
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,992
    Darwinistically speaking, is it not more important to ensure your survival than cling to peripheral trappings of your religion? I recently read of a 17 year old Muslim girl murdered here in the U.S. for being a Muslim. Pictures showed her in a hijab. Given my country's present hate-promoting ruler, and the resultant politically charged climate, ya think (that version of) God might let the hijab thing slide for a while?
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,527
    I honestly predict that such things will happen more frequently. Terrorists kill our friends, children, parents, brothers and sisters while they are having a good time in a bar, in a concert hall or on the sidewalk, being perfectly harmless, innocent, happy. Sooner or later, a relative or friend of a victim will opt for an act of revenge, of "terrorvengeance" if you like. I neither want this nor endorse it, but I've been saying for several years now that this is bound to happen eventually. A society can only take so much. When threatened, it retaliates. The hard way. Americans vote a senile fool in office and some folks just go out and start mowing people down randomly.

    I remember sitting in class in 2000, having a bit of an argument with my history teacher. 18-year old me was trying to make a point about how we, here in Belgium, were seriously failing in terms of integration. We demand it, yes, in a formal manner, but we neglect to act when immigrants refuse to cooperate. Meanwhile, they increase the pressure on us, by imposing more and more of their cultural pride and habits on us, so fast that we have a hard time keeping up. Our politicians let it happen and in fact celebrate a multicultural Belgium, basically telling us to just swallow it and not complain. If certain men can’t control themselves when they see girls in short skirts or bikinis, the girls need to cover up. If certain religious habits dictate that students can skip school whenever they want, then so be it. If certain people don’t want to eat pork, then our hamburgers will henceforth be sold without pork. Oh, and if you lose your job because of company restructuring, bad luck, but an immigrant family receives quite an impressive amount of money just to get “started”. And of course the more children they bear, which they often do, the more money they get. Yet bathing in such indulgences, integration is still a big no-no for these people. That's the extent of their gratitude: zero. We must adopt their ways rather than the other way around. I promised my teacher that this would lead to a lot of aggravation and back-and-forth bickering between "us" and "them" and that rising tensions would eventually lead to conflicts and violence.
    My teacher gave me a lot of trouble for my "right wing" opinion; he criticised me for being borderline fascist, and called me a troublemaker, someone whose dark and pessimist assessment of our beautiful 'multicultural' society is flat-out dangerous.
    Then 9/11 happened. And recently the wave of seemingly unstoppable terror began. Suddenly people are asking themselves, how is this possible? How can they have become so well organised? How can they finance the terror? How come there are so many mosques and so many imams and so much indoctrination? Surely, since we’ve given them our nationality, they are loyal to us, no? How come they aren’t? Has integration failed?
    Yes, it has. As I have predicted.
    This doesn't make me happy by the way. I actually share the view that a multicultural society could be a beautiful thing. But,

    - not too fast
    - not systematically imposed on the hosts
    - with very clear demands towards the immigrants
    - and an effective level of control, with consequences in case of failure or unwillingness to comply
    - and most of all, while leaving habits, religion and cultural pride at home.
  • edited June 2017 Posts: 11,425
    Well the Tories were the only ones who said enough is enough and talked about clamping down on murdering scum coming back from Syria to live amongst us unchecked but the public have clearly stated they prefer the guy who can't bring himself to denounce the IRA on camera.

    Fair enough. Let's have Diane Abbott as Home Secretary. Just don't moan when your children get slaughtered on a daily basis and we have sharia law within 3 years.

    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces. Catastrophic election blew up in their faces. Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Btw, the Tories have been playing the dog whistle racism 'we'll sort out immigration' card for decades - they never actually do anything about it.
  • Posts: 11,425
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I honestly predict that such things will happen more frequently. Terrorists kill our friends, children, parents, brothers and sisters while they are having a good time in a bar, in a concert hall or on the sidewalk, being perfectly harmless, innocent, happy. Sooner or later, a relative or friend of a victim will opt for an act of revenge, of "terrorvengeance" if you like. I neither want this nor endorse it, but I've been saying for several years now that this is bound to happen eventually. A society can only take so much. When threatened, it retaliates. The hard way. Americans vote a senile fool in office and some folks just go out and start mowing people down randomly.

    I remember sitting in class in 2000, having a bit of an argument with my history teacher. 18-year old me was trying to make a point about how we, here in Belgium, were seriously failing in terms of integration. We demand it, yes, in a formal manner, but we neglect to act when immigrants refuse to cooperate. Meanwhile, they increase the pressure on us, by imposing more and more of their cultural pride and habits on us, so fast that we have a hard time keeping up. Our politicians let it happen and in fact celebrate a multicultural Belgium, basically telling us to just swallow it and not complain. If certain men can’t control themselves when they see girls in short skirts or bikinis, the girls need to cover up. If certain religious habits dictate that students can skip school whenever they want, then so be it. If certain people don’t want to eat pork, then our hamburgers will henceforth be sold without pork. Oh, and if you lose your job because of company restructuring, bad luck, but an immigrant family receives quite an impressive amount of money just to get “started”. And of course the more children they bear, which they often do, the more money they get. Yet bathing in such indulgences, integration is still a big no-no for these people. That's the extent of their gratitude: zero. We must adopt their ways rather than the other way around. I promised my teacher that this would lead to a lot of aggravation and back-and-forth bickering between "us" and "them" and that rising tensions would eventually lead to conflicts and violence.
    My teacher gave me a lot of trouble for my "right wing" opinion; he criticised me for being borderline fascist, and called me a troublemaker, someone whose dark and pessimist assessment of our beautiful 'multicultural' society is flat-out dangerous.
    Then 9/11 happened. And recently the wave of seemingly unstoppable terror began. Suddenly people are asking themselves, how is this possible? How can they have become so well organised? How can they finance the terror? How come there are so many mosques and so many imams and so much indoctrination? Surely, since we’ve given them our nationality, they are loyal to us, no? How come they aren’t? Has integration failed?
    Yes, it has. As I have predicted.
    This doesn't make me happy by the way. I actually share the view that a multicultural society could be a beautiful thing. But,

