MI6 Confidential Issue 54

PlentyOToolePlentyOToole Yorkshire,England
I ordered my copy of Issue 54 exactly a month ago via PayPal (18 May 2020) and still haven't received it to date!! I have tried several times to contact the editor of MI6 Confidential (Hugh Maddocks) at [email protected] but just not getting any reply back. Does anybody know the editor's current status,perhaps unwell? Appreciate any feedback as I don't want to miss out on the magazine that I have ordered. Thank you 👍


  • Posts: 7,892
    Hi, I ordered that copy and received it no problem, here in Rep. of Ireland. Lost in the post maybe?
  • PlentyOToolePlentyOToole Yorkshire,England
    Posts: 2
    Thanks Mathis1 I appreciate that feedback. Seems very strange not to be getting any response back from the Editor of MI6 Confidential (Hugh Maddocks) despite numerous attempts via email confirming my transaction details. Very frustrating to say the least!!
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