On This Day



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 9th

    1934: Judi Dench is born--York, North Yorkshire, England.
    1961: Bond comic strip For Your Eyes Only ends its run in The Daily Express. (Started 11 September 1961. 988-1065)
    John McLusky, artist. Henry Gammidge, writer. 1965: 007/Sandâbôru sakusen (_________ Strategy, aka Thunderball) premieres in Japan.
    Frank McCarthy
    1974 Re-release
    1977: The Spy Who Loved Me released in Australia and South Africa.
    1997: World Charity premiere of Tomorrow Never Dies at the London Odeon. No Royal family in attendance this time. 1999: James Bond 007 - Die Welt ist nicht genug released in Germany.
    2006: “You Know My Name” written by Chris Cornell and David Arnold peaks at 57 on The Billboard Hot 100. Cornell's highest charting single.
    Making of video

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 10th

    1963: Jack Whittingham issues a writ against Ian Fleming for damages citing libel, malicious falsehood, damage to professional reputation.
    1977: The Spy Who Loved Me released in Japan.
    1992: MGM/UA settles lawsuits delaying production of Bond films--key executives depart, Credit Lyonnais finances future operations.
    1995: Zlato oko (The Golden Eye) released in Slovenia.
    1999: James Bond 007 - Die Welt ist nicht genug released in Austria.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Denmark.
    2011: The Aston Martin DB5 sees after hours action on Childers Street, Lewisham, London, as the Skyfall escape to Scotland sequence is filmed.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 11th

    1961: James Bond comic strip Thunderball begins its run in The Daily Mail. (Ends 10 February 1962. 1066-1128)
    John McLusky, artist. Henry Gammidge, writer.
    1965: Thunderball released in Japan.
    1975: The British-American Chamber of Commerce honors Roger Moore--Man of the Year.
    1979: Moonraker released in the Philippines.
    2002: Die Another Day released in Venezuela.
    2006: "You Know My Name" CD single released.
    1986: Prince Charles and Princess Diana visit the The Living Daylights set and meet Timothy Dalton.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 12th

    1964: The Goldfinger soundtrack makes the Billboard chart, eventually reaches #1, spends 77 weeks in top 200.
    1981: Sólo para sus ojos (Only For Your Eyes, also Catalan title Només per als teus ulls) released in Spain.
    1987: The Living Daylights released in Japan.
    1993: The (James Bond 007 International Fan Club's) "Diamonds are Forever 22-Carat Christmas Lunch" is held at Pinewood Studios with Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewelyn, and the moon buggy.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in the UK, Ireland, and Iceland.
    2002: Die Another Day released in Australia, the Dominican Republic, and Lebanon.
    2002: 007: Otro día para morir (Another Day to Die) released in Mexico.
    2002: Умри, но не сейчас (Die But Not Now) released in Russia.
    2018: Dynamite Comics publishes James Bond: Origin (2018-) #4.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 13th

    1915: Curd Jürgens is born--Solin, Munich, Germany. (He dies 18 June 1982 at age 66--Vienna, Austria.)
    1941: Anouska Hempel (The Australian Girl) is born--Wellington, New Zealand.
    1958: Lynn-Holly Johnson is born--Chicago, Illinois.
    1958: The first Bond comic strip Casino Royale ends its run in The Daily Express.
    (Finishes 7 July 1958. 1-138) John McLusky, artist. Anthony Hern, writer. 1964: Richard Maibaum's piece "James Bond's 39 Bumps" is printed in the New York Times.
    James Bond's 39 Bumps
    RICHARD MAIBAUM - DEC. 13, 1964

    I ONCE told the late Ian Fleming that he wrote too well. Speaking strictly as a screenwriter, that is, who is handed a novel by a producer and told to trans­late it into celluloid. In the long run, of course, the di­rector does that, but the screenplay is his blueprint and has inherent in it the completed motion picture.

    Mr. Fleming seemed pleased, beaming when I as­cribed to him “an untrans­ferable literary quality,” but I’m sure he did not entirely realize I was paying him a left - handed compliment. Again from the standpoint of the screen dramatist.

    There is little doubt in my mind that the success of the Bond films stems directly from the success of the nov­els, their combination of ter­ror and elegance, sophisti­[cation]...

    Fleming's tongue‐in-cheek attitude toward his material (intrigue, expertise, violence, love, death) finds a rea­dy mass response in a world where audiences enjoy sick jokes. Incidentally, it is the aspect of Fleming which the films have most developed. Sometimes, I think, far be­yond what Fleming himself intended. He said as much to me once when he com­mented rather innocently, “Somehow the pictures seem funnier than my books.”

    Digging Deep

    Having said all this about the novels, it would appear that a screenwriter adapting them would feel like a for­tunate prospector discovering an inexhaustible mother‐lode of pure gold. And yet there are problems.

    A screenwriter is limited to setting down, as sugges­tion to the director, only what can be said and done by actors and what can be photographed by the camera­man. Lovely descriptive pass­ages; illuminating streams of consciousness revealing char­acter; great hunks of bril­liant, interesting exposition; carefully documented quasi­treatises; all must go.

    A case in point is a scene in “Goldfinger” in which Bond is strapped to a work­bench and menaced by an approaching circular saw. Somehow in the reading, be­cause Fleming writes so effectively, “The Perils of Pauline” do not immediately occur to one. Vividly depicted on the screen, however, we were sure audiences would find the episode old‐fashioned, hackneyed and ludicrous. What to do? We substitut­ed an industrial laser beam, a development as fresh as tomorrow, for the antiquated circular saw. Do I hear any­one asking sotto voce about the screenwriter's blushes? If he was the blushing type he wouldn't be doing Bond screenplays in the first place. Besides, it's all good clean fun, or so he tells himself.

    Logic is another problem. Once, as a young man, I worked as Writer Number 34, I think, for Alfred Hitchcock on “Foreign Correspondent.” I told him I thought a cer­tain situation was illogical. He looked at me sadly and replied, “Dear boy, don't be dull. I’m not interested in log­ic, but in effects. If the au­dience ever thinks about log­ic it's on their way home from the theater and by that time they’ve already paid for their tickets.”


    Still there is a point be­yond which audiences will re­ject a film for too many abuses of actuality. In “Gold­finger,” for example, Flem­ing has Goldfinger, a suppos­edly criminal genius, plot to break into Fort Knox and steal 16 billion dollars worth of gold bullion. Fleming, bless him, in the best Hitchcockian tradition, never bothered his head about how long it would take to transport that amount of gold, or how many men and vehicles would be re­quired. Obviously, it would take weeks, hundreds of trucks and hundreds of men. The problem that faced us was not an easy one. Why, we...

    Rough Grind

    Then there is the question of “bumps.” Hitchcock once said to me, “If I have 13 ‘bumps’ I know I have a pic­ture.” By “bumps,” he meant, of course, shocks, highpoints, thrills, whatever you choose to call them. From the be­ginning, through “Dr. No,” “From Russia With Love,” and now with “Goldfinger,” Mr. Broccoli and Mr. Saltzman, the producers, and myself have not been content with 13 “bumps.” We aim for 39. Our objective has been to make every foot of film pay off in terms of exciting en­tertainment. Fleming, too, has his “bumps,” but not nearly enough for the kind of films we’re trying to make.

    Actually, Fleming himself, unlike many authors of well­-known literary works to be made into films, seemed un­usually complacent as to how his books were treated. The only question he ever asked...

    The actual characterization of James Bond (and we are lucky devils to have Sean Connery) was also a depar­ture from the novels. Both Terence Young and Guy Hamilton, our directors, shared and augmented the concept of Bond as visualized by the producers and myself. That concept retained a basic super‐sleuth, super‐fighter, super‐hedonist, super‐lover of Fleming's, but added another large dimension: humor. Hu­mor vocalized in wry com­ments at critical moments. In the books, Bond was singu­larly lacking in this.

