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This actually comes rather late, but the final "H" on the Esprit's number plate from Bochum (a part of which is now, appropriately, the formerly independent town of Wattenscheid) doesn't mean "hybrid", it means "historical". This means that the car has to be at least thirty years old and must have been found, by an acknowledged expert, to be basically identical to what it would have been at its original registration. The reward is a substantial reduction or even waiver of the road taxes.
This won't work if you replace the drivetrain by something electric. So I am pretty sure, that there is nothing electric about BO-ND 9 H.
As for a majority of the "Hong Kong" images, I have my problems believing in them. Some of them look like a photoshop job. Why does the "MI6" on the blue Ferrari look so much different from the rest of the plate? I don't trust at least the "BOND007", "SPY007" and "SKYFALL" plates either. Looks fake to me.
OPW 65W, Lotus Esprit Turbo White Hong Kong
Saw this car on the streets of Perth. I managed to get the drivers attention at a set of traffic lights.
Told him that’s not a silver Aston Martin. He laughed and said that was the second time that had happened that day.
True, but I liked the fact that other than a Bond fan, the plate I saw during the week would only be recognized by a Bond fan. And only a Bond fan, would go for that plate.
As I said above you certainly wouldn't get away with it here in the UK where there are very strict rules and laws on car registrations. I suppose it forces those so inclined as to have a meaningful registration to be more creative in their search for one that lies within the law.
I'm happy enough that my car registration has, purely by accident, the initial numbers of the date of Ian Fleming's birth. A happy accident there.
That's lovely - it was obviously meant for you!
Yes, I didn't notice it until after I'd bought the car but it was a sign it was the right one for me after all!
But occasionally you'll see one like the one I posted above. Many years ago, before the advent of camera's on phones, I saw an Alfa Romeo GTV6 in a servo, with the rego (plate) OCTOPUSSY. It still troubles me that I didn't wait to speak to the owner. :((
OHO7 MSS, Aston Martin DBS Superleggera UK
Hard to say. Then I was met by a cloud of thick white smoke twice as someone's Audi was dying. For a minute I thought the 007 car had put out a smokescreen...
Ha ha! I'm only getting that one now, @QBranch. What can I say? Some days I am just slow... :))
Indeed! :))
T 007 BA 06RUS, Black BMW X6 UK (corrected)
I get there in the end, @RichardTheBruce. ;)
However this particular plate was in the UK. :)
T007 MAD
See you later, Agitator! :)
What's he doing there?! He should be in Texas!