
  • Posts: 4,646
    Amber Rudd now talking about greater controls re the ingredients used to make the bomb. More evidence that they simply wont/dont discuss the core issues. Making it harder to make a bomb does not deal with the issue of why someone wants to make a bomb.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,454
    patb wrote: »
    Amber Rudd now talking about greater controls re the ingredients used to make the bomb. More evidence that they simply wont/dont discuss the core issues. Making it harder to make a bomb does not deal with the issue of why someone wants to make a bomb.

    Well exactly. Tackling the root causes of Islamic extremist terrorism is like grasping the nettle and very few politicians are willing to get stung in the process. Sad but true of today's run of career politicians.
  • Posts: 4,646
    Barriers protecting pavements, security checks when hiring lorrys, yet more COBRA meetings, lessons learnt, tighter control of the internet, blah, blah blah,

    just walking on egg shells re the possible causes. A total lack of leadership amongst our leaders.

  • Posts: 19,339
    patb wrote: »
    Barriers protecting pavements, security checks when hiring lorrys, yet more COBRA meetings, lessons learnt, tighter control of the internet, blah, blah blah,

    just walking on egg shells re the possible causes. A total lack of leadership amongst our leaders.

    All the countries KNOW what the problem is....sort it out..grow some balls before your own citizens decide to do it themselves.
    Posts: 1,003
    Mayor needs to stop being a little b1tch and do something. Glad I am in America right now.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    patb wrote: »
    Amber Rudd now talking about greater controls re the ingredients used to make the bomb. More evidence that they simply wont/dont discuss the core issues. Making it harder to make a bomb does not deal with the issue of why someone wants to make a bomb.

    Pointless. Whenever these scumbags wish to attack they will. Any ban on potential bomb making materials (which are in the main ordinary household or commercial ingredients) would mean a shift in tactics. What about petrol? Under the correct conditions a gallon of petrol has the same explosive potential at eighty pounds of dynamite. Are we going to ban petrol the first time one of the scum uses some? There's also dust explosives, you can make a big bang with a seemingly inert substance such as custard powder! Can't make a bomb because all the ingredients have been withdrawn from sale? Just go back to hiring/stealing a vehicle and using it to mow down pedestrians or making random knife attacks in public places. Leave a few bags unattended about the place, that will soon cause much disruption and chaos. They don't have to contain anything, but will bring the commuter network to a halt while the bomb squad arrive to investigate. See where I'm going? Tactically speaking, the terrorist will always remain one step ahead, and he will aways remain one step ahead while ever he is allowed to roam our streets.

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    To be honest, I just waiting for the first full scale, coordinated acid attack :-(
  • edited September 2017 Posts: 4,646
    They have just scratched the surface re the possibilities. Our complex (and often overstretched) infrastracture has many many pinchpoints and weakspots. Putting a few more armed police on the street to offer reassurance is pretty pathetic. Its clealy going to get worse. To think that in some way we have the upper hand is, in its own way, as delusional as the terrorists themselves.

    @stag spot on re your point re bluffs and dummie bombs. The atmosphere that we are in at the moment is perfect for such tactics. Ikea bag, plastic bucket, couple of roman candles --job done (perhaps Amber should be banning fireworks?)
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I am sure the beautiful religion of Islam has the answers to all of these problems.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    I still refuse to watch or listen to the news. I guess the rolling reporting has stopped but, to me, it's like groundhog day. I was chatting to someone this afternoon and they said that in order to stop this from happening again all tube passengers should be searched upon arrival at the station. I don't think they had thought it through! I did my best to point out the fact that this in itself would cause massive disruption, delays (I didn't even bother broaching the whole 'human rights' thing) but did say that the would be bomber could still detonate his/her device while standing in line. The results - from a psychological perspective - would be even more effective than had it been exploded on the train itself.

    For the terrorist, the possibilities for attack are indeed endless and limited only by their own imagination. We haven't seen car bombs (yet) or bicycles whose frames have been packed with explosive then chained up to a bike rack in the city centre.

    We also have to remember that the fight against terrorism is being waged on two fronts. We do not only face the extremists themselves, but those in power who unwittingly aid and abet by their refusal to act in the manner required to defeat them.

  • Posts: 4,646
    The interesting/crucial question is what will it take to have a pivotal change in the debate. Politicians would have to admit they got things wrong and they rarely ever do that. The liberal agenda is so entrenched in both the political elite, the media and a chunk of the population that I find it hard to imagine the chain of events that would lead to a more realistic and honest approach onwhere we stand.
    Posts: 1,003
    What's funny is Donald Trump was right all along. We are at war with radical Muslims.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    patb wrote: »
    The interesting/crucial question is what will it take to have a pivotal change in the debate. Politicians would have to admit they got things wrong and they rarely ever do that. The liberal agenda is so entrenched in both the political elite, the media and a chunk of the population that I find it hard to imagine the chain of events that would lead to a more realistic and honest approach onwhere we stand.

    That's a very difficult question to answer. Perhaps when fatalities among MPs or the royal family are created? I doubt even then they will have the guts to stand up. Their hands are well and truly bound by issues of which they themselves are the architects. For far too long anyone wishing to even discuss the matter have been branded racist and all politicians know they have to vacillate in order to protect themselves and their parties. I predict a seismic shift in votes to the radical policies of new political parties who will emerge to make gain out of this issue. We could see a repackaged BNP or some similar far right organisation who will appeal to the ordinary citizen who is sick to the back teeth of this situation. It sounds far fetched but just look at the rise of UKIP. They were outcasts, regarded as fringe lunatics, but they tapped into the concerns of the ordinary people of the UK with a message which they both understood and agreed with. The result was the referendum and Brexit. Could a BNP style party do something similar? Someone saying they will represent the common folk will find many willing ears.

