James Bond Fans Anonymous: Sharing the indignities of being a Bond fan in the outside world

DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
edited October 2019 in Bond Movies Posts: 18,487
The idea for this thread came to me earlier this week. However, if I'm being truthful the roots of this thread go back many years to all of those occasions I can remember being castigated in some way or other simply for being a James Bond fan and enthusiast. This thread is for the James Bond fans assembled here to offload any of the negativity, indignity or bad feelings they have encountered as part of being a James Bond fan in the outside world, especially at the hands of non-Bond fans. It's based on Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous, only without the attendant negativity of serious addictions!

I will share my experiences of this sort of thing in a short while. This is your safe space to discuss these sorts of experiences with other like-minded Bond fans so use it or lose it! You can of course be assured of a sympathetic audience here.

James Bond Fans Anonymous is hereby open for business!


  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,221
    I've never experienced much of that, if anything it's been the opposite. Friends and family always look out for anything Bond related i might like (My stepdaughter got me a signed picture of Roger Moore and Fiona Fullerton for Christmas a few years ago) and my wife is completely fine with my obsession!
  • NS_writingsNS_writings Buenos Aires
    Posts: 544
    My name is Nicolás and I'm a James Bond fan.

    That has caused me a lot of pain in primary and high school. Even in university.
    I have never hoped for anyone to be as much as a Bond fan as I was - friend or relationship - yet I always had them imposing me their football, their stupid music, their unstylish way of dressing, etc.

    For years, and this even happens to me now, "I'm a James Bond fan" is regularly the last thing I say whenever I meet someone. Anyway, that's almost impossible to do because if you google my particular surname I'm always attached to James Bond.

    Anyway, hitting the floor between 2016-2019, and facing a rather big financial crisis this year... it was James Bond who saved me! I wrote two books, as you may know, and they are selling fairly well thanks to many people from this forum including you @Dragonpol.
    So, the little James Bond freak is now making some dollars thanks to his knowledge.

    James Bond saved me.

    My name is Nicolás and I'm PROUD of being a James Bond fan.

    Out of horror... beauty.
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