
  • How about a recently confirmed Federal judge that wants to re-criminalize homosexuality and sterilize the transgendered? Welcome to Trump's world...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    But... she's a woman?! Surely in Trump's ultra-conservative paradise, no women are allowed anywhere other than at home?
  • Consistency has never been his strong suit.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited March 2019 Posts: 24,520
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.
  • Posts: 7,507
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    But... she's a woman?! Surely in Trump's ultra-conservative paradise, no women are allowed anywhere other than at home?

    Yes. I honestly feel a strong reason why Hillary was not accepted by many came down to her sex. Women with authoroty still rubs some people the wrong way, wether they are consciously aware of it or not. I am not suggesting that in itself explains her loss in the election, not at all, and neither do I suggest it was her only flaw as a candidate. But it did play a part, of that I am quite convinced. Some traits that will make a man look strong in the eyes of some people, are the same that will make a woman seem 'cold' or 'uncharismatic'.

    That is why the cynical man inside me hope the female candidates put forward by the Democrats don't do well. I am not suggesting they are not qualified for the job or wouldn't make for great presidents. But I do think the pathetically reactionary state America is in would make them have a strong handicap against almost any male competitor. It is a sad prediction, but I am quite confident in it.
    Posts: 1,003
    Actually curious, what’s everyone’s immigrations polices/laws??

    It’s funny I live in Texas and naturally I have worked with hundreds of illegal immigrants over the years.

    I have worked for roofing companies, construction, golf courses, maintenance crews etc and I would say 90% of their crews are illegally here and they all drive cars. (They also openly admit it).

    Where am I going with this?

    Here’s a list of three things that illegal immigrants can not do in Texas.

    1. Get a drivers license.

    2. Drive cars.

    3. Get a job

    So all of the illegal immigrants who I have worked with who drive vehicles are driving without a drivers license and no car insurance. I have seen I don’t know how many guys that I knew from hs or college get arrested for not renewing their license, no car insurance, etc..So it’s a big deal.

    I don’t think they are “taking” anyone’s jobs but it amazes me at how dumb CNN and the media are.

    If you cannot drive cars and get a job what’s the purpose of them even being here?

    The system is rigged so they come here illegally (not a major crime I believe it’s civil), but then we are talking about felonies when they start working illegally for companies, driving cars without a license and insurance.

    Also I learned the hard way years ago if you don’t have a drivers license you can’t do a lot of things. Good luck renting an apartment here or getting a house...

    One of the techniques I learned from some of the immigrants here is they buy a pretty realistic fake drivers license. You can buy them for $50.00

    I have seen maybe 20+ from when I was in college. I can’t tell you how many college students have fakes so they can buy alcohol and go to clubs.

    What’s crazy is it’s a $50,000 fine and 10-15 years of jail time for falsifying government documents.

    Trump will easily secure a 2020 victory after what democrats advocated for last month.

    Wife sharing and Trans-dragons....

    Yes CNN posted an article claiming that if you share your wife or girlfriend with a black man that it’s beneficial towards your relationship???? WHAT????

    Also some of them have suggested that the new trans dragons (yes, people identifying as dragons), should be allowed to put they are a dragon on their drivers license????

    I’ll be honest Trump says a lot of stupid stuff and I don’t agree with everything he says but saying you should share your wife with a black man and that people can identify as dragons on their drivers license? How can anyone think that’s normal?!

  • RemingtonRemington I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.
    edited March 2019 Posts: 1,535
    Actually curious, what’s everyone’s immigrations polices/laws??

    It’s funny I live in Texas and naturally I have worked with hundreds of illegal immigrants over the years.

    I have worked for roofing companies, construction, golf courses, maintenance crews etc and I would say 90% of their crews are illegally here and they all drive cars. (They also openly admit it).

    Where am I going with this?

    Here’s a list of three things that illegal immigrants can not do in Texas.

