When did our favorite shows Jump the shark?

edited November 2011 in General Movies & TV Posts: 2,341
Jumping the shark. Seems like most shows (and films) eventually go thru this. It is a sign that the show is on it's last legs and the writers reach the point where they run out of ideas and have to insult their viewers with some incredible storyline in the hope of re-energizing themselves. this rarely work as the shows stick around for years and stinking up the airwaves until they finally die.
Name some of your shows and which season or episode they "jumped" ?

SLIDERS season 4 episode Genesis. Some will argue that the show actually jumped in season 3 but i have to vote Season 4. the show did managed to redeem itself in the 5th and final season.
CLASSIC STAR TREK Season 3 pick your episode: Spectre of the Gun, Enterprise Incident, Spock's Brain. Maybe only one episode from the season was worth watching. Shame our beloved Star Trek had to go out like this.
24 season 5. I mean come on man how many ways can you save the world from terrorists? this show played out after Season 4 but hung around for several more seasons. Pitiful.
LOST season 5 and 6. Talk about going from the Penthouse to the Outhouse. this show stunk so bad at the end it was painful to watch the 2and a half hour series finale. I was glad when it was over. we rarely even speak of the show these days....
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES this show was never the same after we found out what was buried in the backyard (season 1) should have ended years ago...
VOYAGER when they introduced Seven of Eight...

These shows never "jumped" and went off at the top of their games


  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Okay, her name was Seven of Nine.

    I never saw the original Star Trek as jumping the shark. You have to understand, they were getting less and less of a budget from the network, and they had to make do with what they had, which was so little that your basic made-for-TV movie has a budget that dwarfed Star Trek's.

    24 did have the problem of there are only so many ways to stop terrorists plausibly. Season 8 did a damn fine job, though.

    Never saw Sliders, I WAS Lost (get the pun?), and hated Desperate Housewives.

    Stargate Atlantis never jumped the shark, even late into season 5.
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 2,341
    My computer has a mind of\ its own. forgive the double comments...
  • shows that jumped the shark

    lost obviously sucked. 24, i think what everyone else says, there are only so many ways you can stop terrorists.

    shows that almost did/might

    i think misfits might jump the shark in afew years, the show suffers alot from nathans absence. life on mars/ashes to ashes was in danger of jumping the shark but smartly called it quits (although the final explanation was crap imo. they're all dead, thats it, they're all dead. oh, and dont forget gene hunt is god and the pub is heaven. crap end to a great show)

    shows that didn't

    gavin and stacey, the inbetweeners, these shows were smart enough to go out at the top of thier game.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    AMAZING THREAD. I loved Heroes from the start and was glad to see NBC get a good show(they need it). I watched every episode and fell in love with the characters. But then we hit season 3 and the show sank. I didn't stick around to find out what happened because I wouldn't subject myself to that. Soon after it got cancelled.

  • Posts: 9,913
    my few

    A-team Season 5 Frankie shows up no more building random tanks they work for the government? ridiculous end to a decent light hearted show (though after growing up with the show I hate to say it but the Film is better don't kill me)

    Highlander great show and if it wasn't for the ridiculous it's a wonderful life ending I'd say the show ended at the top of it's game sadly season 6 was odd season and killing Richie off in season 5 didn't help matters.

    How I met your mother first 4 seasons we're brilliant even the 5th was good now it's just getting so painfull to watch and you can tell the writers have run out of ideas.

    Friends it didn't need to last 10 seasons and a lot of the later seasons were hit and miss.

    Spiderman the animated Series worst ending ever.... wait...

    Batman the Brave and the bold I take that back I've seen the finale it's unwatchable. that said neither show ended well.

    Shows that never Jumped the shark

    Batman the Animated Series so good it made other batman shows pale in compariosn (yeah The Batman and Brave and the bold I'm talking to you that said I'm oddly optismitc about Beware the Batman premiering in 2013 everyone else is nervous but it sounds interesting)

    Macgyver yeah I loved the 7th season hell I even loved Young Macgyver the 2003 pilot made with Jared Paladacki as Clay Macgyver.