    A bright young produc­er accord me one day with glittering eyes. “I’m making a parody of the James Bond films.” How, I asked myself, does one make a parody of a parody? For that is precisely, in the final analysis, what we have done with Fleming's books. Parodied them. I’m not sure that Ian himself ever completely realized this. Or perhaps I underestimate his perception. At any rate, he seemed happy with what we were doing.

    The writer adapted "Dr. No," "From Russia With Love" and "Goldfinger," which opens at the DeMille and Coronet Theaters on Dec. 21, to the screen.

    This article can be viewed in its original form.
    Please send questions and feedback to
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    1969: 女王陛下の007 (Joô heika no 007, Her Majesty's OO7) released in Japan. That's ahead of UK 18 December, US 19 December.
    1973: Live and Let Die released in the Netherlands.
    1973: Å leve og la dø released in Norway.
    1973: Lev og lad dø released in Denmark.
    1985: Ölüme Bir Bakis (A Look to Death) released in Turkey.
    1997: 007 - O Amanhã Nunca Morre premieres in Portugal.
    2002: Die Another Day released in Colombia, Ecuador, Thailand, and Uruguay.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    The Danes turned up the ticket fare for LALD.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 14

    1953: Vijay Amritraj is born--Madras, Madras State, India.
    1960: Gregory Ratoff (born 20 April 20 1897--Samara, Russian Empire) dies at age 63--Solothurn, Switzerland. Later in 1961, his widow sells the Casino Royale film rights to producer Charles K. Feldman for $75,000.
    1967: You Only Live Twice released in Australia and Hong Kong.
    1971: Diamonds Are Forever UK premiere at the Odeon Leicester Square, London. Ahead of the US (17 December) and UK (30 December).
    1971: James Bond 007 - Diamantenfieber released in West Germany.
    1974: The Man With the Golden Gun released in Japan.
    1983: Never Say Never Again UK Royal Charity Premiere at the Warner West End Cinema, Leicester Square, London.
    1995: Aranyszem released in Hungary.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies limited release in the Netherlands.
    2006: "You Know My Name" release as a single. B-side: Soundgarden song "Black Hole Sun" acoustic version.
    2009: The Orient Express, featured in From Russia With Love book and film, ceases operations. Replaced by high-speed trains and air travel. (The Venice-Simplon Orient Express train--an Orient-Express Hotels Ltd. private venture, now Belmond--still runs carriages circa 1920s-1930s from London to Venice and even the original Paris to Istanbul route.)
    2014: EON releases statements confirming a cyber-attack on Sony stole an early version of the BOND 24 screenplay .

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 15th

    1948: Cassandra Harris is born--Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
    (She dies 29 December 1991 at age 43--Los Angeles, California.
    1958: Bond comic strip Live and Let Die begins its run in the Daily Express. (Ends 28 March 1959. 139-225)
    John McLusky, artist. Henry Gammidge, writer. 1965: Agente 007 - Thunderball (Operazione tuono) (Operation Thunder) released in Italy.
    1977: The Spy Who Loved Me released in the Netherlands.
    1977: 007: La espía que me amó released in Mexico.
    1983: Never Say Never Again released in the UK and Australia. (Compare to US release 7 October.)
    1983: Nunca Mais Digas Nunca released in Portugal.
    1989: 007 - Permissão para Matar (Permission to Kill) released in Brazil.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Iceland and Switzerland.
    1995: 007: GoldenEye released in Mexico.
    1995: 007 Contra GoldenEye released in Brazil.
    1995: 007 ja kultainen silmä (And a Golden Eye) released in Finland.
    1995: Altin Göz (Golden Eye) released in Turkey.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Venezuela.
    2006: Casino Royale released in Pakistan and Uruguay.
    2006: 007: Cassino Royale released in Brazil .
    2006: Prapanchaniki Okkadu (One to the World) released in India.
    2014: Vodka producer Belvedere showcases two limited edition 007 bottles at a London Film Museum launch party.
    Belvedere Is Making Sure That James Bond Will Actually Drink
    A Vodka Martini In The New ‘Spectre’ Movie

    Lara O'Reilly - Dec. 15, 2014, 7:01 PM

    Belvedere, the luxury vodka brand owned by the LVMH Group, is partnering with the next movie in the James Bond franchise, “Spectre.”

    Harnessing Bond’s penchant for vodka martinis and his iconic “Shaken, not stirred” line, Belvedere becomes the official vodka of the movie, which is due for cinematic release next November from Sony Pictures Entertainment.

    The news will be something of a relief for Bond fans: In previous movies the spy had been seen (implausibly) drinking Heineken and (more plausibly) Smirnoff. Fans tend to forget he also drank Red Stripe in the first movie, Dr. No. The arrival of Belvedere will therefore pull Bond upmarket a bit.

    Sitting down with Business Insider at a suitably secretive London location this week (think "spies," that's all we're allowed to say,) Belvedere Vodka president Charles Gibbs told us the partnership marks the brand’s “biggest” marketing push to date, although he declined to divulge financial details. It is hoped the partnership will raise awareness of the brand globally and highlight Belvedere vodka's quality credentials.

    To kick off the partnership, Belvedere has created two (very large) 1.75l limited edition bottles, which it will showcase at a launch party at London's Film Museum tonight (December 15.)

    The MI6 bottle pays homage to 007's HQ, swapping the signature Belvedere blue ink with the color of green ink used by MI6 officials to sign documents. Belvedere has also replaced the iconic Belvedere Palace that appears on its bottles with an etching of the MI6 building. Only 100 of this bottle will be made, but they won’t be available to buy. Instead Belvedere plans to gift them to “Bond aficionados” and put them up for charity auctions.

    Here's the MI6 bottle:

    The second, more flashy bottle is called the 007 Silver Saber. The metallic bottle lights up, thanks to an in-built LED system. It will be available on sale next year "in selective distribution."

    Here's the 007 Silver Saber:

    Next year, the campaign will ramp up with TV, cinema, digital ads, additional special packs and events planned. As the film is still in production, Gibbs could not confirm exactly what role Belvedere will play in Spectre. Gibbs also turned coy when asked whether there was the possibility of partnering with one of the other brands paying for product placement in the film (Aston Martin is the only other brand confirmed to appear so far, although that doesn't seem a likely fit.)

    The main appeal of the partnering with the Bond franchise was its global reach beyond its core base of 25 to 40-year-old customers, but Gibbs also hopes the partnership will allow the aspirational Belvedere brand to "break through the clutter" of marketing messages from big-spending alcohol brands by associating with a "moment in popular culture."

    The martini story also allows Belevedere to authentically talk up the provenance of its ingredients. The vodka is made from Dankowskie Rye and blended with own water from its own source in Poland, all key messages the brand hopes will hit home with lapsed drinkers as well as those new to the brand. It is hoped that making Belvedere Bond's choice for a vodka martini will also encourage bartenders to push the product to their cocktail lists.

    LVMH, which also owns the Moët Hennessy brand, saw a 7% drop year on year in reported revenue in the first 9 months of 2014 to €2.63 billion. At the time of reporting, the company said the trend was reflective of a declining cognac market in China. It did not split out separate figures for Belvedere, but said the brand had "sustained volume growth."
    2015: Madame Tussauds in Hollywood exhibits six James Bonds in wax. George Lazenby headlines the opening.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 16th

    1967: Bond comic strip The Hildebrand Rarity ends its run in The Daily Express. (Started 29 May 1967. 429-602)
    Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer. 1967: Casino Royale released in Japan.
    1983: Never Say Never Again released in Ireland and Sweden.
    1983: Neka aldrig två gånger (Never Deny Twice, Swedish title) released in Finland.
    1989: Licence to Kill released in the Philippines.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Japan and the Republic of Korea.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies US premiere in Los Angeles, California. 1997: El mañana nunca muere (The Tomorrow Never Die) released in Spain.
    (Catalan title El demà no mor mai or Tomorrow Does Not Die).
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Hong Kong.
    1999: Svijet nije dovoljan released in Croatia.
    2002: New York Times article "North Korea Denounces Bond Film" reports North Korea denounces Bond film.
    North Korea Denounces James Bond Film

    North Korea issued a statement today denouncing the latest James Bond film, ''Die Another Day,'' for ''insulting the Korean nation.''

