Games Discussion, Reviews, SS's and Videos

edited December 2011 in General Discussion Posts: 2,635
This topic is for you guys post about the games you have, the games u want to get, and the games you play or had played through a period of your lives... if you remember them all.
Also, discuss about any games here, post screenshots, videos, Reviews and so much more things.

(This topic is a LOT different from the other "incoming games" topic. This one is for general discussion, not only to talk about incoming games.)

Remember and review your favourite games right HERE! :)

Games i've had played thru my life:

Nintendo 64:

Starfox 64
007 Goldeneye (unforgettable!)
Ridge Racer
San Francisco Rush
Smash Bros.
Army Men Sarge's Heroes
Destruction Derby
Battle Tanx (My predilect, because of the storyline, just perfect to fit in a movie... I WANT THIS IN HD!!)
Battle Tanx Global Assault (another predilect just as above)
Cruis'n World
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing
Top Gear Overdrive
Beetle Adventure Racing
Monster Truck Madness
California Speed
Chopper Attack
Duke Nukem 64 (Another classic!)

Playstation 1:

007 Racing
007 Tomorrow Never Dies
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit III
Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed (classic! the 50-60's soundtracks are the greatest)
NASCAR Thunder 2003
Driver 2 (Classic)
Vigilante 8 Second Offense (I'm proud to say i still have the Original CD for this and it works!!)
Ace Combat 2 (Completely awesome soundtrack, and so do the game)
Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere
Test Drive 5 (Graphics sux, but the gameplay and the game itself is so great)
Test Drive 6 (same as TD5)
Carmageddon (Great! Love to smash the zombies :P)
Duke Nukem Total Meltdown (Classic, still have it)
Duke Nukem Time to Kill (memories...)
Rainbow Six (sux a bit lol)
Crash Bandicoot 1
Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex's Strikes Back (Great game, but never had the chance to complete it :( )
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (Completed it! Great game)
Crash Team Racing (Love it!)
San Francisco Rush (Not better as the N64 version is)
Gran Turismo 2 (Miss it)
Hot Wheels Extreme Racing (good game)

Playstation 2:

007 Nightfire (The best)
007 Everything Or Nothing (No way to forget it)
Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (Great game, not bad as the reviews said)
007 From Russia With Love (One of the greatest!)
007 Quantum Of Solace
Need For Speed Underground 2
Need For Speed Most Wanted (The best)
Need For Speed Carbon
Gran Turismo 4
Crash Bandicoot Mind Over Mutant
Driv3r (Great game, opposite from reviews)
Driver Parallel Lines (don't sux, but don't rox)
Hummer Badlands (Not so well known, but it's good)
Rainbow Six 3 (don't play it often)
Medal Of Honor European Assault (For me, the best)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (Unforgettable)
Burnout Revenge


Army Men II
4x4 Evolution (Still play it, one of the best offroad games)
4x4 Evolution 2 (same as 1, better physic and graphics)
007 Blood Stone (Great game! Should be a movie)
007 Nightfire (Didn't like this version so much, the graphics and the weapon polygonal structures sux =/)
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun (Good, although can't play it anymore)
Command & Conquer Renegade (Totally Rox! Especially the online play)
Driver Parallel Lines
NHL 99 (The best hockey game Ever)
Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed (Don't sux but don't rox)
Grand Prix 4
Empire Earth I
NASCAR Racing 2003 Season (The best in PC)
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project (Still have it, memories...)
Duke Nukem Forever (The best! It totally don't sux)
Half Life 1 (Great one)
Half Life 2 (Greater)
Matrix (Good game)
Delta Force Black Hawk Down (The best one of the series)
Driver San Francisco (The best racing game!)
Grand Theft Auto IV (didn't play it often, but i can see it's a great game)
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Saints Row The Third (only demo, by now)
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Swat 4 (good, but boring)

The games i've been playing are: Driver San Francisco, Command & Conquer Renegade and Half Life 2.
All the other games that i have (including Renegade and Driver San Francisco) has already been completed, and all of them are the best ever - for me :)

Some ss:


  • edited December 2011 Posts: 612
    I've got to tell people about the Uncharted series.

    Honestly, it's brilliant. It is the reason to own a PS3. It's worth every penny.

    Bond fans who haven't played the games will really appreciate them. Especially the most recent entry, Drake's Deception.

  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    well, i guess i'll never have the chance to play it.. i still have an PS2 lol
  • I don't play consoles (anymore), but in the past did have a few goes here and there admittedly

    I played Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough on the PS1 a few times back in the 1990s, with todays standards, they look a bit silly now, but they did keep the interest for a while, I remember they were quite difficult to handle sometimes, I got to the last stage of TND, but sure I never completed it, TWINE was much easier, did it nearly every time I remember

  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    edited December 2011 Posts: 2,635
    i could almost always complete last TND level, for me it was easy (of course, at easy difficulty)

    and TWINE was a lot easy too, but the worst part is, that it hadn't a fight with Renard, which made the game more weak.
  • Posts: 9,913
    I am gonna create a thread similar to this based on top 10 spy games...

    currently playing the Saboteur.. it's ok it's not bad it's just not as spyreffic as i wanted there are some cool missions and unlike gta you can be stealth full and complete missions without the usual run jump shoot. I like that in a game.