    1. Get a drivers license.

    2. Drive cars.

    3. Get a job

    So all of the illegal immigrants who I have worked with who drive vehicles are driving without a drivers license and no car insurance. I have seen I don’t know how many guys that I knew from hs or college get arrested for not renewing their license, no car insurance, etc..So it’s a big deal.

    I don’t think they are “taking” anyone’s jobs but it amazes me at how dumb CNN and the media are.

    If you cannot drive cars and get a job what’s the purpose of them even being here?

    The system is rigged so they come here illegally (not a major crime I believe it’s civil), but then we are talking about felonies when they start working illegally for companies, driving cars without a license and insurance.

    Also I learned the hard way years ago if you don’t have a drivers license you can’t do a lot of things. Good luck renting an apartment here or getting a house...

    One of the techniques I learned from some of the immigrants here is they buy a pretty realistic fake drivers license. You can buy them for $50.00

    I have seen maybe 20+ from when I was in college. I can’t tell you how many college students have fakes so they can buy alcohol and go to clubs.

    What’s crazy is it’s a $50,000 fine and 10-15 years of jail time for falsifying government documents.

    Trump will easily secure a 2020 victory after what democrats advocated for last month.

    Wife sharing and Trans-dragons....

    Yes CNN posted an article claiming that if you share your wife or girlfriend with a black man that it’s beneficial towards your relationship???? WHAT????

    Also some of them have suggested that the new trans dragons (yes, people identifying as dragons), should be allowed to put they are a dragon on their drivers license????

    I’ll be honest Trump says a lot of stupid stuff and I don’t agree with everything he says but saying you should share your wife with a black man and that people can identify as dragons on their drivers license? How can anyone think that’s normal?!

    ^^Finally. Some variety in this thread.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Actually curious, what’s everyone’s immigrations polices/laws??

    It’s funny I live in Texas and naturally I have worked with hundreds of illegal immigrants over the years.

    I have worked for roofing companies, construction, golf courses, maintenance crews etc and I would say 90% of their crews are illegally here and they all drive cars. (They also openly admit it).

    Where am I going with this?

    Here’s a list of three things that illegal immigrants can not do in Texas.

    1. Get a drivers license.

    2. Drive cars.

    3. Get a job

    So all of the illegal immigrants who I have worked with who drive vehicles are driving without a drivers license and no car insurance. I have seen I don’t know how many guys that I knew from hs or college get arrested for not renewing their license, no car insurance, etc..So it’s a big deal.

    I don’t think they are “taking” anyone’s jobs but it amazes me at how dumb CNN and the media are.

    If you cannot drive cars and get a job what’s the purpose of them even being here?

    The system is rigged so they come here illegally (not a major crime I believe it’s civil), but then we are talking about felonies when they start working illegally for companies, driving cars without a license and insurance.

    Also I learned the hard way years ago if you don’t have a drivers license you can’t do a lot of things. Good luck renting an apartment here or getting a house...

    One of the techniques I learned from some of the immigrants here is they buy a pretty realistic fake drivers license. You can buy them for $50.00

    I have seen maybe 20+ from when I was in college. I can’t tell you how many college students have fakes so they can buy alcohol and go to clubs.

    What’s crazy is it’s a $50,000 fine and 10-15 years of jail time for falsifying government documents.

    Trump will easily secure a 2020 victory after what democrats advocated for last month.

    Wife sharing and Trans-dragons....

    Yes CNN posted an article claiming that if you share your wife or girlfriend with a black man that it’s beneficial towards your relationship???? WHAT????

    Also some of them have suggested that the new trans dragons (yes, people identifying as dragons), should be allowed to put they are a dragon on their drivers license????

    I’ll be honest Trump says a lot of stupid stuff and I don’t agree with everything he says but saying you should share your wife with a black man and that people can identify as dragons on their drivers license? How can anyone think that’s normal?!

    As someone with friends and co-workers who don't comply with your "normal", I can honestly say I'm gonna stand up for them long before I agree with you. People should have the right to be who or what they wanna be, or does "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" only apply if you do what everybody else does?
    Posts: 1,003
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    According to CNN and fellow democrats it’s very beneficial!