    ''The U.S. should stop at once the dirty and cursed burlesque'' the official Korean Central News Agency said, citing a bulletin by the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland.

    In the film, the fictional secret agent 007 is captured in North Korea and tortured. He also has sex in a Buddhist temple.

    The film is ''a deliberate and premeditated act of mocking at and insulting the Korean nation,'' the news agency said, citing the bulletin, and shows that the United States is ''the root cause of all disasters and misfortune of the Korean nation,'' ''an empire of evil'' and ''the headquarters that spreads abnormality, degeneration, violence and fin-de-siècle corrupt sex culture.''
    2014: Daniel Craig begins the first day of Spectre filming, on the Thames River.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 17th

    1965: Thunderball released in Australia.
    1965: James Bond 007 - Feuerball (Fireball) released in West Germany.
    1965: Agent 007 i ilden (In the Fire) released in Denmark.
    1965: Åskbollen released in Sweden.
    1965: Opération Tonnerre (Operation Thunder) released in France.
    1968: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang released in the UK.
    1969: Honor Blackman is featured on This is Your Life, Thames TV. (They had to do it again 17 February 1993. And she's still going strong today.)
    1971: Diamonds Are Forever released in USA.
    1971: Diamanter varer evigt (Diamonds Last Forever) released in Denmark.
    1971: Agente 007 - Una cascata di diamanti (Agent 007 - A Cascade of Diamonds) released in Italy.
    1973: Lev og lad dø released in Denmark. 1973: Vive y deja morir released in Spain. (Catalan title Viu i deixa morir.)
    1975: Producer Harry Saltzman concludes the sale of his interests in the Bond franchise to United Artists, ending his partnership with Albert R. Broccoli.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Switzerland and Kuwait.
    1999: Demain ne meurt jamais released in France.
    1999: 007: Liiga kitsas maailm (007: Too Narrow World) released in Estonia.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    "High tension! Humour! Karate chops!"

    " You won t see anything like this on tv until the year 2500"

    Danish praise for LALD.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 18th

    1967: Bond comic strip The Spy Who Loved Me begins its run in The Daily Express. (Ends 3 October 1968. 603-815) Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer. The 18th and final Bond comic for them. 1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service London premiere at the Leicester Square Odeon. 1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service released in the Netherlands.
    1969: Agent 007 i Hendes Majestæts hemmelige tjeneste (Agent 007 In Her Majesty's Secret Service) released in Denmark. 1969: James Bond i hemmelig tjeneste (James Bond in Secret Service) released in Norway.
    1969: I hennes majestäts hemliga tjänst (In Her Majesty's Secret Service) released in Sweden.
    1969: Au service secret de Sa Majesté (At His Majesty's Secret Service) released in France.
    1969: Στην υπηρεσία της αυτής μεγαλειότητος (In the Service of the Same Majesty) released in Greece.
    1969: Agente 007 - Al servizio segreto di Sua Maestà (At the Secret Service of His Majesty) released in Italy.
    1974: The Man With the Golden Gun premieres Leicester Square Odeon, HRH Prince Philip in attendance.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Switzerland, Lebanon and the Netherlands.
    1997: James Bond 007 - Der Morgen stirbt nie released in Germany.
    1997: A holnap markában (Tomorrow's Mark) released in Hungary.
    1997: James Bond - Jutri nikoli ne umre (Tomorrow He Never Dies) released in Slovenia.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in the Republic of Korea.
    2002: Die Another Day released in Indonesia and Kuwait.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 19th

    1960: Fleming assigns Thunderball to Trustees – Glidrose Productions.
    1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service released in the UK and USA.
    1969: Hänen majesteettinsa salaisessa palveluksessa (His Majesty in Secret Service; Swedish title I hennes majestäts hemliga tjänst, In Her Majesty's Secret Service) released in Finland.
    1969: James Bond 007 - Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät (James Bond 007 - In Her Majesty's Secret Service) released in West Germany.
    1969: The New York Times reviews the latest Bond film.
    The New York Times
    Screen: New James Bond:George Lazenby Follows the Connery Pattern
    December 19, 1969 - By A. H. WEILER

    A BARE fact must be faced. The superheated screen activities of Ian Fleming's supersleuth and sex symbol, James Bond, are as inevitable as sex or crime or "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," the sixth steaming annal in the sock 'em and spoof 'em spy series that crashed into the DeMille and other local theaters yesterday.

    Serious criticism of such an esteemed institution would be tantamount to throwing rocks at Buckingham Palace, but it does call for a handful of pebbles. Devotees will note that Sean Connery, the virile, suave conqueror of all those dastards and dames in the five previous capers, has given up his 007 Bond credentials to George Lazenby, a 30-year-old Australian newcomer to films. He's tall, dark, handsome and has a dimpled chin. But Mr. Lazenby, if not a spurious Bond, is merely a casual, pleasant, satisfactory replacement.

    For the record, he plays a decidedly second fiddle to an overabundance of continuous action, a soundtrack as explosive as the London Blitz, and flip dialogue and characterizations set against some authentic, truly spectacular Portuguese and Swiss scenic backgrounds, caught in eyecatching colors.

    What are Bond's problems now? They're too numerous, as usual, to hold the constant attention of anyone other than a charter member of Her Majesty's Secret Service. What sets our bully boy off and fighting, running, shooting and loving this time is a lissome, leggy lass mysteriously bent on drowning herself in the waves thunderously crashing on a lonely Portuguese beach.

    First thing you know he's involved in a battle with two toughs that is as full of karate chops and belts in the belly as a brawl in a Singapore alley. To the credit of Richard Maibaum, the scenarist, the film's tongue-in-cheek attitude is set right at the outset. Once our new Bond emerges triumphant, he turns to the audience and says, somewhat plaintively: "This never happened to the other fellow."

    But it does. The lady of his life, the svelte Diana Rigg, who learned her karate chops from the British TV "Avenger" series, is the daughter of the blandly effete Gabriele Ferzetti, Mafioso-like tycoon, who likes Bond and wants to destroy that Spectre chief, Telly Savalas, his competition in world crime. That suits Bond too, and practically right off he's in Switzerland, where our villain maintains an eyrie atop an Alp.

    It's an inaccessible retreat, supposedly an institute for allergy research complete with hired guns, scientific gimmicks and an international conclave of allegedly allergic beauties who are really being brainwashed by the oily, bald-domed Mr. Savalas to spread his biological destruction of the world's food supply. Get it?

    Bond dallies with the dolls, of course, but the heart of the matter is a series of chases shot by the 41-year-old Peter Hunt, second unit director of the previous adventures, who's making his directorial debut with this one. The chases are breakneck, devastating affairs.

    A viewer must remember what seems to be the longest ski chase and bobsled run ever, full of gunfire and spills, that even includes an avalanche. There also is a decibel-filled fight amid clanging Swiss cow bells, the jarring bombing of that eyrie by helicopter-borne rescuers and the inadvertent clashes of the escaping Bond and Miss Rigg in a slithering, bang-up stock car race. One must say amen to a colleague's observation:

    "I never expected to see Switzerland defoliated like "this."

