How do you listen to music?



  • Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

  • Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    Front three speakers - tweeter at ear height
    Surround speakers - 2-3 feet above ear height.

    These are optimal listening positions/heights, @BonSimonLeBon_1?
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol
  • Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))
  • edited October 2020 Posts: 2,436
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    Front three speakers - tweeter at ear height
    Surround speakers - 2-3 feet above ear height.

    These are optimal listening positions/heights, @BonSimonLeBon_1?

    Yeah that's the optimal positioning for speakers. I'm looking forward to buying some new speakers - going to get bipole speakers for my surrounds.
  • Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    Front three speakers - tweeter at ear height
    Surround speakers - 2-3 feet above ear height.

    These are optimal listening positions/heights, @BonSimonLeBon_1?

    Yeah that's the optimal positioning for speakers. I'm looking forward to buying some new speakers - going to get bipole speakers for my surrounds.

    Thanks, I'll take note of this! My speaker setup(s) are quite randomly placed, which was whatever made sense at the time. Certainly not at ear height!

    Write a comment when you have bought and tested the bipole speakers, so that we know what they sound like. :-)
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited October 2020 Posts: 25,627
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.

    The reviews were good.
  • Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited October 2020 Posts: 25,627
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!

    They work out at £2 each and will be able to use them on speaker stand when I eventually get them, the reviews on Amazon were very positive so hopefully it will cut the floor rumbling down a bit more lol

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?
  • edited October 2020 Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!

    They work out at £2 each and will be able to use them on speaker stand when I eventually get them, the reviews on Amazon were very positive so hopefully it will cut the floor rumbling down a bit more lol

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?

    Anything that helps (and don't cost too much), is worth trying IMO. I've been fortunate that the surfaces I've placed my speakers on have generally been alright for sound, with little to no vibration that I could hear. But that doesn't mean there isn't any, of course!

    Nah, I think they would work the same. The blocks of wood would be the same, just with a few coats of paint on them. I know very little about painting furniture/interior, but maybe you will need a coat of some sort of primer too, to make the surface look good?
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!

    They work out at £2 each and will be able to use them on speaker stand when I eventually get them, the reviews on Amazon were very positive so hopefully it will cut the floor rumbling down a bit more lol

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?

    Anything that helps (and don't cost too much), is worth trying IMO. I've been fortunate that the surfaces I've placed my speakers on have generally been alright for sound, with little to no vibration that I could hear. But that doesn't mean there isn't any, of course!

    Nah, I think they would work the same. The blocks of wood would be the same, just with a few coats of paint on them. I know very little about painting furniture/interior, but maybe you will need a coat of some sort of primer too, to make the surface look good?

    Everything has to be black I could use a primer then just use mat black finish for the Bamboo blocks then they would literally be invisible on the glass tables, something to consider if I don't get speaker stands for a while.
  • Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!

    They work out at £2 each and will be able to use them on speaker stand when I eventually get them, the reviews on Amazon were very positive so hopefully it will cut the floor rumbling down a bit more lol

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?

    Anything that helps (and don't cost too much), is worth trying IMO. I've been fortunate that the surfaces I've placed my speakers on have generally been alright for sound, with little to no vibration that I could hear. But that doesn't mean there isn't any, of course!

    Nah, I think they would work the same. The blocks of wood would be the same, just with a few coats of paint on them. I know very little about painting furniture/interior, but maybe you will need a coat of some sort of primer too, to make the surface look good?

    You ideally need to isolate speakers from any surface they are on. Blu-tak or adhesive tabs work well.
  • Posts: 17,875
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!

    They work out at £2 each and will be able to use them on speaker stand when I eventually get them, the reviews on Amazon were very positive so hopefully it will cut the floor rumbling down a bit more lol

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?

    Anything that helps (and don't cost too much), is worth trying IMO. I've been fortunate that the surfaces I've placed my speakers on have generally been alright for sound, with little to no vibration that I could hear. But that doesn't mean there isn't any, of course!

    Nah, I think they would work the same. The blocks of wood would be the same, just with a few coats of paint on them. I know very little about painting furniture/interior, but maybe you will need a coat of some sort of primer too, to make the surface look good?