    Only reason people support Trump is because of stuff like that. I am perfectly capable of pleasing my girlfriend I don’t need to share her with black men.

    I have gay friends. I don’t have a problem with gay people or trans but when people identify as dragons?!

    I am pretty conservative. I think canabis should be legal and anyone who was arrested for weed should have all charges dropped. A majority of republicans would disagree with me..

    I am just a logical person. I think it’s totally fine to own a rifle and a hand gun but 50-70 guns? Why? What’s the point? I understand some guys collect guns from WW2, Civil War etc. I have seen all kinds of cool guns but I mean do you really need 20 AR-15s?

    There’s democrats who think all guns should be banned. Some even think the police should not be allowed to have guns... What...

    So if a bad guy breaks into your home and tries to rob you (it’s happened to me and a family member before), why would we call the police?

    The bad guy has a gun. Imagine if the police didn’t have guns.

    Luckily we have some rifles and were able to scare him off otherwise we could’ve been killed. The police showed up 20 minutes after the break in... Columbine happened in what 15 minutes?

    Most mass shootings are less than 20 minutes.

    I do think we should have better security in schools, malls, government buildings.

    Look at American airports after 9/11, they have insane security now.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Are you using "drivers licenses" as a blanket term for "photo IDs" in Texas, @CASINOROYALE? Because I've never heard of specifically having a driver's license as being a requirement for renting an apartment/owning a home.
  • I have a hard time believing that CNN ADVOCATED interracial "sharing." I'd like to see some confirmation of that. (Having an article that said "some people are doing this" is not at all ADVOCATING that everybody should do it.) And I live in California, where we have pretty open attitudes towards lots of things -- and I've never even HEARD of a trans dragon. Finally, Democrats are NOT advocating "banning all guns." What we're looking for is the kind of common sense gun control that even Ronald Reagan was in favor of.

    Three strikes is out, CASINO. Let's see some corroboration of your more outrageous claims, or I'm going to have to call bull$#!+.
    edited March 2019 Posts: 1,003
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Are you using "drivers licenses" as a blanket term for "photo IDs" in Texas, @CASINOROYALE? Because I've never heard of specifically having a driver's license as being a requirement for renting an apartment/owning a home.

    They actually won’t let you look at an apartment unless you hand over your drivers license. I’m in Texas. Obviously if you’re in New York you probably don’t have a drivers license. I have a lot of family in NY and they don’t drive cars at all.

    I’m sure a photo ID works too. I have been driving since I was 16 though so I have never not had one.

    I just know that illegal immigrants can not get a drivers license or ID in Texas. You can google WILCO Live PD. They are on Live PD now.

    Anyways they make a huge deal out of catching illegal immigrants.

    Our town is pretty crime free but we had an illegal immigrant who had been deported sneak back in.

    Killed three people and then held someone hostage in their apartment. He car jacked two people also.

    I have never seen so many cops, swat, county etc..

    I know they blew the door off and shot the guy instantly.

    Also just had a huge drug bust. Illegal immigrant had $1.5M worth of drugs hidden underneath their car...

    Here’s the article pretty crazy.
    edited March 2019 Posts: 1,003
    I have a hard time believing that CNN ADVOCATED interracial "sharing." I'd like to see some confirmation of that. (Having an article that said "some people are doing this" is not at all ADVOCATING that everybody should do it.) And I live in California, where we have pretty open attitudes towards lots of things -- and I've never even HEARD of a trans dragon. Finally, Democrats are NOT advocating "banning all guns." What we're looking for is the kind of common sense gun control that even Ronald Reagan was in favor of.

    Three strikes is out, CASINO. Let's see some corroboration of your more outrageous claims, or I'm going to have to call bull$#!+.

    Google “CNN Cuckolding”

    Then come back and argue that with me.. Also type in cuckolding and see what turns up. 95% of the time it’s interracial wife sharing. They had a whole segment on how “Experts claim cuckolding is beneficial to your relationship.”

