The Next Bond Author - Suggestions Please !

Literary Bondonians, 'The Pussy' is finding the lack of news regarding the next novel very concerning. IFP appear to be on hiatus.
Surely, if we are to see anything in 2020 there shoulld have been an announcement by now ?
After FAAD, 'The Pussy' would be pleased to see Horowitz return but failing that, would love to have either Charles Cumming or Mick Herron turn their hand to it. Both have the 'Spy Chops' for the mission.
Suggestions from thinking aficionados would be most welcome.


  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited August 2019 Posts: 18,478
    The two authors you mention would be great. I'd also add Jeremy Duns to the list. He's proven himself as a spy writer with his Paul Dark series of novels and has many in-depth literary Bond articles and books under his belt. That's the perfect combination for me (both proven literary Bond knowledge and thriller writing talent). Plus, I've known him online since 2004 and would obviously like to see him get the gig over and above other candidates. I think he'd be an inspired choice for IFP if there is ever a vacancy in the Bond continuation author role.

    However, I'm not sure there is a vacancy yet as Anthony Horowitz may return with a third Bond novel at some point. There were three years between the release of Trigger Mortis in 2015 and Forever and a Day in 2018. So 2021 would not be an unreasonable date to expect the next Bond continuation novel, meaning that the autumn of 2020 would most likely be the time we would first hear about it, and not actually 2019. That's if IFP keep to the "schedule", if indeed there is one! :)
  • Yes Dragonpol, Jeremy Duns has potential.
    The Pussy read ‘Free Agent’ and certainly thinks he has talent. That said, greater notoriety would probably be needed to secure such a gig.
    One idea could be to do a book of five novellas a la FYEO. That way different authors could make their contribution. It could even act as a sort of homage whilst also auditioning for the next writer.
    In that scenario one could imagine the likes of Mick Herron, Charles Cumming, Lee Child and Henry Porter making a contribution. It would be less demanding on their time and would sell like hot cakes. It’s also probably way too creative for IFP
    Thinking whilst writing this, one thing PussyNoMore would love to see is Jeremy resurrect Quiller. Now that would give Bond a run for his money !
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