretty much every way, including dignity.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989

    Our govt is a world of opposites as of January 20th; in pretty much every way, including dignity.

    "It's the fall of Rome around here..." - Robocop 3
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    Some light relief. Reading about the Trump inauguration plans and how that's coming along.

    Click all the way in to read the full article, quotes from person in charge of organizing the event. Yes, he said Trump will be surrounded with the "soft sensuality" of the place, but not A listers. As Trump wants.
    Right. :D

    And Charlotte Church's to-the-point reply (with no chance of misunderstanding the emojis) to the Trump team asking her to sing at his inauguration
  • Posts: 7,653
    The ‘Holman rule’, this arcane procedural quirk was revived last week. In which the salary of a civil servant can be dropped to 1 dollar. We have to wonder if it was to punish troublesome federal workers. We will undoubtedly see a purge of great talent in favor of the other kind of civil servant [Befehl ist Befehl] not sure about this development for the democracy in the US.

    And if any of the accusations against Trump will be proven it will be after the 20th of January, they will impeach him and have Pence in the throne for the next 4 years. Then we have a Republican homerun. The likes the US will never recover from.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2017 Posts: 12,501
    Yes that is interesting in a worrisome way that the GOP pushed the Holman rule through quickly now. Thanks, @SaintMark. It's #2 on the list of things from last week I posted above. That list notes (bolding is mine):

    2. House brings back Holman rule allowing them to reduce an individual civil employee's salary to $1, effectively firing them by amendment to any piece of legislation. Just after asking for the names of people in Energy & State dept attending climate change conference, supporting womens issues, etc.


    George Washington, all those years ago, warned us about "cunning & unprincipled men, & the dangers of foreign influence" ~

  • Posts: 11,119
    Man man man, has anyone read this news? It's really a matter of calling the kettle black with Trump huh? Now he knows how Clinton must have felt last year during all these hacks. When your aim is to destroy Western democracies [Putin], then be prepared for some serious retaliations. In defense of Trump? It's now clear if Clinton would have been more of the liking for Putin, then Putin would easily destroy Trump:
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501

    ("... a Bond film?") :)

    Anyway, so Trump had a circus of a press conference, bullying reporters, not answering questions, and of course denying everything. That is to be expected, unfortunately. That is the way he handles things and it looks like that will not change. The media press want to get their own question in, so any cohesive, calm follow up seems impossible. He sometimes talks to a reporter afterwards and again denies everything. The press need to keep on him, but it is too bad that it takes on this circus like atmosphere.

    And the Trump team response is to silence the press. Seriously, we need to be aware of things like this. Our freedoms and rights are actively trying to be trampled suppressed. Trump spokesperson threatened to kick reporter out of press conference in the future if he asks "hard questions".
    CNN's @Acosta reports Trump spokesman @seanspicer told him he'll be kicked out of future press confs if he presses hard for ques again

    The hard questions have barely begun and we all need them to be asked again, and again, unrelentingly.

    Yes, the unverified info released yesterday is pretty much a bombshell. But digging past the salacious parts that are not verified yet, the heart of the matter - ties to Russia - is strong. There is not just one source. Not just one report. Fortunately, many (not just a couple) of serious investigations are going on.

    Ben Judah ‏@b_judah

    1. Rumours have been circulating for months and dossier complied by ex-British intellignece has been circulating at least since October.

    2. The ex-British intelligence officer, who compelled this whilst working on research for the opposition, is NOT the only source for this.

    3. BBC heard from "member" of US intelligence that the head of East European intelligence service told him Russia had "kompromat" on Trump.

    4. The BBC has heard from US intelligence - "there is more than one tape, in more than one place, with video and audio as well."


    So let's take heart, keep reading a variety of sources, and don't give up. Further develops over the next week should be ... interesting. :-B
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Thanks, Gutav, for the links. A lot is coming to light now.
  • Posts: 11,119
    I saw Trump in his press conference. And he scared me. Man, I get the creeps from him. George Bush Jr. suddenly looks like the personification of intellectualism and nuance.
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