    Everything has to be black I could use a primer then just use mat black finish for the Bamboo blocks then they would literally be invisible on the glass tables, something to consider if I don't get speaker stands for a while.

    There are probably some decent spray paints too, come to think of it. But I don't know how that will work on a bamboo surface.
    Just ordered an Echo Studio as its Prime Day £50 price reduction. I was going to buy 2 though thought I better just test one first. Ultimately as they have Dolby Atmos and I have a lot of Dolby Atmos Prime Video content it will be used instead of my sound bar, the only downside which I am not too bothered about is that when pairing two Echo Studio's via WiFi you can only use the paired speakers for the 4K Fire Stick, you can Toslink connect one speaker to TV only if you wanted to use it for Xbox or Roku or other streaming devices.

    Do you plan to replace the sound bar with the Echo Studio speaker(s) @Fire_and_Ice_Returns, or will they be an addition to the speakers you already own? The reviews are favourable, so I definitely understand the wish to get one – or two!

    When I watch Sky Sports or use any app native to my TV or use my Xbox I will use my Soundbar. Until I can find a work around to use Echo Studio x2, I will just use Echo Studio for 4K Fire TV Stick. I pretty much use Fire TV 90% of the time as YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, WWE apps are all on there plus I have hundreds of films and music on Fire TV its my primary content.

    I will probably get another when it's Black Friday in a month, or sooner if it stays low priced by the time I have tested it. One either side of my TV should be pretty good Dolby Atmos sound, it also plays 3D music though not sure I want to pay extra for that subscription lol

    Makes sense to get an Echo Studio (or two) if so much of the content you consume is viewed through the Fire TV Stick. Never tried Fire TV myself, I must admit, but it looks like a handy streaming device. I got an Apple TV I'm really happy with though, so the need for an additional streaming device isn't there right now.

    Short demo and set up guide

    Nice review. I'm currently just using the internal speaker when watching TV, which is alright, but I might consider something a bit more…exciting at some point. Will have to choose between a soundbar and something like these Echo Studio speakers when I do decide on an upgrade. The issue with Amazon speakers etc. for me, is that they don't deliver to Norway, so you need to order via a third party web store. Not a big issue, but you're likely to have to pay full price – or even a bit more.

    It's way out of my price range, but I'd love to own a Beosound Stage soundbar!


    Edited: Just ordered a second.

    Have you had a chance to listen to the one you've already ordered?

    Beosound Stage soundbar looks good not seen it before, would blend well into the decor.

    Both speakers are arriving on Friday, I ordered the second today as thought there is a good chance I was going to do it at some point and having the stereo set up immediately will be good. Long term I will have to get two stands for them, already seen some that may be suitable, though for now have two small tables to put them on.

    That is a pain not being able to get items delivered directly from Amazon.

    I haven't seen the Beosound Stage mentioned that often, which is strange being a Bang & Olufsen product. There are a lot of soundbars out there though, so some products won't get the same amount of mentions anyway.

    Are the stands you're looking at made by Amazon as well? I have a couple of small tables for a pair of my vintage speakers. It does the job just fine, but it's not an optimal solution.

    It's just the tech stuff though; I had to get my Kindle from a third party web store for example. For books and other stuff, you're usually able to get it delivered.

    Something like these stands though need to workout what the best height for the speakers would be, these may be not tall enough. The speaker base of the Echo Studios are 17.6cm diameter so need a decent size stand width. I really don't want to spend too much, so will likely use the small tables for a while until I find some good cheap stands.

    Sometimes in the UK Amazon may send stuff via Royal Mail or another delivery company, for the most part its there drivers that deliver stuff to me.

    Yeah, figuring out the optimal height can be a bit tricky sometimes. I'm sure you'll find a decent pair if you look long enough; it's definitely worth taking the time to find a few decent options to choose from.

    As we don't have an Amazon branch in Scandinavia (yet), it's all delivered by the regular postal services. On one occasion I had a package delivered as priority mail (for some reason it was about as cheap as the regular delivery), and that was delivered by DHL.

