Do you have any concerns or niggles about NTTD ,or are you full of confidence ?



  • Posts: 1,394
    Jason Statham tried to warn us...
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    Jason Statham tried to warn us...
    What's that got to do with this film?

    His interview actually kinda supports what NTTD is doing. He didn't say that there couldn't be a female 007 as a supporting character, did he? Just that James Bond shouldn't be female and basically remain the titular character... which is still the case.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,133
    As far as I know Bond is still played by a male actor... so yeah, don’t know what point you’re making @AstonLotus
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,233
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    Naoime Harris - '' In this new film you have four strong,intelligent women who drive the plot forward.Bond is not disrespecting women and not after a woman because of how attractive she looks ''

    Good god,this film is shaping up to be a Terminator:Dark Fate/Diversitys Angels/ disaster! More evidence that the new Bond is going to be more woke nonsense!

    Then don't bother with buying a ticket and wasting your time with this "disaster". That will keep that blood pressure of yours down (you're getting triggered by a quote from an actress selling an angle of this film (to, you know, bring in a demographic that may not usually go to a Bond film-- unless hubby or BF drags them out to it)).
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,185
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    Jason Statham tried to warn us...

    Lol what does that have to do with anything? Are you aware how many former Bond girls came out and said James Bond should remain male? From Eva Green, to Hale Barry and most of all Barbara freaking Broccoli. Even Daniel's wife Rachel Weisz made a strong case for Bond to remain male.
    Are you even aware of this or do you just want to live in your bias bubble and be outraged over something you can't even prove?
    Also the filmmakers involved In NTTD are way too good to compare them to lightweight popcorn fare like Terminator Dark Fate or Charlies Angels.

    I agree with you on one point though. I don't like Naomis recent comments. But they contradict what Phoebe has been saying and she wrote those characters!
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2019 Posts: 4,343
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    Naoime Harris - '' In this new film you have four strong,intelligent women who drive the plot forward.Bond is not disrespecting women and not after a woman because of how attractive she looks ''

    That's ridiculous. Bond will always go after a woman because of how attractive she looks.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2019 Posts: 13,620
    Where Ms. Harris suggests the four female roles drive the plot forward.

    Isn't that what many folks are asking for? That Bond's personal history isn't put on display the way it was in Skyfall and Spectre. That's actually not a concern or complaint of mine, but I don't see the comment as at odds with anything.

    Though attractive women and Bond going after them is a given, poor choice of words there.

  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,133
    Bond is certainly going after attractive women, but he's not going for bimbos. He gets as much of a thrill from a woman that can throw back some wit.

    Unless it's Mary Goodnight, then it just looks like he's taking advantage of a woman with special needs.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,185
    Bond is certainly going after attractive women, but he's not going for bimbos. He gets as much of a thrill from a woman that can throw back some wit.

    Unless it's Mary Goodnight, then it just looks like he's taking advantage of a woman with special needs.

    I agree on all Accounts.
    Naomis comment's should be ignored because she sounds like she has no clue what shes talking about.
    She is clearly in marketing mode here, and dialing up the novelty of it all. We had many women drive the plot forward in Bond. For example Sophie Marceau WAS the plot in TWINE. And what about Tatjana, Domino, Solitaire, Melina, Kara etc?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 13,620
    Bond is certainly going after attractive women, but he's not going for bimbos.
    Well, that would be an unnecessary act of discrimination.

  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,133
    Hell, if Bond had never met Tracy, he would have never located Blofeld!
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,932
    Also it seems people are avoiding this idea of subtlety. Why can't we assume that the "feminist nature" of this particular film is reflected in subtle choices that can provide a well rounded, enjoyable film?

    And also it really seems like people think it's going to be a theme of the story? Can't it just be a realistic and progressive choice that makes actresses want to be the characters they're portraying? Which in turn will make more and more talented and respected actresses want to be apart of the franchise?
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,185
    And this point i feel like women just really like to bitch lol.

    Nothing seems to be ever good enough. Personally i think the Bond films have made an outstandig job of making the femals more central and important to the plot (if you like that sort of thing).

    But some gals still think it's not good enough and Bond needs to treat women 'better' whatever the hell that means. So i changed my mind... I am taking a different approach now.
    Naomi, Ana and Phoebe seem to be so full of confidence that with NTTD they have FINALLY achived this ultimate Mission, so i say this: Convince me.
    Pure and simple.

