Birding Bond



  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,204
    Joan Baez's nightingale:

    Another artist I've had the great pleasure of seeing live.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,174
    This one: made it to No. 9 on the Billboard charts when I was an exchange student in Illinois in 1974/75. Still love it.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited October 2017 Posts: 14,155
    Two great, um, songbirds.
    Gracias a la Vida, Joan Baez, 1974.
    "El Rossinyol"fc71b0f9d921ba7d4be78dbc8a9839a3a812df8b

    Rossinyol que vas a França, Rossinyol,
    encomana'm a la mare, Rossinyol,
    d'un bell bocatge Rossinyol, d'un vol.

    Encomana'm a la mare, Rossinyol,
    i a mon pare no pas gaire, Rossinyol,
    d'un bell bocatge, Rossinyol, d'un vol.

    A mon pare no pas gaire, Rossinyol,
    perquè a un pastor me n’ha dada, Rossinyol,
    d'un bell bocatge, Rossinyol, d'un vol.

    Perquè a un pastor me n’ha dada, Rossinyol,
    que em fa guardar la ramada, Rossinyol,
    d'un bell bocatge, Rossinyol, d'un vol.

    "The Nightingale"

    Nightingale, that flies to France, Nightingale,
    give my love to my mother, Nightingale,
    from a beautiful grove, Nightingale, in one flight.

    Please give my love to my mother, Nightingale,
    but not much to my father, Nightingale,
    from a beautiful grove, Nightingale, in one flight.

    For he imposed me to marry, Nightingale,
    giving me to a shepherd, Nightingale,
    from a beautiful grove, Nightingale, in one flight.

    He makes me guard the flock, Nightingale,
    and I have lost the bellwether, Nightingale,
    from a beautiful grove, Nightingale, in one flight.

    Upbeat, groovy tune from Carole King. Respecting the copyright, I've just excerpted the uplifting bird notions.
    Wrap Around Joy, Carole King, 1974.
    Nightingale, Nightingale, she sails away upon a sea of song
    Nightingale, she serenades his lonely, lonely life along
    When his tired voice is broken
    His golden hope is gone
    She makes a lost soul's simple longing
    somehow not so wrong
    Nightingale, Nightingale...
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,204
    @j_w_pepper, I love Carole King but I didn't know that one. Really nice - thank you!
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,174
    Agent_99 wrote: »
    @j_w_pepper, I love Carole King but I didn't know that one. Really nice - thank you!

    I aim to please :-). If you don't know it, look out for Jazzman from the same album as well, with great saxophone solos by Tom Scott.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    Cigarette Card: Nightingale Antique Print Vintage Lithograph, Craftissimo, 1958.
    Wills’s Cigarette Card.
    Gossage Soap British Birds and Their Eggs, from a series of 48, 1924.
    Not to distract--
    but is that sunny side up?

    ____________________________________Player's, Wild Birds #24 P72-142 ,The Nightingale, 1932.
    Player's WILD BIRDS (Large) - Nightingale, #13.

    Carreras Vintage Cigarette Card Birds Of The Countryside #27, Nightingale, 1939.

    Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale.
    Cigarette Card, Florence Nightingale.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    Florence Nightingale lived 1820 to 1910, and is credited with influencing a reform of nursing and health care. Born to a wealthy family, she enjoyed fine education and world travel. Early in life her philanthropic work led to an interest in nursing that her family opposed. While not so social, in her work she was direct and headstrong . Her early successes brought on a focus for hygiene to prevent disease.
    Nightingale family home.
    The Crimean War broke out 1853. When asked, Nightingale formed a nurses corps to firm up the field hospitals and establish sanitation. She became known as “The Lady with the Lamp” and “The Angel of the Crimea” for her actions.
    Returning home she was received as a hero, and used a British stipend of about $250,000 to establish her nursing school at St. Thomas’ Hospital on the Thames River, London.
    While a private person by nature, she used her popular public image to change the view of nursing as honorable, a life that even came to be pursued by upper class women. She was a committed Christian who brought a direct, secular approach to medicine and nursing. Her writings on patient care and statistics further changed the profession--evidence-based health care.