    - not too fast
    - not systematically imposed on the hosts
    - with very clear demands towards the immigrants
    - and an effective level of control, with consequences in case of failure or unwillingness to comply
    - and most of all, while leaving habits, religion and cultural pride at home.

    I agree with a fair bit of this. The attack in London today was terrible but not entirely unpredictable.

    Still worth bearing in mind that terrorism presents an infinitely smaller threat than the impression given by our media.

    The US is in a different situation from Europe, but this article sums it up fairly well.

  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Getafix wrote: »
    Well the Tories were the only ones who said enough is enough and talked about clamping down on murdering scum coming back from Syria to live amongst us unchecked but the public have clearly stated they prefer the guy who can't bring himself to denounce the IRA on camera.

    Fair enough. Let's have Diane Abbott as Home Secretary. Just don't moan when your children get slaughtered on a daily basis and we have sharia law within 3 years.

    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces. Catastrophic election blew up in their faces. Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Btw, the Tories have been playing the dog whistle racism 'we'll sort out immigration' card for decades - they never actually do anything about it.

    No he'd rather have self serving Elitists governing us, the absurdity of Diane Abbot being Home Secretary is no more ridiculous than that utter toffy nosed buffoon Boris being Foreign Secretary, the difference is that Abbott wasn't afforded privilege and doesn't live in a completely different world to the majority of us and has some reference to real life.

    Boris didn't even want to leave the EU, he fronted the leave campaign to further his chances of being the next PM, both Cameron him and now May have taken huge gambles for the sake of their party and put the country second, isn't time we woke up tp this, the Tories will always protect them and theirs.

    Abbott's sum mistakes are a drop in the ocean compared to the incompetent self serving polices of this government, just look at the present situation. The Tories have blood on their hands over Grenfell and they can't be declared of innocence with the recent terrorist attacks, our foreign policy is making the situation worse

    I went to see Stewart Lee last night on his Content Provider tour (utterly brilliant and hilarious one of the best stand up shows I've ever seen). He pointed out the scary proposition of Boris being Foreign Secretary and a possible future PM, yeah it's scary it's fucking scary.

    He also mentioned another comic piece of gold that Nigel Farage looks like someone who would put driving gloves on before he masturbates but I digress.

    It's time we realised that having self serving elitist in a position of power is not helping things, we are being run by people who have one only agenda to keep them and there's comfortable and bend at likes of Rupert Murdoch to his whims, the most likely reason why that weasel Gove is back in the cabinet or Ray Allen and Lord Charles as I like to call them.

    No Wizard would rather that, he seems to believe all the propaganda about Corbyn and has totally swallowed the Daily Mail and Sun lies about him. Corbyn sits down with terrorists to try and come to an agreement peacefully yet he's regarding a terrorist sympathiser for doing this, no better to just bomb innocent civilians in retaliation.

    JC condemns all the attacks and violence perpetrated in the name of their causes, he warned about the aftermath of Iraq back 2003 and voted against what happened he's been on the wrong side of the vote but on the right side of history.

    Well get ready for it my right wing friend because a change is coming, it's in the air people aren't going to stand for this anymore.

    The Tories are dying on their arse and if May goes the choice of alternatives is even worse, this party is toxic and we'll make sure that the party doesn't make Theresa the scapegoat for it all and then brush it under the carpet.

    No wonder the Tories want to police the internet it's nothing to do with Terrorism it's about having control of an area that threw a huge spanner in their general election plans.

    Not even having the biased BBC with the likes of Laura Kuenssberg & Nick Robinson blatant Tory stooges and then the toilet paper alternatives of Rupert Murdoch and those Tory Propagandists The Sun & The Daily Mail couldn't deliver them a majority.

    Of course they want control over it, using terrorism as an excuse to censor free speech and control things getting out is utterly deplorable.

    This party is morally bankrupt and needs to go.

    I'll leave the last word to JP, this man continues to hit the nail on the head again and again and this time it's not funny it's the brutal truth.

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited June 2017 Posts: 23,883
    I must say the lack of commentary here since the attack at Finsbury Park is troubling. These are Brits after all, and yet I've seen more outpouring of sympathy shown here for people in other lands. Disturbing. What does that tell us about our society?

    From what I know, the people who were mowed down today are not terrorists, nor were they involved either directly or indirectly in any of the terrorist attacks that have taken place in the UK. Yes, they are religious (which is their right under the law) and they are presumably of Muslim faith. That doesn't make their injuries or plight any less legitimate. They certainly didn't deserve this.