  • Posts: 1,894
    "Lost" jumped the shark very early on. It became obvious halfway through the first season that the writers were just making things up as they went along.

    "House" jumped the shark after the third season. The auditions for new fellows was novel, but the three they settled on were bsically the same characters as those who had just left. Still, the House's Head/Wilson's Heart double (at the end of season five, I think) was excellent.

    "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" jumped in season four (despite some excellent episodes) managed to reclaim lost ground in season five (despite Michelle Trachtenberg), nearly blew it in season six, and made it to the end in one piece in season seven. The season eight graphic novels were silly, but season nine has been good (to date).

    "Angel" went to pieces at the end of the fourth season. It has a really good story up until Jasmine was introduced (when everything that had happened until then was explained away as 'birth pains'), which was disappointing. But it managed to get back on top for season five, even if it never reached the lofty heights of the first two seasons.

    And as much as I love "NCIS", it seems to be hovering over the shark at the moment - it's started to jump, but it hasn't gone all the way yet. After about the fifth season, it became increasingly difficult to point out individual episodes, much less standout ones; they all seemed to blend together a little. It doesn't help that large sections of the show of late have been the characters recapping everything that has happened so far in that episode for people who missed something in the commercials.
  • Posts: 9,913
    "Lost" jumped the shark very early on. It became obvious halfway through the first season that the writers were just making things up as they went along.

    I agree by the 5th episode I walked away from the show learning I'd never know anything from the mysteries they were creating and I honestly didn't Care

    Harper's Island not sure if this counts as it was a miniseries but the last 2 episodes were essentially a slasher flick which became old fast shame as everything leading up to that was great creepy and suspenseful.
  • Posts: 1,894
    I actually guessed the ending of "Lost" - that they were trapped in a purgatory-like limbo - halfway through the second episode. But I suspect that I knew it before the writers did.
  • Red Dwarf (UK)
    - Some episodes of series 7 showed that it was just not the same, eventually leading to a bad series 8 and an absolute 'awefulness' that was 'Back to Earth'...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I had some issues with Heroes towards the end. I'm glad they ended the show when they did. The Redemption stories went a bit too far beyond the credulous IMO. With dead characters mysteriously resurrecting and whatnot... it feels like they were stretching things to painful extremes.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Monk jumped the shark at season 5... The show became a real chore to watch. I just couldn't stand any episodes. I was annoyed by almost everything.... But, thankfully, the show returned to it's seasons 1-2-3 greatness, and from the middle of season 6 to the end of season 8, I loved the show once more. I re-watched all the episodes a year ago... And season 5 is still a chore to watch.
  • The West Wing went downhill when Sorkin left at the end of Season Four, but the brilliant final season made up for that :P
  • Red Dwarf (UK)
    - Some episodes of series 7 showed that it was just not the same, eventually leading to a bad series 8 and an absolute 'awefulness' that was 'Back to Earth'...
    back to earth almost made me sick
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Monk jumped the shark at season 5... The show became a real chore to watch. I just couldn't stand any episodes. I was annoyed by almost everything.... But, thankfully, the show returned to it's seasons 1-2-3 greatness, and from the middle of season 6 to the end of season 8, I loved the show once more. I re-watched all the episodes a year ago... And season 5 is still a chore to watch.
    Ohh I love Monk. :-D Was season five when they had an arc where Monk was supposedly a criminal on the run?
  • Posts: 2,341
    Another show that never "jumped" Battlestar Galectica (new) I saw the ending coming a year earlier but when it ended I just had to clap my hands and say, "way to go."
    Posts: 1,003
    24 was the best action tv series ever. Season 1-5 were the best and 6-8 were obviously searching and repeating. Chuck used to be an excellent comedy/action show up until the last two seasons.
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 17
    Heroes comes into my mind, I loved the first season but the rest of the seasons is well, not as good and I couldn't finish the rest of season 3.