    It should be reported that the producers and distributors already have rung up a reported $82,200,000 on their first five Bond issues. It is not ungallant to report that Bond marries Miss Rigg, who is gunned down and killed by Savalas on their honeymoon. So it is reasonable to expect that Bond inevitably will be loving, shooting and running again.
    1973: James Bond 007 - Leben und sterben lassen released in West Germany
    1973: 007 - Vivi e lascia morire released in Italy.
    1974: The Man with the Golden Gun premieres in London, plus is released in the US and the Netherlands.
    1974: James Bond 007 - Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt (James Bond 007: The Man With the Golden Colt) released in West Germany.
    1974: Manden med den gyldne pistol (There Male Give Me The Golden Colt) released in Denmark. 1985: 007: En la mira de los asesinos (007: In the Sights of the Murderers) released in Mexico.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in the US, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Israel.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Canada. (French title Demain ne meurt jamais).
    1997: Huominen ei koskaan kuole released in Finland.
    1997: 007 - O Amanhã Nunca Morre released in Portugal.
    1997" Завтра не умрёт никогда (Tomorrow Will Never Die) released in Russia,
    1997: A&M releases the "Tomorrow Never Dies" single.
    1997: The New York Times reviews the latest Bond film.
    The New York Times
    FILM REVIEW; Shaken, Not Stirred, Bond Is in Business

    By JANET MASLIN - Published: December 19, 1997

    No need to feel badly if the right watch, drink, cell phone, etc., don't turn you into James Bond. They don't really do it for Pierce Brosnan in ''Tomorrow Never Dies,'' either. Despite Mr. Brosnan's best efforts to be lethally debonair, the Bond franchise has sacrificed most of what made this character unique in the first place, turning the world's suavest spy into one more pitchman and fashion plate. This latest film is such a generic action event that it could be any old summer blockbuster, except that its hero is chronically overdressed.

    This is not to say that ''Tomorrow Never Dies'' won't be an international success like ''Goldeneye,'' which wasn't much better. But it should fare best in corners of the world where nobody knows how little the title means, or how accurately it reflects the rest of the film's shallowness. Closer than ever to cartoon superhero status, Bond is seen battling ridiculous odds, dodging computer-generated explosions, delivering lame bon mots and boasting pitifully about his sexual prowess. All that gives this an up-to-date sensibility is the audience's awareness that M (Judi Dench) and Moneypenny (Samantha Bond) could sue him for sexual harassment on the basis of his small talk.

    This film does have a lively villain in Jonathan Pryce, as a media mogul who dreams of everything from manufacturing his own war to marketing software with bugs (so that customers will have to upgrade for years). Mr. Pryce reigns mischievously over an empire that Bond must infiltrate, and he also has a wife (Teri Hatcher) who is one of Bond's approximately one million ex-flames. Ms. Hatcher, like Mr. Brosnan, speaks in a perfect monotone, and so does Michelle Yeoh, the Hong Kong action star who is meant to kick some life into the series.

    The film's other attempts to show Bond in a romantic light are so hopeless that it's a lucky thing his partnership with Ms. Yeoh's character, the svelte and athletic Wai Lin, stays confined to toylike weaponry and flat double-entendres.

    ''And now a word from our sponsor,'' muttered the critic beside me, as the camera offered a good look at James Bond's vodka bottle midway through the so-called story. (The humor-free screenplay is by Bruce Feirstein, author of ''Real Men Don't Eat Quiche'' as well as ''Goldeneye.'' The workmanlike director is Roger Spottiswoode.) Indeed, despite Bond's mission to defeat the evil mogul, product plugs are the film's most serious business, especially since the audience may be bored enough to start looking at labels.

    The film's two best supporting turns come from Vincent Schiavelli, who has a cheerfully outrageous scene as a torture expert, and from a nice, smart BMW that works on remote control. Hiding in the back seat, Bond pilots the car through a tire-screeching chase. Don't try this at home.

    ''Tomorrow Never Dies'' is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). It includes violence a la videogames, smirky innuendoes and a couple of brief sexual situations.
    1999: Desmond Llewelyn dies at age 85--Firle, East Sussex, England.
    (Born 12 September 1914--Newport, Wales. UK.)[/quote]
    2002: Die Another Day released in Chile.
    2002: Halj meg máskor (Hang On at Another Time) released in Hungary.
    2002: Otro día para morir (Another Day to Die) released in Peru.
    2002: Umri kdaj drugič (Die Sometime Else) released in Slovenia.
    2018: Dynamite Comics James Bond: 007 #2 comes available. Oddjob returns.
    Marc Laming, artist. Greg Pak, writer.
    Dave Johnson, Cover A.
    Marguerite Sauvage, Cover B.
    Clayton Henry, Cover C.
    Mark Laming, Cover D.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Those lobby tarot cards are great.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 20th

    1959: The Atticus column of the Sunday Times presents some thoughts from Ian Fleming on Christmas.
    Thriller-writer Ian Fleming has more positive ideas on Christmas:
    "Ideally, the only possible place to spent it is Monte Carlo. You don't have to eat turkey--a detestable bird. There aren't any people there you know at this time of year, and it's perfectly easy to play a little golf and avoid over-eating."

    But even for the creator of James Bond, the ideal is not always attainable, and Mr. Fleming will in fact be spending his Christmas near Belfast, reading three good American thrillers, including the latest Rex Stout, and "going to church in a long crocodile with the rest of the family" on Christmas morning. His one way of simplifying Christmas is to give the same present year after year to all and sundry. It consists of a dozen snuff handkerchiefs from Fribourg and Treyer.
    1963: Agent 007 jages (Agent 007 is Chased) released in Denmark. 1967: Casino Royale released in Monaco.
    1971: Les diamants sont éternels (Diamonds Are Eternal) released in France.
    1971: Τζέημς Μποντ, πράκτωρ 007: Τα διαμάντια είναι παντοτινά (James Bond, Agent 007: Diamonds are Forever) released in Greece.
    1971: Diamantfeber released in Sweden.
    1974: De man met de gouden revolver (Flemish title) released in Belgium.
    1974: 007 ja kultainen ase (007 and a Golden Gun; Swedish title Mannen med den gyllene pistolen) released in Finland.
    1974: L'homme au pistolet d'or (The Man With the Golden Pistol) released in France.
    1974: Az aranypisztolyos férfi (The Golden-Haired Man) released in Hungary.
    1974: Agente 007 - L'uomo dalla pistola d'oro released in Italy.


    Not to be confused with.
    1974: Mannen med den gyldne pistol released in Norway.
    1974: Czlowiek ze zlotym pistoletem (A Man With a Golden Pistol) released in Poland.
    1974: The Man With the Golden Gun released in the UK, USA, and Ireland.
    1977: The Spy Who Loved Me released in the Philippines.
    1985: A View to a Kill released in the Philippines.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Belgium, France, and Spain.
    2002: Prapancha Veerudu 007 (World Hero 007, Telugu title) released in India.
    2006: Casino Royale released in Hong Kong.
    2009: Screenwriter Peter Morgan reveals an unimaginable twist planned for BOND 23--
    The death of M
    2018: Ian Fleming Publications gives Seasons Greetings.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I had to check that Italian western with the title THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN. Turns out it came out in 1965, the same year as Fleming s book.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 21st

    1964: Goldfinger premieres in the US--at the DeMille Theatre, New York City, NY.
    (Compare to UK premiere 17 September in London. Followed by Hollywood, CA 25 December.
    Then US general release 9 January 1965.)
    1965: Thunderball premieres in the US--New York City, NY.
    (Followed by US general release 22 December. UK release 29 December. The true world premiere was earlier: December 9, Hibiya Cinema, Tokyo, Japan.)
    1967: Casino Royale released in Austria, the Netherlands, and West Germany.
    1967: James Bond 007 - Casino Royale released in Denmark.
    1968: On Her Majesty's Secret Service principal shooting ends. (Began: 21 October.)
    1969: Ilse Steppat at age 51--West Berlin, Germany. (Born 30 November 917--Barmen, Germany.)
    1973: Leven en laten sterven released in Belgium.
    French and Dutch
    1973: Leva och låta dö (Swedish title) released in Finland.
    1973: Vivre et laisser mourir released in France.
    1974: Mannen med den gyllene pistolen released in Sweden.
    1982: Moonraker released in Iceland.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Hong Kong.
    1999: Desmond Llewelyn's obituary appears in The Independent two days after his passing.
    The Independent: Obituary: Desmond Llewelyn
    Tom Vallance - Tuesday 21 December 1999 00:02 GMT - The Independent Culture

    DESMOND LLEWELYN was an actor for over 60 years, but will forever be remembered for just one role, that of "Q", inventor of countless gadgets for the spy James Bond. With an air of impatient but kindly acumen, he would introduce Bond to a batch of innocent-looking but lethal high-tech instruments in a scene that was always a highlight of each adventure.

