Prometheus (2012)



  • edited December 2011 Posts: 7,653
    Bambi still gets to me every time. Those heartless basterds at Disney.........
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I still hate them for making me laugh with Toy Story.
  • Posts: 1,894
    A fifteen-paragraph treatment of the story has been leaked online, though I personally am not buying into it - it contains far too many elements of William Gibson's original draft for ALIEN 3.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Unless it's video, I never believe anything that's been "leaked" online. Any fan can write up some BS and post it online like it's been "leaked".
  • edited March 2012 Posts: 37
    More Prometheus trailers are up on You Tube.... go and check them out ! !

    Back in the day, when Alien came out, before the Web and i-phones.... you just knew you had to go and see Alien, by the fantastic "word-of-mouth" recommendations.

    Few movies prior to that had created the kind of buzz on the street that Alien had.

    The Exorcist did. Jaws did. 2001:A Space Odyssey did. Star Wars did.

    I remember seeing Alien at one of the few large single screen theaters left in Dallas, The Medallion, where it was shown as an exclusive engagment in the summer of 1979.

    The Saturday night crowd packed the theater. There were no cell phones then, but what I do recall is that everyone in the audience sat spellbound, watching Alien. There was no looking down or filddling with things or "chatting" with their friends.... And because it was a night show, there were no crying babies, or really any children in the theater. Very few people got up and left for a bathroom break.

    It was one of those rare, magical times when seeing a movie was an "experience".

    Perhaps this Ridley Scott presentation will indeed live up to that high expectation.

    The music played with the Prometheus trailers made me think of the group, The Crystal Method, that had it's music used in several Sc-Fi films...

    "Busy Child"

  • Posts: 12,553
    seriously looking forward to seeing this movie! :D
  • Posts: 3,334
    I'm more stoked for Prometheus than I am for Skyfall.

    I too recall the same experience as Bond_Ed, though I actually saw the very first matinee showing of ALIEN in the UK, which was sadly 4 months after the US release and by that time we'd already had the spoilers on the scary scenes. Still, it didn't ruin the pleasure of watching it on the big screen and in stereo!!

    (I have so much memorabilia from this film that it is second to my Bond collection!!)
  • Posts: 4,813
    Someone sell me on this movie. I haven't been following it like alot of people- all I've heard is that it's 'sort of' an Alien prequel. And it's a BIG SPACE movie. What's the deal with this movie? Why is it so big?
    I have seen the trailer but that's it
  • Posts: 5,767
    Someone sell me on this movie. I haven't been following it like alot of people- all I've heard is that it's 'sort of' an Alien prequel. And it's a BIG SPACE movie. What's the deal with this movie? Why is it so big?
    I have seen the trailer but that's it
    There was quite a lot of talk in the past about it having a really weird script, what with the space jockeys from the first Alien film having human slaves and by kind of a mind control force two guys to make love with one another. If that´s at all in the movie it doesn´t seem to be a big element. At least that´s what I gather from the trailers and the viral clips.
    What I can say for sure is that I´m pretty much hooked by the trailers and the clips.

    Probably just for marketing and not in the film, but pretty cool:

  • edited March 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Someone sell me on this movie. I haven't been following it like alot of people- all I've heard is that it's 'sort of' an Alien prequel. And it's a BIG SPACE movie. What's the deal with this movie? Why is it so big?
    I have seen the trailer but that's it

    If you haven't seen the previous Alien films, watch them. If you aren't convinced by 1 and 3 (2 wasn't very good imo), then you won't like Prometheus.

    Alien 1 is not a huge epic space adventure. Its more of a claustrophobic horror film, where the ship lands on a mysterious planet after receiving a signal, and an alien gets on-board. As they leave, it starts attacking them on their journey home.