    When I initially put the speakers on the table I will try to elevate them with empty boxes or books to try to get perfect height though admittedly that will likely effect the sound lol

    In the UK there are numerous Amazon Lockers where items can be delivered to in case no one us home, it's a very gandy option to have.

    Good idea! I did that with one of my vintage speaker pairs once. I had just bought them, and needed to elevate them a bit from where I was sitting to hear if they were functioning alright – which they did. They've been placed in all kinds of angles and heights since though, when in use.

    I think you mentioned those lockers a while ago. It must be very handy to have that option. As an example: I ordered a book a few days ago (not from Amazon, it must be pointed out), which was supposed to be delivered at the door. The book was delivered today, but the delivery people left it in my post box with an open lid in the rain, rather than deliver the package at the door, which they were supposed to do. I was home at the time and left the house not long after anyway, but had I already left for the day, the package would have been soaking wet by the time I returned home, and the book probably in pretty bad shape. So having these lockers must make things so much easier. Are Amazon the only company offering services like these, or are there other, similar services in your area too?
    Wow just Wow! Echo Studios arrived early, just set them up crudely ( two different size tables for the moment. the sound is phenomenal and not configured properly yet,

    I compared CR to SF (in Dolby Atoms) the difference is incredible. Then I watched the light speed skipping scene form The Rise of Skywalker and I was getting chills, these speakers are amazing, glad I got two.

    Interesting! Write an update when you have them configured properly too. Placement and configuration can make the world of difference sometimes.

    Good job you realised though I would have sent the book back if in a bad state. alway s take photos as evidence thats what I do lol

    Here some delivery drivers drop package at door ring the bell and run to a safe distance which is a bit surreal though sign of the times. There are other Lockers for other services though not that I use as of yet. It really is handy, usually you get 3 or 4 days to pick up the item.

    I have put the speakers on two identical glass tables either side of my TV stand looks quite good I may stick to that setup for a while, though long term the speakers at head height will probably be spot on for sound. I watched SP pre title sequence, the layers of sound is very impressive during the Day if the Dead parade. That sequence easily the best part of the film for me, I am not a fan of SP.

    I watched some of MR the scenes on the Drax estate, I kept switching between my Bose Soundbar and Echo Studio speakers, far more detail on the latter so a good upgrade on my soundbar also.

    I played some 3D music which is free to try from Amazon Music, it really is something else the clarity and depth of the sound is like nothing else. I am just not willing to pay a subscription to play it all the time, though as a reviewer of a video I watched said 'it is future music'. I did listen to DAF a purchased streamed Album I own from Amazon Music that sounded better than any other time I had listened to it on all my other speakers over the years,

    A example of 3D sound wear headphones, it's surreal around the 3:00 mark.

    Yes, if the book had been in bad shape, I would definitely have returned it. Fortunately it was perfectly fine; it was just the outer cardboard packaging that was a little wet.

    Given the times we're in, that's not surprising. A bit unusual though, perhaps! I've only had one package delivered to the door after Covid-19, but didn't have to sign for it. Interesting that other delivery services use locker systems as well; I have most of my packages delivered to what we call "Post in Store", which has replaced most of the traditional post offices. My experiences with this system has been a mixed bag (not all stores are that careful with how they store packages), so a locker system would have been much, much better.

    I imagine having the speakers at the same height is better for sound quality. The "sweet spot" is very depending on the room though; I always struggle finding the optimal placement for speakers.

    Interesting that the sound quality between the Echo speakers and the soundbar is that different. Makes me rethink the soundbar a bit as an option. I could just go for a couple of small-ish speakers instead. But anything would be an upgrade on the internal TV speakers though. How did the sound "experience" on an older Bond film like MR compare to the SP PTS? When using internal TV speakers I rarely give sound much thought, and old and new movies don't really feel that much different.

    Bohemian Rhapsody sounded really great in 3D! It will take some time for me to get used to 3D sound I think; I did listen quite a bit with 3D sound through the Boom 3D app you suggested, but it felt a bit unusual – especially with songs that I had listened to multiple times before.