    When the producers left him out of one of the Bond movies, Live and Let Die (1973), claiming that the films were becoming too dependent on gadgetry, there was a storm of protest from fans who missed his trademark cameo. The character was restored permanently and is to be seen in the latest adventure, The World Is Not Enough. During the last week Llewelyn had been attracting large crowds at book signings for a new biography, Q: the biography of Desmond Llewelyn, written by Sandy Hernu, who described the actor as "enormously funny and entertaining and great fun to be with". She said that the man on screen was similar to the real one, except that Llewelyn hated gadgets. He once said, "In real life gadgets explode or expire as I touch them."

    The son of a coal-mining engineer, Llewelyn was born in South Wales in 1914. His parents wanted him to be a chartered accountant, but a period as an articled clerk bored him, and after considering several professions he decided on a stage career and enrolled, at the age of 20, at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where he studied for two years.

    As he said later, "I'd tried the Church and that failed. I was too dim for accountancy, too short-sighted for the police force and an insufficient liar to make a good politician. What else was left but to become an actor? I remember Richard Burton saying to me years later that the reason there are so many Welsh actors is because the Church is not very popular nowadays." Fellow students at Rada included Geoffrey Keen, later to appear in several Bond films, and Margaret Lockwood, "to whom I quite lost my heart".

    While still at Rada he made his film debut with a walk-on in the Gracie Fields film Look Up and Laugh (1935), but his first professional job after leaving the academy was with a repertory company in Southend, the first of several such companies with whom he gained experience. He was appearing in Bexhill, East Sussex (where he eventually settled) when he met Pamela Pantlin, a member of the "Women's League for Health and Beauty", and they were married in 1938.

    The following year, Llewelyn was in another film, the Will Hay comedy Ask a Policeman, but his career was then interrupted by the Second World War, in which he served as a second lieutenant assigned to the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Captured by German soldiers in France, he spent five years as a prisoner of war.

    He resumed his film career with a war film, They Were Not Divided (1950), in which he was one of two soldiers named Jones, who was thus addressed as "77 Jones" - the other was "45 Jones". The director was Terence Young, who 13 years later was director of From Russia With Love, the film which changed the course of Llewelyn's career.

    Llewelyn had been appearing in regional theatre and playing small film roles - he had four lines in Cleopatra (1962) - when he auditioned for the role of Q. The character is not in the Ian Fleming books, though in the first Bond story, Casino Royale, it is "Q Branch" that provides 007's gadgets, and in Llewelyn's first two Bond films his character is billed as "Major Boothroyd", becoming simply "Q" in Thunderball (1965). (In the first Bond film, Dr No (1962), Boothroyd had been played by Peter Burton, who was not available for the filming of From Russia With Love.)

    Young wanted the character to speak with a Welsh accent, but Llewelyn preferred to interpret the character as "a toffee-nosed Englishman". "At the risk of losing the part and with silent apologies to my native land, I launched into Q's lines using the worst Welsh accent, followed by the same in English," he said.

    Bond was in need of gadgets in From Russia With Love, for he had to contend with two of the most dastardly villains of the series, the blond hulk Red Grant (Robert Shaw) and the sadistic Rosa Klebb (Lotte Lenya), who uses knife-toed boots to kick her victims to death. A booby-trapped briefcase was the principal item with which Bond was equipped, courtesy of Q, who was to become a fixture of the Bond adventures (with the exception of Live and Let Die) and almost as popular a figure as Bond himself. His description of the versatile briefcase was typical of Q's briefings: "Here is an ordinary black leather case. Hidden in these steel rods are 20 rounds of ammunition. Press that button and you have a throwing knife. Inside is your AR7, a folding sniper's rifle and 50 gold sovereigns. This looks like an ordinary tin of talcum powder, but it conceals a tear gas cartridge and is kept in place by a magnetic device . . ."

    Guy Hamilton directed the next film in which Llewelyn played Q, Goldfinger (1964), and the actor credits him with changing his approach to the role. "Previously I'd played Q as a toffee-nosed technician, more than slightly in awe of Bond." Hamilton changed that approach. "He said, `This man annoys you. He's irritatingly flippant and doesn't treat your gadgets with respect. Deep down you may envy his charm with women, but remember you're the teacher."

    After that, Llewelyn stated, he played Q with "a veiled exasperation coupled with a humorous tolerance to 007's flippancy and aggravating habit of fiddling with the gadgets". That exasperation mounted over the years, and in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), Q's first words to 007 were "Now pay attention, Bond", and his last, "Oh, grow up, 007!"

    Asked recently which Bond he considered best, Llewelyn chose Sean Connery as "perfect", adding, "George Lazenby played it straight and rather well. Roger Moore was much lighter and more jokey. It was a rather camp portrayal, with a lot more emphasis on humour, but it worked. Timothy Dalton was Ian Fleming's Bond - a real character. His confidence and surliness were straight from the books. It was brave, but people didn't like it. Pierre Brosnan is extremely good. He has the right look and manner."

    The character of Q was due to be retired after the latest Bond film, The World Is Not Enough, with his sidekick R, played by John Cleese, replacing him. The actor loved playing Q, but in recent years his private life had been marked by tragedy as he watched his wife suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

    Llewelyn appeared in such television series as Doomwatch and Follyfoot and made other films, including Operation Kid Brother (1967), which starred Sean Connery's brother Neil playing the sibling of 007. Bernard Lee ("M") and Lois Maxwell ("Moneypenny") were other Bond regulars cast in this weak film to bolster its appeal. But it is for his performances in 17 Bond films that Llewelyn will have a permanent part in film history, equipping the hero with toxic fountain-pens, exploding toothpaste and dozens of similar gadgets with which to confound or exterminate his adversaries.

    Desmond Wilkinson Llewelyn, actor: born Newport, Monmouthshire 12 September 1914; married 1938 Pamela Pantlin (two sons); died Firle, East Sussex 19 December 1999.
    2006: 카지노 로얄 released in the Republic of Korea.
    2010: BOND 23 resumes pre-production, halted most of this year as related to MGM financial issues.
    2017: Ian Fleming Publications gives Christmas Greetings with their annual card.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 22nd

    1962: Ralph Fiennes is born--Ipswich, Suffolk, England.
    1964: Bosley Crowther reviews Goldfinger in The New York Times.
    By Bosley Crowther - Published: December 22, 1964

    Old Double-Oh Seven is slipping—or, rather, his scriptwriters are. They are involving him more and more with gadgets and less and less with girls. This is tediously apparent in Goldfinger, the latest movie adventure of James Bond, the dauntless sleuth of Ian Fleming's detective fiction, whom Sean Connery so handsomely portrays.

    In this third of the Bond screen adventures, which opened last night at the DeMille and goes continuous today at that theater and the Coronet, Agent 007 of the British Secret Service virtually spurns the lush temptations of voluptuous females in favor of high-powered cars and tricky machines.

    That is to say, he virtually spurns them in comparison to the way he went for them in his previous cinematic conniptions, Dr. No and From Russia with Love. In those fantastic fabrications, you may remember, he was constantly assailed by an unending flow of luxurious, exotic, and insatiable girls. And, being the sort of omnipotent and adaptable fellow he is, he did what he could to oblige them in the course of pursuing his sleuthing chores.

