Analyzing the Transition of Power After The U.S. Election and Beyond Into Future Global Politics



  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Thanks, Murdock. :)
  • As much as I appreciate the classics... here's the Grateful Dead's version of the theme for the short-lived, under-appreciated 1985 TV reprise of The Twilight Zone. It had a few nice adaptations of some Harlan Ellison short stories, including "Paladin of the Lost Hour" starring Danny Kaye. Cool stuff if you can find it!

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Nice. Thanks, @Beatles.

    Also just to ask, does anyone besides me think that the Electors just may be under a wee bit of pressure to NOT change their vote? ;) (Threats, intimidation, photos of dead bodies sent to them, things like that perhaps ...)
  • edited November 2016 Posts: 3,566
    I think the Electors are under an insane amount of pressure right now: change it, don't you dare change it, FBI files on you insist that you vote this that or the other way. The fate of America rests on your shoulders, Els. Don't screw it up! But no pressure or anything like that...

    "Under Pressure" -- Queen with David Bowie. "It's the terror of knowing what this world is about. Watching some good friend screaming, 'Let Me Out!' "
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2016 Posts: 17,989
    Last time I checked it wasn't December 19th yet...
    The prick. He's being a prematurely ejaculating adolescent here. Not to mention he has no basis for stating 2 million plus votes are from 'illegals.'
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Yay 4 more years of "Murika!" jokes... :((
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Yeah, he has kept that up. He will not stop. Dignity, as well as (more importantly) truth out the window (truth on MANY things, not just this). Some people are keeping track of his outright lies. It is a long list. All politicians lie? Sure, but NOT like that. The Trump regime machine.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Just one observation, but typical:
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I'm off to work. Time for a little more light relief? Here is cuteness for you. ;)

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    The reviews on Amazon for Trump's Christmas ornament are hilarious, here's one:
    How many years will this ornament last?
    It's already showing signs of it's complete inability to understand the scope of an ornament's responsibility.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Three of the four last elected US presidents were all born during the Summer of 1946.

    Clinton in August 1946
    Bush in July 1946
    Trump in June 1946
  • edited November 2016 Posts: 11,119
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Last time I checked it wasn't December 19th yet...
    The prick. He's being a prematurely ejaculating adolescent here. Not to mention he has no basis for stating 2 million plus votes are from 'illegals.'


    I think Mr Trump really need to ffff-ing throw away his Twitter-account. Sjee, is Putin twittering? Regardless of his Twitter-behaviour, Donald Trump shows some pretty frightening conspiracy beliefs here. Let him behave like a president-elect, not a candidate for president. The campaign is frickin' over! Leave Clinton alone.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    The campaign is frickin' over! Leave Clinton alone.
    Is it?
    Why were there more votes than there are voters in Wisconsin? Let's see...
    "As Wisconsin prepares for an official recount, 5000 fake Trump votes have already been subtracted from Trump’s lead. Trump only won by a total of 27k votes meaning that his lead has already decreased by 18% before the recount has even begun. In addition, 4 counties in Wisconsin have just reported that their vote tallies are much higher than the total number of voters in the election. It’s starting to look like a reversal could actually be possible."
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Have you been reading some of the talk put out now, by Trump's surrogates/mouthpieces, regarding Mitt Romney? Just ripping him apart. Warning how Trump's voters are furiously against him being appointed to anything in Trump's administration. Interesting. I think this is a good point from twitter:

    David Frum ‏@davidfrum 5h5 hours ago
    The defamation of Mitt Romney by Team Trump over past days foreshadows the defamation of any GOP legislator who shows independence in future.



    AND the Texas elector has resigned ... rather than vote for Trump. But only resigned. He had the power (which is what the Electoral College is for - to stop our country from making a bad mistake, to put it bluntly) to choose Clinton (who is far ahead in the popular vote) and by his own words he could not vote for Trump. So... is this the best we can expect? He will just be replaced (or not) with someone who will vote for Trump. Electors are under huge pressure and this one had already spoken out (so he was a target). (I cannot copy it, but if you click on this link within this is a quote from this Texas elector saying why he quit). The Electoral College not serving its purpose if it continues this way.

    And the ongoing threats happening in communities across America; this one also crediting Trump. This must be stopped. It is totally unacceptable. But true, ongoing, and forceful condemnation from Trump and his team is still very lacking.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    @Gustav_Graves and @chrisisall. There is plenty - indeed a whole lot - of evidence of Trump lying. Flat out lying to the American people. His tweets often just want to rile people up and divert from the serious issues of what he is actually doing. The election is not final until the Electoral College votes. His juvenile, undignified tweets and statements will continue. Do not expect him to be presidential, respectful, or lay off of anything. He follows his own whim, is out for himself 100% of the time.

    Trump wanted the ego affirmation of being the president, without having to shoulder the actual work and burden and responsibility. Including essential security intel briefings. He does not talk to his own govt; he doesn't. Pence is taking almost daily briefings. This is ridiculous.

    Look at all he has said and done, his whole life as well as the campaign, and you do not hear a man with a conscience or genuine caring for others. Just tells people simple things they want to hear, and speaks very differently in private to corporations, etc. All politicians do that to a certain extent - but not like this. This is very extreme.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    AND the Texas elector has resigned ... rather than vote for Trump. But only resigned. He had the power (which is what the Electoral College is for - to stop our country from making a bad mistake, to put it bluntly) to choose Clinton (who is far ahead in the popular vote) and by his own words he could not vote for Trump.
    Land of the (faux) brave, and home of the (supposedly) free......
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Exactly. Basically, everybody needs to take a stand, speak out, and not be silent. (No matter your position, pro or against Trump, it is important people speak up, write or call their representatives in government when they have a concern, all of that.)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    A recap of just some appointments made:
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    A handy list of Trump's campaign promises. This is not the usual dull reading like it would be every other usual election year. Have fun.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    If you don't think Bannon (in Trump's ear, a driving force all along and now in his administration as senior counselor and chief White House strategist ... think about that ...) is an agitator, manipulator, and pushes racism (anti Muslim, anti blacks to name just two) read some more. He has said he wants to destroy the system. Just read up on him; info is readily available.

