the bourne enemy part 1 (new jason bourne story)

edited August 2013 in Fan Creations Posts: 12,837
on this site i've done alot of bond stories and to be honest i was gettin a little bit tired of it. So i decided to do something completely new and post it here. Obviously this is the bourne story. I know there are some bourne fans on the site which is why i decided to post it here. I know the title isn;t the best but bourne titles are hard to think of and the continuation novels took alot of them. (this story is set after ultimatum, this disregards the continuation novels and would be a film)


A weary, bruised, beaten man is dragged into a room where he is beaten up. His captors whip him, use tazers to shock him then waterboard him. The man is finally dragged into a heavy steel chair nailed to the floor where he is restrained. But the man, despite obviously being in pain, doesn't at all seem to care. He is questioned through a speaker on the wall, he can't see his captors. The voice tells him that he is responsible for the death of some very important people to him and for that he must pay. The man recieves a painful electric shock. The voice says "we know exactly who you are bourne. Now why did treadstone send you on this mission". The man shouts angrily "treadstone was shut down years ago and my name isn't jason bourne *he looks down* not anymore". There is muttering from the speakers about amnesia. Bourne recieves another electric shock and the voice tells him to recount everything he knows about why he's here. Bourne starts to have flashbacks.


In alaska, David Webb is talking to a group of students. He is talking about identity and what it means. He talks about how precious an identity is and losing it could also mean losing alot more. When his speech is finished the students leave and webb starts to pack up his things. Alot of people thought webb was just a proffesser but they were very wrong, because webb had a dangerous past, involving another identity, that identity was jason bourne. Webb finishes packing up and leaves, he heads outside and gets in his car then heads home, not noticing a shadowy figure staring as the car speeds of. At his house, david is in bed, having a nightmare. He is in japan, on a rooftop, looking down the scope of a sniper rifle. Suddenly there is darkness and flashes then he is on the floor with fire all around him. A shadowy figure holding a diamond encrusted gun walks towards him. Webb wakes up and his fiance next to him asks him whats wrong. His fiance is a former CIA agent named nikki parsons. Webb talks about flashbacks about a mission that he can't remember fully, nikki says that she thought he remembered everything, webb says everything except this. Nikki tells him not to worry but webb gets up and says he can't shake the feeling that something big is returing, as he gets up a photo falls from under his pillow. He tries to stop nikki from getting the picture but she grabs it, its a photo of marie, webbs girlfriend who was killed. Nikki says that if david can't let marie go then maybe they shouldn't even get married and she gets dressed and storms of, webb gets dressed and quickly follows her. David runs outside and grabs nikki, telling her they need to talk about this, when a silenced gunshot is heard.

Nikki opens her mouth but only blood spills out, and she falls dead at jasons feet, with her blood puring into the snow. Webb drops onto his knees, he can't believe it. Webb is then shot by a tranquiliser dart and bundled into a van, then driven of by the shadowy figure, with the shadowy figure still yet to reveal his face. There is flashes of webb being blindfolded and taken out of the van then beaten, tortured and dragged into a chair. now he's back in the present. Bourne starts crying silently, but he soon recieves another electric shock that snaps him out of it. The voice says that he will be taken to a cell and he is escorted down a corridor by 2 henchmen. But suddenly bourne springs to life and takes out both the guards with some quick strikes. Now free, he scoops up a gun from one of the henchmen and runs. Following corridors he comes to a fire exit, then an alarm sounds. He hears footsteps running. He sprints up stairs and takes out a guard by throwing him over the banister, then turns and skillfully shoots another. Bourne quickly makes it outside, he realises that he's not in alaska anymore, but in new york, at an abandoned factory. He steals a landrover and speeds of but is followed by his captors. Bourne speeds through the streets, soon the police join the chase. He speeds over a construction ramp and over traffic back onto the road. Soon he dives out of the car and there is a huge crash that kills his pursuers. Bourne, now bleeding and seriously wounded, quickly moves away.


  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Geez! You are creative. I need to read more of yours, and so many of our forum's contributors' own writing. :) I liked the Bourne films with Matt.
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