    But in this most gaudy of his outings—the most elaborate and fantastic to date—he manages to bestow his male attentions on only a couple of passing supplicants. One is a pliant little number who expires early, sealed in a skin of gold paint, and the other is a brawny pilot who remarkably resembles Gorgeous George. Neither is up to the standard of femininity usually maintained for Mr. Bond.

    Why this neglect of his love life is difficult to imagine—except that Mr. Bond's off-handed conquests were always open to a certain amount of doubt, a certain amount of skepticism as to how much of a Lothario he actually is. Indeed, they have often intimated a bland contempt for, or, at least, a slippery spoof of the whole notion of masculine prowess. One might question whether Bond really likes girls.

    So maybe his careful scriptwriters have played down that overly amorous side, delicately displacing dolls with automation and beautiful bodies with electronic brains. Anyhow, what they give us in Goldfinger is an excess of science-fiction fun, a mess of mechanical melodrama, and a minimum of bedroom farce.

    It is good fun, all right, fast and furious, racing hither and yon about the world as Double-Oh Seven pursues the intrigues of a mysterious financier named Goldfinger, who is criminally tampering with the gold reserves of Britain and the United States.

    Meeting his quarry in a crooked card game on the terrace of a hotel in Miami Beach, he follows him to a golf club outside London, trails him to a gold refinery in the Swiss Alps, and then is captured by him and flown to America to be an inside observer of a fantastic raid on Fort Knox. En route, the fellow has some lively set-tos, exercises smashing ingenuity, and meets that Amazonian pilot, whom he conquers after a deadly judo match.

    As usual, Mr. Connery plays the hero with an insultingly cool, commanding air, providing a great vicarious image for all the panting Walter Mittys in the world. Gert Fršbe is aptly fat and feral as the villainous financier, and Honor Blackman is forbiddingly frigid and flashy as the latter's aeronautical accomplice.

    In lesser roles, Shirley Eaton is delectable as the girl who is quickly painted out, and Harold Sakata is traditionally sinister as a mute Oriental who is adept at throwing a razor-brimmed hat.

    Of course, the high point of the picture is the climactic raid on Fort Knox with the intent of blowing it up and contaminating its hoard of gold with a nuclear bomb. It is spinningly staged and enacted, drenched in cliff-hanging suspense. But somehow, by the time it gets to this point—well, we've had Mr. Bond.
    1965: Thunderball released in the US.
    1965: Bosley Crowther reviews Thunderball in The New York Times.
    Screen: 007's Underwater Adventures:Connery Plays Bond in 'Thunderball'
    By BOSLEY CROWTHER - Published: December 22, 1965

    THE popular image of James Bond as the man who has everything, already magnificently developed in three progressively more compelling films, is now being cheerfully expanded beyond any possible chance of doubt in this latest and most handsome screen rendering of an Ian Fleming novel, "Thunderball."

    Now Mr. Fleming's superhero, still performed by Sean Connery and guided through this adventure by the director of his first two, Terence Young, has not only power over women, miraculous physical reserves, skill in perilous maneuvers and knowledge of all things great and small, but he also has a much better sense of humor than he has shown in his previous films. And this is the secret ingredient that makes "Thunderball" the best of the lot.

    This time old Double-Oh Seven, which is Mr. Bond's code number in the British intelligence service he so faithfully and tirelessly adorns, is tossing quips faster and better then he did even in "From Russia With Love," and he is viewing his current adventure with more gaiety and aplomb.

    I think you will, too. In this creation of superman travesty, which arrived yesterday at the reopened Paramount, the Sutton, Cinema II and twoscore or more other theaters in the metropolitan area. Bond is engaged in discovering who hijacked two nuclear bombs in a NATO aircraft over Europe and is secretly holding them for a ransom of £100 million.

    That in itself is fairly funny — fanciful and absurd in the same way as are all the problems that require the attention of Bond. But what Richard Maibaum and John Hopkins as the script writers have done is sprinkle their gaudy fabrication with the very best sight and verbal gags.

    "Let my friend sit this one out." Bond asks politely of two disinterested young men as he places his dancing partner in a chair beside them at a table in a nightclub in Nassau. The gentlemen nod permission. "She's just dead," he explains.

    Or when Bond leaps from a hovering helicopter wearing a skindiver's suit of extraordinary mechanical complexity to engage in an underwater war between SPECTRE and C.I.A. frogmen in the climactic scene of the film, he flips the conclusive comment: "Here comes the kitchen sink!"

    In addition to being funny, "Thunderball" is pretty, too, and it is filled with such underwater action as would delight Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The gimmick is that the airplane carrying the hijacked bombs has been ditched, sunk and covered with camouflaging on a coral reef off Nassau. And to get this information and then find and explore the sunken plane. Bond has to do a lot of skindiving, with companions and alone.

    The amount of underwater equipment the scriptwriters and Mr. Young have provided their athletic actors, including an assortment of beautiful girls in the barest of bare bikinis, is a measure of the splendor of the film. Diving saucers, aqualungs, frogman outfits and a fantastic hydrofoil yacht that belongs to the head man of SPECTRE are devices of daring and fun.

    So it is in this liveliest extension of the cultural scope of the comic strip. Machinery of the most way-out nature become the instruments and the master, too, of man. "I must be six inches taller," Bond wryly quips at one point after he has been almost shaken to pieces on an electric vibrating machine. The comment is not without significance. This is what machines do to men in these extravagant and tongue-in-cheek Bond pictures. They make distortions of them.

    Mr. Connery is at his peak of coolness and nonchalance with the girls. Adolfo Celi is piratical as the villain with a black patch over his eye. Claudine Auger, a French beauty winner, is a tasty skindiving dish and Luciana Paluzzi is streamlined as the inevitable and almost insuperable villainous girl.

    The color is handsome. The scenery in the Bahamas is an irresistible lure. Even the violence is funny. That's the best I can say for a Bond film.
    2014: Richard Graydon dies at age 92--England. (Born 12 May 1922 i--London, England.
    1965: Thunderball released in the US.
    1967: Casino Royale released in Spain, Finland, and France.
    1967: James Bond 007 - Casino Royale released in Italy.
    1967: James Bond 007 - Casino Royale! released in Sweden.
    1969: 007 al servicio secreto de su Majestad (007 To His Majesty's Secret Service) released in Spain.
    1971: Diamantes para la eternidad (Diamonds for Eternity) released in Spain. (Diamants per a l'eternitat, Catalan title.)
    1973: Τζέημς Μποντ, πράκτωρ 007: Ζήσε κι άσε τους άλλους να πεθάνουν (James Bond, Agent 007: Live and Let the Others Die) released in Greece.
    1973: Leva och låta dö released in Sweden.
    1983: Never Say Never Again released in Belgium.
    1985: A View to a Kill released in the Republic of Korea.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Luxembourg and Malaysia.
    2006: Casino Royale released in Panama.
    2016: Ian Fleming Publications sends Season's Greetings.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 23rd

    1944: Ian Fleming arrives in Colombo, Ceylon, and strikes up a friendship with Wren Clare Blanshard.
    Ian Fleming, Andrew Lycott, 1995.
    As soon as he arrived 23 September, Ian struck up a close friendship
    with Clare who was swept off her feet by the handsome, educated naval
    officer in his tropical uniform. In a letter to her brother Paul a month
    later, "Since I wrote last (and continuously, every day, but about to be
    lopped off at a moment's notice like Marlow's Faustas) a beauteous being
    has swum into my ken--on an official visit--and I like him very very very
    much indeed. As the Wrens say, whose letters I censor so very monotonously,
    he's absolutely it. It doesn't make any difference that I don't mean any-
    thing to him as he's so awfully nice--so that is why I haven't written.
    Next time I write he'll have gone for ever and ever and practically won't
    have existed. But, believe me, he's the right shape, size, and height, has the
    right sort of hair, the right sort of laugh, is 36 and beautiful. I wish I were
    more glamorous..."

