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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Oh, now, that is clever. Like it.
Spotted elsewhere on the internet: two of my favourite things, together at last.
Could be better applied, though.
007 JB (2000 BMW 323 Ci Cabriolet)
That's Daniel Craig in his Audi S6. I guess "002" here means him and Satsuki Mitchell.
I give him more credit than the Brosnan reversal. If you can decode 4884.
Not the film of his I would choose to represent, but more power to the man for loving whatever he does.
Well, that's ridiculous yet strangely likeable (which, coincidentally, is also my overall opinion on Brosnan).
I BI6 B0Y.
We've moved on to Dick Tracy plates?
Enjoyed a Mount Gay rum and soda. Tempus fugit.
My favorite is MAD MAX: FURY ROAD. The Vuvalini yells BIG BOY!!! at Rictus.
(Though it doesn't end well for her after that first shot.)
007 SPY. Perth, Australia.
As you may have noticed, the car itself is a DAF (van Doorne's Auto Fabriek), a now trucks-only manufacturer in the Netherlands. Makes you wonder if that sign was placed on an importer's parking lot.
In the Netherlands we don't have vanity plates, however, as of 2016, plates have been given out in the JB 007 series. So, proud owners of, amongs others, a Dacia Dokker (JB007B) and Hyundai I10 (JB007N) are driving around with these plates, and probably will have them stolen often ;-)
007 MI6
As for the cars, in my early driving days I always tried not to end up behind a DAF, especially not one with registrations from certain countryside places and driven by a septagenarian wearing a hat while at the wheel. But those have moved on to VW Jettas and Skoda Fabias by now after DAF cars was sold to Volvo in 1975.
JB 007
007 JB