    I agree the 3D music is odd at first on some tracks whilst listening to vocals feels like it is bouncing around my brain.
    The Dolby Atmos on the Atmos films I have on occasion you feel the waves of sound passing by your ears, I watched Apocalypse Now I felt like I was in some kind of Sound Centrifuge lol

    Don't be put off by soundbars, my sound bar is good though the Echo Studio technology is just that much better. My sound bar is 4 or 5 years old now. You can get good sound bars with Dolby Atmos now at a reasonable price.

    I am considering getting a Echo Sub, though after I have paid off my two Studio's first...


    Didn't know there were soundbars with Dolby Atmos. I imagine they're a bit more expensive?

    Part of the appeal with soundbars for me, is that it's literally just a narrow bar – much easier to add to your living room without taking up too much space. Something like the Echo Studios will be more… prominent in the living room. But then you have to consider what speakers like that can offer, which the soundbars can't.

    A subwoofer could be a nice addition to the two speakers. Looking it up online, I see the Echo Sub only works with Echo speakers, which is a bit of a drawback, IMO. But I imagine you won't need a sub to work with any other components than those two speakers?

    My soundbar is not Atmos though is dolby digital and you do notice a huge difference when playing dolby atmos on my sound bar.

    Just made some isolation pads from some off cuts of sound proof black gym flooring I had and using self adhesive pads stuck as feet to both Echo Studios, Seems to have had a good effect with the speakers currently on glass tables.

    Interesting! The step up in TV sound for me will be a leap anyway when moving on from the internal speakers, so Dolby Atmos or not, it will still be an upgrade.

    There's always these DIY hacks you can do to improve the sound. I know some people use Ikea butcher's blocks for vibration control and presentation. John Darko covers this briefly in one of his videos:

    I will have a look later, doing extra shift today got to pay for the speakers lol

    Audio ain't cheap, that's for sure! :))

    I ordered some of these... 1 " Platinum Silicone Hemisphere Bumper, Non-Skid Isolation Feet with Adhesive - 20 Duro - 8 Pack.The reviews were good.

    This looks like a good, affordable option. Maybe I should consider something like this myself… :-?

    Write a comment when you've compared the sound before and after trying these, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns!

    They work out at £2 each and will be able to use them on speaker stand when I eventually get them, the reviews on Amazon were very positive so hopefully it will cut the floor rumbling down a bit more lol

    Bamboo is a great idea, I wonder if I got a couple of square bamboo boards and painted them black it would ruin there effectiveness?

    Anything that helps (and don't cost too much), is worth trying IMO. I've been fortunate that the surfaces I've placed my speakers on have generally been alright for sound, with little to no vibration that I could hear. But that doesn't mean there isn't any, of course!

    Nah, I think they would work the same. The blocks of wood would be the same, just with a few coats of paint on them. I know very little about painting furniture/interior, but maybe you will need a coat of some sort of primer too, to make the surface look good?

    You ideally need to isolate speakers from any surface they are on. Blu-tak or adhesive tabs work well.

    Yes, you probably should. I'd rather not place any adhesive under my (vintage) speakers, though at some point I will likely get a wooden block or something like that to place them on, which I can place something for isolation beneath (adhesive tabs, feet etc.).
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited October 2020 Posts: 25,627
    Good point @Torgeirtrap regarding sticking pads to speakers. No way will I use the 3M adhesive on Echo Studios. I do have much weaker adhesive patches which I could just stick to the removable 3M layer while it's still in situ for now, the feet are arriving today.

    Edited: Noticeable difference withe the isolation feet, ended up sticking the on the base of the speakers easy enough to remove again, though unlikely I ever will remove them.
  • Posts: 17,875
    Good point @Torgeirtrap regarding sticking pads to speakers. No way will I use the 3M adhesive on Echo Studios. I do have much weaker adhesive patches which I could just stick to the removable 3M layer while it's still in situ for now, the feet are arriving today.

    Edited: Noticeable difference withe the isolation feet, ended up sticking the on the base of the speakers easy enough to remove again, though unlikely I ever will remove them.

