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Octo being Greek for 8.
James Bond.
With the opening of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea,
there's an opportunity to recognize how Bond compares.
Greek-wise to the PyeongChang logo, notice the use of the ㅍ Korean Hangul alphabet character
in the form similar to Greek columns/structure, and ㅊ as a snowflake.
From Wikipedia.
Of the fifteen categories (number of events in parenthesis below), I want to represent with general groups. There may be exact matches for the activity in Bond's world, and honorable mentions will also place.
Curling: Curling (3)
Sledding: Bobsleigh (3); Luge (4); Skeleton (2)
Snowboarding: Snowboarding (10)
Ice hockey: Ice Hockey (2)
Skating: Figure skating (5); Short track speed skating (8); Speed skating (14)
Skiing:: Biathlon (11); Alpine skiing (11 events); Cross-country skiing (12);
Freestyle skiing (10); Nordic combined (3); Ski jumping (4)
And we recognize the official timekeeper of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.
Informal motto: "The most important thing is not to win but to take part!"
The Olympic Logo: inter-locked rings of blue, yellow, black, green, red. As created by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, 1912. Thought to represent the five continents Africa, Asia, America, Oceania, Europe.
One or more of the colors are found on every competing nation’s flag.
Unofficially, images exist aligning the colors with the continents and the Association of National Olympic Committees.
Question: why do the personnel at the de Bleuchamp Institute for Allergy Research sport the Olympic logo?
Got a good deal on the uniforms, I guess.
Known as chess on ice for its inherent strategy. Polished stones of granite slid across ice to a marked circle target—the house. Two teams of four person each; eight stones each team. Stones closest to the center of target increase the score.
- spinning the stone into an arced path.
- sweeping with brooms in front of the stone to decrease friction, decrease the curl.
- selection of the optimum path.
- moving the other team's stones from the circle.
The sport can be traced to 16th Century Scotland, and the term curling to 17th Century Scotland.
"The Hunters in the Snow", Pieter Bruegel, 1565.
Curling Sheet.
Curling Stone.
Curling at Piz Gloria.
These things can really take on a life of their own.
Witness the Ottowa Hunt & Golf Club invite below to their Bond-themed event later this month.
Separately I can do a film location roll up and call out Olympic athletes from the cast and crew.
That's just the plan, @Thunderfinger, of course discussion can take different directions.
Honorable mention: the improvised toboggan from a cello case.
I can't find a Luge example in the films.
Minus the ice, I'd guess there's one clear contender who's shown he could manage the Luge action on screen.
Skeleton honorable mention. It's got the ice. It's got the forward stance, minus the sled. Add automatic gunfire.