    I will not go into explicit details of what cuckolding is but yeah that’s a no go.

    Yes there’s democrats who think civilians should not have guns. Did I say I had an issue with common sense gun control?? You obviously didn’t read that part of what I wrote.

    I made it clear there’s no issue owning a pistol and a rifle but no one needs a hundred guns.

    You can’t comment and claim no democrat has ever said that

    Trans dragons?

    Here you go...

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Yes, that was my question: if you actually needed a driver's license, or just some form of ID. Understandable that an illegal immigrant would be able to acquire neither, but I was merely curious about the distinction.
    Posts: 1,003
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

    I'm gonna havta ask you to stop the generalizing horseshit, my friend, because while I am a Democrat, I don't hate white people. Would you be pleased to be called a Neo-Nazi member of the KKK just because those are two of the groups who support Donald?
    Posts: 1,003
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

    I'm gonna havta ask you to stop the generalizing horseshit, my friend, because while I am a Democrat, I don't hate white people. Would you be pleased to be called a Neo-Nazi member of the KKK just because those are two of the groups who support Donald?

    Okay I am going to need some sources and video of Donald trump saying he hates black people and he wants to kill them all? You got it??

    “Should the United States offer restitution to the descendants of slaves in the form of reparations? Already, several candidates — notably Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — have said yes.“

    ^So because I am white I should apologize to black people and we should give them hand outs for something they never experienced? Every college student now was born in 2005... Let that sink in. How are they oppressed??

    Democrats are the real Nazis.

    Antifa? Silencing anyone who has a rally or protest?

    We are talking about something a candidate specifically said..

    Bernie endorsing Russia.

    What’s that gotta do with some racist white people endorsing Trump?

    An actual candidate endorsing something versus a hate group endsorsing are two different things..

    Before you comment please think and read.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

    I'm gonna havta ask you to stop the generalizing horseshit, my friend, because while I am a Democrat, I don't hate white people. Would you be pleased to be called a Neo-Nazi member of the KKK just because those are two of the groups who support Donald?

    Okay I am going to need some sources and video of Donald trump saying he hates black people and he wants to kill them all? You got it??

    “Should the United States offer restitution to the descendants of slaves in the form of reparations? Already, several candidates — notably Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — have said yes.“

    ^So because I am white I should apologize to black people and we should give them hand outs for something they never experienced? Every college student now was born in 2005... Let that sink in. How are they oppressed??

    Democrats are the real Nazis.

    Antifa? Silencing anyone who has a rally or protest?

    We are talking about something a candidate specifically said..

    Bernie endorsing Russia.

    What’s that gotta do with some racist white people endorsing Trump?

    An actual candidate endorsing something versus a hate group endsorsing are two different things..

    Before you comment please think and read.

    You clearly do not think. Why ask others to do what you can't or won't?
    Posts: 1,003
    chrisisall wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

    I'm gonna havta ask you to stop the generalizing horseshit, my friend, because while I am a Democrat, I don't hate white people. Would you be pleased to be called a Neo-Nazi member of the KKK just because those are two of the groups who support Donald?

    Okay I am going to need some sources and video of Donald trump saying he hates black people and he wants to kill them all? You got it??

    “Should the United States offer restitution to the descendants of slaves in the form of reparations? Already, several candidates — notably Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — have said yes.“

    ^So because I am white I should apologize to black people and we should give them hand outs for something they never experienced? Every college student now was born in 2005... Let that sink in. How are they oppressed??

    Democrats are the real Nazis.

    Antifa? Silencing anyone who has a rally or protest?

    We are talking about something a candidate specifically said..

    Bernie endorsing Russia.

    What’s that gotta do with some racist white people endorsing Trump?

    An actual candidate endorsing something versus a hate group endsorsing are two different things..

    Before you comment please think and read.

    You clearly do not think. Why ask others to do what you can't or won't?

    About what? I posted a video of Bernie Sanders praising Russia...

    He said so you support nazis because nazis support trump?

    I said we are talking about what the candidates are saying not other people..?