    During the war Nightingale contracted brucellosis (a bacterial infection), which troubled her the rest of her life. In some ways it likely spurred on her following actions to educate and organize the institution. Her influence reached beyond British shores to the United States during its Civil War, plus to address conditions in India.
    Today she’s considered a pioneer for modern nursing.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155

    Florence Nightingale, in her own words, 30 July 1890.


    Badge of the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing .
    Maltese Cross background, the eight-pointed cross of the Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Four arms: the Cardinal Virtues, Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude. Points represent the Eight Beatitudes which spring from the practice of those virtues. Blue as the ribbon of the Order of Merit of Miss Nightingale. The Tudor rose. The fleur-de-lys. The shield and sword of St. Paul. All link to the Hospital coat of arms. Miss Nightingale is represented center, with the Latin Schola Sancti Thomae.

    The Florence Nightingale Museum is on the original London site of the Nightingale Training School for Nurses.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    Florence Nightingale, Daryl Duke, 1985.
    Florence responds to Richard Milne’s proposals for marriage.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,204
    The Florence Nightingale Museum is on the original London site of the Nightingale Training School for Nurses.

    It used to be a pub called The Florence Nightingale.

    I miss that pub.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    My sympathies.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2017 Posts: 14,155
    The Nightingale coat of arms. e753be60188f8a8b2512dd412aded0ec.jpg

    Gules (red) suggests military. Ermine pattern (white background, 3 dots, a dart as a tail) suggests royalty. Rose for English history (and even the War of the Roses), beauty, grace. Ibex as more of an antelope, in more of a lion pose here statant (grounded).

    Motto: Compositum jus fasque animi.
    A mind which respects alike the laws of mutual justice and of God.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,596
    That's a lark!
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,174
    Hark, hark!
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    On Nightingale Island in the South Atlantic you can find...Rockhopper penguins.
    Also Great shearwaters, Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross.

    USS Florence Nightingale AP-79, in service during World War II.

    Hippocrates-class RFA Nightingale (A408). British hospital ship proposal. hippocrates_class_rfa_nightingale__a408__by_dave_llamaman-dbk902m.png
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    Sparrow / spe ·rō / noun
    1. small brown and gray bird similar to a finch (as in true sparrow, Old World sparrow)
    2. a bird similar to true sparrows
    Old English (spearwa). German (spatz, sperling).

    Sparrow (Passeridae). True sparrows, or Old World sparrows. Different than American sparrows (Emberizidae), Java sparrow (Estrildidae). Common worldwide. Feed on seeds, sometimes bugs. Also mine urban sites like supermarkets, restaurants for food sources.

    Cinnamon ibon (Hypocryptadius).
    True sparrows (Passeridae): Saxaul sparrow (Passer ammodendri), House sparrow (Passer domesticus), Italian sparrow (Passer italiae), Spanish sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis), Sind sparrow (Passer pyrrhonotus), Somali sparrow (Passer castanopterus), Russet sparrow (Passer rutilans), Plain-backed sparrow (Passer flaveolus), Dead Sea sparrow (Passer moabiticus), Iago sparrow (Passer iagoensis), Great sparrow (Passer motitensis), Kenya sparrow (Passer rufocinctus), Kordofan sparrow (Passer cordofanicus), Shelley's sparrow (Passer shelleyi), Socotra sparrow (Passer insularis), Abd al-Kuri sparrow (Passer hemileucus), Cape sparrow (Passer melanurus), Northern grey-headed sparrow (Passer griseus), Swainson's sparrow (Passer swainsonii), Parrot-billed sparrow (Passer gongonensis), Swahili sparrow (Passer suahelicus), Southern grey-headed sparrow (Passer diffusus), Desert sparrow (Passer simplex), Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus), Sudan golden sparrow (Passer luteus), Arabian golden sparrow (Passer euchlorus), Chestnut sparrow (Passer eminibey).
    Rock sparrows (Petronia ): Yellow-spotted petronia (Petronia pyrgita), Yellow-throated sparrow (Petronia xanthocollis), Yellow-throated petronia (Petronia superciliaris), Bush petronia (Petronia dentata), Rock sparrow (Petronia petronia).
    Carpospiza (Carpospiza): Pale rockfinch (Carpospiza brachydactyla].
    Snowfinches (Montifringilla): White-winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis), Black-winged snowfinch (Montifringilla adamsi), Tibetan snowfinch (Montifringilla henrici), White-rumped snowfinch (Montifringilla taczanowskii),
    Père David's snowfinch (Montifringilla davidiana), Rufous-necked snowfinch (Montifringilla ruficollis), Plain-backed snowfinch (Montifringilla blanfordi), Afghan snowfinch (Montifringilla theresae).

