Can you help with my survey?

CommanderBrayCommanderBray North America
I am an adult student at the University of Toronto taking a 4th year cinema studies course called 'Bond...James Bond'. I am doing a presentation and essay looking at the Bond fan community. Would you consider taking my survey to help me gather data? There is no identifying information required.

Bond…James Bond.

I identify as: Female_______ Male______

James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following
9 elements in their order of importance to you.
_____The Bond Girl
_____Villains and henchmen
_____Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny
_____James Bond himself

Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
_____Sean Connery
_____George Lazenby
_____Roger Moore
_____Timothy Dalton
_____Pierce Brosnan
_____Daniel Craig

What is the first Bond film you remember seeing?

Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one?


The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?

There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie?________________________________________________________________________
How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The 25th James Bond film is due to be released November 8th, 2019. Will you go and see it?
Definitely______ Probably______ Maybe______Probably not______Definitely not______
Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My age is:

Thank you for your participation!


  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    Why not. allthough your questions are, how should i say this? coloured....

    Bond…James Bond.

    I identify as: Female_______ Male______

    James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following
    9 elements in their order of importance to you.

    _____James Bond himself
    _____Villains and henchmen
    _____The Bond Girl
    _____Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny

    Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
    _____Sean Connery
    _____Daniel Craig
    _____Roger Moore
    _____George Lazenby
    _____Timothy Dalton
    _____Pierce Brosnan

    What is the first Bond film you remember seeing?
    I think AVTAK on the Telly. But it could have been anyone from before 1990______________

    Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres?
    Telly, with Daddy.________________

    Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one?


    The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
    Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?
    No. I think 'sexualizing' is the wrong word, it implies something Bond doesn't do. He lives a glamourous life, amongst 'beautiful' people, at the edge. _______________________

    There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
    Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie?No________________________________________________________________________
    How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films? See above, it's the wrong interpretation of what's going on. Bond lives on the edge and tries to enjoy it as much as possible. This includes finding beautiful women who are attracted to him. It's a fantasy, perfectly illustrated by Austin Powers, who doesn't bring those women an attractive and sophisticated sparring partner, all hé has is his mojo. It's a pity people can't see past this PC thinking anymore. It's probably due to a lack of education. Free thinking._____________________________________

    The 25th James Bond film is due to be released November 8th, 2019. Will you go and see it?
    Definitely______ Probably______ Maybe______Probably not______Definitely not______
    Why or why not?

    My age is:

    Good luck!
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited November 2018 Posts: 3,000
    Bond…James Bond.

    I identify as: Male

    James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following 9 elements in their order of importance to you.
    5. Music
    2. Action
    9. The Bond Girl
    6. Cars
    3. Gadgets
    1. Storyline
    7. Villains and henchmen
    8. Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny
    4. James Bond himself

    Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
    3. Sean Connery
    6. George Lazenby
    2. Roger Moore
    5. Timothy Dalton
    1. Pierce Brosnan
    4. Daniel Craig

    What is the first Bond film you remember seeing?
    Casino Royale.

    Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres?
    I recorded it off of SyFy channel.

    Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one?
    Tomorrow Never Dies. It updates the classic Bond movie formula in a stylish and modern way, and its underlying criticism of the media is as topical today as it was in 1997. The plot, the action, the gadgets, the cars, the score, etc are all on point. It’s the sort of Bond film I would write.

    The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
    Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?
    I would say so, yes. The films are obviously primarily meant to appeal to male fantasies, but Bond certainly ticks the boxes of masculinity that are typically found attractive. When choosing Connery as Bond, Cubby Broccoli even made sure to ask his wife if he had chosen an attractive man as that was important to the role. (See the documentary Everything or Nothing: The Untold Story of 007)

    There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
    Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie?
    The portrayal of women in Bond is one where they are intensely attracted to him, and so consent (tacitly or directly) to having sex, even if it is after initial resistance. Though I don’t personally approve of womanizing, I don’t have an issue with it being part of Bond’s character.

    How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films?
    There is no issue to reconcile. This element of the films is nothing more than a simple sexual fantasy. If women are allowed their sexual fantasies then so are men. And the films contain plenty for both genders to enjoy and fantasize about.

    The 25th James Bond film is due to be released November 8th, 2019. Will you go and see it?
    Definitely. (P.S. The release date has been moved to February 14th, 2020.)

    Why or why not?
    It’s my favorite film series. It’s always entertaining and I’d never miss an installment.

    My age is:
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I identify as: Male

    James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following
    9 elements in their order of importance to you.
    3 Music
    4 Action
    6 The Bond Girl
    7 Cars
    9 Gadgets
    1 Storyline
    5 Villains and henchmen
    8 Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny
    2 James Bond himself

    Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
    2 Sean Connery
    5 George Lazenby
    4 Roger Moore
    1Timothy Dalton
    6 Pierce Brosnan
    3 Daniel Craig

    What is the first Bond film you remember seeing?
    Dr. No

    Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres?
    I saw it with my mother at home in 1988 when the film was playing on television. I was 6-ish.

    Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one?

    GoldenEye. I was 13 at the time. It was the first fresh Bond release for my generation. (We were too young for Licence To Kill when that one came out.) GoldenEye had everything I was looking for in a Bond film at the time. It seemed like the most polished, cool Bond film to date. It spoke to a more modern generation in ways no Bond film had at that point. It simply clicked with us, early millennials.

    The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
    Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?
    Bond Girls are made alluring by a variety of means which include a revealing wardrobe and the promise of sex. I believe that James Bond's erotic qualities are inherently present, locked up in the nature of the character. Bond himself is sexy too, but simply by being Bond and not necessarily by the way he dresses or his seductive gameplay. I furthermore believe that women and gay men are automatically drawn to Bond. I don't think the filmmakers incorporate extra tricks just to have more women or gay men interested.