    Is it that hard to keep up?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    You generalized and asked why "democrats hate white people". Democrats as a whole don't, so stop generalizing, because that can be turned right around on you. Nazis voted for Trump, they've outright claimed it (the rallies in the past), so would you like to be lumped in with them because you support Trump?
  • Posts: 7,507
    In Norway we have an expression, "helt texas", which literaly translates to "completely Texas". It basically means 'batshit crazy'. It always amazes me how accurate it actually is.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

    Well I couldn't vote for a Donald Trump, who is outrageous in every aspect of his politics. "We're going to build a wall!" What is he, five again? Solve your problems through isolation... Wow! What a genius.

    Again, I'm not saying everyone else is right for this game and only Trump isn't. But the fact remains that Trump is currently the president and everyone else isn't. So Trump, being about the worst man ever to have set foot in the Oval Office, is who must be removed from office first and then, well, let's see what other candidates enter the game. Then you can pick the best or least bad among them.

    I am frightened by this binary thinking, in this discussion as much as in the Brexit one. "We must choose this, or else!" Have we learned nothing in school? Politics is vastly more complicated a subject than this absolute thinking. This isn't HG Wells' time machine: you're not living either above ground or below. But you must be able to spot a bad decision, regardless of videos made decades ago or statements during campaigns. After all, many Trumpists agreed in 2017 that old Donald had been a bit "off" during his campaign but begged us to give the man a chance and see what his presidency would really shape up to be in real life. Well, we're seeing it all right, and it ain't looking good. So right now, defending Trump simply because "the other guy" has some crazy ideas, is a little silly.
    edited March 2019 Posts: 1,003
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How anyone in their right mind can still defend Trump at this point, is beyond me.

    So do you think it’s beneficial to share your white wife or white girlfriend with a black man while you watch?

    I honestly can't see how one would logically follow from the other. Either I'm pro-Trump or I think it's beneficial to share your white wife with a black man while you watch? Since when is that the binary choice it all narrows down to, @CASINOROYALE?

    I think Trump is a senile fool, a dangerous man, a criminal. That, however, doesn't mean I'll happily agree with literally everything that springs to literally every democrat's mind.

    I just can’t vote for people who support outrageous things like that..

    Anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders is a moron. I’m guessing no one saw the video from the 80s??

    It’s funny the same people who hate Russia vote for Bernie^^

    He is praising Russia in that video.

    Also he hired an illegal immigrant to be his campaign staffer. What’s with democrats and illegal immigrants? People who are not American citizens? Do you guys really hate white people?

    Joe Biden being racist...
    Yeah it’s a no from me..

    Well I couldn't vote for a Donald Trump, who is outrageous in every aspect of his politics. "We're going to build a wall!" What is he, five again? Solve your problems through isolation... Wow! What a genius.

    Again, I'm not saying everyone else is right for this game and only Trump isn't. But the fact remains that Trump is currently the president and everyone else isn't. So Trump, being about the worst man ever to have set foot in the Oval Office, is who must be removed from office first and then, well, let's see what other candidates enter the game. Then you can pick the best or least bad among them.

    I am frightened by this binary thinking, in this discussion as much as in the Brexit one. "We must choose this, or else!" Have we learned nothing in school? Politics is vastly more complicated a subject than this absolute thinking. This isn't HG Wells' time machine: you're not living either above ground or below. But you must be able to spot a bad decision, regardless of videos made decades ago or statements during campaigns. After all, many Trumpists agreed in 2017 that old Donald had been a bit "off" during his campaign but begged us to give the man a chance and see what his presidency would really shape up to be in real life. Well, we're seeing it all right, and it ain't looking good. So right now, defending Trump simply because "the other guy" has some crazy ideas, is a little silly.

    I am going to guess you’re not an American..

    My friend lives on the border and I am roughly 4-5 hours from the border.

    It’s not uncommon to see tanks, helicopters and gun fire on a daily basis is or to find headless bodies.

    I can send you some links from the border of children behind beheaded. Pretty gruesome. It’s funny a lot of people do not understand why we need a wall and better security.