    Interesting! I must consider getting some isolation pads/feet to try out myself.

    In what way did the sound improve? Was it clearer?
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    Good point @Torgeirtrap regarding sticking pads to speakers. No way will I use the 3M adhesive on Echo Studios. I do have much weaker adhesive patches which I could just stick to the removable 3M layer while it's still in situ for now, the feet are arriving today.

    Edited: Noticeable difference withe the isolation feet, ended up sticking the on the base of the speakers easy enough to remove again, though unlikely I ever will remove them.

    Interesting! I must consider getting some isolation pads/feet to try out myself.

    In what way did the sound improve? Was it clearer?

    The sound is more levitated if that makes sense, I am no audio expert though the speakers sound more detached from the tables they are on.
  • Good point @Torgeirtrap regarding sticking pads to speakers. No way will I use the 3M adhesive on Echo Studios. I do have much weaker adhesive patches which I could just stick to the removable 3M layer while it's still in situ for now, the feet are arriving today.

    Edited: Noticeable difference withe the isolation feet, ended up sticking the on the base of the speakers easy enough to remove again, though unlikely I ever will remove them.

    You stick the pads to the surface you're isolating from not to the speakers themselves.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    Good point @Torgeirtrap regarding sticking pads to speakers. No way will I use the 3M adhesive on Echo Studios. I do have much weaker adhesive patches which I could just stick to the removable 3M layer while it's still in situ for now, the feet are arriving today.

    Edited: Noticeable difference withe the isolation feet, ended up sticking the on the base of the speakers easy enough to remove again, though unlikely I ever will remove them.

    You stick the pads to the surface you're isolating from not to the speakers themselves.

    I have seen the ones I bought applied either way, it's worked anyway.
  • Posts: 17,875
    Good point @Torgeirtrap regarding sticking pads to speakers. No way will I use the 3M adhesive on Echo Studios. I do have much weaker adhesive patches which I could just stick to the removable 3M layer while it's still in situ for now, the feet are arriving today.

    Edited: Noticeable difference withe the isolation feet, ended up sticking the on the base of the speakers easy enough to remove again, though unlikely I ever will remove them.

    Interesting! I must consider getting some isolation pads/feet to try out myself.

    In what way did the sound improve? Was it clearer?

    The sound is more levitated if that makes sense, I am no audio expert though the speakers sound more detached from the tables they are on.

    I think I understand! Keep us posted on how the Echo's are to use. :-)
  • With music you also want to position your speakers well away from the back wall into the room. This will give the best imaging, a 3-dimensional soundstage should appear behind the speakers. The speakers should effectively 'disappear'.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    With music you also want to position your speakers well away from the back wall into the room. This will give the best imaging, a 3-dimensional soundstage should appear behind the speakers. The speakers should effectively 'disappear'.

    Good advice I have my TV and speakers a good meter or so away from the wall.
  • edited October 2020 Posts: 2,436
    With music you also want to position your speakers well away from the back wall into the room. This will give the best imaging, a 3-dimensional soundstage should appear behind the speakers. The speakers should effectively 'disappear'.

    Good advice I have my TV and speakers a good meter or so away from the wall.

    For music I always follow the rule of thirds - speakers firing down the length of the room and a third in from the front wall, listening position a third in from the back wall. If you have your chair/sofa right on the wall it will adversely affect the bass.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited October 2020 Posts: 25,627
    With music you also want to position your speakers well away from the back wall into the room. This will give the best imaging, a 3-dimensional soundstage should appear behind the speakers. The speakers should effectively 'disappear'.

    Good advice I have my TV and speakers a good meter or so away from the wall.

    For music I always follow the rule of thirds - speakers firing down the length of the room and a third in from the front wall, listening position a third in from the back wall. If you have your chair/sofa right on the wall it will adversely affect the bass.

    Its problematic with my movie room I do have a lot of memorabilia in it and its not the largest of rooms.


    I just bought these as another option to dampen vibrations and enhance sound, very good the Atmos is bouncing around the room more...


