Prometheus (2012)

j7wildj7wild Suspended
edited November 2011 in General Movies & TV Posts: 821
This is the prequel to 1979 ALIEN, directed by Ridley Scott (who also directed 1979 ALIEN and 1982 BLADE RUNNER)

after the success of James Cameron's Aliens in 1986, the franchise was bogged down by two inferior sequels: Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection

and a failed attempt to take the franchise into a new direction: AVP Alien vs Predator and AVP-R Alien vs Predator Requiem

now 20th Century Fox has finally gone back to its beginning

this is the most anticipated film in a long long time, equaled only by Avatar and Star Wars Episode 1

it stars Noomi Rapace (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy and Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows)

and Academy Award winning actress Charlize Theron (Monster, the Italian Job, Hancock, The Road)

and Michael Fassbender (X-Men First Class, 300, Inglorious Basterds)

and Academy Award nominated actor Guy Pearce (the Hurt Locker, the King's Speech, L.A. Confidential, Memento)

I am very excited about this!!

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Leaked Trailer:

p.s. there is a typo at the end, it should be its and not it's - you think they spend $200 million on a movie, they could at least get a marketing company that have people who knows how to spell

• The trailer starts with the 20th Century FOX logo. You hear a transmission. A woman (which I assume to be Rapace) is saying “…got to stop… was wrong.. so wrong…I’m so sorry…”. You can hear the last part very clearly.
• The first scene shows a spaceship flying towards a planet on the background.
• Next you see is the surface of a planet and some sort of facility. It kinda looks like a Lunar base to me.
• You can see the film’s title forming in the background during most of the trailer. Pretty much like in the introductory scene of Alien.
• Next is the Ampule room. They show it off from all different angles and finally a close up of the ampules. Suddenly you hear a high pitch scream. It’s not human. It sounds like if it was from a facehugger. Then there’s a lot of smoke from what seems to be acid corrosion. They show a guy in a spacesuit. He’s alone. Screaming and putting his hands over his helmet. It looks just like the Kane/derelict scene in Alien.
• Now they show the same spaceship from earlier. Flying towards what seems to be a different planet in the background.
• Now they show Vickers running across a hallway.
• Next seems to me someone in a spacesuit. Driving a futuristic vehicle in some desert like surface. Heading towards some structure or facility in the middle of nowhere at full speed.
• An impressive shot of the Iceland waterfalls.
• They seem to be shooting at something or someone but they don’t show it.
• Next you see is some grey-black serpent like creature. Jumping ala facehugger from some sort of grey-goo cavity. Now they show the whole scene. There’s two guys in their spacesuits. One lying on the ground (it seems to be the impregnated guy from earlier) and another one checking on him. The creature jumps from what seems to be the insides of the previous impregnated guy to the other one.
• Now they show someone with a expression of pain. The guy is still in his spacesuit and someone appears to be holding him in their arms.
• Now you can see a device or hologram of some sort. It looks like an atom or a planet. I’m not sure if it’s a planet or just some molecular structure. The center of the hologram is a single sphere so it should be a planet system. Probably the coordinates to some other world.
• Next is a spaceship being destroyed while in the air.
• One guy in a spacesuit pouncing at someone else while holding something. It looks like it’s going to hurt.
• Next is the space jockey room. The center piece of the plate opens up and the space jockey chair rotates out of the ground.
• Next scene shows off a very inflated belly. Like if the person was pregnant but there’s something bigger than a chestbuster moving inside. Seems to be Rapace’s.
• Idris Elba yells while aboard of what seems to be the Prometheus.
• The sandstorm + Rapace spacesuit scene. Close up of Rapace. She gets hit by the storm and she falls down a pit.
• Now you can clearly read Prometheus. The whole title has formed in the background. They show it for a few seconds.
• Now a close up of Rapace’s face. She’s in pain with the green lasers scanning her belly.
• Now the show someone in a spacesuit looking at the derelict in the surface of a planet with clear skies.
• The words “They went looking”
• The derelict again. It’s vertical to the ground. It would be impossible to enter it from the same place as in Alien.
• The words “for earth’s beginning”
• Still on the same planet. The derelict (or something really big) seems to be falling down from above. The guy in the spacesuit is running away now. Trying not to get crushed.
• The words “what they found”
• There show two guys running away now.
• The words “could be it's the end”
• They show the same guys again. Running away from what appears to be a huge gigerish structure (it feels like it’s moving but it’s hard to tell). Perhaps the derelict in flight. There’s a lot of smoke. What appears to be debris on fire are falling from above. They keep running away from it.
• The music reminded me a lot of the one from Inception (the ‘horns sounds’). But mixed with the music from the original trailer for Alien. Same music during all the trailer.


