Education and the "ideal" school system

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited January 2017 in General Discussion Posts: 24,515
With so many things subjected to scrutiny and criticism nowadays, it shouldn't astonish us that education has fallen victim to intense debates as well. In fact, the ideal school system has been contemplated since the Ancient Greeks. But never before in the history of mankind have we had so many students in our schools. And never before has the importance of a proper education been so minutely examined as now. Some people are willing to go so far as to directly measure the prosperity of a society by the output of its many schools.

So how do we feel about the ideal school system? Are you happy with your education or not? Have you heard of experimental models that seem vastly better to you than the more traditional ones? Should students be drilled and "programmed", or do you believe in a personal trajectory for each individual student? Would the latter be feasible, financially speaking? Do you believe in a system that allows students to pick and choose their own classes, time schedules, modus operandi, ...?


  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Education in the states has become an absolute joke. It needs a major overhaul. I'm glad I finished when I did.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Kindly do explain, @Murdock.
  • I have no kids, but I do hear things from my nieces that make me glad I'm outta there!

    Sounds like all they do is take placement tests.
  • RonBond007RonBond007 Norfolk, Virginia
    Posts: 6
    This could be an interesting discussion, especially if you tied the Bond theme to it. Consider the Bond education formula (orphan-to-Oxford) and result (traveled, confident gentleman) with what we have to offer our kids these days. Does the classic education path produce Bond-like characters?
    My answers, Dimi: I'm satisfied with my upbringing (middle class, rural USA)and education (Assoc. degree). I joined the US Navy @ 21 and have served 20 years, a career guy. I did a 3 year tour as a recruiter and dealt with high school/community college kids making critical decisions on their futures. The common mentality for most high school seniors is to go to college. "I'm going to college and am not interested in joining the military" is an automatic response and it's often inconsiderate of who's going to pay for it and whether they even meet college or military aptitude requirements. Sadly, I would go to the local community college and get the drop-out list every few weeks and see kids' names I'd spoken to a year or two earlier about the military. The conversation became very different at that point when I re-engaged them: "You've had your fun at college and it didn't work out. Now what are you going to do?" I used to feel all kids should be given a chance to go to college. Maybe some kids need extra time beyond High school to mature and find themselves and their calling. That formula worked for me and I'm grateful I made something of myself and didn't waste my parents' money. Unfortunately, that 3 year tour changed my views on our education system. I now feel some kids are not meant to go to college and shouldn't. Hate to call some spades a Spade. Some don't deserve to go to college. And, some don't have the financial means to go to college. If you don't have the brains or the cash for college, that's just a bad recipe. Vocational programs in my opinion should always be available for free or cheap. A skill using your hands to make or craft something is at least a good baseline. I don't mean to sound mean and inconsiderate but the world doesn't owe us anything, especially when we become adults. Out of breath on this one but could go on; die another day!
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