    Like I said, right by my house the police busted the cartel transporting almost $2M dollars worth of drugs....

    I actually had a couple of guys from the cartel try and car jack me a couple of years back at gun point.

    Mexican police will randomly pull you over for “speeding”, demand $50 - $100 from you on the spot or they take you to jail.

    It’s pretty corrupt. I knew a guy who was arrested in Mexico for something completely random and he apparently “hung himself” in his jail cell. Which is completely out of character for him..

    I find it amusing that people who have never been to Mexico or been on the border trash people like me who experience this stuff on a regular basis.

    Go ahead and believe CNN over someone who actually lives through this stuff..

    If you guys don’t think the cartel is dangerous then there’s no point even talking..

    My last point is illegal immigrants come over and they are not in our system.

    So if they commit crimes we have no way tracking them. Like that Molly girl who was murdered by one and raped last year, the only reason they caught the guy is because he was caught on a surveillance camera dropping her body off in a field.

    My cousin married an immigrant from Mexico he barely speaks English super nice guy and a great friend of mine, nothing against them but it is a huge issue.

    And your solution is to not vote for Trump even though the other candidates are bat shit crazy? Like rewarding African Americans because of slavery? LOL... People who never experienced it?
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    edited March 2019 Posts: 4,228
    Remington wrote: »
    Actually curious, what’s everyone’s immigrations polices/laws??

    It’s funny I live in Texas and naturally I have worked with hundreds of illegal immigrants over the years.

    I have worked for roofing companies, construction, golf courses, maintenance crews etc and I would say 90% of their crews are illegally here and they all drive cars. (They also openly admit it).

    Where am I going with this?

    Here’s a list of three things that illegal immigrants can not do in Texas.

    1. Get a drivers license.

    2. Drive cars.

    3. Get a job

    So all of the illegal immigrants who I have worked with who drive vehicles are driving without a drivers license and no car insurance. I have seen I don’t know how many guys that I knew from hs or college get arrested for not renewing their license, no car insurance, etc..So it’s a big deal.

    I don’t think they are “taking” anyone’s jobs but it amazes me at how dumb CNN and the media are.

    If you cannot drive cars and get a job what’s the purpose of them even being here?

    The system is rigged so they come here illegally (not a major crime I believe it’s civil), but then we are talking about felonies when they start working illegally for companies, driving cars without a license and insurance.

    Also I learned the hard way years ago if you don’t have a drivers license you can’t do a lot of things. Good luck renting an apartment here or getting a house...

    One of the techniques I learned from some of the immigrants here is they buy a pretty realistic fake drivers license. You can buy them for $50.00

    I have seen maybe 20+ from when I was in college. I can’t tell you how many college students have fakes so they can buy alcohol and go to clubs.

    What’s crazy is it’s a $50,000 fine and 10-15 years of jail time for falsifying government documents.

    Trump will easily secure a 2020 victory after what democrats advocated for last month.

    Wife sharing and Trans-dragons....

    Yes CNN posted an article claiming that if you share your wife or girlfriend with a black man that it’s beneficial towards your relationship???? WHAT????

    Also some of them have suggested that the new trans dragons (yes, people identifying as dragons), should be allowed to put they are a dragon on their drivers license????

    I’ll be honest Trump says a lot of stupid stuff and I don’t agree with everything he says but saying you should share your wife with a black man and that people can identify as dragons on their drivers license? How can anyone think that’s normal?!

    ^^Finally. Some variety in this thread.

    This thread has become nothing more than a Trump bashing forum. Pretty sure it was @barryt007 who started this thread in the wake of the Islamic terror attacks in London and was designed to cover big news stories from around the world.

    I'm surprised no members have created an 'American Politics' thread where i'm sure the anti-Trump brigade could vent to their hearts content....

    (I notice the 'Favourite President' thread got closed for this very reason...)
    Posts: 1,003
    You generalized and asked why "democrats hate white people". Democrats as a whole don't, so stop generalizing, because that can be turned right around on you. Nazis voted for Trump, they've outright claimed it (the rallies in the past), so would you like to be lumped in with them because you support Trump?