    I will be sitting in the theatre and judge for myself whether the women are portrayed in a better light (on their own of course, we're not talking about Bond here) than in all the previous films. So i want to see for myself what this revelation is going to look like... And they better deliver and don't make me go "yeah, it was alright i guess" because i will never believe a single word from a Bond girl ever again :))
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,133
    Denbigh wrote: »
    Also it seems people are avoiding this idea of subtlety. Why can't we assume that the "feminist nature" of this particular film is reflected in subtle choices that can provide a well rounded, enjoyable film?

    And also it really seems like people think it's going to be a theme of the story? Can't it just be a realistic and progressive choice that makes actresses want to be the characters they're portraying? Which in turn will make more and more talented and respected actresses want to be apart of the franchise?

    Indeed. We've come a long way from the days of divisive casting choices like Terri Hatcher and Denise Richards, and it's all thanks to Craig's run for attracting more international talent. Whatever you may feel of the Madeline character, Lea Seydoux is a pretty remarkable actress to get. With her second appearance, I hope NTTD does her character justice.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    00Agent wrote: »
    And this point i feel like women just really like to bitch lol.
    Nothing seems to be ever good enough.
    Really? I mean... I could say this about a lot of the people on this site, a lot of whom are male, and let me just say, while hard to put ourselves in other people's shoes, if you were (more often than not) portrayed as just a sex object or a character to get murdered or both, you'd probably fancy a change too.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,185
    Denbigh wrote: »
    00Agent wrote: »
    And this point i feel like women just really like to bitch lol.
    Nothing seems to be ever good enough.
    Really? I mean... I could say this about a lot of the people on this site, a lot of whom are male, and let me just say, while hard to put ourselves in other people's shoes, if you were (more often than not) portrayed as just a sex object or a character to get murdered or both, you'd probably fancy a change too.

    Most people on this site are bitching, and it's 99% male from what i can tell. Doesn't mean the same isn't true for how the girls talk in interviews.
    I mean they don't really bitch, because they only talk about how great it is what THEY did. But consequently often make it sound like they have nothing but contempt for what came before.

    Anyway my point still Stands. If this is supposed to be sooo much better than anything before it, they better convince me.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    00Agent wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    00Agent wrote: »
    And this point i feel like women just really like to bitch lol.
    Nothing seems to be ever good enough.
    Really? I mean... I could say this about a lot of the people on this site, a lot of whom are male, and let me just say, while hard to put ourselves in other people's shoes, if you were (more often than not) portrayed as just a sex object or a character to get murdered or both, you'd probably fancy a change too.

    Most people on this site are bitching, and it's 99% male from what i can tell. Doesn't mean the same isn't true for how the girls talk in interviews. I mean they don't really bitch, because they only talk about how great it is what THEY did. But consequently often make it sound like they have nothing but contempt for what came before.
    Anyway my point still Stands. If this is supposed to be sooo much better than anything before it, they better convince me.
    My point is @00Agent, is that there's no need to make such a bold statement like "all women like to bitch?" One, not true, and two, who says only women are asking for the franchise to move forward, be more progressive, and create more interesting female characters?

    And blatantly saying that the reasoning behind all of this is just because they like to bitch is just unfortunate, and again if I said that about anyone on here, it wouldn't go down well with quite a few. We all have the right to want something more from a franchise that prides itself on moving forward and changing with the times? And you can't blame these filmmakers and actors for listening, and applying their own thoughts and ideas.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,185
    Birdleson wrote: »
    @00Agent , I also have several misgivings (to put it mildly) about the upcoming film, but let's try to avoid painting any group on here with a wide brush. We have a few (albeit not many) female members who are (some sporadically) active and involved with various threads. Sometimes it is more prudent to tread lightly.

    Fair enough, i've been listening to a ton of stand up comedy lately and i like to talk frank, but i can see that people don't often pick up on my humor or sarcasm (i guess putting lol's in every second sentence doesn't cut it anymore.)

    Of course i don't mean to be disrespectful, but if i hear BS i just wanna point that out.
    And I wish there were more female members here. Way more. Would be way more interesting. I would much rather hear them respond to my comment and have a real debate about Naomis comments, from a female perspective as well.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,233
    must be a full moon tonight...

    "Fans", who assume, or, in other cases, WANT, Bond to fail, are spewing the usual...

    Did they watch the AM scenes in NTTD we watched in August (that was Bond behind the wheel, guys)?
    Did they watch the BTS with Bond and Felix?
    It was DC who tore ligaments doing a stunt in Jamaica... Not Ana, Nomi, or even Felix....

    I will always go back to the originals to prove to guys with small hands:

    Sylvia Trench was a woman who was out, in the middle of the night, gambling, drinking, smoking and BROKE INTO A STRANGER'S HOME, just to have sex with him; she wanted that. Bond didn't force it...