    Still haven't picked up Goldeneye reloaded Deus ex human revultion or NCIS i will opick up 2 of them after the holidays.

    and as for 2012 the only spy game I know of for sure is syndicate (even though i hear 2 bond games will come out
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    They should release Goldeneye Reloaded for PC. i'd love to get it.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I'd put my games list up here, but honestly it's too big (and my friend's is ten times larger). My Bond list is as follows:

    GoldenEye 007 (N64)
    James Bond 007 (GB)
    Tomorrow Never Dies (PS1)
    The World is Not Enough (PS1/N64 emulator)
    Agent Under Fire (PS2)
    NightFire (PS2)
    Everything or Nothing (PS2)
    GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (PS2/Regret)
    From Russia With Love (PS2)
    Quantum of Solace (PS2)
    Blood Stone (360)
    GoldenEye 007 (Wii/when it finally gets here)

    I never owned TWINE on the 64, but I rented it a few times and I've emulated it. I used to own Agent Under Fire on the Gamecube, but the disc stopped reading so several years later I bought it on the PS2. Bought the PS2 version of QoS because I discovered it to be a 3rd-person game (as opposed to the COD ripoff the PS3/360 has, but I'll probably buy that version eventually), and found it to be a lot more fun. Of all the games I own, Blood Stone has to come out as my favorite, because of its plot.

    GTA list as follows:

    Grand Theft Auto III (PS2/Xbox)
    Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PS2/Xbox)
    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (PS2)
    Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (PS2)
    Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories (PS2)
    Grand Theft Auto IV (360)

    I've enjoyed the GTAIV era games (GTAIV/Lost and Damned/Ballad of Gay Tony), but they weren't as fun as the III era games (III-VCS). III and San Andreas stand out as my two favorite GTAs.

    Metal Gear list as follows:

    Metal Gear Solid (PS1)*
    Metal Gear Solid VR Missions (PS1)
    Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty Demo Disc (PS2)
    Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty (PS2)
    Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2)
    Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (Xbox/PS2*/PC)
    Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes (GCN)
    Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (PS2)
    Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence (PS2)*
    Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP)
    Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (PSP)

    *-means I own two copies thanks to the Metal Gear Solid Essential Collection

    Hands down, favorite series. I've ranted enough about this series on the Metal Gear thread in the gaming section, so I'm not going to go into this much. I do intend on buying the HD Collection eventually.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    I never played MGS. is it that good

    I actually played all the Bond games except for Agent Under Fire.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2011 Posts: 14,883
    Braid (PC)

    This time-manipulation game will keep you thinking for ages (I've only completed a small fraction of it so far!), but when you pass a level, you'll feel very rewarded. It's got a mature storyline, and the hand-painted backgrounds are beautiful, as is the music. With a unique take on time travel, this game is definitely something else. Check it out when you get the chance.



  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I love the last image. I wish every "save the princess" game did that.


    Yes, the MG series is that good. Your only problem would be your patience. If you can't sit down for long cutscenes, you can't play this series. MGS4 alone has more cutscenes than every Bond game put together.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    Yes, the MG series is that good. Your only problem would be your patience. If you can't sit down for long cutscenes, you can't play this series. MGS4 alone has more cutscenes than every Bond game put together.

    LOL, I do have patience. I've played Dead Space a time ago, and i've seen a cutscene that is like 10 minutes lol

    And it's a good time to see the animation perfection ;)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    You're gonna need a bit more patience than that. Cutscenes in Metal Gear can go upwards of 40 minutes.

    And Dead Space is great. I don't own any of the games, but I beat 1, 2 and Extraction on the PS3 over at my friend's place. I do own the first movie, though, Dead Space Downfall. And I've read the comics and the novel
  • my 5 favourite games of all time in order

    1- assasins creed revelations/007 nightfire (impossible to choose. Revelations is the most cinematic and action packed, fun filled assasins creed yet, but nightfire is a legend)

    2- uncharted 3 (this, along with AC revelations, is the most cinematic game I have ever played. Its great fun, action filled, and reminds me of a modern day indiana jones)

    3- just cause 2 (mindless, insane fun. The stunts you can perform are limitless, I spent hours on this blowing stuff up and doing insane things like tying my car to a moving plane then jumping in, then after a bit in the sky parachuting into a military base, destroying a ton of fuel tanks, escaping in a helicopter, jumping out and hijacking another less damaged helicopter, then assasinating a general, and thats not even the main campaign)

    4- assasins creed 2 (I prefer altiar to ezio but this game was a big improvment over the first)

    5- saints row 2 (isnane, unrealistic, hilarious, awesome. Can't wait to get the third one)

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