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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
1961: Variety comments on Broccoli and Saltzman.
Apologies for delay in posting 29 June. Lost phone coverage in the Rocky Mtn Foothills.
Nice! Spotted any birds? Or haven t you departed yet?
Moved to second location further south, @Thunderfinger. So far I can report Turkey Vultures, Snow Buntings, Gray Jays. Canada geese. American Robin. Unidentified Hummingbirds. Also Vireos, Cormorants, Woodpeckers. No great shakes but I'm having a great time.
1943: Soon-Tek Oh is born--Mokpo, Republic of Korea. (He dies 4 April 2018 at age 85--Los Angeles, California.)
Short obit from a Korean source.
1964: Comic strip On Her Majesty's Secret Service debuts in The Daily Express. (Ends 15 May 1965. 1-274)
John McLusky, artist. Henry Gammidge, writer.
1988 Swedish Semic
Danish 1975
Danish 1967
2012: BOND 23 confirms Daniel Kleinman as titles designer.
Good going. A slight correction to the above: OHMSS is drawn by John Mc Lusky.You accidentally typed in Horak.
Thanks as always for keeping this information straight, @Thunderfinger. John McLusky has a distinct style, especially on some of these panels.
Yes, Mc Lusky and Horak are both great artists.
1943: Maud Russell writes about Ian Fleming in her diary entry.
(Swedish title Den hemliga agenten 007 i Istanbul, or The Secret Agent 007 in Istanbul.)
1920: Harold Sakata (Tosh Togo) is born--Holualoa, Hawaii. (He dies 29 July 1982 at age 62--Honolulu, Hawaii.)
1985: Léa Hélène Seydoux-Fornier de Clausonneis is born--Passy, Paris, France.
1992: Dark Horse Comics/acme release Serpent's Tooth #1. Paul Gulacy, artist. Doug Moench, writer.
1967: Casino Royale released in Brazil.
1973: United Artists Label releases the Live and Let Die soundtrack.
1983: Octopussy released in Japan.
1958: Charles Murray "Charlie" Higson is born--Frome, Eastern Somerset, England.
(Born 2 August 1910--Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England.)
1981: For Your Eyes Only released in Ireland.
1987: The Living Daylights released in Ireland.
1997: BOND 18 films the Eurocopter AS355 Ecureuil 2 pursuing the BMW R 1200 through the Vietnam marketplace.
(Born 31 May 1927--Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England.)
1963: Dr. No released in Australia.
1981: For Your Eyes Only released in Japan.
I have at least 3 books covering Bond posters and yet I continually come here and make new discoveries all the time like the Australian Dr. No posters. I've never seen that line "He developed the technique of love to an art...the art of murder to a science!" included on it.
1942: Lieutenant Commander Ian Fleming attends a course on espionage at Camp X (Special Training School No. 103) near Whitby, Lake Ontario, Canada. Possibly staying for a time across the street from St. James-Bond United Church.
1973: Live and Let Die Royal World Premiere at the Odeon Cinema, Leicester Square, London.
2009: The True Story Episode 2008 is "James Bond" and a look at Fleming's real world influences.
2017: The Omega Seamaster Diver 300 M Co-Axial 41mm Commander's watch is introduced via the Tate Britain Museum, London. Production limited to 7007. Plus 7 of a Gold edition.
1971: Louis Armstrong dies at age 69--New York City, New York. (Born 4 August 1901--New Orleans, Louisiana.)
And his last. 1969.
1980: Eva Green is born--Paris, France.
1980: Learning other actors were recently screen-tested, Roger Moore declares he's done with the Bond role.
1985: A View to a Kill released in Japan.
1944: Society hostess Maud Russell writes about Ian Fleming in her diary.
(Ends 13 December 1958. 1-138 ) John McLusky, artist. Anthony Hern, writer.
Swedish Semic Comic 1972
Danish 1965
1973: Fawcett Gold Medal publishes Roger Moore's James Bond Diary published in paperback.
1983: Jonathan Cape publishes John Gardner's Bond novel Icebreaker. Cover by Bill Botten (in the style of Richard Chopping).
1959: Fleming writes a letter to Ivar (Felix) Bryce offering the rights to produce the first Bond film. In return he asks for $50,000 worth of shares in the film company. Then he will also provide a treatment, plus his ongoing services if they are desired.
1963: Norman Felton writes Fleming a letter following the decision to leave the Solo television project.
1977: The Spy Who Loved Me UK general release. Plus Ireland.
[Includes the lovely Barbara Bach all over again.]
1964: From Russia With Love released in The Netherlands.
1966: Bond's obituary date, as printed in the on-screen version of The Standard in You Only Live Twice.
1975: Till Death Do Us Apart comic strip begins its run in The Daily Express.
(Ends 14 October 1975. 2898-2983) Yaroslav Horak, artist. Jim Lawrence, writer.
Swedish Semic Comic
Danish 1978
2002: BOND 20 principal photography is a wrap, filming today includes Madonna's role as Verity.
1958: BBC Home Service broadcasts Ian Fleming interviewing his friend Raymond Chandler.
1987: Iskallt uppdrag (Ice Cold Mission) released in Sweden.
1964: Goldfinger's nineteen-week production finishes after five final days in Andermatt, Switzerland.
1985: Agente 007 - Bersaglio mobile (Agent 007 - Moving target) released in Italy.
2006: BOND 21 completes filming the falling house in Venice.