    As for the individual who perpetrated this crime, was he religious? Was he Christian? If neither, then how was he 'radicalized'? What delusion is he suffering from? That of pure racism? Simple vigilantism? Where is he to be sent back to? Is his grievance and retribution any more understandable since he's not 'one of them'? Are we to try and sympathize with him? To understand him even?

    As I've said before, until we start to value all human life equally (and I don't mean platitudes, but rather actually feeling that way), we aren't going to do ourselves any good. This man's warped sense of 'justice' is no less idiotic that those of the wahhabist jihadis. Potential lunacy is not just a problem of the religious. The human species is at its core tribalistic, and we have to fight against that natural urge if we are going to find a solution to this problem. The 'us and them' mentality is at the core of it, on both sides.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Not sure where to start with this froth...
    Getafix wrote: »

    Is that aimed at me? If you could back up the accusation with a quote of something I posted I would be grateful.

    Just for the record I consider the Jews as mental as the rest (possibly more so - Google eruv, utterly preposterous) and I'm no fan of Zionism but they seem to keep themselves to themselves.
    Getafix wrote: »
    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Have been out of the country for a month but as the Tories have zero chance of winning in my multicultural urban London constituency I'd have probably voted Lib Dem as Simon Hughes is at least a semi decent constituency MP.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    So with pretty much the same Tory government everything was 'relatively rosy' but all of a sudden it's all collapsed on the strength of giving the public a vote on the EU? Am I to presume you are suggesting that in reality Nick 'voice of sanity' Clegg was the one who was actually running the country like Peter Taylor to Cameron's Cloughie?
    Getafix wrote: »
    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Cameron a disgrace, May not much better - you won't get any disagreement from me there. So who should I trust? Offer me an alternative that isn't the Socialist Worker IRA sympathiser or a God botherer who looks like head of Uttoxeter uni student union and I might vote for them.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces.

    Was Cameron a fool for acceding to it? Of course, but democracy is letting the people have their say, however to some it only seems to be a valid system when they vote the way you want them to.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Catastrophic election blew up in their faces.

    Well done - that's one I can't argue with. I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    France is also under sustained terrorist attack despite having had a Socialist president the past 5 years. 7/7 happened under Labour. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that had Corbyn won the election last week today's attack wouldn't have happened?

    Religious tensions are coming to a head thanks to the failed multicultural experiment for reasons that @DarthDimi outlines in his excellent post above more than anything to do with brutal Tory policies. Please remember that since 1997 there have only been 2 years of the Tories holding a majority in the house so others in parliament have to take at least a share of the blame for things like a social divide and deathtrap tower blocks that don't just occur overnight.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Like so many you seem to think the infantile 'anyone but the Tories' line is the answer to all our problems (it must be so depressing being right yet watching the public keep voting for them in such numbers). Of course I'm not happy with the vacuous nonentities we have in charge. But the quality of choice on offer is worse than a Kazakhstan brothel. How long do you think that it would really take if Jezza got in that the economy would be below the likes of Albania? About a month? I've said on here before that 'None of the above' should be on the ballot paper but until it is I'm stuck with going for the least worst option.

    Didn't Churchill say something along the lines of 'Democracy is crap but it just happens to be better than any other systems of government ever devised'?

    Now more than ever that seems to sum things up pretty accurately.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I am giving up on voting. Why legitimize the rule of idiocy?
  • Posts: 2,408
    Of course, from the anti-Muslims on here, not a fucking word mourning those hit in the van attack outside the mosque except to basically say "well if only they integrated better into our colonization."
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    But was anyone killed in that heinous attack?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2017 Posts: 15,732
    What about absolutely everyone on MI6Community being anti-Asians? 45 civilians and 50 soldiers in the Philippines were killed in a massive city-wide terror attack by ISIS in the city of Marawi? It happened a month ago and hasn't been mentioned once on this thread.
  • edited June 2017 Posts: 11,425
    Not sure where to start with this froth...
    Getafix wrote: »

    Is that aimed at me? If you could back up the accusation with a quote of something I posted I would be grateful.

    Just for the record I consider the Jews as mental as the rest (possibly more so - Google eruv, utterly preposterous) and I'm no fan of Zionism but they seem to keep themselves to themselves.
    Getafix wrote: »
    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Have been out of the country for a month but as the Tories have zero chance of winning in my multicultural urban London constituency I'd have probably voted Lib Dem as Simon Hughes is at least a semi decent constituency MP.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    So with pretty much the same Tory government everything was 'relatively rosy' but all of a sudden it's all collapsed on the strength of giving the public a vote on the EU? Am I to presume you are suggesting that in reality Nick 'voice of sanity' Clegg was the one who was actually running the country like Peter Taylor to Cameron's Cloughie?
    Getafix wrote: »
    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Cameron a disgrace, May not much better - you won't get any disagreement from me there. So who should I trust? Offer me an alternative that isn't the Socialist Worker IRA sympathiser or a God botherer who looks like head of Uttoxeter uni student union and I might vote for them.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces.

    Was Cameron a fool for acceding to it? Of course, but democracy is letting the people have their say, however to some it only seems to be a valid system when they vote the way you want them to.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Catastrophic election blew up in their faces.

    Well done - that's one I can't argue with. I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    France is also under sustained terrorist attack despite having had a Socialist president the past 5 years. 7/7 happened under Labour. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that had Corbyn won the election last week today's attack wouldn't have happened?

