Coincidence Theory



  • conradhankersconradhankers Underground
    Posts: 230
    To deny the Clintons were involved, is a conspiracy in itself. I mean, how would you know they aren't involved?

    Has Jimmy Saville at the PeadBC taught people nothing? You don't know what people do behind closed doors. Who knows what connections Epstein had, and what lengths would they do to cover their own arses.

    the man's a born liar...ask Monica, while his Lady MacBeth, used a private email server to conduct 'govt' business. stinks to high heaven.
  • To deny the Clintons were involved, is a conspiracy in itself. I mean, how would you know they aren't involved?

    Has Jimmy Saville at the PeadBC taught people nothing? You don't know what people do behind closed doors. Who knows what connections Epstein had, and what lengths would they do to cover their own arses.

    the man's a born liar...ask Monica, while his Lady MacBeth, used a private email server to conduct 'govt' business. stinks to high heaven.

    So did Colin Powell, the previous Secretary of State. If you don't like Hillary Clinton (or any other politician) that's your right. Just let's not accuse people of crimes without some sort of verifiable evidence -- or is that too 20th Century for your tastes?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2019 Posts: 12,501
    haha! I'm glad we have a sense of humor on here. ;)

    Trump's projection fills many of his tweets. Of course he is going to deflect as much as possible. Distract from his other current "problems". But a lot of people know that. And #Trumpbodycount is now actually ahead of #Clintonbodycount. Trump has long standing ties to Epstein. I want all people named, and held accountable, for what Epstein was involved in (any political party or govt official from other country; all of them).

    For me, I think most likely Epstein was enabled (by the system, which is under Trump's DOJ) to commit suicide.

  • conradhankersconradhankers Underground
    edited August 2019 Posts: 230
    To deny the Clintons were involved, is a conspiracy in itself. I mean, how would you know they aren't involved?

    Has Jimmy Saville at the PeadBC taught people nothing? You don't know what people do behind closed doors. Who knows what connections Epstein had, and what lengths would they do to cover their own arses.

    the man's a born liar...ask Monica, while his Lady MacBeth, used a private email server to conduct 'govt' business. stinks to high heaven.

    So did Colin Powell, the previous Secretary of State. If you don't like Hillary Clinton (or any other politician) that's your right. Just let's not accuse people of crimes without some sort of verifiable evidence -- or is that too 20th Century for your tastes?

    deluded. ec76327.png
  • Posts: 2,946
    Here's the full text of @Popehat's wise tweetsthread (thanks to @4EverBonded for the link):

    "I get it. Epstein is one of the most famous and controversial prisoners in the world, a focus of immense media/political attention, and recently may have attempted suicide.
    Therefore, you think, it is extremely implausible that jail officials would allow him to kill himself.

    But your assessment of plausibility is based on your assumptions about how the system works. Those assumptions are, mostly, wrong — naive Dick-Wolf-level law-enforcement-are-competent-good-guys stuff.

    You find it implausible because you think jailers would have to be freakishly incompetent to allow it to happen, and surely they aren’t. But they often are. You find it implausible because they would have to be wantonly indifferent to human life, and surely they aren’t. Dude.

    You find it implausible because jailers/law enforcement would surely get into huge trouble for letting something like this happen. Consequences? To law enforcement? For something happening to someone in custody? You gullible dips**t.

    In short, you find it implausible because you’ve accepted the fairy tale version of the criminal justice system, one utterly divorced from the reality. And you’ve managed to convince yourself that your view is 'sophisticated' and that thinking this could happen is 'naive.'

    Could there be more than malign indifference and incompetence? Sure. Maybe they hoped he would kill himself. Maybe he even bribed someone to look the other way so he could. Maybe there even is deliberate foul play.

    But if your belief is 'it has to be murder, because nobody is this incompetent or indifferent,' you’re a willfully blind fool, a useful idiot for a despicable system."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Revelator wrote: »
    Here's the full text of @Popehat's wise tweetsthread (thanks to @4EverBonded for the link):

    "I get it. Epstein is one of the most famous and controversial prisoners in the world, a focus of immense media/political attention, and recently may have attempted suicide.
    Therefore, you think, it is extremely implausible that jail officials would allow him to kill himself.

    But your assessment of plausibility is based on your assumptions about how the system works. Those assumptions are, mostly, wrong — naive Dick-Wolf-level law-enforcement-are-competent-good-guys stuff.

    You find it implausible because you think jailers would have to be freakishly incompetent to allow it to happen, and surely they aren’t. But they often are. You find it implausible because they would have to be wantonly indifferent to human life, and surely they aren’t. Dude.

    You find it implausible because jailers/law enforcement would surely get into huge trouble for letting something like this happen. Consequences? To law enforcement? For something happening to someone in custody? You gullible dips**t.