    Watching The Rise of Skywalker now and the Millennium Falcon span round, I actually moved back in my chair as it felt like the engines were literally in front of me.
  • Posts: 17,875
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.
  • edited February 2021 Posts: 17,875
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.

    Indeed! Crazy expensive as most B&O products are, but it sure looks great! Just watched a video on how it works, and it looks like the speaker I should have got, instead of the bluetooth one I already own.

  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,627
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.

    Indeed! Crazy expensive as most B&O products are, but it sure looks great! Just watched a video on how it works, and it looks like the speaker I should have got, instead of the bluetooth one I already own.

    My Echo Studios have a similar function regarding adjusting sound to its environment. I have almost paid of my Studio's so may get another speaker... not that I need one lol
  • edited February 2021 Posts: 17,875
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.

    Indeed! Crazy expensive as most B&O products are, but it sure looks great! Just watched a video on how it works, and it looks like the speaker I should have got, instead of the bluetooth one I already own.

    My Echo Studios have a similar function regarding adjusting sound to its environment. I have almost paid of my Studio's so may get another speaker... not that I need one lol

    How many speakers do you got now, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns? :))

    I'm probably set for speakers for some years to come really, with the vintage speakers and the Marshall bluetooth speaker I have. Lately I've been thinking of maybe getting rid of one pair of speakers, but as long as I don't have to, I think I will keep them all.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited February 2021 Posts: 25,627
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.

    Indeed! Crazy expensive as most B&O products are, but it sure looks great! Just watched a video on how it works, and it looks like the speaker I should have got, instead of the bluetooth one I already own.

    My Echo Studios have a similar function regarding adjusting sound to its environment. I have almost paid of my Studio's so may get another speaker... not that I need one lol

    How many speakers do you got now, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns? :))

    I'm probably set for speakers for some years to come really, with the vintage speakers and the Marshall bluetooth speaker I have. Lately I've been thinking of maybe getting rid of one pair of speakers, but as long as I don't have to, I think I will keep them all.

    I think 11 though I gave a couple of Bluetooth speakers I have had for years away lol

    I could do with another Echo speaker in my Gym room there is a area that is a blank spot for sound.

    Echo speakers just work so well as all linked no matter which room they are in.

    I rarely use my Bose soundbar for my TV now unless I use my Xbox One X Console.

    My PC speakers are the only old style speakers I have with no Bluetooth.
  • Posts: 17,875
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.
    If I was in the market for a new portable speaker, I'd save up money for this one!

    Nice, it certainly fits the aesthetic of blending int the background.

    Indeed! Crazy expensive as most B&O products are, but it sure looks great! Just watched a video on how it works, and it looks like the speaker I should have got, instead of the bluetooth one I already own.

    My Echo Studios have a similar function regarding adjusting sound to its environment. I have almost paid of my Studio's so may get another speaker... not that I need one lol

    How many speakers do you got now, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns? :))

    I'm probably set for speakers for some years to come really, with the vintage speakers and the Marshall bluetooth speaker I have. Lately I've been thinking of maybe getting rid of one pair of speakers, but as long as I don't have to, I think I will keep them all.

    I think 11 though I gave a couple of Bluetooth speakers I have had for years away lol

    I could do with another Echo speaker in my Gym room there is a area that is a blank spot for sound.

    Echo speakers just work so well as all linked no matter which room they are in.

    I rarely use my Bose soundbar for my TV now unless I use my Xbox One X Console.

    My PC speakers are the only old style speakers I have with no Bluetooth.

    11?! Do you get to use them all?

    That's the great thing about speakers you can pair with each other; the opportunity to get a true multi room experience is just limited by your wallet. I've thought about the buying myself some Sonos speakers, but the limited life cycle has got me a bit cautious doing so. But I guess that's the problem with software these days, and not just with Sonos. They sound good though.

    I've still yet to give soundbars a try. It's been a purchase I've considered making, but I don't think I'll get the most use out of one. I hope to find a solution where I'll be able to hook up one of my old speakers to the TV and Apple TV. If I do, then I should be covered as far as TV sound improvement goes. Similarly I'd be interested to be able to hook up a second pair of vintage speakers to my laptop somehow.
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