  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    Wrong board. Moved to general movies.

    I thought you left?
  • Posts: 4,619
    My second most anticipated movie of 2012 tied with The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit.
  • Posts: 7,653
    My first with the Hobbit at two and the The Avengers at three.
  • Posts: 4,619
    SaintMark wrote:
    My first with the Hobbit at two and the The Avengers at three.

    Skyfall not even in the top three? Blasphemy!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I'm waiting on Avengers (most anticipated), then The Dark Knight Rises, then Skyfall (been waiting four years for another Bond film, and GoldenEye 007 and Blood Stone only just satisfied me), The Hobbit at four and finally Prometheus at five. Sad thing is, it'll probably be a thousand times better than Avatar, but it won't gross half its box office.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Yeah, it won't do Avatar numbers but it'll be a lot better.

    Prometheus is high on my list of anticipated films too. I'm curious to see how they will tie it to Alien, since Scott has stated that it won't be a direct prequel.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    It won't gross half of Avatar because people were getting hot flashes over a new James Cameron movie coming out for the better part of a year before Avatar was released. After it happened, people still didn't actually care if it was a good movie, because the combined blow out of "James Cameron's new epic" plus 3D made people wet their pants. The movie itself sucked, it got great numbers because of its hype.
  • Posts: 7,653
    SaintMark wrote:
    My first with the Hobbit at two and the The Avengers at three.

    Skyfall not even in the top three? Blasphemy!

    After QoS and with Mendes at the wheel it is not anticipation. Just weary about what Bond23 will bring us. I will go and see it but that is it for now.

    Ridley Scotts' and Peter jacksons' movie have me sitting in a cinema, and it cannot be soon enough. Whedons' Avengers also is a movie I look really forward to.

  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited May 2012 Posts: 821
    Official Trailer released today!!

    Prometheus (20.3 MB)
    Prometheus (46.87 MB)
    Prometheus (81.01 MB)
  • Posts: 3,285
    This is the prequel to Alien, right?
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    Zekidk wrote:
    This is the prequel to Alien, right?

  • Posts: 1,894
    No, it's not a prequel. It's more of a sidequel. It's sent in the ALIEN universe, but it's quite separate from the ALIEN films.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    it's the Alien ship from ALIEN and there is also the Space Jockey and it's set decades before the events of ALIEN, how can it not be a Prequel?

  • tqbtqb
    Posts: 1,022
    wrong forum?
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 1,894
    j7wild wrote:
    it's the Alien ship from ALIEN and there is also the Space Jockey and it's set decades before the events of ALIEN, how can it not be a Prequel?

    Because it has nothing to do with the aliens seen in ALIEN. PROMETHUS will delve into their origins a little, but the events of the film have no bearing on the events of the ALIEN quadrilogy. It's set in the same universe, but the aliens themselves are only a very small part of the story.
  • Posts: 6,786
    Well, if it´s a sidequel because it´s a different story set in the same universe AND it happens before the events in Alien, featuring some of the same iconography and actually explaining the origins of the crashed vessel in said film, can we consider it a PRESIDEQUEL then?

    PS: Pointless argument there guys. Don´t you think?
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    Seems like a cool movie, are you gonna see it @j7wild?
  • Posts: 1,894
    I don't think it will explain how the ship in ALIEN came to be stranded. It's pretty obvious what happened - a xenomorph got loose and attacked the crew. That doesn't really need any explanation. Sure, the PROMETHEUS trailer shows a reconstruction of the cockpit set from ALIEN, but since the ship was run by the space jockeys, that's probably what all their spaceship cockpits look like.

    PROMETHEUS will apparently have more to do with the space jockeys and who they actually were. There has been the suggestion that they were "gods", creatures that populated the universe. Based on some of the comments from the crew of the film, the xenomorphs will get something of an origin story - they may have been purpose-bred as biological weapons, or used by the space jockeys to destroy all life on a planet they wanted to terraform (the xenomorph embryo absorbs the DNA of the host, which gives it a similar physiology; this would enable it to rapidly adapt to local environmental conditions).