    Ian had arrived at the height of the Christmas party season in Colombo.
    He invited Clare to a dance at the Septic Prawn, the nightclub in the
    Galleface Hotel where he was staying. She was impressed that he was "a
    plodder dancer: I dislike men who dance well". She wore a stunning long
    white silk dress, plugged with little pieces of real silver. Ian was fascinated
    with the garment and, seventeen years later, sent her a postcard of the
    ballroom of a Sussex hotel where he was recuperating from an illness. He
    marked the front with an X and wrote, "I'm behind the palm tree on the
    right, watching you in the white dress clearing the floor in the centre."
    Clare recalled, "He couldn't get over that dress. He really minded about
    materials and such things."

    He also expressed interest in exploring the Ceylon countryside. When
    Clare had told him about the jungle which straddled the railway on the
    way up to the hill-station of Kandy, he jumped at the opportunity to
    investigate. Enjoying the hear and mild humidity of the tropical island,
    he told Clare, "I'm never going to spend the winter in England again." He
    did not mention Jamaica, but his fantasy of his post-war experience was
    beginning to take shape.
    1965: Operación Trueno (Operation Thunder) released in Spain. (Operació tro, Catalan title.)
    1970: Anatole Taubman is born--Zurich, Switzerland.
    1971: Diamonds Are Forever released in Australia, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands.
    1974: El hombre de la pistola de oro (The Man With the Golden Pistol) released in Spain. (L'home de la pistola d'or, Catalan title.)
    Disclaimer: not this one.
    1983: 내버 새이 내버 어개인 (Never Say Never Again) released in the Republic of Korea.
    1997: 007 - Il domani non muore mai released in Italy.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Chile.
    1999: 007, el mundo no basta released in Argentina.
    2013: Ian Fleming Publications unveils its new logo.
    Ian Fleming Publications unveils new logo
    December 23, 2013 by David Leigh

    Ian Fleming Publications last week unveiled a smart new logo comprising of the signatureian-fleming-publications-logo of James Bond’s creator and a “Doctor Bird”, Jamaica’s national bird.

    There are numerous links to the bird, also known as the Streamer-tailed Humming Bird; all the Bond books were written at Goldeneye in Jamaica; 007 was named after the ornithologist who wrote A Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies; and the Doctor Bird was mentioned by Fleming in the books.
    2015: Ian Fleming Publications sends Season's Greetings.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2018 Posts: 14,164
    December 24th

    1931: Jill Bennett is born--Penang, Malaysia. (She dies 4 October 1990 at age 58--Kensington, London, England.)
    1941: Michael Billington is born--Blackburn, Lancashire, England. (He dies 3 June 2005 at age 63--Margate, Kent, England.)
    1971: James Bond comic Starfire comic finishes its run in Daily Express. (Started 30 August 1971. 1709–1809)
    Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer. 1971: Diamanten zijn eeuwig released in Belgium (Diamonds Are Eternal, Flemish title).
    1983: ネバーセイ・ネバーアゲイン released in Japan.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Singapore.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Cyprus, Ecuador, Peru, plus Trinidad and Tobago.
    1999: 007 - O Mundo Não é o Bastante released in Brazil.
    1999: 007: El mundo no basta released in Mexico.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 25th

    1964: Goldfinger US premiere--Hollywood, CA.
    (That's after the New York City premiere, and before the 9 January US general release,)
    1965: Pallosalama (Fireball; Åskbollen/Thunderball, Swedish title) released in Finland.
    1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service released in Hong Kong.
    1969: Al servicio secreto de Su Majestad (To His Majesty's Secret Service) released in Colombia.
    1971: Los diamantes son eternos (Diamonds Are Eternal) released in Colombia.
    1971: Timantit ovat ikuisia (Diamentena är eviga/Diamonds Are Eternal, Swedish title) released in Finland.
    1971: ダイヤモンドは永遠に (007/Diayamondo wa eien ni) released in Japan.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Panama.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in Colombia and Panama.
    1999: Само един свят не стига released in Bulgaria.
    2001: Russia DVD premiere for From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice.
    2002: Die Another Day released in Bolivia and Jamaica.
    2006: Casino Royale released in Bolivia.
    2015: Radiohead releases their unused Bond theme for Spectre.
    Radiohead's James Bond Theme Song 'Spectre' Released - Listen Now!
    Fri, 25 December 2015 at 12:45 pm

    Radiohead just released a new song!

    “Last year we were asked to write a theme tune for the [James] Bond movie Spectre,” Radiohead singer Thom Yorke wrote on his Twitter. “Yes we were. It didn’t work out, but became something of our own, which we love very much. As the year closes we thought you might like to hear it. Merry Christmas.”

    He even ended his note with a reference to Star Wars, which is currently dominating the box office. Thom capped off his tweets with: “May the force be with you.”

    Listen to Radiohead‘s “Spectre” below!

    FYI: Sam Smith ended up recording the official Spectre theme song called “Writing’s on the Wall“.
    2017: The Cubby Broccoli Cinema at the National Science and Media Museum, Bradford, England, is closed for the Christmas Holiday.

    Savour the intimate ambience of the 106-seat Cubby Broccoli cinema—home to a truly diverse film programme. Enjoy world cinema, classic films, and independent and arthouse delights.

    Browse the full list of films showing now and coming soon at the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford.

    About the cinema

    Dedicated to Albert “Cubby” Broccoli, producer of many James Bond films, this cinema shows movies from around the world projected in formats from 16mm to digital 3D—all in the heart of Bradford, UNSECO [sic] City of Film. [Correction: UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.] It’s played host to everything from silent films with live piano accompaniment to a Super High Vision broadcast from the 2012 Olympics.

    Twin 35mm projectors allow the screening of archive film prints, shown using traditional reel change-overs via alternate projectors.

    In 2012, Cubby Broccoli screened a broadcast from the 2012 London Olympics in Super High Vision—one of only three venues in the UK to do so.

    Guests interviewed here have included Tim Peake, Olivier Assayas and Jenny Agutter.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 26th

    1943: Ian Fleming's mistress--society hostess Maud Russell--records in her diary details of war planning, influenza.
    The Telegraph
    Spies, affairs and James Bond... The secret diary of Ian Fleming's wartime mistress

    17 March 2017 • 9:00am
    Maud Russell, a fashionable society hostess who met Fleming in 1931 when he was just 23
    Credit: Cecil Beaton courtesy of Emily Russell

    Long before he created James Bond, a young Ian Fleming had a remarkably close – and secretive – relationship with an older woman, Maud Russell, a fashionable society hostess.

    They met in 1931 when Russell was 40 and Fleming just 23. There was a strong mutual attraction, and Fleming quickly became a regular guest at Mottisfont, Russell’s 2,000-acre estate in Hampshire, and at the glamorous parties she threw in her Knightsbridge home, attended by Cecil Beaton, Lady Diana Cooper, Clementine Churchill, Margot Asquith and members of the Bloomsbury Group.

    To Fleming, Russell was a sophisticated and impeccably connected mentor who found him first a job in banking, introduced him to members of the Intelligence Corps and, later, paid for his Jamaican retreat, Goldeneye, where his 007 novels were written. To Russell, Fleming (named ‘I.’ in her diaries) was the dashing, charismatic young spy who became her close friend, her confidante – and her lover.

    Ian Fleming in his Naval Uniform during the war Credit: Courtesy of Emily Russell/A Constant Heart

    These entries from Russell’s private diary take place towards the end of the Second World War, when Fleming worked in naval intelligence and Russell, then 52, was recently widowed; it was a time when, despite the food shortages and air raids, the tide of the war was gradually turning in the Allies’ favour – and, despite his other liaisons, the couple spoke of marriage.

    [See the link above for inclusive dates Wednesday 30 June 1943 thru Monday 30 July 1945.]
    Sunday 26 December , 1943

    Ian came to dinner, back from the Cairo conference [a meeting of the British, US and Chinese leaders on Asia Pacific strategy]. The surroundings were like an armed camp, soldiers, guns, anti-aircraft guns etc. guarding the precious delegates – the PM, President and Chiang.