    In short, you find it implausible because you’ve accepted the fairy tale version of the criminal justice system, one utterly divorced from the reality. And you’ve managed to convince yourself that your view is 'sophisticated' and that thinking this could happen is 'naive.'

    Could there be more than malign indifference and incompetence? Sure. Maybe they hoped he would kill himself. Maybe he even bribed someone to look the other way so he could. Maybe there even is deliberate foul play.

    But if your belief is 'it has to be murder, because nobody is this incompetent or indifferent,' you’re a willfully blind fool, a useful idiot for a despicable system."

    Ah, yep.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2019 Posts: 12,501
    Our prison system is awful, horrendous on many levels.
    And it keeps rolling along. Private prisons, state prisons, local prisons, federal prisons. Huge industry. DOJ in charge of where Epstein was held. Consequences taking a long time coming (in regards to a lot of things). (@Popehat on twitter is Ken White, an attorney who has experience with RICO)

    I stated what I think is most likely to have happened (He was enabled him to kill himself). Enabled. To what extent and will we find out? We don't have all the facts. But blame the Clintons? Who are not in any position of power within that prison, not part of DOJ? Well, Clintons because that's been pushed on the public for years, though debunked. Sure. And what kind of sense does that really make, when Trump is so obviously heavily implicated and tied in with Epstein? Right. Barr and DOJ, such clean hands though directly responsible for the handling of their prisoner, Epstein.

    Trump was happy not to wait to throw blame anywhere and could not wait to tie in the Clintons. He didn't hesitate a second. Get more gasoline and soak that fire. Trump definitely wants to distract people from him, from his long-standing ties to Epstein. He had the most to lose.

    You know, once Epstein's home was raided, and evidence gathered (and his home in the Virgin Islands is being searched now as I type this apparently) it almost didn't matter, did it, what Jeffrey would say? He documented so much. I think there is enough credible evidence found to implicate people. And plenty of other witnesses to call. His voice is not needed as much as maybe some think.

    Ghislaine ... now I do wonder when/where they will find her. I want her prosecuted. I want every person who participated in sexually abusing and/or trafficking underage girls to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, no matter what their last name is, if they are royal or head of state, or just the neighborhood milkman.

    I said what I think was most likely - but I want the full autopsy report, investigation into why guards did not check on him, etc. All of that. Don't you? We don't have the full story, but I'm not betting that the wild Clinton conspiracies are going to ring true for this.

    Click into it to read all of Glenn's points. I'll copy 3 here:

    3.... depending on what is learned during the investigation. It’s not terribly unusual for someone to commit a homicide and then orchestrate the scene to try to make it look like a suicide. Similarly, someone can try to make a homicide by strangulation or suffocation look like a ...

    4. suicide by hanging. This is why it was grossly irresponsible (or a product of intentional misdirection) for AG Barr to immediately label Epstein’s death an apparent suicide. Then today, Barr heaped condemnation on the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) for its ...

    5. “appalling failures.” Now wait a minute - MCC is a federal facility and part of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). Guess who’s in charge of the BOP? The DOJ as headed by Bill Barr. So MCC’s failures are Barr’s failures. Bill Barr’s rhetorical merry-go-round is never-ending.
    133 replies 681 retweets 2,518 likes
    Reply 133 Retweet 681 Like 2.5K

    Oh that always entertaining, Bill Barr:
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    To deny the Clintons were involved, is a conspiracy in itself. I mean, how would you know they aren't involved?

    Has Jimmy Saville at the PeadBC taught people nothing? You don't know what people do behind closed doors. Who knows what connections Epstein had, and what lengths would they do to cover their own arses.
  • conradhankersconradhankers Underground
    Posts: 230
    Lest we forget that Trump is a master deceiver. His masters tell him to distract us with his vile tweets whilst:

    1. Honk Kong is a war zone.
    2. Kashmir is a blood bath.
    3. China actively steralising Chinese Muslim women in concentration camps.
    4. A Russian Nuclear blast, yes a Nuclear blast as clear as day, destroys a whole region.
    5. Paris, oh the civilised Paris, is a war zone with its own people openly revolting against its own government and we don't see a single thing on the control news feed.
    6. Pedophillia is being openly pushed as a 'sexual preference' in narratives around the world, even TED talks.
    7. Trump passes a law that takes food away from the poorest in his country who just so happen to be legal immigrants.
    8. Trump's wall is not to keep people out, its to keep people in. The Patriot act is a step closer to total civilian control whislt his ICE teams snatch children off the street to normalise govt agents with unlimited power patrolling our neighbourhoods.
    9. We are not only in 1984, we have surpassed it.
    10. Everything in Brave New World has come to true,
    11. They've even made it popular to think about mass enforced Population control with the Thanos storyline and the popular #THANOSDIDNOTHINGWRONG trend. Scary stuff.
    12. The Fear of the Environment being destroyed. What do glaciers do? Yes they melt. It's normal. All figs to prove Global warming are after 1982. The figs before that show the world was getting colder. The ice caps were growing. We are just reverting to where we should be.
    13. An openly single World govt is a generation away.