    I don't think it would really be appropriate for PROMETHEUS to be inherently tied into ALIEN. For one, it would dictate too much of the story in advance. And secondly, the themes of PROMETHEUS appear to be very different to those of ALIEN. The whole "the search for our beginning could lead to our end" tagline suggests metaphysical themes (and is also similar to CERN's experiments in finding the Higgs-Boson particle), so PROMETHEUS could turn out to be part-ALIEN and part-BLADE RUNNER. It's written by Damon Lindelof, who is best known for his work on "Lost", and despite my ongoing criticisms of the show, he did write a lot of the stronger episodes in the series, particularly the season finales and the ones that focused on Sayid (the most interesting character on the show). So I can't really see the ALIEN set-up of a band of humans encountering an extraterrestrial threat working for PROMETHEUS. I think it's going to be much, much deeper than that.
  • Posts: 6,786
    Have you read the synopsis that some sites proclaimed to be true Shadow? Just curious of course. So far, everything I´ve seen seems to confirm said synopsis, which was more of a comprehensive explanation of the whole film, top to bottom, begining to end. Still, maybe it was all fan-made. Do you know of the text I´m refering to?
  • Posts: 6,786
    Also, why is this topic in the Skyfall area of the forums?
  • Eh?, I must have dropped off

    Is J Wild back from suspension?, or was this first posted December 22 last year :-/

    In any event it may have ties to Alien/s but I never really liked the original films with Sigourney Weaver and all the different actors from 1979 onwards, so I don't really feel this upcoming release would be of any real motivation, and Yes, this should not be categorized in Skyfall either

    What 'is' going on
  • Posts: 1,894
    Univex wrote:
    Have you read the synopsis that some sites proclaimed to be true Shadow? Just curious of course. So far, everything I´ve seen seems to confirm said synopsis, which was more of a comprehensive explanation of the whole film, top to bottom, begining to end. Still, maybe it was all fan-made. Do you know of the text I´m refering to?
    Yes, I have read it, and I'm pretty sure it was fan-made. I believe PROMETHEUS was originally going to be an ALIEN prequel, and the news was taken very poorly from fans (particularly after ALIEN 3 and RESURRECTION), especially when the prebootquel (half-reboot, half-prequel) of John Carpenter's THE THING was already being made. The treatment appeared shortly after that, and it was probably a fan thing designed to demonstrate just how bad an idea the film would be. But then Ridley Scott was attached to the project, and it steadily started to drift away from the original concept of a straight prequel to become a story set in the same universe and the complaints died down.

    But then Scott's last film was ROBIN HOOD, and something similar happened. The script was originally titled NOTTINGHAM, and focused on the Sherriff of Nottingham, making him out to be an anti-hero who tried to stop Robin Hood because he was concerned that Hood's vigilante streak would only encourage others, and the situation would escalate to violence. Scott came in and changed all of that, and we got a "gritty", soulless reboot of Robin Hood instead. Although I think Russell Crowe had a hand in that, because he wanted to play Robin Hood, but he didn't want Hood to be made out to be a menace.
  • Posts: 6,786
    Yep, that mirrors my feelings about Ridley since he fell in love with Crowe, wipped. But then again, he always had ups and downs in his career. Like making Runner and then Legend. The Nottingham film could have been something special. Still, let´s hope Prometheus doesn´t suffer from the same symptoms of Hood: boring, "seen this, done that", blah, blah. Even if I did enjoy it at the time, I still can recall better Kevin Costner´s version, and I guess that says a lot about Ridley´s film.
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    Wow, great news about Skyfall! No, wait a minute.... (wrong section, @j7wild ;) )
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited December 2011 Posts: 14,076
    As this isn't Skyfall News & Spoilers, i've moved it to General Movies & Tv.

    I'm awesome, I know.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I love how, even if it's not a "true" prequel to the Alien films, it has the feel of the original Alien plastered all over it.
  • Posts: 1,894
    It will be a prequel in the sense that the origins of the xenomorphs will be explained. It will not be a prequel in the respect that the xenomorphs only form a tiny part of the story. I've heard rumours that the story will be inspired by HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness, and I'm seeing a lot of Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey in the central premise.

    As for the xenomorphs, they will appear in the film, but not as we know them. Ridley Scott feels that they have lost all credibility now that there is a xenomorph parading around Walt Disney World. Instead, there will supposedly be an early form of xenomorph in the story (xenomorphs acquire the physiology of their hosts, and so will evolve concurrently with whatever prey they find).
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    There's a Xenomorph running around Disney World? And little kids are not wetting themselves constantly and causing their parents to sue the place?!
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 1,894
    Yes, there's a xenomorph in Orlando. It's part of the parade of film characters. Since there have been no reports of children being terrified and the place being sued, it's obviously been dumbed down - kind of like Blofeld/Dr. Evil - to fit in with the place.

    Seriously, Abed's xenomorph costume in the "Community" episode Epidemiology (which was basolutely brilliant) was scarier than the xenomorph at Walt Disney World.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Damn you Walt Disney for two things: cryogenically freezing yourself and destroying my film icons by family-friending them at your theme parks.
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