    I also predict that we will see at least one attack over the Christmas period. Just imagine if a bomb exploded on Christmas eve/day? The TV schedules being taken over by rolling news. Wouldn't that be a victory for the extremists? I sincerely hope I'm proved wrong on that point.

    Also, I wonder how many title changes this thread will have over the coming weeks and months?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Basic teaching in the Quran Is to convert all unbelievers, if they don't convert
    then they either become slaves ( yes they're still down with that ) or get Killed.

    Posts: 1,003
    Basic teaching in the Quran Is to convert all unbelievers, if they don't convert
    then they either become slaves ( yes they're still down with that ) or get Killed.

    But according to CNN all Muslims are peaceful and it's racist to think they or their religion is a problem!

    There was a video that surfaced of kids aged 5-10 beheading grown men and shooting them to death. You don't see any white christian terrorist groups doing that. Muslim religion literally says kill non believers.

  • Posts: 4,646
    "Web giants with blood on their hands" is the headline on the front page of the Fail. Fall for the diversionary tactic as breifed by the Gov hook line and sinker
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    patb wrote: »
    "Web giants with blood on their hands" is the headline on the front page of the Fail. Fall for the diversionary tactic as breifed by the Gov hook line and sinker

    As I already said, I don't buy newspapers and am still deliberately avoiding TV news. This doesn't surprise me. As far as I'm concerned the ongoing unwillingness to tackle the issue of terrorism and extremism is like defending or making excuses for the Nazis. That people continue to die is largely irrelevant to many.
  • edited September 2017 Posts: 4,646
    The lack of rationality is remarkable. The IRA seemed to be pretty good at putting bombs together without the help of the internet.

    Its staggering that some parties are desperate to point the finger at almost any other factor (the availability of bomb ingredients, the internet, poverty, social islolation, poor use of intel, mental health, foreign policy , the list goes on) rather than the one staring us in the face.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Agreed, it's like a drunk driver blaming the availability of roads for his actions.
  • Posts: 4,646
    or booze !!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    The availability of glasses ..... everything but
    The obvious problem.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    In fact it's like a wife making excuses for an abusive husband, who keeps finding reasons why he does what he does.
  • Posts: 4,646
    Yes, the more it happens, the more transparent it becomes. Every effort to find something else to blame and the public will eventually get fed up with it. Just a matter of time before a big bomb works and we have a major/bigger loss of life.

    Lets guess who/what to focus on in future?

  • edited September 2017 Posts: 1,469
    patb wrote: »
    Yes, there are parallels with the USA in the the liberals failed to deal with issues that the mainstream "working man" wanted to talk about and this left a vacuum for Trump to fill.
    Absolutely right. I agree with so many comments here. Security measures across the spectrum are needed, but perhaps most of all, more intelligence needs to be gathered on Islamic terror suspects. I remember after 9/11, we here in the U.S. had the Patriot Act for intelligence agencies to spy on links to terror suspects without having to get warrants. To Obama's credit, he extended elements of the Act for several years. But then you had Edward Snowden and other people leaking details about intelligence programs, and lots of Americans rebelled against the spying, complaining that they were being robbed of their civil liberties and privacy rights. I guess the question now is, how much more deadly do attacks have to get before officials get tougher on Islamic terror? I think we in the U.S. have been fortunate in that there haven't been many "mass" attacks recently, mainly smaller isolated ones. But I'm glad Trump is at least talking tough on the issue. And of course it isn't just an issue with bombs or firebombs but those damned truck attacks--and who knows what else could happen.

    Just read in the NY Times that MI5 is tracking more than 3,000 terrorist sympathizers in about 500 separate investigations. I guess that may not be enough given the last attack, but unfortunately some suspects will probably go unnoticed--I don't know if this is inevitable or not.
  • Posts: 6,071
    There is a solution : kill the whole of the human race. Granted, it's a bit radical, but nobody will be able to commit any terror act, or complain about them.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    After you. :-)
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    edited September 2017 Posts: 1,053
    Fine. Let's start with the terrorists and terrorist enablers. We'll pause for an assessment of the situation after that.

    Now it's wrong to complain about terrorist incidents?! Says it all doesn't it?!
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    My wife just told me that the terrorist scumbag and a friend who has latterly been arrested are 'refugees' who are being fostered. One is eighteen, the other twenty one?! Is this true?
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,454
    stag wrote: »
    My wife just told me that the terrorist scumbag and a friend who has latterly been arrested are 'refugees' who are being fostered. One is eighteen, the other twenty one?! Is this true?

    Oh, do be careful. Someone might call you a racist, even though it is true.
  • Posts: 4,646
    The picture is emerging but I have a feeling that the couple in Sunbury who fostered kids could become a symbol or mataphor for the UK and perhaps Europe.

    With the best of intentions, they welcomed young men...strangers into their home. To offer them safety, security, stability, a future etc etc. And that precious generosity was returned with ignorance and violence.

    Some questioned the wisdom of our refugee policy both here and across Europe and they were shouted down by the well meaning liberals who saw nothing but good in our policy re refugees. It is a moral dilema..but I would not want to explain to someone who had lost a relative that it was worth the risk.
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