craig needs a giant henchman to fight in skyfall (maybe jaws???)

edited January 2013 in Skyfall Posts: 12,837
key features of bond films: fast cars, hot girls, scheming villians, and a big henchman thats physically tougher than bond.

oddjob, jaws, red grant, all of these henchmen were big brutes who could kick bonds ass. they were stronger and some were even invincible. this trait seems to have died down ALOT during the late brosnan era and the craig era. Alot of people say that craig needs a villian thats just as physically tough as he is. I don't think thats true. Of course we need more intresting villians but that villian doesn't have to be tough. I mean cmon, look at goldfinger and stromberg. They were nowhere near as tough as bond but they kicked his arse, well they didn't, but their invincible bodyguards did.

The fights between bond and the jaws/oddjob types are intresting because bond has to use his wits rather than his fists. I think craig is becoming too much of a big tough guy and he needs a giant to put him in his place.

So, we create a new character. Now that can be hard, its hard to think of henchmen with a good gimmick and bond has done it all. Tee hee had his arm, jaws his teeth, oddjob his hat. But eon have trouble on the henchmen front, look at rip-of red grant from TND as an example. So if you can't think of any new guys, bring back some old guys. Well, one old guy...

Jaws (this reboot is eons chance to save the character moonraker ruined. make Jaws a badass again, who angrily charges like a bull chokes someone and quickly bites into thier neck, giving the same effect a stab to the throat would. Kaws to me is the only one i see really working as he's an assasin for hire, to bring in oddjob you'd need goldfinger as those two were a pair, oddjob was goldfingers personal bodyguard not just an assasin he hired to kill bond. So bring back jaws on the condition that richard kiel chooses who plays him.


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Yes Craig is in desperate need of a memorable henchmen... There were none in CR apart from unnamed 'characters' (that get 30 seconds of screentime at most), and Elvis in QOS was an utter joke.

    But that doesn't mean I was Jaws back or Red Grant or Oddjob remakes... But please put atleast one memorable and iconic original henchmen in SF.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    The best henchmen had some sort of metal accessory on them. Now I'm trying to think realistic. I guess a henchman could have a head full of metal plates (his head was crushed in some accident in the past), and headbutt his victims to death. I'm serious. Actually, I might use that for my own story!
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The problem is, your thinking too small, thelivingroyal. Gimmicks are simply that and gimmicks particularly in this regard serve more as a hindrance.
    I believe we need a henchman that can handle himself, be equally or more intimidating than Bond and provide convincing and satisfying fight scenes. We don't need anything more. We don't need men with metallic teeth. This is an era of Bond movies where fantasy is still the name of the party but that element of credibility still needs to be there. The Bond films need to bring back credible adversaries in the mould of the likes of Red Grant, Peter Franks and a few others. Look at what fast 5 did with Diesel and The Rock; that fight IMO should have gone on slightly longer but nonetheless it was a serious and credible fight scene between 2 physically capable guys without any bs. That's what Bond needs.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The best henchmen had some sort of metal accessory on them. Now I'm trying to think realistic. I guess a henchman could have a head full of metal plates (his head was crushed in some accident in the past), and headbutt his victims to death. I'm serious. Actually, I might use that for my own story!
    You've just described the spider-man villain, Hammerhead.
  • Posts: 3,285
    The last so-called "henchman" (Elvis in QoS) was probably the least memorable IMO, so yes please - I would like a great henchman, too, and I wouldn't mind it to be a woman. A cross between Rosa Klebb and Natasha Romanoff from 'Ironman' would suit me perfectly!
  • Posts: 5,745
    How about a henchmen that does the glasgow smile, and is marked himself/herself with the very same scar.

    We saw that picture of the shoot, and someone brought up that its origin was in Scotland..
  • Maybe Chinese actress Tang Wei will play Blofeld's Fiona Volpe-like henchwoman?
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 5,745
    Maybe Chinese actress Tang Wei will play Blofeld's Fiona Volpe-like henchwoman?
    I would love to see her do a Gogo Yubari (from Kill Bill Vol 1) type character against Bond.

    *PC disclaimer: the character does NOT have to be Asian to play the role*

    Here' a video of Chiaki Kuriyama as Gogo Yubari:

    and the famous:

    Just another reason for Quentin Tarantino to at least write a Bond film.. the VILLAINS!
  • Posts: 4,762
    A few henchman that could possibly take the role in Skyfall:
    -Baron Samedi
    -Tee Hee
    -Nick Nack
    -Irma Bunt

    Those are the only ones I can think of who were major henchman and were not confirmed dead by the end of the movie. For a Daniel Craig Bond movie, I think Tee Hee or Jaws would work, but only if Jaws had the same menace he had in TSWLM. However, he has already returned twice, so I think Tee Hee should get a shot at Skyfall. Baron Samedi could work great if used correctly. And of course, I doubt their would be any use for Nick Nack or Bunt.
  • A few henchman that could possibly take the role in Skyfall:
    -Baron Samedi
    -Tee Hee
    -Nick Nack
    -Irma Bunt

