Were you ever stigmatised because you're a Bond fan?

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited November 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 24,515
I know I was. Frequently in fact.

When I was 16 and all worked up for TND, the then upcoming Bond film, my head teacher mocked me in front of the entire class because he felt that James Bond was meant for idiots and little kiddies.

Many years later, in college, when I sat down with a number of film buffs, we ended up in harsh debate over James Bond. Apparently, Bond isn't 'legitimate' business for a real film connoisseur. Only European and Asian films no-one's ever heard of are.

Even my own father sees my Bond fandom as loathsome and shameful. In his mind it demonstrates to others that I'm not really all that bright. Tough words coming from someone who thinks the world of soccer and cycling...

And yes, on top of that, there's the girlfriend. She doesn't stigmatise me over my affection for the Bond series but she "can't understand what find so darn special about it."

How about you guys? Ever been mocked because you like Bond?


  • edited October 2013 Posts: 12,837
    My girlfriend used to really hate James Bond up until when she saw CR, which she didn't mind, but she still doesn't really get why I like it so much. And back in Iraq some of my army mates used to tease me a little bit about it. But apart from that, not really. Its funny about your teacher though because I actually had a teacher at my high school who was a big Bond fan.
  • Posts: 1,817
    Interesting discussion. As a matter of fact, it happened to me once.
    I was at a dinner in the Italian Embassy in my country and in my table there was a famous movie critic. I didn't meet him before but I started to talk with him about our favorite movies and I obviously mentioned Bond. So the Japanese Ambassador started to laugh when I mention Bond!
  • I have been, especailly in the first 2 years of high school, I made it very clear from the start that I was a James Bond fan, and then everybody started calling me James Bond (in a really annoying, not-fun way)
  • Not 'stigmatised' as such, but my fellow 'good taste in films' friend (There aren't many. Believe me) did use my fandom in Bond against me in an "argument" (Friendly argument), as he was talking about his favourite films, and how i didn't enjoy the film, 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' anywhere near as much as he did, and i stated some films that i found either pointless or boring, then he decided to use the Bond films as an attack. He was talking about how 'unrealistic' it is, and how there's no blood or anything when somebody gets shot, in which i replied 'not everything has to be realistic, they make the Bond films fun, and enjoyable, for a wide variety of viewers, there's no need for them to be utterly violent and gory.'. He has used this as an 'advantage' over me when talking to my year 9 english teacher. Atleast i had my friend to back me up though.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Not 'stigmatised' as such, but my fellow 'good taste in films' friend (There aren't many. Believe me) did use my fandom in Bond against me in an "argument" (Friendly argument), as he was talking about his favourite films, and how i didn't enjoy the film, 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' anywhere near as much as he did, and i stated some films that i found either pointless or boring, then he decided to use the Bond films as an attack. He was talking about how 'unrealistic' it is, and how there's no blood or anything when somebody gets shot, in which i replied 'not everything has to be realistic, they make the Bond films fun, and enjoyable, for a wide variety of viewers, there's no need for them to be utterly violent and gory.'. He has used this as an 'advantage' over me when talking to my year 9 english teacher. Atleast i had my friend to back me up though.

    I prefer alot of the bond films to tinkor taylor soldier spy, you can say I have bad taste in films if you want, but I found it boring. It was a decent enough film but I didn't see what all the fuss was about.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    I don't remember ever being ridiculed for liking Bond as much as did - because there were a couple kids worse than myself.. but I do remember getting odd looks and some ribbing from friends, when I would pop in the 30th Anniversary CD and listen to some of the themes during my school days - they would look at me and go "what is this crap?" lol.. but yeah, that is about all I got..

    in fact, i think i got more encouragement being a Bond fan than ridicule.. i remember my 9th grade Social Science teacher was also a Bond fan - I can't remember what brought it up, but he mentioned that he had all the Connery films on VHS (and these were the old VHS tapes, with the original jackets).. so from time to time, I would borrow Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, and Diamonds Are Forever....