    There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
    Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie? Not in the slightest.
    How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films? I remember the source material: Ian Fleming's books. It's easy working from there. So what if we have emancipated quite a bit over the past half a century? That's real life. James Bond films aren't.

    The 25th James Bond film is due to be released November 8th, 2019. Will you go and see it?
    Why or why not?
    I'm a James Bond fanatic. I live for this stuff!

    My age is:
  • Posts: 17,878
    I identify as: Male

    James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following
    9 elements in their order of importance to you.
    3 Music
    4 Action
    5The Bond Girl
    8 Cars
    9 Gadgets
    1 Storyline
    6 Villains and henchmen
    7 Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny
    2 James Bond himself

    Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
    2 Sean Connery
    4 George Lazenby
    1 Roger Moore
    3 Timothy Dalton
    5 Pierce Brosnan
    6 Daniel Craig

    What is the first Bond film you remember seeing?
    The Man with the Golden Gun

    Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres?
    At home, on a VHS cassette. I think I watched it alone, but can't be sure. I do remember that I saw every film made up to that point over a two-week period after that.

    Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one?
    I would like to say From Russia with Love, but I really have three – FRWL, Thunderball and On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

    The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
    Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?
    I would think so, yes. In the books, Bond was described by his good looks, and his portrayals in films doesn't steer away from that. A good-looking character is also more likely to draw an audience to the cinema than one who isn't. Simple as that.

    There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
    Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie?
    No. Even though the Bond girls have attractive looks, they are more often than not presented as strong, independent characters. Other parts of the entertainment industry (and other films) are more at fault of objectifying women than the Bond films, really.

    How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films?
    There is no issue to reconcile, I think. Bond films are just entertainment films, and not reality. Many people seem to forget that.

    The 25th James Bond film is due to be released November 8th, 2019. Will you go and see it?

    Why or why not?
    These days I only go to the theatre to see movies I really look forward to, and the Bond films are one of the few franchise films I count as a must-watch.

    My age is:
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited November 2018 Posts: 4,572
    I identify as: Male

    James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following
    9 elements in their order of importance to you.
    _____Music (4)
    _____Action (7)
    _____The Bond Girl (2)
    _____Cars (8)
    _____Gadgets (9)
    _____Storyline (3)
    _____Villains and henchmen (6)
    _____Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny (5)
    _____James Bond himself (1)

    Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
    _____Sean Connery (3)
    _____George Lazenby (5)
    ____ Roger Moore (1)
    _____Timothy Dalton (4)
    _____Pierce Brosnan (2)
    _____Daniel Craig (6)

    What is the first Bond film you remember seeing? Licence To Kill

    Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres? On Video 2000 (system before VHS) in 1992. 11-12 years old.

    Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one? Goldeneye. First Bond movie in the cinema, i whas 15.

    The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
    Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?

    My overall feeling is that Brosnan Bond has more humor. Brosnan best side of Bond is in The World Id Not Enough.

    There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
    Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie?
    How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films?

    There are things i miss and i think Quantum Of Solace and some parts of Spectre bring a back a litle bit. I like to see more Roger Moore Bond. One big change i like to see is more people (extra Bondgirls, very happy with), more various mix of locations and can we bring Astin Martin to car crash. Local cars or other ways to travel. More older Bondgirls (40 / 50 +).

    The 25th James Bond film is due to be released, . Will you go and see it? Yes. If i like what i see in the promotion. I seen have every Bond movie since Goldeneye and it will be my 9th movie in the cinema. This 9th movie or mabey the 10th if Daniel Craig making a 6th can be last one.

    My age is:

  • Posts: 19,339
    identify as: Male

    James Bond films rely on a formulaic approach. Please rank the following
    9 elements in their order of importance to you.
    __6___The Bond Girl
    __4___Villains and henchmen
    __8__Other characters: M, Q, Monneypenny
    __3___James Bond himself

    Please rank your favourite Bonds in order of preference.
    __2___Sean Connery
    __6___George Lazenby
    __1___Roger Moore
    __5__Timothy Dalton
    __4___Pierce Brosnan
    __3___Daniel Craig

    What is the first Bond film you remember seeing?
    TV IS MOONRAKER X CINEMA IS OCTOPUSSY_____________________________________________________________________________

    Under what circumstances did you see the film? For example, did you see it with a relative? Was it on TV? Was it new in the theatres?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Do you have a favourite James Bond film and if so which one?

    ___FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE ___________________________________________________________________________

    The James Bond films have always had a highly sexualized component.
    Do you feel they eroticize Bond in order to appeal to a female/gay audience in the same way they use the Bond Girl? How and/or why?
    _____NO X THEY JUST MADE BOND AND HIS WORLD EXOTIC X AN ESCAPE FOR THE AUDIENCE FROM A POST WAR/1950'S WORLD_______________________________________________________________________________

    There has been much discussion as to the representation of women in the Bond films. They are frequently objectified, disempowered and sometimes even the subject of forced sexual encounters.
    Does the portrayal of women in Bond films effect your enjoyment of the movie?____NO NOT AT ALL____________________________________________________________________
    How do you reconcile the portrayal of women with your enjoyment of Bond films?___I DONT X I JUST ENJOY THE FILM ...ITS BOND !!________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The 25th James Bond film is due to be released November 8th, 2019. Will you go and see it?
    Definitely______ Probably______ Maybe______Probably not______Definitely not______
    Why or why not? __I'M A JAMES BOND FAN !! ONE OF OUR BRITISH HEROES !__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    My age is:
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