    Those are the only ones I can think of who were major henchman and were not confirmed dead by the end of the movie. For a Daniel Craig Bond movie, I think Tee Hee or Jaws would work, but only if Jaws had the same menace he had in TSWLM. However, he has already returned twice, so I think Tee Hee should get a shot at Skyfall. Baron Samedi could work great if used correctly. And of course, I doubt their would be any use for Nick Nack or Bunt.
    i would love to see tee-hee return but he was kanagnas henchman, thats why im worried it wouldnt work. I suppose they could give it a shot, but given its the anniversary and that jaws is the most well known/famous henchmen i think he should get it if they do bring back an old henchman. But either richard kiel returns or he should get to choose who takes up his famous role.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    If Tee Hee did in fact survive, then he must be a very lucky man.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2011 Posts: 14,883
    Yeah, Richard Kiel could return. I mean he's ONLY 72 YEARS OLD!!!
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 5,745
    I am disappoint. Nobody like idea |:{
  • Yeah, Richard Kiel could return. I mean he's ONLY 72 YEARS OLD!!!
    ok fair enough, i still think jaws could return. But i think its only fair that kiel gets a choice in the casting and gets invited to the premiere if he was replaced.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2011 Posts: 14,883
    Kiel should get invited to EVERY Bond premiere, regardless. :-D
  • Posts: 645
    There hasn't been a good memorable villain in bond movies in decades....
    Maybe there was, but I'm not recalling it. I mean, look at **lowers voice** "Mister Kill".... what a lame villain. I'm sure people can be more creative than that.... Showing an old Re-occurring villain would be awesome, but almost impossible for being such an old age.
  • Obviously Kiel can't come back as Jaws again for a third time, and even then he never should of reappeared in Moonraker

    Yes, the Mr Kill character from Die Another Day was lame, posed no threat whatsoever, he reminded me a bit of Gabor from TWINE and the latter was miles better

    I wouldn't mind a return of some Oddjob variation, that was a neat idea, throwing steel rimmed hats as a weapon, maybe it could work again.
  • Posts: 1,548
    Agree with the need for a memorable henchman. The last one Elvis was totally pointless and was upstaged by Camille who embarrasses him by knocking his toupe off!
    Would love a new version of Jaws. If anyone has seen the lastest Sherlock Holmes film there is a giant guy in that played by an actor I belive called Robert Maillet(not sure about spelling!) who is similar in height to R.Kiel. He would be pretty awesome. He certainly kicked RDJ's ass in that film!
    Posts: 107
    A modern day Red Grant (Robert Shaw - From Russia With Love) would be terrific.

    Someone who could be Bond's equal - A ruthless and cunning rogue agent or henchman that can match Craig's Bond both physically and mentally throughout the production.

    I have not seriously considered actors capable of such a sinister role, but perhaps Tom Hardy?
  • Posts: 2,341
    A modern day Red Grant (Robert Shaw - From Russia With Love) would be terrific.

    Someone who could be Bond's equal - A ruthless and cunning rogue agent or henchman that can match Craig's Bond both physically and mentally throughout the production.

    I have not seriously considered actors capable of such a sinister role, but perhaps Tom Hardy?
    We got Jarvier Bardem for Skyfall. He gonna be a modern day Red Grant. Who needs big bulk hulking mothers? Jarvier is one bad mother and I want to see him and Craig duke it out in a B
    attle Royale.

  • Posts: 645
    @SAM I agree, a Red Grant type.
  • Posts: 1,894
    I don't think Craig needs to square off against a physically-imposing foe. As John Milton wrote in Paradise Lost, "[he] who overcomes by force, hath overcome but half his foe". I'd rather see a henchman who is mentally- or psychologically-imposing. The series has used physical form as a surrogate for an actual personality far too often; Stamper, Hans, Gobinda and pretty much any character modelled on Red Grant are all particularly guilty of this. There's not too much that can be done in terms of personality for a secondary character given that it is only a two-hour film, but I think something like a henchman who is psychotic and makes even his employe nervous would be far more interesting than another white-blond semi-mute serial thug.
    Elvis in QOS was an utter joke.
    That was the intention. Elvis simply isn't respected by any of the other characters - not even Greene, his cousin.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I so enjoyed Jaws (but I still would rather it didn't get quite so stupid in MR). I wish Mr. Kiel well - he was indeed memorable. I think he is too old now to come back. But for sure he made his mark. And yeah, he should get free tickets to Bond premieres for the rest of his life.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732

    That was the intention. Elvis simply isn't respected by any of the other characters - not even Greene, his cousin.
    The point still stands - Craig Bond has not faced a memorable, iconic henchmen as of yet. Another thing that makes it impossible for me to consider Craig as Bond and CR/QOS as Bond films.

  • Posts: 1,548
    Would love to see him face off against a rogue 00. I know its been done already in Goldeneye (great fight sequence on the telescope) but I,m sure that DC could make it look even better. Fiennes has proved he is a very physical actor ie Red Dragon and feel this could be a real threat. Actually dont mind who RF plays, the fact he is attached shows that the script must be awesome
    Posts: 1,003
    I heard alot of rumors about Ronnie from Jersey Shore being a villain off of MTV's main site. Hell no. Better not be a cheesy actor.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2011 Posts: 14,883
    Never mention Jersey Shore on this site again. EVER!
    Posts: 1,003
    We have a situation! ^
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Bardem, im sure everybody will love him but i hope he has something or does something that makes him memorable, some kind of trait. Like blofeld had his cat, scaramanga his gun, oddjob his hat, etc. You might argue that they're just gimmicks but apart from red grant there aren't really many henchmen who stood out without gimmicks.
  • Never mention Jersey Shore on this site again. EVER!
    this is what should happen to the jersey shore cast

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