    in my adult years, the only amount of ribbing i got for being a Bond fan, was from my ex.... she would rib me good about being a fanboy, and didn't care for any of the Bond films - until I made her watch CR which she fell in love with - so now she owns CR and QOS.. and she'll occasionally watch a Connery Bond movie - but she loathes Pierce Brosnan..

    but, yep - thats all I got lol.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I've been mocked because I like other things, but not Bond. Actually, more people seem surprised when they find out I'm a Bond fan.
    Posts: 1,003
    my two ex gfs used to roll there eyes at me whenever i wanted to watch james bond. they thought it was funny. they would always joke around and say "oh cj" just to bug me.
  • Not 'stigmatised' as such, but my fellow 'good taste in films' friend (There aren't many. Believe me) did use my fandom in Bond against me in an "argument" (Friendly argument), as he was talking about his favourite films, and how i didn't enjoy the film, 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' anywhere near as much as he did, and i stated some films that i found either pointless or boring, then he decided to use the Bond films as an attack. He was talking about how 'unrealistic' it is, and how there's no blood or anything when somebody gets shot, in which i replied 'not everything has to be realistic, they make the Bond films fun, and enjoyable, for a wide variety of viewers, there's no need for them to be utterly violent and gory.'. He has used this as an 'advantage' over me when talking to my year 9 english teacher. Atleast i had my friend to back me up though.

    i prefer alot of the bond films to tinkor taylor soldier spy, you can say i have bad taste in films if you want, but i found it boring. It was a decent enough film but i didn't see what all the fuss was about.

    Yeah, that's pretty much what i said to my friend, i was just bored throughout the whole film, it was terrible for a film with many, many five-star/four-star reviews. But i actually prefer every bond film to that film, even DAD
  • Posts: 4,619
    In this day and age when so many people are a fan of something like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Harry Potter, superhero movies, etc I don't think the Average Joe thinks it's weird to be a fan of the Bond series.

    I mean for an average person and for someone who looks down on commercial movies, the Bond series is so much more accessible than the above mentioned series.

    Bond is classy.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I've never been mocked for my Bond fandom in fact, I'm usually referred to as Mr Bond by my friends and colleagues because of the way I dress, the suits I wear, I'm constantly well groomed, I order "interesting drinks" and spend over £500 a week at restaurants and when I travel abroad, this is where even you guys might find me sad but I always wear a suit, regardless of the destination. My Mrs on the other hand couldn't care less about my Bond fandom, she just let's me get on with it just so long as I don't involve her.
  • Most people i know love the bond films, i mean just look at the coverage the media give bond in main news headlines, what other film series can do that. People who don't like bond tend to be boring artey critic types that like rubbish films hardly no one goes to see. I tell you there in the minority get a few of us together and will talk them down.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I am surprised and disappointed to read the entries in this thread. I can't believe most of you were ridiculed for being a fan of not only the longest running franchise ever, but also the best franchise ever. It truly is appalling. Some of you were quite chastised for your love of Bond. I was surprised to read all of that, because I have never been ridiculed for being a fan of Bond. I had a brilliant English teacher in my 7th grade year that was a fan of Bond. I would roll my eyes and wonder why he liked Connery's Bond so much. This was before I was affiliated with films, and rest assured when my love started with my viewing of GF, I saw what he meant. My best friend is also a Connery loving Bond fan, though not to the extent that I am. Other close friends of mine know of Bond's existence and my liking for him, and they never chastise me for it. I guess they wouldn't be friends if they did, eh? My hope is to get a girl one day who loves Bond, maybe even more than I do, Connery or Craig being her favorite. I think that may very well be every Bond fan's dream to find a significant other who loves Bond as well. Cheers. :)>-
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Whenever I receive anything James Bond related, certain members of my family will often say something along the lines of "Oh, great, now Samuel will know even more useless crap about James Bond". Very annoying and when faced with it, I am never able to put together a good counter-argument as I'm on the spot. And that's even more frustrating - I always lose the battle. At least I know I'm right in my heart, not that that counts for much.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Bond knowledge useless? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh that's good. Listen @Samuel, forget that sting from your family. There is obviously tons of people who agree that Bond IS worth the world here at MI6. You are where you belong.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2011 Posts: 13,369
    A select few are fans and will talk to me about it but I have learnt in life a valuable lesson: never bring the subject of Bond up in coversation, be a "closeted" fan. I'll only talk or give my views on Bond if I'm asked about it, which is maybe once every other month at best. Still, it works well for me.
  • No one has ever said anything negative about me liking Bond (aside from my mother's obligatory "that's so violent!" standpoint). In fact usually people find it interesting, probably because I don't look like a person who watches action movies...
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    jackdagger wrote:
    No one has ever said anything negative about me liking Bond (aside from my mother's obligatory "that's so violent!" standpoint). In fact usually people find it interesting, probably because I don't look like a person who watches action movies...