    Religious tensions are coming to a head thanks to the failed multicultural experiment for reasons that @DarthDimi outlines in his excellent post above more than anything to do with brutal Tory policies. Please remember that since 1997 there have only been 2 years of the Tories holding a majority in the house so others in parliament have to take at least a share of the blame for things like a social divide and deathtrap tower blocks that don't just occur overnight.
    Getafix wrote: »
    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Like so many you seem to think the infantile 'anyone but the Tories' line is the answer to all our problems (it must be so depressing being right yet watching the public keep voting for them in such numbers). Of course I'm not happy with the vacuous nonentities we have in charge. But the quality of choice on offer is worse than a Kazakhstan brothel. How long do you think that it would really take if Jezza got in that the economy would be below the likes of Albania? About a month? I've said on here before that 'None of the above' should be on the ballot paper but until it is I'm stuck with going for the least worst option.

    Didn't Churchill say something along the lines of 'Democracy is crap but it just happens to be better than any other systems of government ever devised'?

    Now more than ever that seems to sum things up pretty accurately.

    I think the anti-semite comment is a fragment of a previous post of yours actually. I think you were responding to something about bacon sarnies.

    Yes, the Lib-Dem Tory coalition of 2010-15 was a very different animal from the majority Tory government we've had between 2015-17. That was the first Tory majority government we'd had for almost 20 years. The evidence of the difference a full on Tory government makes is all around us in the burning wreck of a country we now inhabit.

    Aren't you buying into the simplistic 'anyone but Corbyn' narrative?

    You're coming across as a typical cap-doffing Brit. Someone like May or Boris comes along and speaks with a posh accent and flashes a bit of a PPE degree from Oxford and you automatically assume they're competent and clearly better qualified than any of those nasty lefties and working class Labour types.

    Yes Diane Abbott is totally incompetent, but I'm not sure she can hold a candle to this government.

    Same old story. Leave it to the Tory toffs - they always do such a great job.

    As @Shardlake says, Corbyn has actually got a lot of the big calls right. His judgement seems no less reliable than Cameron or May. Perhaps he's not the huge threat to national security he's made out to be.

    May be given the utter mess that a majority Tory government has made of the country in the short space of 2 years, they deserved a good kicking at the ballot box.

  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    edited June 2017 Posts: 4,230
    There seems to be a weird 'holding back with the truth' amongst the press at the moment, as if they're afraid of upsetting the 'one love' applecart that has reared it's head lately.

    As far as I can tell, a gentleman collapsed and subsequently died outside the Mosque with no relation to the attack by the van driver, yet it's constantly reported that 1 dead and 10 injured due to this attack.

    If the gentleman died of natural causes then the most they can charge the attacker with is attempted murder. It's almost as if everyone is trying to make this seem as bad as Manchester or London Bridge so we can all see it's not just Islam that produces terrorists and everything will balance out nicely.

    Hopefully the truth will soon come out.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,230
    Of course, from the anti-Muslims on here, not a fucking word mourning those hit in the van attack outside the mosque except to basically say "well if only they integrated better into our colonization."

    You can't mourn someone who isn't dead. As far as I know the gentleman who collapsed outside the Mosque died from natural causes (mind you you'd have a hard time getting this out of the mass hysteria of the press at the moment) and there were 10 people injured from the attack.

    Not sure if it makes me 'anti-Muslim' but I don't respect any religion. Especially one that demeans women and slaughters animals in such a sadistic way simply because their imaginary friend tells them to.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Interesting graph here from the University of Maryland's database of global terrorism.

    It shows a massive fall in terrorist activity in the UK after the US-backed IRA declared their ceasefire. It falls again after 2001, when the US officially took steps to stop the IRA fundraising in the White House, they like they used to in the good old days when America wasn't averse to a bit of terrorist shenanigans themselves.

    Silly old Corbyn, campaigning for dialogue with Sinn Fein/IRA all those years. What a fool.

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Nice to see things haven't changed here.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,230
    Someone saying it like it is in the good old 'Too scared to upset any minorities' UK
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,230

    This guy's great!
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    This whole thread is a f***ing nightmare.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,230
    jake24 wrote: »
    This whole thread is a f***ing nightmare.

    Is this guess the word...? Flipping...? Farging...?
  • Posts: 7,653

    The next white van man. ;)
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,230
    Shardlake wrote: »
    Getafix wrote: »
    Well the Tories were the only ones who said enough is enough and talked about clamping down on murdering scum coming back from Syria to live amongst us unchecked but the public have clearly stated they prefer the guy who can't bring himself to denounce the IRA on camera.

    Fair enough. Let's have Diane Abbott as Home Secretary. Just don't moan when your children get slaughtered on a daily basis and we have sharia law within 3 years.

    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces. Catastrophic election blew up in their faces. Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Btw, the Tories have been playing the dog whistle racism 'we'll sort out immigration' card for decades - they never actually do anything about it.

    No he'd rather have self serving Elitists governing us, the absurdity of Diane Abbot being Home Secretary is no more ridiculous than that utter toffy nosed buffoon Boris being Foreign Secretary, the difference is that Abbott wasn't afforded privilege and doesn't live in a completely different world to the majority of us and has some reference to real life.

    Boris didn't even want to leave the EU, he fronted the leave campaign to further his chances of being the next PM, both Cameron him and now May have taken huge gambles for the sake of their party and put the country second, isn't time we woke up tp this, the Tories will always protect them and theirs.