    Prometheus is presumably a sequel to the first Alien. It has similar elements, and even a wall mural similar to that of the alien in Alien. I have yet to see the 3rd one, but I hear its the best (apparently I hear wrong). I'll be catching up on the whole series before going to see this, but its very good as a whole.
  • Posts: 4,813
    Ouch, you lost me at '2 wasn't very good'
    lol JK

    Actually I did look further into Prometheus and I can't believe I didn't put it together: this is Ridley Scott's first Sci-Fi movie in 30 years!
  • edited March 2012 Posts: 114
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I have yet to see the 3rd one, but I hear its the best.

    I wanna know where you've been listening!

    Alien 3 is probably the weaker of the films and even 4 is a strong contender for being just as bad. 1 and 2 are, by a mile, the best of the series for many. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen them.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I didn't like 2. Felt too '80's action flick' to me. The first is suspenseful and truly terrifying.

    And I just looked up Alien 3 on imdb.. apparently its nowhere near as good. I'll have my ears checked ;)
  • Posts: 5,767
    DarthBork wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I have yet to see the 3rd one, but I hear its the best.

    I wanna know where you've been listening!

    Alien 3 is probably the weaker of the films and even 4 is a strong contender for being just as bad. 1 and 2 are, by a mile, the best of the series for many. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen them.
    I guess the safest bet is to say the first one is a classic, the other films divide the opinions ;-) .
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I didn't like 2. Felt too '80's action flick' to me. The first is suspenseful and truly terrifying.

    And I just looked up Alien 3 on imdb.. apparently its nowhere near as good. I'll have my ears checked ;)
    IMHO the second one was a perfect sequel exactly because it went the 80´s action flick route ;-) .

    Considering imdb in order to find out how good a film is seems highly insane to me. No offence meant.
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    Prometheus is presumably a sequel to the first Alien.
    It is set in the same surrounding, but all involved in the film so far spoke of something like a prequel. And from one of the trailers it seems evident that the big horseshoe-shaped spaceship is in a state of function that it can only be in before the events of Alien.

  • Posts: 5,745
    boldfinger wrote:
    Considering imdb in order to find out how good a film is seems highly insane to me. No offence meant.

    I don't necessarily go by the score, but by the user reviews ;)
  • Posts: 4,813
    As a whole it wasn't good, but there was one part in Alien³ that I liked. It was the part when they were all arguing over the existence of the Alien, and Ripley shows up and riles the guy in charge- lots of yelling, Alien grabs the guy from the ceiling, noise, noise, noise, blood dripping from the ceiling, then silence. lol Then that one guy with the mop just yells 'F***!!!!'

    That part makes me smile everytime for some reason ;D

    Back on topic, I intend to watch the first Alien as soon as I get the time in preparation for seeing Prometheus
  • edited March 2012 Posts: 2,107
    Wow! I am quite stunned that there are still people who haven't seen the alien movies. Aliens Versus Predator don't count. (edit ; okay, the story was nice and Lance Henriksen was back. But the movie was quite a mess)

    You who haven't seen them before must all be quite young. (Not that I'm "old" in my late twenties)

    And judging by the trailers and videos I'd say there's a lot of Alien in this. Not the least Weyland Corporation, space jockeys, similar interiors, androids and what have you.
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I didn't like 2. Felt too '80's action flick' to me. The first is suspenseful and truly terrifying.

    And I just looked up Alien 3 on imdb.. apparently its nowhere near as good. I'll have my ears checked ;)

    I think 1 and 2 are equally as good as each other while being very different movies. They complement each other.

    Alien 3 is very flawed but is a lot better than its reputation. When I watched the work print DVD I was amazed at how good it was. Considering they started building sets before they had a complete story and all the other production problems it turned out quite well. It looks stunning and I love the music. It does suffer from two many bald English guys cursing and its hard to tell them apart. Some nice dark humour though.

    4 is just a mess and the tone was so wrong it felt like they were almost making a comedy. If you have to miss one miss that one.

    The new movie appears to be a prequel in the same universe but maybe doesn't have any aliens in it, therefore they aren't calling it Alien 0 or whatever. (Alien Begins? Alien Origins?)

    And it's Ridley Scott. Doing science fiction for the first time in 30 years!

