Sir Roger Moore (1927 - 2017)



  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    It had to happen someday, but I wasn't prepared anyway. Such a big part of my childhood he was... it's truly a sad day... :(
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,037
    Words fail me at the moment. Stuck at work but friends are texting me constantly.

    RIP Sir Rog :( :( :(
  • Posts: 3,321
    Sad day all round. First Manchester, now this. RIP to a legend.

    Goodbye, Mr. Bond!
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,580
    Roger Moore was the franchise's greatest Ambassador. He would always be happy to talk about the series, and he would never speak badly of anyone within the Bond 'family'.

    He wasn't the best actor to play Bond, or it's greatest star, but he was a true fan favourite, and a real gentleman to boot.
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,162
    I know i've never been the biggest fan of his, but this is still devastating to hear. I'm trying to wrap my head around this happening to a Bond actor.

    Very much my feelings. He's an essential part of the series, even if I've always affectionately poked fun at his Bond. I like to think he wouldn't mind if I continue to do so; he was obviously a damn good sport with a great sense of humour.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Nicky Hayden, Manchester and now Sir Roger Moore. Heartbroken.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I honestly feel like I've lost a close family member today. That's how much Sir Rog has meant to me throughout my life. A role model and a great man, in addition to being a superb Bond.
  • Posts: 1,482
    A true gentleman and legend. Saw his one man show at Richmond Theatre in 2014. Packed out. Young, middle-aged and old. He was tremendous. He reached and charmed everyone. I raise a glass in memory of Sir Roger.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,384
    RIP the Legend. Roger Moore
  • Posts: 618
    Nobody lives forever...

    RIP, Sir Roger -- a fun Bond and a classy gent.
  • edited May 2017 Posts: 669
    Alas, for the first time ever, our Bond actors aren't all alive at the same time.Such sad news.

    89 is a good age, and clearly Sir Roger lived a full and wonderful life, but somehow it just seems to me that anyone who plays 007 ought to live forever. He was my first Bond and his films will always be my favorites, as uneven as they are. More importantly, he was always a class act and was a wonderful ambassador for the franchise.

    RIP, 007. We'll never forget you.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,185
  • Posts: 19,339
    I was lucky enough to have met him a few years back and have a chat,hand shake and a personal dedication in a book I had with me,to myself and my daughter.

    The man was a true legend,and always will be to us members of the Bond family,worldwide.

    Thank you for all the joy & positivity you gave me, Sir Roger.

    Time to lay down your Walther ,and rest.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    edited May 2017 Posts: 4,423
    bondjames wrote: »
    I honestly feel like I've lost a close family member today. That's how much Sir Rog has meant to me throughout my life. A role model and a great man, in addition to being a superb Bond.

    Well said. My condolences to Sir Roger Moore's family. Such a great man.
  • Posts: 5,943
    As if today coldn't get crappier, now it has. RIP, Sir Roger, and thanks for all the memories we have of you, whether on TV or on the silver screen, from Ivanhoe to The Saint, from The Persuaders to James Bond, and thanks for all the good work you did with UNICEF.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,355
    To live to 89 is something special in itself. To accomplish what Sir Roger has in his lifetime is something we can only hope to achieve and aspire to. That's inspiration for all of us.

    It doesn't seem real and probably won't for a while but know of all the people in the public eye to have died over the last 24 hours, he had the chance to live the longest and most full life of all.

  • Not wanting to believe this news, I am tearing up quite a bit, he was such a large part of my childhood, and a he's had large impact on the Bond legacy. I will continue to love and adore the mans tenure as 007. Rest in Peace Roger Moore.
  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    edited May 2017 Posts: 2,138
    We have lost an incredible ambassador of the franchise. I doubt age would have stopped him, but even after dealing with the disappointment of having to give up the role, he was respectful and supportive of the actors who followed, and of EON and the Films.

    "an exemplar of British fortitude".

    We could all do with being a little more Sir Roger in our lives.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 8,932
    His portrayal of Bond was not my favourite one. But with apologies to all the others, he came across as the finest and most likable and affable person to have played that role, the one I would have most wanted to meet and have a drink with. And at the risk of demonstrating self-pity, here goes yet another central figure from the times of my youth and young adulthood.
  • BondAficionadoBondAficionado Former IMDBer
    Posts: 1,887
    He was not only the best ambassador to the Bond films - giving interviews, meeting fans and praising the series - but also of Unicef. So kind and gracious but also modest.

    If it's worth anything, I really enjoyed all of his Bond films and happened to watch TSWLM and LALD this last fortnight and it's hard to not think about how watching them will forever be different in the future.

    It's truly terrible but we all knew that sooner or later we'd have to say goodbye, I guess.

    RIP, Sir.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,589
    I'm totally gutted. I'm not sure what to say, really.
  • Posts: 4,619
    RIP, Sir Moore.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    I've just watched a good piece about this sad news on the BBC. RIP Sir Roger.
  • Posts: 9,830
    Shame I will watch For your Eyes Only or Live and Let Die tonight/this weekend in honor of Roger.
  • Posts: 1,092
    No words... I'm devastated. So gutted I never got to meet him.
  • Posts: 30
    Such sad, sad news. I feel gutted. Such a wonderful gentleman in life, as well.
  • Red_SnowRed_Snow Australia
    Posts: 2,525
    Very sad to hear this news. My thoughts are with his family.

  • Posts: 1,009
    While I'm a Dalton-Brosnan era guy, it was Sir Rog who hooked me on Bond with TMWTTG when I was a teenager. These are sad, very sad news indeed.
    And as @PDJamesBond states, we lost our first official Bond and one of the greatest icons on action film and TV series ever.

    RIP our cigar-chomping, quote-spitting, happy-go-lucky Bond.
  • Posts: 4,622
    A life well lived. The first Bond actor to pass on.
    He left behind some great work, most notably 7 Bonds and the Saint.
    Father Time has claimed three giants of the genre in recent years; Rog, Robert Vaughn and Patrick MacNee.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    edited May 2017 Posts: 9,185
    Not my favourite Bond, but the one I could almost certainly watch at any time since he was so charming...
    And yes, as someone pointed out earlier, the one I'd most like to have a drink with, but, I would fear, I'd choke with laughter.
    My head's spinning....
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