Dr Who to get big screen adaptation by Harry Potter director

DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
edited November 2011 in General Movies & TV Posts: 15,732


  • Why? It's a successful long-running TV series. (Almost 50 years). It does not need a film addition. (There have already been two 'un-official' 60's films and one 'Dr. Who: The Movie' from the late 90's...)
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited November 2011 Posts: 15,732
    This project smells really bad... I can't see anything positive about it, if it ever gets made...
  • Posts: 7,653
    I hope it fails.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Let's hope this never makes it to the screen. There's no need for it - at all.
  • Posts: 1,310
    Why not Tennant or Smith in the lead role?? I read the article and Yates says that Doctor Who "needs quite a radical transformation to take it into the bigger arena." What the flippin' heck does that even mean? And why would Tennant nor Smith be acceptable with that excuse in mind? David Yates has already proven he doesn't understand the series. This Doctor Who movie will likely be some big special effects extravaganza and little else.

    The only piece of 'good' news is that the BBC is theoretically involved. But other than that, I have just about zero faith in this project. Maybe the BBC will eventually give Yates a big slap to the face: SNAP OUT OF IT!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Yeah Yates ruined Harry Potter and now Dr. Who! YIPEE!
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    This project smells really bad... I can't see anything positive about it, if it ever gets made...
    Let's hope this never makes it to the screen. There's no need for it - at all.
    I got nothing more to say.
  • I wouldn't mind a movie but this sounds like its gonna suck
  • if this ever does hit the screens, since eccleston, tennant and smith are ruled out, how about timothy dalton or rowan atkison playing the role???
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Yeah Yates ruined Harry Potter and now Dr. Who! YIPEE!
    There wasn't much to ruin to start with... The only time I found Potter to be good was when I read the first novel when I was 8 years old... My father pointed me to Tolkien's work when I was 9, and since then I find Harry Potter to be horrible.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Yeah Yates ruined Harry Potter and now Dr. Who! YIPEE!
    There wasn't much to ruin to start with... The only time I found Potter to be good was when I read the first novel when I was 8 years old... My father pointed me to Tolkien's work when I was 9, and since then I find Harry Potter to be horrible.
    The films up to Goblet of Fire were brilliant but after that Yates turned them into action forward teen soap dramas mixed with puberty and hormone filled characters.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    This will really fuxx with the continuity - already one of the most complicated in TV history.
  • Posts: 1,894
    It might actually be a good thing. I don't follow "Doctor Who" or "Torchwood", but I have paid a little bit of attention to the latter because of their habit of introducing season-long stories. I thought the basic premise of Miracle Day was exceptional, but the final product couldn't have been handled any worse. However, if it had been trimmed down to a two- or two-and-a-half-hour film, it could have been very, very good.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I mean no disrespect to Doctor Who fans out there, but can we go a few years without him? Maybe it's because I was born too late, but I can't understand five minutes of that show. Can he die for a little while, please, and then come back as a reboot with no previous continuity?
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 584
    I mean no disrespect to Doctor Who fans out there, but can we go a few years without him? Maybe it's because I was born too late, but I can't understand five minutes of that show. Can he die for a little while, please, and then come back as a reboot with no previous continuity?
    The rebooted somewhat in 2005 with David Tennant...

    EDIT: I meant Christopher Eccleston
  • Posts: 5,745
    Yeah Yates ruined Harry Potter and now Dr. Who! YIPEE!
    Woah Woah Woah.

    Pre-Yates Harry Potter was ridiculous.
    I quite like the darkness of the Yates' Potters.
  • Posts: 1,856
    The BBC are dodging any question about this.

    I have an idea of a writer: Steven Moffat and/or RTD

    And The Doctor played by this actor called Matt Smith.
  • Posts: 19,339
    I have heard in the past that Johnny Depp might play the Doctor on the big screen.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I mean no disrespect to Doctor Who fans out there, but can we go a few years without him? Maybe it's because I was born too late, but I can't understand five minutes of that show. Can he die for a little while, please, and then come back as a reboot with no previous continuity?
    The rebooted somewhat in 2005 with David Tennant...

    EDIT: I meant Christopher Eccleston
    But doesn't that still keep continuity with the previous 30 years of the show?
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    But doesn't that still keep continuity with the previous 30 years of the show?
    Yes, it does.
    I have heard in the past that Johnny Depp might play the Doctor on the big screen.
  • edited June 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I mean no disrespect to Doctor Who fans out there, but can we go a few years without him? Maybe it's because I was born too late, but I can't understand five minutes of that show. Can he die for a little while, please, and then come back as a reboot with no previous continuity?
    The rebooted somewhat in 2005 with David Tennant...

    EDIT: I meant Christopher Eccleston
    But doesn't that still keep continuity with the previous 30 years of the show?
    it keeps all the traditions like the tardis and the daleks but re-introduces them for new audiences. I never really watched doctor who as a kid apart from afew episodes but it didn't intrest me, but i really started watching after the 2005 reboot. So if you watch on from the 2005 reboot you don't really need to have seen the 60s-80s series.
  • Posts: 289
    the rumor that wont die...its been around since 2006....

    back then it was going to be the time war...

    but it wouldnt be the first dw who films either....
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    Doctor Who movie? The BBC doesn't know what you're talking about

    Yesterday we heard that David Yates, the master of the final four Harry Potter films, had been tapped to direct a big-screen version of Doctor Who that would feature entirely new stars and continuity. Whether you love or hate it, there's no denying it's big news, but a few people at the BBC didn't even seem to think it was actually happening.