  • Posts: 7,653
    Ridley Scott made Alien, one of the best Scifi movies ever. The rest of the franchise is not his responsibility.

    This "prequel" is actually the movie this year, together with the Hobbit, that I have the greatest anticipation about.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Chevron wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I didn't like 2. Felt too '80's action flick' to me. The first is suspenseful and truly terrifying.

    And I just looked up Alien 3 on imdb.. apparently its nowhere near as good. I'll have my ears checked ;)

    I think 1 and 2 are equally as good as each other while being very different movies. They complement each other.

    It just wasn't what I expected from a sequel. 'mor splosions' is a five-year-old's idea for a sequel. Quick and a money-maker. Blech. I wanted something truly creepy. Though, I did like the story line with the child. I'll have to re-watch 2 in new light, now that I know what to expect.
  • Posts: 5,767
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    It just wasn't what I expected from a sequel. 'mor splosions' is a five-year-old's idea for a sequel. Quick and a money-maker. Blech. I wanted something truly creepy.
    Creepy could only have become a failure, since the first one is impossible to top in that field. That´s why I respect Cameron for going all action, he didn´t try to continue the mood, but went totally in another direction.
    And I don´t see where that´s supposed to be a five-year-old´s idea. Alien wasn´t an action film at all, so I find it hard to speak of ´mor splosions´.
  • Posts: 5,745
    boldfinger wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    It just wasn't what I expected from a sequel. 'mor splosions' is a five-year-old's idea for a sequel. Quick and a money-maker. Blech. I wanted something truly creepy.
    Creepy could only have become a failure, since the first one is impossible to top in that field. That´s why I respect Cameron for going all action, he didn´t try to continue the mood, but went totally in another direction.
    And I don´t see where that´s supposed to be a five-year-old´s idea. Alien wasn´t an action film at all, so I find it hard to speak of ´mor splosions´.

    Taking my words a bit too literally there, bud. I'm simply stating I would have preferred an attempt at another eery, creepy adventure, just possibly on a bigger scale. Not a 'buncha guys goin' to kill the baddie, that just happens to be an alien. Felt cheap to me. IMO Now don't go at me saying it has a big budget, I meant cheap in a figurative, story approach :P
  • Posts: 5,767
    But then we wouldn´t have Bill Paxton screaming his head off in hysteria, "They´re coming! They´re coming!" ;-)
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    "Game over, man! Game over!"

    One of the other marines has a great line when Gorman tells them they can use their guns. "What are we supposed to use, harsh language?"
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    DarthBork wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I have yet to see the 3rd one, but I hear its the best.

    I wanna know where you've been listening!

    Alien 3 is probably the weaker of the films and even 4 is a strong contender for being just as bad. 1 and 2 are, by a mile, the best of the series for many. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen them.

    I like all of them but I have to admit the first one is probably the worst of the four (ducks for cover). It was a great film the first two times I saw it but after that it loses it's effect. The others I can watch over and over because they're not strictly horror, with the exception of the third movie, I consider it half horror half action.
  • Posts: 140
    I have seen all the films, actually I forgot I had seen Alien 4!, this trailer does not make me want to go and see the film.

    It is just another prequel and this trailer gives the ending away and Alien!
  • Posts: 12,553
    I really enjoyed the first three Alien movies! I think that Alien3 get alot of unneccessary criticism. There are some great performances in their! Really did not enjoy Alien Ressurection!

    Will go see the prequel just out of curiosity as i do like the Alien franchise.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    So... Anyone seen it? (or does it premiere this midnight?)

    I'm thinking about catching it on sunday :)
  • Posts: 2,107
    I'm seeing it in less than a ten hours... Can't wait!
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 5,745
    So... Anyone seen it? (or does it premiere this midnight?)

    I'm thinking about catching it on sunday :)

    I think it was thelivingroyale definitely a member who saw it premier and posted their review of it, just don't know where. Maybe the action movies/coming soon to cinemas thread?
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