    I disagree with this article's title. "Populist" is far too nice a word for Bannon.
    In part the article has this:

    More quietly, Mr. Bannon systematically courted a series of politicians, especially those who share his dark, populist worldview: at home, a corrupt ruling class preying on working Americans; globally, “the Judeo-Christian West” in a “war against Islamic fascism.” They were views that placed him closer to the European right than to the Republican mainstream.

    He made flattering films about Michele Bachmann, the former congresswoman from Minnesota, and Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate; repeatedly pressed the television host Lou Dobbs to run for office; and flirted with a range of Republican presidential hopefuls, including Rick Santorum, Ben Carson and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Finally, in Mr. Trump, Mr. Bannon found his man.

    Mr. Bannon told a colleague in multiple conversations during the presidential campaign that he knew Mr. Trump was an “imperfect vessel” for the revolution he had in mind. But the upstart candidate and the media entrepreneur bonded anyway.

    In August 2015, Mr. Bannon told Ms. Jones in an email that he had turned Breitbart, where employees called certain political stories “Bannon Specials,” into “Trump Central” and joked that he was the candidate’s hidden “campaign manager.” He hosted Mr. Trump for friendly radio interviews and offered tactful coaching. This August, with the Trump campaign foundering, Mr. Bannon took over as chief executive.

    Like Reagan, Mr. Trump addressed the people he called “the forgotten men and women of our country” — the white working and middle class. He vowed to take on Islamic radicalism, as Reagan had faced off against communism. Echoing the sole-savior theme of “In the Face of Evil,” Mr. Trump declared of the nation’s predicament, “Only I can fix it.”

    Ms. Jones, for one, had no trouble seeing the parallels. “Trump,” she said, “is Steve’s Reagan.”

    In an email to a Breitbart colleague in 2014, he dismissed Republican congressional leaders with an epithet and added, “Let the grass roots turn on the hate.”


    Ms. Jones, Mr. Bannon’s former film collaborator, who describes herself as very liberal, said, “Steve’s not a racist.”

    But, she added, “he’s using the alt-right — using them for power.”
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Trump will be a nightmare for everyone save the really well off, the strict angry authoritarians & the far right fearfuls.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I believe you have put that correctly, @chrisisall. Far right fearfuls meaning racists and bigots who want to take away American's civil rights.
  • edited November 2016 Posts: 11,119
    I believe you have put that correctly, @chrisisall. Far right fearfuls meaning racists and bigots who want to take away American's civil rights.

    The scariest thing is........people are not willing to ask themselves the question anymore what fascism and racism actually is about. That ignorance, which is currently dominating a more historically correct comparison, scares me a bit.

    If something isn't racism and/or fascism.....then when will it become racism and/or fascism? How much does it take until something really becomes racism and/or fascism? Ar aspects of racism and/or fascism not enough to start a discussion with historical comparative arguments?

    Sadly...there's no room in here to answer such questions. I mean, this is what the Golden Dawn movement currently is doing on the Greek island of Chios. Burning down shelters of immigrants:

    Everyone in here who says this is 'ordinary violence', need to look up his/her dictionary. Stop appeasing this stuff.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Trump fits the authoritarian mold, from which fascism can rise. I just read something; let me see if I can find it.

    By the way, basically it is difficult to have a discussion on Trump's policies because he does not have clear, detailed policies that he has not gone back on or modified. He says different things depending on who is influencing at the moment and upon his current audience. So for the most part, people really do not know what specifics he will try to do and how.
  • basically it is difficult to have a discussion on Trump's policies because he does not have clear, detailed policies that he has not gone back on or modified. He says different things depending on who is influencing at the moment and upon his current audience. So for the most part, people really do not know what specifics he will try to do and how.

    I tried to focus on that in the other topic created by @BondJames. It's rather useless really. See it for yourself :-). There won't be a good, proper discussion about clearly defined policies.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    There are no clearly defined policies, step by step plans, from Trump yet. And yes, that IS an issue.
  • There are no clearly defined policies, step by step plans, from Trump yet. And yes, that IS an issue.

    Only good thing of it all: We still have something that's called a 4-year term. Which is more or less rock-solid. Which one can't say of countries like Russia or Turkey these days.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Still looking for one particular article, :Gustav.

    Meanwhile, I found this. How is this a good thing? After Nov. 8th election, Ivanka met privately with Philippines envoy. His children being so heavily involved in his administration and fully handling Trump businesses should continue to be a major concern that people should not ignore.
  • Still looking for one particular article, :Gustav.

    Meanwhile, I found this. How is this a good thing? After Nov. 8th election, Ivanka met privately with Philippines envoy. His children being so heavily involved in his administration and fully handling Trump businesses should continue to be a major concern that people should not ignore.

    The 'Carl Bernstein's' and 'Bob Woodward's' are already waking up @4EverBonded. They will bring these conflicted interests into the daylight. But....the problem is......the 'Bernstein's' and 'Woodward's' of today are being threatened and bullied....especially on social media.
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