    I don't view them as action films at all. I see them as just 'spy' films that started a lot of spy films trends.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I see some of them (namely Brosnan's films) as action movies.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2011 Posts: 14,884
    Yeah, I was always the only one in my group of friends (and social circle in general) interested in Bond. They always used to criticize me for having the whole collection, and questioning me why I would go and see the latest film at the cinemas twice. And now I get these same people asking me "Have you seen that Casino Royale? Have you seen that Quantum of Solace?- they're such good movies." SAVE IT. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF THEM. And I loathe these people who knew nothing of Bond before CR and praise it highly all the while dismissing every previous film like they never existed. X( Some people just don't know a good thing when they see it.

    Anger vented.

    When I feel like discussing all things Bond, I can only do that with one or two people I know. So you can imagine how fun it is to be a member of this forum. :-bd
  • Barry Norman once said you either like bond films or you don't,he did and so do i.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Whenever I receive anything James Bond related, certain members of my family will often say something along the lines of "Oh, great, now Samuel will know even more useless crap about James Bond". Very annoying and when faced with it, I am never able to put together a good counter-argument as I'm on the spot. And that's even more frustrating - I always lose the battle. At least I know I'm right in my heart, not that that counts for much.

    sometimes it pays to be a dedicated Bond fan like ourselves....

    i remember i aced a whole category in Jeopardy, because it was all about James Bond..

    and one time, randomly, i got a phone call from some friends who were in the middle of a Trivial Pursuit game, and a Bond question came up... they quickly called me - i nearly ROFL'd when i heard one of them in the background yell "You're calling DJ! That's not fair!!"

  • I think that "fandom" for, well, anything has become much more acceptable in the last 15 years or so.

    I've had different experiences with being "stigmatised" as a Bond fan. Stigmatised is a pretty strong word and the one time I could use it appropriately would be when I was younger in the early 80s. All of the guys at my school loved Roger Moore and thought he was so amazingly cool. I was considered a loser because I liked Sean Connery as Bond way more than Moore. All the guys thought that Connery was a loser (!) largely because he had "stupid hair" and wore "stupid clothes".

    Then when I was in high school a lot of my artsy friends were very dismissive of Bond films. Of course, these are the same people today who would love a TV show or movie until they realized it became popular, and would then say they hated it just to show that their tastes are superior to everyone else's!

    I tried showing some of the older Bond films to girlfriends many years ago usually with poor results. One actually really liked Dr. No until Honey "opened her mouth". A grown woman believing in dragons was just too much for her. Usually they were put off by female characters who were weak or submissive; Bond forcing himself on a woman (who of course would then relent), or just generally saying it was a young boy's fantasy/wish fulfilment that didn't relate to them at all. Sadly, as I have gotten older and can see their point.

    Since CR came out I've noticed a huge difference with friends and co-workers. People who never liked Bond films before raved about CR (it was the best reviewed major release of the year on Rotten Tomatoes) and one person said "They finally made a Bond film for adults!". It was a little surreal; it was like when I was in high school and Star Trek: The Next Generation became popular. When I was a kid you were made fun of for liking Star Trek; how strange for it to become popular! Interesting that the Brosnan films did so well at the box office yet I found a lot more people talking about Bond after CR.
  • edited November 2011 Posts: 5,745
    I have no one to talk to about films, especially James Bond. Hence the 500+ comments in under 3 months to this site ;) Man how I love the internet.