    Tatiana was a honey-trap... and accepted her assignment... she used her sex to trap an opposition member (maybe we men should be insulted that in 1963 they thought so little of us, or; there's a truth that het-men get dizzy around beautiful women?).

    Jill and Tilly Masterson (both independent; sisters: one chose sex as an income (just to be seen-- which hints that Auric isn't into women); the other is the protective and seemingly older sister, who, in the novel, is attracted to Pussy, not Bond. She's an unapologetic lesbian...--

    Pussy, in the book, and strongly hinted at in the film ("You can turn off the charm. I'm immune"), was a lesbian/bi-sexual. I say bi, coz, in the film Goldfinger asked her, subtly, to take care of Bond... She agrees.

    So I now wonder: that cringey scene where Bond forces himself on her, was that Pussy's set-up? Did she "let" Bond "take her", just for Felix and the CIA's cams taking pics?

    Domino (not a bimbo)...

    Aki and Kissy

    Tracy who saves Bond as much as he saves her......

  • Posts: 12,421
    I think people are reading too much into Naoime’s comments. She didn’t say the women will be the only ones to drive the film (or drive it instead of Bond) - just that they do help drive the plot. As for Bond “disrespecting” women or going after them just for their looks - both of these things have been blown out of proportion for years. The women Bond beds want him - it’s always been consensual.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,185
    @Peter i agree with you, and you made me change my mind on Sylvia with a previous post of yours. Also i would like to point out that DN was co written by a woman, that might had something to do with it.

    But you don't need to tell that to US. We get it, i get it.
    Tell it to the new Bond girls.
  • edited November 2019 Posts: 1,680
    A good film let’s the characters flow on their own and it’s not one gender vs another. Just two people.

    In CR bond and vespers romance is actually believable. Neither had the intention of seducing or loving each other it just happened.

    In Spectre it really isnt as believable.

    That’s why I’m hoping the rumor that swann betrays bond in matera is true
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    ...but again @00Agent, we can't deny the existence of the pitfalls that have happened amongst the franchise. We've had some amazing Bond girls, but the other types of Bond girls who are not as well written or as well depicted, have obviously have had an impact on social discussions and have even been parodied.

    I don't think in any way that they're denying any of those Bond girls that have been mentioned above, and others, any respect or admiration, but just frankly addressing that this film is not gonna have its Bond girls fall into the tired tropes and two-dimensional approaches that can happen and have happened. Also didn't they praise a couple of old Bond girls in an interview, and Naomie has done so before?

    Just as I'm sure you probably weren't trying to "paint things with a wide brush" like @Birdelson put, maybe the same can be said for them. They're definitely some women who love to bitch, but not all. They're definitely unfortunate tropes that female characters fall into in this franchise, and sometimes there isn't. Can we blame them for not wanting any of the female characters in this film to fall into those traps by making a conscious effort?

    ...and @Tuck91, whose saying the film won't let the characters flow on their own and will be one gender vs another? And surely Madeleine betraying Bond is the opposite of letting the characters flowing on their own and not being one gender vs another? You also said the other day you want Nomi to be a traitor? So you're answer to characters you don't know anything about in the context of this film is for them to be bad and die because...

    If you want the audience to care about your characters, you need to care about your characters.
  • Posts: 1,680
    Denbigh wrote: »
    ...but again @00Agent, we can't deny the existence of the pitfalls that have happened amongst the franchise. We've had some amazing Bond girls, but the other types of Bond girls who are not as well written or as well depicted, have obviously have had an impact on social discussions and have even been parodied.

    I don't think in any way that they're denying any of those Bond girls that have been mentioned above, and others, any respect or admiration, but just frankly addressing that this film is not gonna have its Bond girls fall into the tired tropes and two-dimensional approaches that can happen and have happened. Also didn't they praise a couple of old Bond girls in an interview, and Naomie has done so before?

    Just as I'm sure you probably weren't trying to "paint things with a wide brush" like @Birdelson put, maybe the same can be said for them. They're definitely some women who love to bitch, but not all. They're definitely unfortunate tropes that female characters fall into in this franchise, and sometimes there isn't. Can we blame them for not wanting any of the female characters in this film to fall into those traps by making a conscious effort?

    ...and @Tuck91, whose saying the film won't let the characters flow on their own and will be one gender vs another? And surely Madeleine betraying Bond is the opposite of letting the characters flowing on their own and not being one gender vs another? You also said the other day you want Nomi to be a traitor? So you're answer to characters you don't know anything about in the context of this film is for them to be bad and die because...

    If you want the audience to care about your characters, you need to care about your characters.