    Abbott's sum mistakes are a drop in the ocean compared to the incompetent self serving polices of this government, just look at the present situation. The Tories have blood on their hands over Grenfell and they can't be declared of innocence with the recent terrorist attacks, our foreign policy is making the situation worse

    I went to see Stewart Lee last night on his Content Provider tour (utterly brilliant and hilarious one of the best stand up shows I've ever seen). He pointed out the scary proposition of Boris being Foreign Secretary and a possible future PM, yeah it's scary it's fucking scary.

    He also mentioned another comic piece of gold that Nigel Farage looks like someone who would put driving gloves on before he masturbates but I digress.

    It's time we realised that having self serving elitist in a position of power is not helping things, we are being run by people who have one only agenda to keep them and there's comfortable and bend at likes of Rupert Murdoch to his whims, the most likely reason why that weasel Gove is back in the cabinet or Ray Allen and Lord Charles as I like to call them.

    No Wizard would rather that, he seems to believe all the propaganda about Corbyn and has totally swallowed the Daily Mail and Sun lies about him. Corbyn sits down with terrorists to try and come to an agreement peacefully yet he's regarding a terrorist sympathiser for doing this, no better to just bomb innocent civilians in retaliation.

    JC condemns all the attacks and violence perpetrated in the name of their causes, he warned about the aftermath of Iraq back 2003 and voted against what happened he's been on the wrong side of the vote but on the right side of history.

    Well get ready for it my right wing friend because a change is coming, it's in the air people aren't going to stand for this anymore.

    The Tories are dying on their arse and if May goes the choice of alternatives is even worse, this party is toxic and we'll make sure that the party doesn't make Theresa the scapegoat for it all and then brush it under the carpet.

    No wonder the Tories want to police the internet it's nothing to do with Terrorism it's about having control of an area that threw a huge spanner in their general election plans.

    Not even having the biased BBC with the likes of Laura Kuenssberg & Nick Robinson blatant Tory stooges and then the toilet paper alternatives of Rupert Murdoch and those Tory Propagandists The Sun & The Daily Mail couldn't deliver them a majority.

    Of course they want control over it, using terrorism as an excuse to censor free speech and control things getting out is utterly deplorable.

    This party is morally bankrupt and needs to go.

    I'll leave the last word to JP, this man continues to hit the nail on the head again and again and this time it's not funny it's the brutal truth.

    You seem to be a bit of a contradiction @Shardlake. A screaming leftie who likes James Bond? A British imperialist spy? All very strange.
    As for Stewart Lee, the biggest left wing prick if ever i've seen one. Making jokes about Nigel Farage to a left wing audience? Cor, that's radical ain't it? Pretty soft target but then that's the only thing these champagne socialists will have a go at. This is the bloke that made a programme protesting about that action film Who Dares Wins. I'm so glad it gets up this wankers nose. I love that film!

    Like most Labour supporters you seem to be in a state of delusion. The Tories are certainly in a mess at the moment but the biggest danger to this country would be a Corbyn led Labour party in charge. Now that is a scary thought.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    edited June 2017 Posts: 4,043
    Shardlake wrote: »
    Getafix wrote: »
    Well the Tories were the only ones who said enough is enough and talked about clamping down on murdering scum coming back from Syria to live amongst us unchecked but the public have clearly stated they prefer the guy who can't bring himself to denounce the IRA on camera.

    Fair enough. Let's have Diane Abbott as Home Secretary. Just don't moan when your children get slaughtered on a daily basis and we have sharia law within 3 years.

    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces. Catastrophic election blew up in their faces. Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Btw, the Tories have been playing the dog whistle racism 'we'll sort out immigration' card for decades - they never actually do anything about it.

    No he'd rather have self serving Elitists governing us, the absurdity of Diane Abbot being Home Secretary is no more ridiculous than that utter toffy nosed buffoon Boris being Foreign Secretary, the difference is that Abbott wasn't afforded privilege and doesn't live in a completely different world to the majority of us and has some reference to real life.

    Boris didn't even want to leave the EU, he fronted the leave campaign to further his chances of being the next PM, both Cameron him and now May have taken huge gambles for the sake of their party and put the country second, isn't time we woke up tp this, the Tories will always protect them and theirs.

    Abbott's sum mistakes are a drop in the ocean compared to the incompetent self serving polices of this government, just look at the present situation. The Tories have blood on their hands over Grenfell and they can't be declared of innocence with the recent terrorist attacks, our foreign policy is making the situation worse

    I went to see Stewart Lee last night on his Content Provider tour (utterly brilliant and hilarious one of the best stand up shows I've ever seen). He pointed out the scary proposition of Boris being Foreign Secretary and a possible future PM, yeah it's scary it's fucking scary.

    He also mentioned another comic piece of gold that Nigel Farage looks like someone who would put driving gloves on before he masturbates but I digress.

    It's time we realised that having self serving elitist in a position of power is not helping things, we are being run by people who have one only agenda to keep them and there's comfortable and bend at likes of Rupert Murdoch to his whims, the most likely reason why that weasel Gove is back in the cabinet or Ray Allen and Lord Charles as I like to call them.

    No Wizard would rather that, he seems to believe all the propaganda about Corbyn and has totally swallowed the Daily Mail and Sun lies about him. Corbyn sits down with terrorists to try and come to an agreement peacefully yet he's regarding a terrorist sympathiser for doing this, no better to just bomb innocent civilians in retaliation.

