Bondian Images in Other Works

in Bond Movies Posts: 6,059
The other day, I was reading a Doctor Who news site, when I found this :


Yes, there's a whole series about the Brigadier, but that's not the point. Notice the pose of the character in front ? Rather Bondian, don't you think ? Which promped me to look for other Bondian images in non-Bond works. And that's when I remembered that, during the 90s, I read a series of Conan books, written by continuation authors, translated in french at the Éditions Fleuve Noir, and that the illustrators of the covers were not the most imaginative of people, using pics from movies in order to do the covers, including a pic from Willow, and the lady whcih appears on this one :


Rather familiar, don't you think ?


I wonder if Kristina Wayborn knows she met Conan ?

And in the trash can where it should not have come from, we have this :


The less said about that movie, the better. But if you're interested and can read french, here's the article the site Naraland did about it :

So, do you have any other examples ? Post them here, then.
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