  • Posts: 17
    I was a big fan of Nip/Tuck for the first season and most of the 2nd and then the show seemed to take a plunge. I could not follow it after that.
  • Posts: 2,341
    I was a big fan of Nip/Tuck for the first season and most of the 2nd and then the show seemed to take a plunge. I could not follow it after that.
    It seemed to get kinda "sicko" I stopped and picked it up in the final season but then that got unbearable.

  • Posts: 1,894
    "Glee" jumped the shark with the third-last episode of the first season, Theatricality. It didn't jump because it was a Lady Gaga tribute, it jumped because it was a retread of an episode earlier in the season. The preachy "you're all individuals, and you should be proud of that!" message dominated the second season, where characters were made to be gay for no reason, and characterisation was dumbed down to whatever the episode required the characters to do. The big problem with the series was its creator, Ryan Murphy. When the first season wrapped shooting, he wrote and directed an adaptation of EAT PRAY LOVE, which was clearly intended to show how Murphy is a man who understands women. Except that he clearly doesn't; not nearly as much as he thnks he does, if at all. Looking back, Murphy's "Glee" episodes are consistently the worst in the series.
    24 was the best action tv series ever. Season 1-5 were the best and 6-8 were obviously searching and repeating. Chuck used to be an excellent comedy/action show up until the last two seasons.
    "24" jumped halfway through the first season, when the second assassin was brought it. It basically negated everything that happed in the first half of the season, and started over.
  • Posts: 2,341
    "Glee" jumped the shark with the third-last episode of the first season, Theatricality. It didn't jump because it was a Lady Gaga tribute, it jumped because it was a retread of an episode earlier in the season. The preachy "you're all individuals, and you should be proud of that!" message dominated the second season, where characters were made to be gay for no reason, and characterisation was dumbed down to whatever the episode required the characters to do. The big problem with the series was its creator, Ryan Murphy. When the first season wrapped shooting, he wrote and directed an adaptation of EAT PRAY LOVE, which was clearly intended to show how Murphy is a man who understands women. Except that he clearly doesn't; not nearly as much as he thnks he does, if at all. Looking back, Murphy's "Glee" episodes are consistently the worst in the series.
    24 was the best action tv series ever. Season 1-5 were the best and 6-8 were obviously searching and repeating. Chuck used to be an excellent comedy/action show up until the last two seasons.
    "24" jumped halfway through the first season, when the second assassin was brought it. It basically negated everything that happed in the first half of the season, and started over.
    I liked the first Season of 24 it beat the hell out of the 2nd and 5th and any that came afterwards. It was the only one that started at 12 midnight and went to midnight. The first 6-7 hours were at night and that added a kind of surreal feel to the show and disorientation for viewers. I liked this twist. Killing Gaines was an interested twist and I remember thinking "what the -?" then it turns out he was just an employee working for the principal villians, the Drazens.
    And after alll the mayhem, the final scene was a real kick in the teeth. Classic TV
    my opinion...
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited November 2011 Posts: 4,572
    24 season 4 & 5, but season 6 is good and season 7 is very good. Season 7 is very Bond releated and a favorite chacter returns. Season 8 is more like season 5 but only a litle bit better then season 5. 24 Season rank: Season 7, Season 3, Season 2, Season 6, Season , Season 8, Season 5. Season 4 is the moost violence season, there be times i at the audio on hold and whyle it get 12 rank it be a very R-rated season with to much blood and a lot of screaming. This left his mark on the fift season too . At the time it be given after 11.00 PM. Season 5 & Season 8 to political whyle season 6 is more the other way around of season 4 with national Americans (Dennis Hopper) as the villian and the show be for his time a step forward with 2 black presidents and a woman as president.

    First i give up after 2 episodes but the channel repeat the first season and created on this way Sunday (with exeption of season 5 who get a repeat on Sunday, but his original airday be Saturday) 24 day with moost of the time 2 episdes a week.

    Season 7 whas a lucky shot, also because there be longer break before release on tv. It whas a lucky shot because i have the feeling the subject his time jumps the shark after season 5, this made me extra disapointed in Casino Royale when it yuse it too. For tv shows i have other rules then for movies in the cinema and in specialy for Bond this be very shocking.