    JC condemns all the attacks and violence perpetrated in the name of their causes, he warned about the aftermath of Iraq back 2003 and voted against what happened he's been on the wrong side of the vote but on the right side of history.

    Well get ready for it my right wing friend because a change is coming, it's in the air people aren't going to stand for this anymore.

    The Tories are dying on their arse and if May goes the choice of alternatives is even worse, this party is toxic and we'll make sure that the party doesn't make Theresa the scapegoat for it all and then brush it under the carpet.

    No wonder the Tories want to police the internet it's nothing to do with Terrorism it's about having control of an area that threw a huge spanner in their general election plans.

    Not even having the biased BBC with the likes of Laura Kuenssberg & Nick Robinson blatant Tory stooges and then the toilet paper alternatives of Rupert Murdoch and those Tory Propagandists The Sun & The Daily Mail couldn't deliver them a majority.

    Of course they want control over it, using terrorism as an excuse to censor free speech and control things getting out is utterly deplorable.

    This party is morally bankrupt and needs to go.

    I'll leave the last word to JP, this man continues to hit the nail on the head again and again and this time it's not funny it's the brutal truth.

    You seem to be a bit of a contradiction @Shardlake. A screaming leftie who likes James Bond? A British imperialist spy? All very strange.
    As for Stewart Lee, the biggest left wing prick if ever i've seen one. Making jokes about Nigel Farage to a left wing audience? Cor, that's radical ain't it? Pretty soft target but then that's the only thing these champagne socialists will have a go at. This is the bloke that made a programme protesting about that action film Who Dares Wins. I'm so glad it gets up this wankers nose. I love that film!

    Like most Labour supporters you seem to be in a state of delusion. The Tories are certainly in a mess at the moment but the biggest danger to this country would be a Corbyn led Labour party in charge. Now that is a scary thought.

    James Bond is a fictional character created by Ian Fleming I don't share his political leanings I just enjoy watching the films (some of them that is).

    It's the first time I've heard you can't like James Bond if you lean to the left, you have to raving right winger to like Bond now, guess I better renounce my nearly 40 years fandom, as I'm not a lover of Maggie and all things Conservative, god you do talk some utter shite!

    The scary thought is a reality already for me, I'm sick of seeing elites govern this country maybe you are comfortable with Boris as FS or the likes of Jacob Reece Mogg spouting his elitist nonsense.

    We'll wait to see if Corbyn makes it to no. 10, it can't be much worse than the utter shit fest we have at the moment.

    Stewart Lee was utterly hilarious but you right wingers never have been able to produce comedians of any substance.

    I'm greatly look to you being very shit scared sooner or later!
  • RC7RC7
    edited June 2017 Posts: 10,512
    Shardlake wrote: »
    Getafix wrote: »
    Well the Tories were the only ones who said enough is enough and talked about clamping down on murdering scum coming back from Syria to live amongst us unchecked but the public have clearly stated they prefer the guy who can't bring himself to denounce the IRA on camera.

    Fair enough. Let's have Diane Abbott as Home Secretary. Just don't moan when your children get slaughtered on a daily basis and we have sharia law within 3 years.

    I am guessing you voted for the coalition of Tory chaos then?

    Think back to where we were 2 years ago. 5 years of Lib Dem-Tory coalition with the Lib Dems holding the Tory loons back from utterly wrecking the country. UK had the fasting growing economy in the G7. Everything looking relatively rosy in an unsettled world.

    Then Cameron wins a majority and two years down the line and the country is in utter chaos. Economic growth has collapsed. Now bottom of the G7 (below 'basket case' France). Pound in free-fall. Inflation going up rapidly. Real wages stagnating or going down. Basically, almost exactly what was warned about before the referendum. And you trust the Conservatives to get us out of this mess, which 2 Tory prime ministers had needlessly got us into?

    Catastrophic referendum blew up in their faces. Catastrophic election blew up in their faces. Country under sustained terrorist attack. Racial/ethnic/religious tensions boiling over, stoked by inept national political leadership and tower blocks burning down in the middle of London.

    Blimey, if you're happy with this shower of a government, it really does prove that the British public will settle for just about anything.

    Btw, the Tories have been playing the dog whistle racism 'we'll sort out immigration' card for decades - they never actually do anything about it.

    No he'd rather have self serving Elitists governing us, the absurdity of Diane Abbot being Home Secretary is no more ridiculous than that utter toffy nosed buffoon Boris being Foreign Secretary, the difference is that Abbott wasn't afforded privilege and doesn't live in a completely different world to the majority of us and has some reference to real life.

    Boris didn't even want to leave the EU, he fronted the leave campaign to further his chances of being the next PM, both Cameron him and now May have taken huge gambles for the sake of their party and put the country second, isn't time we woke up tp this, the Tories will always protect them and theirs.

    Abbott's sum mistakes are a drop in the ocean compared to the incompetent self serving polices of this government, just look at the present situation. The Tories have blood on their hands over Grenfell and they can't be declared of innocence with the recent terrorist attacks, our foreign policy is making the situation worse

    I went to see Stewart Lee last night on his Content Provider tour (utterly brilliant and hilarious one of the best stand up shows I've ever seen). He pointed out the scary proposition of Boris being Foreign Secretary and a possible future PM, yeah it's scary it's fucking scary.