    Saxaul Sparrow
    House Sparrow
    Italian Sparrow
    Spanish Sparrow.
    Eurasian Tree Sparrow.
    Pale Rockfinch.
    Afghan Snowfinch.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2017 Posts: 14,155
    For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, 1960.

    “From a View to a Kill”

    Bond, lying along the oak branch, smiled to himself. Private armies, private wars. How much energy they siphoned off from the common cause, how much fire they directed away from the common enemy!

    Six-thirty. Time for breakfast. Cautiously Bond's right hand fumbled in his clothing and came up to the slit of his mouth. Bond made the glucose tablet last as long as possible and then sucked another. His eyes never left the glade. The red squirrel that had appeared at first light and had been steadily eating away at young beech shoots ever since, ran a few feet nearer to the rose-bushes on the mound, picked up something and began turning it in his paws and nibbling at it. Two wood pigeons that had been noisily courting among the thick grass started to make clumsy, fluttering love. A pair of hedge sparrows went busily on collecting bits and pieces for a nest they were tardily building in a thorn-bush. The fat thrush finally located its worm and began pulling at it, its legs braced. Bees clustered thick among the roses on the mound, and from where he was, perhaps twenty yards away from and above the mound, Bond could just hear their summery sound. It was a scene from a fairytale — the roses the lilies of the valley, the birds and the great shafts of sunlight lancing down through the tall trees into the pool of glistening green. Bond had climbed to his hide-out at four in the morning and he had never examined so closely or for so long the transition from night to a glorious day. He suddenly felt rather foolish. Any moment now and some damned bird would come and sit on his head!

    It was the pigeons that gave the first alarm. With a loud clatter they took off and dashed into the trees. All the birds followed, and the squirrel. Now the glade was quiet except for the soft hum of the bees. What had sounded the alarm? Bond's heart began to thump.

    His eyes hunted, quartering the glade for a clue. Something was moving among the roses. It was a tiny movement, but an extraordinary one.
    Hedge sparrow, or Dunnock.
    A pair.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.

    Chapter 13 – Kissy Suzuki

    In the evening they walked back to the jetty. The sea was a dark slate colour and mirror-calm. The little boats, bedecked with coloured flags which meant that it had been an exceptional day's fishing, were winging their way back. The entire population of Kuro, perhaps two hundred souls, was lined up along the shore to greet the heroines of the day, the older people holding carefully folded shawls and blankets to warm up the girls on their way to their homes where, according to Tiger, they would be given hot basin-baths to get back their circulation and remove all traces of salt. It was now five o'clock. They would be asleep by eight, said Tiger, and out again with the dawn. Tiger was sympathetic. 'You will have to adjust your hours, Bondo-san. And your way of life. The Ama live very frugally, very cheaply, for their earnings are small - no more than the price of sparrows' tears, as we say. And for heaven's sake be very polite to the parents, particularly the father. As for Kissy...' He left the sentence hanging in the air.