    Season 8 release on tv in the same year as season 7 and the show started in 2002 and that means after 8 seasons in 8 years it end.

    24 not be very populair show, it scores 2-4 times more then The Sopranos and Mad Men. Whyle somtimes it scored above 500.000.

    PRISON BREAK: I think after season 2. I watch the other episodes.

    CSI: Since Laurens Fishburn steps in the show get a hugh update. Without i wil miss the chacter, but stil 4 chacters in it to stil make intresting. I hope the Blond woman should get more screentime again.

    CSI NY be favorite whyle i think Season 2 yusing to much Animals and in this case the 4th & 5th season is my favorite. Season 6 be bit strange with a greek actres be gone without telling how/why and i heard remours Mac go a way too. I hope on a good replacement, but i think it end with the 8th season.

    Bones: Season 4. There repeat this season to much that you nor always know or you already be in season 5 or not because of the to much yused extra cast members. Season 7 isn't started yet, i think it should be the last one.

    The A-team. I never have feeling on the original airtime as the other ones, but whyle i think the last fift season, i wish a 6th season without Stockwell (Vaughn). For first 4 seasons Knight Rider tv series i also wish a fift season 5.

    Give up:

    HEROES: The channel quite after 2 seasons it look like. To late i discover the channel give season 3 after 12.00 or 01.00 AM. The only 13 episodes of season 2 and the long delay after it and not promote the 3th season it kild it for me. But the second season whasn't already very good like 24 you must concentrate on it and the drama be extented to long (another problem of 24 and Prison Break 3 & 4) and the time jumps not make it easyer. Possible the R-rated rank for that 3th season not aloud it to promote.

    On the Edge:

    Mad Men. The third season end a couple of months a go. Whyle watching it i already have a feeling of cast/set up changes. Also it look like something from Season 2 and Season 1 not be talk about again. We must wait til June 2012 for 4th season.

    Board Walk Empire. We waiting on season 2, i whas suprised i liked the first season. I expect it in December, but it don't be confirmd yet. Iam afraid for another Mad men time shadule problem, both shows be from the public channel who now be in discussion that there must save money.

    Burn Notice. Wait on the rest of season 3. 3.5 be the last episode on 13 August 2010. Channel have confirmd there go contune when season 5 be finished in the Usa. If not iam afraid for another Heroes/shadule problem.. Because it is a Fox tv series, i have hope. With 24 season 7 it also take long.

    Leverage. Wait on season 3. Last episode of season 2 be on 29 July 2010.
  • House -end of season 3. Not only a new team but the entire House almost gets arrested, hallucinates and Cuddy's baby were all too Soapy.

    Law & Order - "Burn Card" where Detective Green leaves the show. Even less probable than when Logan hits a man without provocation.

    Homicide - Pembleton's stroke

  • I'm kind of surprised no one has mentioned "Scrubs". I used to love that show and then it got so excrutiatingly bad I couldn't watch it anymore (I think it was after Season 7?)
  • Posts: 268
    When Charlie Sheen got hired after Michael J Fox left.
  • Burn Notice: with the addition of Jesse, although I still watch it faithfully, this season he is put to better (limited)use than last season. We really didn't need the addition of a new member of the trio.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    When Charlie Sheen got hired after Michael J Fox left.
    Two and a Half Men when Charlie was fired.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Burn Notice: with the addition of Jesse, although I still watch it faithfully, this season he is put to better (limited)use than last season. We really didn't need the addition of a new member of the trio.
    I could do without Fiona... gosh she is irritating at times...

  • Firefly - a political assassination by Murdoch - great show.

    Space: Above and beyond - again shot down by Murdoch as he didn't like the themes within it.

    Star Trek Enterprise - just needed a bit more love - Archer was the captain Voyager needed...

    and DS9 was vastly underrated and chopped.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Burn Notice: with the addition of Jesse, although I still watch it faithfully, this season he is put to better (limited)use than last season. We really didn't need the addition of a new member of the trio.
    I could do without Fiona... gosh she is irritating at times...

    :O Fiona is the best part of the show!!! At the least she's my favorite character.
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