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No, fairs fair. You win the virtual Christmas hamper, with a James Bond theme.
@tanaka mentioned the Lonsdale appearance with DC in Munich. There are others...
Sean Bean: GE with PB and Sharpe's Eagle with DC.
Christopher Lee in TMWTGG with RM and The Golden Compass with DC (though they didn't share any scenes)
Steven Berkoff in OP with RM and TGWTDT with DC. (Berkoff was also in the Tourist with TD)
Gavin O'Herlihy in NSNA with SC and, like Bean, in Sharpe's Eagle with DC
Albert Finney in Murder on the Orient Express with SC and SF with DC
Ralph Fiennes in The Avengers with SC and in SF and SP with DC
Nicholas Woodeson in The Russia House* with SC and in SF with DC (he was the psychologist)
There are more. But these are off the top of my head.
*If you have not seen The Russia House (and I would guess most of you have) it is a must-see from a Bond fan standpoint. It is the closest SC has gotten to playing against the Bond character--aging, alcoholic, now in love with Russia, and having to be coaxed into being a spy.
No they didn't. Love that movie by the way.
Sean Connery - The Man Who Would Be King.
Roger Moore - Bullseye
Pierce Brosnan - The Fourrh Protocol.
I never knew this!!!
So I took a look. I must say: she had to be in her mid- to late-60s when filming CR and she looks damn good.
I've added the connections to the OP, though I can't be sure whether all of them shared scenes
Good catch! Now that you've mention it, I can perfectly picture Haines' bodyguard as one of the men on Renard's submarine.