    “Nazis”, I just call them racist white people. These people are not German they are just a bunch of dumb racist people from the back woods.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    You're avoiding my point and performing generalizations yet again. Square peg into round hole doesn't even begin to deacribe you, it seems.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited March 2019 Posts: 17,989

    Go ahead and believe CNN over someone who actually lives through this stuff..

    I've talked to others that live along the border that say the opposite of what you say. But, like Trump, you must be right & everyone who disagrees with you wrong, eh?

    In the city I grew up in I was mugged three times in 10 years. From that I could either say, "Yeah I had problems a few times" or "I was constantly being mugged."
    Many of my friends NEVER got mugged.
    So what's the truth?
    Something a whole lot less simple than what you're attempting to hand us, I'm guessing.

    Posts: 1,003
    chrisisall wrote: »

    Go ahead and believe CNN over someone who actually lives through this stuff..

    I've talked to others that live along the border that say the opposite of what you say. But, like Trump, you must be right & everyone who disagrees with you wrong, eh?

    In the city I grew up in I was mugged three times in 10 years. From that I could either say, "Yeah I had problems a few times" or "I was constantly being mugged."
    Many of my friends NEVER got mugged.
    So what's the truth?
    Something a whole lot less simple than what you're attempting to hand us, I'm guessing.

    Where are you from?

    I can send you video links uncensored of children having their ears sliced off, beheaded with a machete and then their head kicked like a football..

    That’s a cartel tradition. Very distributing. There’s HUNDREDS of videos..

    Or them burning women and children alive.

    They also send kids across the border transporting drugs.

    It depends where you live off the border mind you it’s not a small area.

    There’s safe parts and bad parts.

    I have been there many times.

  • edited March 2019 Posts: 3,566
    I have a hard time believing that CNN ADVOCATED interracial "sharing." I'd like to see some confirmation of that. (Having an article that said "some people are doing this" is not at all ADVOCATING that everybody should do it.) And I live in California, where we have pretty open attitudes towards lots of things -- and I've never even HEARD of a trans dragon.


    Three strikes is out, CASINO. Let's see some corroboration of your more outrageous claims, or I'm going to have to call bull$#!+.

    Google “CNN Cuckolding”


    I will not go into explicit details of what cuckolding is but yeah that’s a no go.


    Trans dragons?

    Here you go...

    "Completely Texas" indeed.

    The first thing you need to understand, CASINO, is that CNN is not the Democrats' equivalent of FAUX FOX NEWS. FN was created by Roger Ailes, a long-time Republican media honcho, specifically to be a Republican propaganda machine. CNN exists to make money by reporting news. While they find it profitable to be the anti-Fox political equivalent for the folks who don't like Trump (an audience that is certainly out there, and deserves to be served) they also report on other stuff -- generally the more sensational the better, because sensation sells. Just because CNN has reported on cuckolding or a transgender lady who has fashioned her persona after an old character from "Terry and the Pirates" doesn't mean that these are practices that the entire Democratic Party has wholeheartedly embraced and intends to inflict on the entirety of America. It just means that CNN thinks they can get more viewers by running pieces like that. By the way, I do wish you had been a little more accurate with what you post. Your citing of "Trans Dragons" had me thinking initially of the likes of Smaug from The Hobbit or the dragons from Game of Thrones -- and I didn't really know whether whether or not those type of dragons even HAVE a sex, so I wondered, "how can they possibly be trans?" How disappointing to learn that it was just a reference to The Dragon Lady, a character you've probably never heard of, let alone seen on the printed page. (A shame, that -- Milton Caniff's "Terry" was at one time among the most popular comic strips in the daily newspapers.) Try to be a little more accurate in your ravings and maybe you won't generate so much disagreement...although I'm starting to believe that sowing discord is indeed your intent. There's a word for the sort of behavior, and the creatures who indulge in it live under bridges...
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