    He also mentioned another comic piece of gold that Nigel Farage looks like someone who would put driving gloves on before he masturbates but I digress.

    It's time we realised that having self serving elitist in a position of power is not helping things, we are being run by people who have one only agenda to keep them and there's comfortable and bend at likes of Rupert Murdoch to his whims, the most likely reason why that weasel Gove is back in the cabinet or Ray Allen and Lord Charles as I like to call them.

    No Wizard would rather that, he seems to believe all the propaganda about Corbyn and has totally swallowed the Daily Mail and Sun lies about him. Corbyn sits down with terrorists to try and come to an agreement peacefully yet he's regarding a terrorist sympathiser for doing this, no better to just bomb innocent civilians in retaliation.

    JC condemns all the attacks and violence perpetrated in the name of their causes, he warned about the aftermath of Iraq back 2003 and voted against what happened he's been on the wrong side of the vote but on the right side of history.

    Well get ready for it my right wing friend because a change is coming, it's in the air people aren't going to stand for this anymore.

    The Tories are dying on their arse and if May goes the choice of alternatives is even worse, this party is toxic and we'll make sure that the party doesn't make Theresa the scapegoat for it all and then brush it under the carpet.

    No wonder the Tories want to police the internet it's nothing to do with Terrorism it's about having control of an area that threw a huge spanner in their general election plans.

    Not even having the biased BBC with the likes of Laura Kuenssberg & Nick Robinson blatant Tory stooges and then the toilet paper alternatives of Rupert Murdoch and those Tory Propagandists The Sun & The Daily Mail couldn't deliver them a majority.

    Of course they want control over it, using terrorism as an excuse to censor free speech and control things getting out is utterly deplorable.

    This party is morally bankrupt and needs to go.

    I'll leave the last word to JP, this man continues to hit the nail on the head again and again and this time it's not funny it's the brutal truth.

    You seem to be a bit of a contradiction @Shardlake. A screaming leftie who likes James Bond? A British imperialist spy? All very strange.
    As for Stewart Lee, the biggest left wing prick if ever i've seen one. Making jokes about Nigel Farage to a left wing audience? Cor, that's radical ain't it? Pretty soft target but then that's the only thing these champagne socialists will have a go at. This is the bloke that made a programme protesting about that action film Who Dares Wins. I'm so glad it gets up this wankers nose. I love that film!

    Like most Labour supporters you seem to be in a state of delusion. The Tories are certainly in a mess at the moment but the biggest danger to this country would be a Corbyn led Labour party in charge. Now that is a scary thought.

    Your opinion of Stewart Lee is exactly the opinion he's trying to elicit so he can laugh at you. Think again.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Shardlake wrote: »
    No he'd rather have self serving Elitists governing us, the absurdity of Diane Abbot being Home Secretary is no more ridiculous than that utter toffy nosed buffoon Boris being Foreign Secretary, the difference is that Abbott wasn't afforded privilege and doesn't live in a completely different world to the majority of us and has some reference to real life.

    Boris didn't even want to leave the EU, he fronted the leave campaign to further his chances of being the next PM, both Cameron him and now May have taken huge gambles for the sake of their party and put the country second, isn't time we woke up tp this, the Tories will always protect them and theirs.

    Abbott's sum mistakes are a drop in the ocean compared to the incompetent self serving polices of this government, just look at the present situation. The Tories have blood on their hands over Grenfell and they can't be declared of innocence with the recent terrorist attacks, our foreign policy is making the situation worse

    I went to see Stewart Lee last night on his Content Provider tour (utterly brilliant and hilarious one of the best stand up shows I've ever seen). He pointed out the scary proposition of Boris being Foreign Secretary and a possible future PM, yeah it's scary it's fucking scary.

    He also mentioned another comic piece of gold that Nigel Farage looks like someone who would put driving gloves on before he masturbates but I digress.

    It's time we realised that having self serving elitist in a position of power is not helping things, we are being run by people who have one only agenda to keep them and there's comfortable and bend at likes of Rupert Murdoch to his whims, the most likely reason why that weasel Gove is back in the cabinet or Ray Allen and Lord Charles as I like to call them.

    No Wizard would rather that, he seems to believe all the propaganda about Corbyn and has totally swallowed the Daily Mail and Sun lies about him. Corbyn sits down with terrorists to try and come to an agreement peacefully yet he's regarding a terrorist sympathiser for doing this, no better to just bomb innocent civilians in retaliation.

    JC condemns all the attacks and violence perpetrated in the name of their causes, he warned about the aftermath of Iraq back 2003 and voted against what happened he's been on the wrong side of the vote but on the right side of history.

    Well get ready for it my right wing friend because a change is coming, it's in the air people aren't going to stand for this anymore.

    The Tories are dying on their arse and if May goes the choice of alternatives is even worse, this party is toxic and we'll make sure that the party doesn't make Theresa the scapegoat for it all and then brush it under the carpet.

    No wonder the Tories want to police the internet it's nothing to do with Terrorism it's about having control of an area that threw a huge spanner in their general election plans.

    Not even having the biased BBC with the likes of Laura Kuenssberg & Nick Robinson blatant Tory stooges and then the toilet paper alternatives of Rupert Murdoch and those Tory Propagandists The Sun & The Daily Mail couldn't deliver them a majority.

    Of course they want control over it, using terrorism as an excuse to censor free speech and control things getting out is utterly deplorable.