    I kept it under wraps for awhile, I've only recently (well the past two years) become extremely interested in film, and Bond with it. They're have been a few cases where people are weird-ed out how much I know about Bond, but then again you think about how weird it is so many people know so much about the YouTube community, or the gaming community. Most people nowadays that I even attempt discussing Bond with are mature enough to respect what I like.

    But like I said, 500+ posts in under 3 months for a reason. I love the internet.

    Edit - my knowledge of spy movies, however, has led me to be very effective. I can make great jokes on how to effectively sport a recon mission, as well as ace an air-soft/paintball battlefield. I love the spy genre, and my dad even worked intelligence (and still kinda does) for the US Army for 20 or so years. It has a big influence on me, and I love it. Like I said, my knowledge of some films, including Bond, Bourne, Hunt, and war movies has made me very cool in the eyes of some testosterone filled high school jocks I've come across in a game of air-soft. Using more brains and tactics and not "charge"
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,884
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    my knowledge of spy movies, however, has led me to be very effective. I can make great jokes on how to effectively sport a recon mission, as well as ace an air-soft/paintball battlefield.

    All the necessary requirements needed to become a double oh. ;)
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    People that make fun of other people's fandom usually are covering up for their own odd tastes and trying to seem normal.

    I, for one, like both Star Trek and professional wrestling. So Bond would be at least third on the mockery list.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Tubes wrote:
    People that make fun of other people's fandom usually are covering up for their own odd tastes and trying to seem normal.

    One person who mocks me is a fan of mountain biking so you may have a point @Tubes. ;)

    Nice to see you, by the way.
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    Personally, my friends couldn't care less about my Bond fandom. But I would get appalled when they claimed Die Another Day andQuantum of Solace were the best in the series and CR was crap. I should make them see a Connery, a Moore, or a Dalton film to set them straight about Bond. Plus, it's funny how they claim I'm a Bond nerd when I get most of the facts from here! LOL :))
  • Posts: 6,786
    My friends were always dismissive of Bond. So is my Girlfriend. It´s beneath them [-(
  • Excuse me. Won't be Long.

    I think Stigmatized is too harsh a word to use here, nobody could categorize any such person to the extreme for the mere offense of watching a Bond film or enjoying the franchise in their eyes. I'd put 'berate or ridicule' as maybe more appropriate. It initially sounded like we are going to be thrown into a sea of fire and brimstone at the end of days for our enjoyment of Bond to a degree and I thought that was a bit extreme

    In actual fact back in the day there was a lot of Bond enthusiasm at the time from school and college thereafter. I clearly remember many many years back there was a heated discussion in class one day about what was your favorite Bond film (maybe the teacher was absent or something but It's one thing I clearly recall). This was at a time when Moore was playing the role and everybody had a say, but I remember thinking years later some were not being entirely truthful or had never even seen a Bond picture, they were merely reeling off any titles they had heard i.e. "favorite Bond?, er, Thunderball. (never watched it) etc. But for the most part most were truthful and honest and showed a geuine interest in the series. I remember at the time of release of Octopussy some years later there was a degree of mirth and interest (can't imagine why) and we talked about the previous entries and it was interesting to listen about other 007 adventures you hadn't yet seen at the time from others that had

    Never had an issue with it really, might have been one or two snide remarks somewhere in the past about being a Fan of James Bond from one or two mouths but nothing too extreme or that warrants a mention. That's other peoples opinion and they can have it, maybe I wouldn't be too applauding of some of the things they were in to or liked. Bottom line is that for the most part my enjoyment of 007 has been generally well received and in tandem with others who showed a general interest

    Club James Bond is a small group of individuals on this lonely planet if you really think about it, but the franchise will always be appreciated by others and neutrals for the most part. It may not be to everyones tastes and that's fair enough but at least we are well recognized and critically acclaimed more often than not and that can't be a bad thing
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