    When Ian was taken ill with influenza, he sank back exhausted in bed and lay blissfully resting, looking through the window at the blue sky and eating delicious food. He was very struck by the desert, sand and camels.

    Russell and Fleming remained close until his marriage to Ann Charteris in 1952. In 1946 she gave him £5,000 to buy Goldeneye in Jamaica. She had a long-term affair with Boris Anrep but never remarried. In 1957, she donated Mottisfont to the National Trust and died in London in 1982, aged 91. Her ashes were placed in the same urn as Gilbert’s.

    A Constant Heart: The War Diaries of Maud Russell, edited by Emily Russell, is published by The Dovecote Press (£20). To order your copy for £16.99 plus p&p call 0844 871 1514 or visit books.telegraph.co.uk
    1947: Trina Parks is born--Brooklyn, New York.
    1964: Agent 007 contra Goldfinger released in Denmark. 1964: Agent 007 mot Goldfinger released in Norway.
    1971: Diamanter varer evig released in Norway.
    1974: The Man With the Golden Gun released in Australia and Hong Kong.
    1983: Never Say Never Again released in Norway.
    1995: GoldenEye released in Australia, Norway, and New Zealand.
    1997: Tomorrow Never Dies released in Australia and New Zealand.
    1997: 007: Igavene homne released in Estonia.
    1997: Yarin Asla Ölmez released in Turkey.
    1999: The World Is Not Enough released in New Zealand.
    2008: Quantum of Solace released in Uruguay.
    2011: Pedro Armendáriz Jr. dies at age 71--New York City, New York.
    (Born 6 April 1940--Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico.)

  • Posts: 1,723
    25.12.73 : Magnum Force
    25.12.93 : Batman Mask of Phantasm (greatest bat flick ever imo)
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 27th

    1960: Maryam d'Abo is born--London, England.
    1974: Τζέημς Μποντ, πράκτωρ 007: Ο άνθρωπος με το χρυσό πιστόλι (James Bond, Agent 007: The Man With the Gold Pistol) released in Greece.
    1981: Hoagland "Hoagy" Carmichael dies at age 82--Rancho Mirage, CA.
    (Born 22 November 1899--Bloomington, Indiana.)
    2017: Dynamite Bond comic Kill Chain becomes available for purchase.
    James Bond: Kill Chain #6 (Preview)
    12.25.2017 -
    by CBR Staff in Comic Previews Comment
    Story by Andy Diggle
    Art by Luca Casalanguida
    Cover by Greg Smallwood
    Publisher Dynamite Entertainment

    SMERSH has activated Operation Hooded Falcon, bringing Europe to its knees and NATO to the brink of collapse. A key ally is about to fall into Russia’s grasp, re-drawing the geopolitical map and setting a new foundation for the coming century. But one man can make a difference. You know his name.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 28th

    1956: Fleming writes a letter to Wren Howard questioning his own "enthusiasm for Bond and his unlikely adventures."
    The Man With the Golden Typewriter, Thomas Fleming, 2015.

    Fleming had written on 28 December 1956 to clarify the terms of a serialization in the Daily Express, to thank Daniel George fulsomely for his comments—‘I think the book has been greatly improved as a result’—and to assure Howard that he had no intention of changing publisher. But he cast a warning note: ‘Incidentally, when you talk airily of future books, I do beg you to believe that the vein of my inventiveness is running extremely dry and I seriously doubt if I shall be able to complete a book in Jamaica this year. There are many reasons for this, which I need not go into, but I am finding it increasingly difficult to work up enthusiasm for Bond and his unlikely adventures.’
    1971: Comic strip Trouble Spot begins its run in the Daily Express. (Ends 10 June 1972. 1810–1951)
    Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer. 1995: James Bond 007 - GoldenEye released in Germany.
    2016: Dynamite's James Bond #12 Eidolon Chapter 6 is released--in print and digital.
    Artist Jason Masters. Writer Warren Ellis.
    The explosive conclusion to the second JAMES BOND 007 story - Eidolon are in the open, British Intelligence is cracked and in disarray, friends are dead and enemies seem unstoppable - can James Bond intercept the most direct strike of all, from the dead hand of SPECTRE to the heart of British government?


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 29th

    1965: Thunderball released in the UK--premiere at the London Pavilion Cinema.
    1965: Τζέημς Μποντ, πράκτωρ 007: Επιχείρηση Κεραυνός (James Bond, Agent 007: Enterprise Thunderbolt) released in Greece.
    1971: Gyémántok az örökkévalóságnak (Diamonds For Eternity) released in Hungary.
    1991: Cassandra Harris dies at age 43--Los Angeles, California.
    (Born 15 December 1948--Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.)
    1995: GoldenEye released in Austria.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    December 30th

    1865: Joseph Rudyard Kipling is born--Bombay, Bombay Presidency, British India.
    (He dies 18 January 1936 at age 70--Middlesex Hospital, London, England.)
    The Day's Work, by Rudyard Kipling Ian Flemings 007 prefix ?
    Fleming had picked up number 007 from the title of a novel by the famous British writer and Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling (best known for "The Jungle Book"). Kipling wrote a short story that actually was called ".007", which is about a steam engine and is part of his collection of short stories The Days Framework, published in 1898. The steam engine is in the short story number 007, the short story has nothing whatsoever with agents or so to do.
    The Day's Work, Rudyard Kipling, 1898.

    A locomotive is, next to a marine engine, the most sensitive thing man ever made; and No. .007, besides being sensitive, was new. The red paint was hardly dry on his spotless bumper-bar, his headlight shone like a fireman’s helmet, and his cab might have been a hard-wood-finish parlour. They had run him into the round-house after his trial—he had said good-bye to his best friend in the shops, the overhead travelling-crane—the big world was just outside; and the other locos were taking stock of him. He looked at the semicircle of bold, unwinking headlights, heard the low purr and mutter of the steam mounting in the gauges—scornful hisses of contempt as a slack valve lifted a little—and would have given a month’s oil for leave to crawl through his own driving-wheels into the brick ash-pit beneath him. .007 was an eight-wheeled “American” loco, slightly different from others of his type, and as he stood he was worth ten thousand dollars on the Company’s books. But if you had bought him at his own valuation, after half an hour’s waiting in the darkish, echoing round-house, you would have saved exactly nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-eight cents...
    Complete story linked here.
    1920: Jack Lord is born--New York City, New York. (He dies 21 January 1998 at age 77--Honolulu, Hawaii.)
    1971: Diamonds Are Forever released in the UK.
    Concept art
    1974: Yasamak Için Öldür (Kill to Live) released in Turkey.
    1983: 007 - Nunca Mais Outra Vez (007 - Never Again) released in Brazil.
    1989: Licence to Kill released in the Republic of Korea.
    2012: Skyfall reaches the landmark 1 billion (US) dollar point for worldwide box-office.
    2016: Game over--shutdown of the Glu Mobile servers brings an end to James Bond: World of Espionage.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited January 2019 Posts: 14,164
    December 31st

    1945: Barbara Carrera is born--Bluefields, Nicaragua.
    1961: The Sunday Express Susan Barnes interview for her piece "Women and Me — by the Screen's James Bond" reportedly ends on the subject of violence towards women and with Barnes abruptly exiting Connery's apartment.
    1994: Chivers North America publishes a large print version of John Gardner's Bond novel Never Send Flowers.
    1998: The New Year Honours List recognizes Roger Moore to become a Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his UNICEF work.
    2002: Die Another Day released in the Republic of Korea.
    2034: With the ending of the 70th year following author Ian Fleming's death, in theory his books and stories enter the public domain. (Though remedied by Danjaq LLC's registered trademarks for James Bond and 007.)

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I believe it is 2034. January 1st 2035 it is in theory available source material.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,164
    Yes, that's how I meant to express it, @Thunderfinger, thanks. I made the correction to the previous page.
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