    Chapter 14 – One Golden Day
    DAWN was a beautiful haze of gold and blue. Bond went outside and ate his bean curd and rice and drank his tea sitting on the spotless doorstep of the little cut-stone and timbered house, while indoors the family chattered like happy sparrows as the women went about their housework.

    Bond had been allotted the room of honour, the small sitting-room with its tatami mats, scraps of furniture, house shrine and a cricket in a small cage 'to keep you company', as Kissy had explained. Here his futon had been spread on the ground and he had for the first time and with fair success tried sleeping with his head on the traditional wooden pillow. The evening before, the father, an emaciated greybeard with knotted joints and bright, squirrel eyes, had laughed with and at him as Kissy translated Bond's account of some of his adventures with Tiger, and there was from the first a complete absence of tension or self-consciousness. The priest had said that Bond should be treated as a member of the family and, although his appearance and some of his manners were strange, Kissy had apparently announced her qualified approval of him and the parents followed her lead. At nine o'clock, under the three-quarter moon, the father had beckoned to Bond and had hobbled out with him to the back of the house. He showed him the little shack with the hole in the ground and the neatly quartered pages of the Asahi Shimbun on a nail, and the last of Bond's private fears about life on the island was removed. His flickering candle showed the place to be as spotless as the house, and at least adequately salubrious. After the soft movements in the other two rooms had ceased, Bond had slept happily and like the dead.

    Chapter 22 – Sparrow’s Tears
    'Then I must go to this place Vladivostok, and perhaps it will awaken more memories and I can work my way back from there.'

    'If you say so, my love. The mailboat goes to Fukuoka tomorrow. I will put you on a train there and give you money and full directions. It is advertised that one can go from the northern island, Hokkaido, to Sakhalin which is on the Russian mainland. Then you can no doubt make your way to Vladivostok. It is a great port to the south of Sakhalin. But you must take care, for the Russians are not friendly people.'

    'Surely they would do no harm to a fisherman from Kuro?'

    Kissy's heart choked her. She got up and walked slowly down to the boat. She pushed the boat down the pebbles into the water and waited, at her usual place in the stern, for him to get in and for his knees to clasp hers as they always did.

    James Bond took his place and unshipped the oars, and the cormorant scrambled on board and perched imperiously in the bows. Bond measured where the rest of the fleet lay on the horizon and began to row.

    Kissy smiled into his eyes and the sun shone on his back and, so far as James Bond was concerned, it was a beautiful day just like all the other days had been - without a cloud in the sky.

    But then, of course, he didn't know that his name was James Bond. And, compared with the blazing significance to him of that single Russian word on the scrap of paper, his life on Kuro, his love for Kissy Suzuki, were, in Tiger's phrase, of as little account as sparrows' tears.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I had a sparrow as a pet when I was a little Thunderboy.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    That was a very lucky bird.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,174
    Small addition to the nightingale section:1024px-Gustav_Nachtigal_by_Hanfstaengl_%28cropped%29.jpg

    Gustav Nachtigal

    Nachtigall (with two l at the end) being the German word for nightingale...but family names often go their own way.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2017 Posts: 14,155
    I like the variations with language, definitely, @j_w_pepper.
    Had to check myself (and the spelling), Nachtigall is included with the first entry (page 16) as a German origin/connection. Now Herr Nachtigal firms that up, a fine addition..
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,204
    Here's your obligatory musical sparrow: an early Simon & Garfunkel number.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    That was a very lucky bird.

    It had fallen out of its nest and injured its wing. It became completely tame. I was sad when it eventually died.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    Good mention, @Agent_99.
    Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M., Simon and Garfunkel, 1964.