    Oh let's throw in mentally unstable individuals on the street who (no doubt have caused death and destruction) to take away from the bigger world changing actions by controlled puppet govts. These murderers were always known to the authorities and were on watch lists...really? Mind controlled agents of course.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2019 Posts: 12,501
    Yeah there is a lot of evil happening in the world, for real. That doesn't leave Trump free from his own words and actions. Not at all. Though I think they only person he reports to is Ivanka.

    Here is a humorous take on the Clintons being responsible for murdering Epstein theory ... and I don't have the full article as it is still behind a paywall. But this is rather amusing:

    Back to your list of evil doings. So do you mean we should bring up Bilderberg group and other conspiracies about Globalists running the world? Illuminati, etc.? Putting their alien lizard heads together once a year to decide what evil to do and how to make more money from money laundering, human trafficking, selling arms, causing chaos in democracies, all of that stuff? A handful of people pulling strings in nearly all countries, that kind of thing? OK, there are plenty of conspiracy theories about that I think. Go ahead. I'm getting more popcorn. B-)
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489

    The list in that piece is far from complete, and in addition these investment funds own eachother.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Yes, but in what lair will they meet this year? ;)
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    Just a friendly reminder that the politics thread was closed for a reason. We'd be grateful if this thread could steer away from politics. There's plenty of non-political conspiracies to discuss.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    It's a conspiracy theory thread, that I hope we can have some fun with, and that undoubtedly often includes politics (unfortunately). I did bring up chemtrails earlier; that's an ongoing tin foil brigade.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    @Thunderfinger, I don't get your main point, though. Banks have always networked together. If you are saying this is evil, spit out some reasons and details. Thanks. :)
  • conradhankersconradhankers Underground
    Posts: 230
    Is that a nuclear blast or munitions explosion?

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2019 Posts: 12,501
    Aljazeera? Ugh. So do you know where the video is supposedly taken?
    And the conspiracy is what? Just that it may be a secretive nuclear explosion? I cannot view the video (my computer's problem).

    Is it this? Happened a few days ago.

  • And the real conspiracy here is that this program is called....."Skyfall." Obviously, the Russians are working overtime and at great risk to their own personnel, on a scheme to discredit James Bond. You'd have thought they learned their lesson from that LEKTOR business awhile back. What does General Gogol have to say about this? The new era of Anglo-Soviet cooperation that he announced seems to have come to a close...
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    And the real conspiracy here is that this program is called....."Skyfall." Obviously, the Russians are working overtime and at great risk to their own personnel, on a scheme to discredit James Bond. You'd have thought they learned their lesson from that LEKTOR business awhile back. What does General Gogol have to say about this? The new era of Anglo-Soviet cooperation that he announced seems to have come to a close...

    From Russia With Like.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    @Thunderfinger, I don't get your main point, though. Banks have always networked together. If you are saying this is evil, spit out some reasons and details. Thanks. :)
    @Thunderfinger, I don't get your main point, though. Banks have always networked together. If you are saying this is evil, spit out some reasons and details. Thanks. :)
    @Thunderfinger, I don't get your main point, though. Banks have always networked together. If you are saying this is evil, spit out some reasons and details. Thanks. :)
    @Thunderfinger, I don't get your main point, though. Banks have always networked together. If you are saying this is evil, spit out some reasons and details. Thanks. :)
    @Thunderfinger, I don't get your main point, though. Banks have always networked together. If you are saying this is evil, spit out some reasons and details. Thanks. :)

    These four investment funds don t own just banks, but also all big tech companies, pharmaceutical companies, energy giants, mass media and weapons manufacturers. I am not calling it anything, but the implications are there to ponder.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Thanks for reminding me, I do have a favorite debunking website. Enjoyed it for years and I'll revisit it tomorrow on my day off. Have fun - tons of topics. :)
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    "I've never been to the Bohemian club...[snip]"

    You also didn't have sexual relations with that woman either, eh Bill?
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    "I've never been to the Bohemian club...[snip]"

    You also didn't have sexual relations with that woman either, eh Bill?

    As my late Dad said at the time, "Not much of a liar."
  • conradhankersconradhankers Underground
    edited August 2019 Posts: 230
    Brazil has 98% of niobium reserves in the world. 21% of it is in the Amazon Rainforest. Bolsonaro, one of Trump's bessie mate, and a far right candidate sees it as the future for Brazil, not its oil reserves. Nb is used to make steel stronger and is in high demand by China, and aerospace companies. China's purchased, two years ago, a small Brazilian niobium mine and this company is a funder of guess who, Bolsonaro. ummm?
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
This discussion has been closed.