    According to Yates, there's no script for the project yet and it won't happen for another two or three years, but with his name attached to it the film—no matter what stage of development it's in—it was bound to be major news. Still, some at the BBC treated the Yates story as though it were just the same old Doctor Who movie rumors they've been swatting down for years.

    Here's what BBC executive Edward Russell had to say via Twitter:

    Off Twitter for a few hours and the Doctor Who world explodes. There's always talk of a movie. Perhaps? Maybe one day. But not right now!

    OK, so this guy didn't seem to think the story was serious, or at least not serious enough to set it apart from another movie rumor. But maybe he's not so close to Doctor Who in the first place. What about someone who is like, say, the BBC's official Doctor Who Magazine?
    Here's their Who movie Tweet:

    To those hearing Doctor Who movie rumours, it's just the same rumours which have been going round for years. Nothing's currently happening!

    So the major publication devoted to all things Time Lord thinks that one of the biggest sci-fi and fantasy directors around right now developing a project like this is akin to the same old rumors they've heard before? What's going on?

    It's not as odd as it seems, really. Though Yates is attached to the project, nothing definite has truly emerged yet, so they can still say these are just rumors. Plus, there could be some concern from both of these people that a Who movie could downplay the success of the TV show. Let's look for a tweet from someone even more official, like someone at BBC America:

    A Doctor Who feature film remains in development w/ BBC Worldwide Productions in LA. As of yet no script, cast or production crew in place.

    Are we to take that no production crew comment as meaning Yates is not officially on board just yet? Who knows, but that's a much more accurate way of saying where the project is right now. And over at the official BBC website, we've got an even briefer summing up of what's going on:

    Dr Who is to be taken to the big screen by Harry Potter director David Yates.

    Anyone who denied Yates' developing film can be forgiven. After all, Doctor Who has seen its share of dropped projects, delays and bumps in the road, including that big, big bump that lasted for a decade and a half. We could chalk those tweets up to a case of crossed wires, but it's more likely these guys are just taking the news with a grain of salt, as history has taught them to do. What do you think? Even with Yates on board, will this movie ever get made?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I look at The Simpsons and I can honestly say that it's probably a bad idea to put out a movie when the show'll never leave TV, and it's pretty obvious that Dr. Who will NEVER leave TV. It's the longest running sci-fi show in history, so it'll keep on the scene for a further twenty years until its creators are certain that it won't be beaten. By then, it'll scare any other sci-fi TV show from even trying to stay around that long.
  • Posts: 825
    Why? It's a successful long-running TV series. (Almost 50 years). It does not need a film addition. (There have already been two 'un-official' 60's films and one 'Dr. Who: The Movie' from the late 90's...)
    I agree with you. I grew up with Doctor Who & I always love the character & the TV series. No more Big Screen. Let be on TV only.
    timothy dalton or rowan atkison playing the role???
    Timothy Dalton for the role no way. He did a episode which ended David Tennant as the Doctor in End of time. Some where I read, some which he replaced Tom Baker for role but I don't he was approached & someone was glad Peter Davidson took over the role & this back flip about it. Well I don't know But he old for the role today & Rowan Atkinson no way. Why doesn't anyone suggest Steve Coogan?

  • Posts: 825
    I should put another post who against Dr.Who the Big Screen in title. I surely am.
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    edited December 2011 Posts: 1,182
    Doctor Who head writer and executive producer Steven Moffat commented on this via his Twitter account about an hour ago.
    To clarify: any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot.
    Movie thing: David Yates, great director, was speaking off the cuff, on a red carpet. You've seen the rubbish I talk when I'm cornered.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    ^ Well that's good to hear. I had visions of this being like DWTM, but on a bigger budget and even more americanised.

    Agent7F wrote:
    Timothy Dalton for the role no way. He did a episode which ended David Tennant as the Doctor in <i>End of time</I>.

    That didn't stop them from casting Colin Baker as Commander Maxil in the Davison story, Arc Of Infinity, only to then cast Baker (the following year) as Davison's replacement in the title role.

    But I think Dalton would make a better master. Mostly becasue I would have liked to have seen Dalton as The Master with McCoy as the Doctor. :-B
  • Posts: 7,653
    Dalton as baddie is indeed far more interesting. Russel T Davies did a great thing casting Dalton as a evil timelord. His spitting is well remembered by the Who fans.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Moffat Denies Doctor Who Movie Is A Reboot

    Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has taken to Twitter to clarify the Time Lord’s big screen future.

    “Any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot,” Moffat tweeted this morning.

    The statement follows reports that Harry Potter director David Yates is developing a movie version of the show that would create a brand new screen mythology.

    “David Yates, great director, was speaking off the cuff, on a red carpet,” added Moffat. “You’ve seen the rubbish I talk when I’m cornered…”
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