    This party is morally bankrupt and needs to go.

    I'll leave the last word to JP, this man continues to hit the nail on the head again and again and this time it's not funny it's the brutal truth.

    I don't really know how many times I have to say things like the following for it to sink in that I'm not a card carrying member of the shambles that is the Tory party:
    May has shown herself to be as clueless as village idiot Cameron but at least he had the bottle to turn up to the debate when similarly shamed into it and not just mug everyone off and saying 'Don't care what you all think. I'm not coming.' Shame none of the TV companies would have the bottle to go with the tub of lard technique to make her look ridiculous.

    I think she's called this election because she thinks she can get over the line due to Corbyn's ineptitude and she knows against anyone half decent she'd be in real trouble so can't leave it another couple of years. She's making a big enough meal of it as it is against the most feeble Labour Party since the 70s.

    For a brief second I thought she might be another Maggie but in the words of Malcolm Tucker she's 'not even Manchester's best Mrs Thatcher tribute act.'
    Cameron a disgrace, May not much better - you won't get any disagreement from me there. So who should I trust? .....

    ....Of course I'm not happy with the vacuous nonentities we have in charge. But the quality of choice on offer is worse than a Kazakhstan brothel. How long do you think that it would really take if Jezza got in that the economy would be below the likes of Albania? About a month? I've said on here before that 'None of the above' should be on the ballot paper but until it is I'm stuck with going for the least worst option.

    In case its still not clear let me state that I consider the Tories to be utterly incompetent. But I'd rather have utterly incompetent capitalists than utterly incompetent socialists. I'm not going to apologise for working hard, paying my taxes and wanting to keep the small remainder of my money that the government doesn't see fit to hand out to career doleists or immigrants who have not paid one penny into this country just to appease the Billy Bragg brigade.

    You seem to be a bit of a contradiction @Shardlake. A screaming leftie who likes James Bond? A British imperialist spy? All very strange.
    As for Stewart Lee, the biggest left wing prick if ever i've seen one. Making jokes about Nigel Farage to a left wing audience? Cor, that's radical ain't it? Pretty soft target but then that's the only thing these champagne socialists will have a go at.

    Indeed. Not sure how a Bond fan can vote Corbyn as he would disband the 007 section immediately. As you say @LeonardPine it's difficult to see what a raving lefty would get out of watching Bond at all. You don't get much more disgustingly elitist and imperialist than a middle aged, white, old Etonian, heterosexual driving the best cars, staying in the best hotels and drinking the best champagnes as he trots around the globe killing foreigners. I guess it takes all sorts. Maybe they root for the Russians instead of Bond? The TSWLM PTS must particularly rankle - not very inclusive of Bond to flaunt the Union Flag in the faces of the honest KGB revolutionary comrades chasing him is it? Still I guess millionaires like Stewart Lee, Billy Bragg and Lily Allen partake of far more Bolly and posh travel than the rest of us so why wouldn't they enjoy a bit of western decadence by watching Bond?
    This is the bloke that made a programme protesting about that action film Who Dares Wins. I'm so glad it gets up this wankers nose. I love that film!

    What sort of cocknob would make a programme slagging off Who Dares Wins (and who would commission it more to the point? Can only be a Tony Hayers production)? A cracking 80s romp as Lewis Collins does a pretty decent stab at playing Bond. Lovely stuff - especially the bit where the Tory Home Secretary gives the SAS the go ahead to take out all the lefty terrorists!!
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    I guess Daniel Craig better give up playing the role as well because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be a fan of the Tories.

    Your logic makes no sense, people can enjoy things of a fictional nature, they don't necessarily have to be to their political leanings.

    How many right wingers enjoy leftists comedians, plenty I'm sure.

    I'm sure many of our American members wouldn't agree with Bond's political stance, do you think they should stop being fans as well?

    Who Dares Wins is a very corny film indeed and no the acting isn't great, I don't mind the last bit with the actual siege but the rest of it is a load of right wing nonsense.

  • Posts: 19,339
    Who Dares Wins is a thread I have on here and is based loosely on the Iranian embassy siege stopped by the SAS that I saw LIVE on TV .

    So if anyone is slagging this film off for its RELEVANCE then we have a problem.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    barryt007 wrote: »
    Who Dares Wins is a thread I have on here and is based loosely on the Iranian embassy siege stopped by the SAS that I saw LIVE on TV .

    So if anyone is slagging this film off for its RELEVANCE then we have a problem.

    Are you coming round to beat me up @barryt007?

    People have opinions they don't always agree with yours, it's OK but a about the Iranian siege it is not, it's a load fictional nonsense, I believe a film is arriving that covers that actual event.

    It certainly didn't play out like an over long episode of The Professionals and I saw it on TV as well.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Shardlake wrote: »
    barryt007 wrote: »
    Who Dares Wins is a thread I have on here and is based loosely on the Iranian embassy siege stopped by the SAS that I saw LIVE on TV .

    So if anyone is slagging this film off for its RELEVANCE then we have a problem.

    Are you coming round to beat me up @barryt007?

    People have opinions they don't always agree with yours, it's OK but a about the Iranian siege it is not, it's a load fictional nonsense, I believe a film is arriving that covers that actual event.

    It certainly didn't play out like an over long episode of The Professionals and I saw it on TV as well.

    Haha of course not my friend,look at our times...4 mins in...we clashed.
This discussion has been closed.