    I cared for vesper because it felt authentic. Swanns performance fell flat for myself and many in Spectre. It’s hard to get everyone to care right off the bat in NTTD.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    Tuck91 wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    ...but again @00Agent, we can't deny the existence of the pitfalls that have happened amongst the franchise. We've had some amazing Bond girls, but the other types of Bond girls who are not as well written or as well depicted, have obviously have had an impact on social discussions and have even been parodied.

    I don't think in any way that they're denying any of those Bond girls that have been mentioned above, and others, any respect or admiration, but just frankly addressing that this film is not gonna have its Bond girls fall into the tired tropes and two-dimensional approaches that can happen and have happened. Also didn't they praise a couple of old Bond girls in an interview, and Naomie has done so before?

    Just as I'm sure you probably weren't trying to "paint things with a wide brush" like @Birdelson put, maybe the same can be said for them. They're definitely some women who love to bitch, but not all. They're definitely unfortunate tropes that female characters fall into in this franchise, and sometimes there isn't. Can we blame them for not wanting any of the female characters in this film to fall into those traps by making a conscious effort?

    ...and @Tuck91, whose saying the film won't let the characters flow on their own and will be one gender vs another? And surely Madeleine betraying Bond is the opposite of letting the characters flowing on their own and not being one gender vs another? You also said the other day you want Nomi to be a traitor? So you're answer to characters you don't know anything about in the context of this film is for them to be bad and die because...

    If you want the audience to care about your characters, you need to care about your characters.

    I cared for vesper because it felt authentic. Swanns performance fell flat for myself and many in Spectre. It’s hard to get everyone to care right off the bat in NTTD.
    Of course, but I don't think they're asking everyone to care right off the bat. They know as well as we do that the proof is in the pudding. They're just doing what they're contracted to do and sell the film :)
    On little separate note, I think the only thing that is gonna disappoint me about the female characters in this film is that none of them will be villains, and to add no I don't think any of them will betray Bond. That's quite a tired trope of the Craig-era. It has be done well in some cases but it's just too much.
  • Posts: 12,421
    I remember there being one rumor along the lines of "Bond will be betrayed by Swann" (not an exact quote, but the gist of it) to some extent. Whether or not she ends up a full-on villain, I'm very optimistic they're going to take her character to some interesting places. I highly doubt they will fridge her near the start as many have predicted; I can imagine her being "killed" (faking a death) or "kidnapped" (more to it than meets the eye) early in the film, with revelations to follow later in the movie.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I will forgive quite a bit of the way the character was handled in SP if Swann turns out to a the villain.
    But surely that would just make things even more convoluted, and I think we could do without another convoluted plot after Spectre.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited November 2019 Posts: 5,932
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I can’t disagree that it’d be further convoluting of an already messy attempt at retro continuity, but it looks like the circling back to SP is a given. Just trying to imagine what would cause me to become interested in her. Of course, as you point out, it’s more in the execution than the concept.
    My own guess would be the circling back round will be to avoid further convoluted mess. So they circle back round to these characters that naturally should reappear but do something fresh and new while building on what came before, without altering plot elements or sequences so that they mean something completely different to what was originally intended.

    What they did to Silva in Spectre was really frustrating and is something I've actually personally retconned and refuse to believe haha, and while we didn't like what Spectre did in certain ways, to try and fix it as a whole in No Time to Die would be a bad idea.
  • edited November 2019 Posts: 12,421
    If NTTD is as connected to SP as QOS was to CR, then I'm not too worried. Some reappearing characters and storylines, but still a pretty solid experience as a standalone IMO (I know a lot of people disagree, but I think QOS is just as good as a standalone as it is a follow-up to CR). SP's retconning was poor as a concept and in execution. Hopefully NTTD will have some neat, new ideas and not be focused on new retcons or making the Craig-verse more connected than it already is.
  • edited November 2019 Posts: 677
    I mean, I think the reality is when these actresses market the new Bond film they're starring in they do throw previous Bond actresses under the bus a bit making statements like finally the women help drive the story, finally the women don't sleep with Bond, finally the women wear the pants, etc. And of course Harris, Lynch and de Armas aren't the only ones guilty of this. I guess I wonder if this is a planned marketing strategy, because if it is they should change it up for once (although one too many decades too late). But who knows the media loves making a big deal (especially post-MeToo) about Bond girls and the "stigma" attached to it, so it makes you think if we're ever going to evolve from that. Will we continue to hear this for Bond 26 promotion?

    Not that I'm against any of those things (although it would feel weird in a future to see no sexual activity in a Bond film), and I'm very much hyped for their characters, but I just question the results of this narrative after so many times it's been used.
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