    Who will love a little Sparrow
    Who's traveled far and cries for rest?
    “Not I,” said the Oak Tree
    “I won't share my branches with no sparrow's nest
    And my blanket of leaves won't warm her cold breast”

    Who will love a little Sparrow
    And who will speak a kindly word?
    “Not I,” said the Swan
    “The entire idea is utterly absurd
    I'd be laughed at and scorned if the other Swans heard”

    And who will take pity in his heart
    And who will feed a starving Sparrow?
    “Not I,” said the Golden Wheat
    “I would if I could, but I cannot, I know
    I need all my grain to prosper and grow”

    Who will love a little Sparrow?
    Will no one write her eulogy?
    “I will,” said the Earth
    “For all I've created returns unto me
    From dust were ye made and dust ye shall be”
    House sparrow
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,155
    I should add another, more jazz.
    Here, My Dear, Marvin Gaye, 1978.
    (Ed Townsend, Marvin Gaye)

    I used to hear a sparrow singing, baby
    Oh, but one day as I went along I didn't hear his song
    But I know the sparrow should sing
    Sing on such a morning in spring
    Oh sparrow, why don't you sing?

    Sing to me, oh, sparrow come around
    Come around, why don't you come around?
    Sing about melody, aww, melody
    About the things you see
    Anything you want to sing about
    Just sing it on out now, sing it on out

    Let the world know what life's all about
    Sing, little sparrow, sing
    Sing, little sparrow, sing
    Oh sing, little sparrow, won't you sing for me?

    And for the rest of all my world
    They'll appreciate it, I know
    Every time I'm feeling low
    I know I can always count on you
    Sing, little sparrow
    About the troubles you're in, places you've been
    You can sing I know it, don't you try to pretend

    Sing while you're here, sing a song, my dear
    Let me hear your song, do you mean to call
    Sing, little sparrow, sing
    Want you to sing, little sparrow, sing
    I want you to sing, little sparrow, sing
    A pretty bird song

    Sing to me, let me hear your agony
    Did you see me sucking up the lay?
    Sing to me of peace and love
    Sing to me of God and love
    Sing sparrow, oh sparrow, sing

    Sing to me about man's inhumanity
    And all the injustice you see
    Sing sparrow, sing, little sparrow, sing
    Sing about what to give
    Sing about about how to live
    I want you to sing your tune sparrow
    Oh, little sparrow, sing

    Sing to me of jealousy
    Aww, sing what that's all about
    Sing it all out, shout, little sparrow
    Aww, sing at me
    Sing me a, sing me a song
    I wanna know what's wrong, little bird, tell me
    Aww, sparrow

    Sing sparrow 'cause I wanna know
    You sweet, itty, bitty, pretty bird
    Sing before you go
    Sing to me, Marvin Gaye before you fly away
    Never stop singing sparrow till we hear your song

    Sing your song
    Sing your song
    On and on and on and on
    On and on and on and on and
    I remember a bird
    Song sparrow
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2017 Posts: 14,155
    Then there is another staple from the 70s, on TV at least.
    Baretta, ABC-TV, 1975-1978.
    "Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow," (Dave Grusin, Morgan Ames, vocals by Sammy Davis, Jr.)

    Don't go to bed with no price on your head, no, no (Don't do it), no, no
    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time (Don't do it) (Hurry up)
    Keep your eye on the sparrow when the going gets narrow
    (Don't do it) Don't do it

    Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price, no, no (Don't do it), don't do it
    Don't run your feet down no dead end street, no, no (Don't do it) (Hurry up)
    Just keep your eye on the sparrow when the going gets narrow
    (Don't do it) Don't do it

    Don't do me dirt or you're gonna get hurt (Don't do it)
    Don't run away 'till you hear what I say, no, no (Don't do it) (Hurry up)
    Keep your eye on the sparrow when the going gets narrow
    (Don't do it) Don't do it

    Ain't gonna fight with no thief in the night, oh no
    (Well, well, well, well, well)

    The beautiful bird is the Triton cockatoo (Fred!), smaller than the Sulfur-crested cockatoo.
  • Are we referencing musical sparrows?

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