Why the hate on Craig?



  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
    Posts: 2,635
    JBFan626 wrote:
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    If i knew that this topic would bring out an almost "fighting" discussion i wouldn't create it...
    And all i wanted to know is, why there are peoples that speaks what they don't know? Why does they hate Craig if he is doing a great job? Why does the people don't want to inform themselves to then start talking?
    I guess i've already had my answer, but seems that the discussion itself is going longer.

    No worries X3MSonicX, a little healthy heated discussion is sometimes good, and you raise an interesting topic. But I think maybe the way you posed the question was a little strong, with 'hate'....them is fightin' words! ;-)

    But by all means, your voice is appreciated!

    O well, thanks :) hehe i know, sorry about that. i shouldn't use that word often, neither use it.
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 12,837
    people have thier own opinions, alot of people may not like craig. There is no point saying stuff like "craig is the best, moore is a joke!!!" because people have thier own opinions that you can't really change. You can't force people to like craig, you can't force people to dislike moore, or like/dislike any of the bonds.

    I think craig is doing a great job, but some people might not, and thats fine. Just let people like what they want.
  • QBranch wrote:
    I think it was sarcasm

    I confess to the exaggeration you identified. This technique is sometimes used in humor.

  • SharkShark Banned
    edited December 2011 Posts: 348
    Kennon wrote:
    The oversensitive selfstyled 'conservative fans' complain about their chip on the shoulder being called a chip, oh the irony. You guys really crack me up.

    Pot kettle black:
    Kennon wrote:
    Mind you, there's nothing wrong with not liking Craig. Just come right out and admit it. Don't try and blow up your dislike beyond proportion all I ask. I've seen 'fans' act as if the world would stop turning because the series doesn't cater to their personal tastes and political makeup. Which is initially quite hilarious but stops being funny after the thousandths iteration and is then just plain old pretentiousness. I don't mind if chubby hillbillies share their wet dreams about Craig and pretend they were 'fact' because it gives them what they likely see as satisfaction. Grown up people should be above such rubbish.

    Talk about a "chip on the shoulder."
    NicNac wrote:
    And if it matters do they have such soaring intellects on their own forums that they put us to shame?

    In comparison, yes. Though that's not too difficult.
  • Craig owns. Who cares if he has blond hair, can be a bit blunt at times, and was scripted into some stupid situations-- Daniel Craig has brought a long lost element of masculine power and virility back to the role. James Bond is a man again, at last.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2011 Posts: 14,883
    Daniel Craig has brought a long lost element of masculine power and virility back to the role.

    Not to mention blue swimming trunks. The jealousy (disguised as hate) obviously stems from this scene. j/k ;)
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 4,622
    I see that I am still the only one, that has not only actually seen Dream House, but also liked it, therefore I am Craig's number one fan. Glad that's settled. When any of you take the time to watch Dream House, then talk to me.
    Meantime here's my Craig bonafides.Like many, I first saw him in Road to Perdition and Lara Croft, but he didn't really catch my attention. I first took notice of him, in what seems to be his breakout film, Layer Cake, (2004), the film that caused both Babs and Sienna Miller to go ga-ga over his bare buttocks. ( had these women never seen a bare bum before?) I saw him again in Munich, and then his mega-breakthrough in CR (Bond will do that). I have since seen everything he has done post CR, being the Bond loyalist that I am.
    Invasion and Golden Compass in 2007
    Flashbacks of a Fool and Defiance 2008
    and Cowboys and Aliens and Dream House in 2011 and I even pulled his TV movie Archangel (2005) off the video store shelf, just because he was in it. Not a bad movie. Held my attention.
    I wouldn't mind seeing Infamous (2006) and maybe some of his pre Layer Cake stuff, although I wouldn't know where to start. It looks like mostly supporting role stuff or TV roles.
    I do like all his movies except for Golden Compass ( but I wouldn't have gone to see that, if he and Eva weren't both in it, so it's not like they were going to save it for me) and I thought Cowboys and Aliens really sucked as well.
    Also that short film, where he pimped out Bond in drag to plump for femmynism, shudder, didn't like that one either (gives me nightmares.)
    Post Bond; Invasion, Flashbacks and Defiance were all excellent. Craig carried all three films and even Dream House was quite good. In fact I might buy it when it hits the market. I'd like to see it again, now that I know the hook, and can watch it from the perspective of knowing whats going on.
    That's 10 Craig starring vehicles I' ve seen, plus 3 supporting-role films. I'm not counting the femmy/proppyganda film.

    I am therefore Craig's #1 fan. :x Anyone else seen Dream House? I rest my case. :ar!
    QBranch wrote:
    Daniel Craig has brought a long lost element of masculine power and virility back to the role.

    Not to mention blue swimming trunks. The jealousy (disguised as hate) obviously stems from this scene. j/k ;)
    Actually the blue trunks I think came in handy for Skyfall. I heard that he asked Babs if he could borrow them again (she likes to carry them around in her bag), except that he pulled them on to his head to keep his ears warm. It was kinda cold standing on that roof. Bab's was reportedly furious. =)) Good on you Dan!!! =D>
  • Craig owns. Who cares if he has blond hair, can be a bit blunt at times, and was scripted into some stupid situations-- Daniel Craig has brought a long lost element of masculine power and virility back to the role. James Bond is a man again, at last.

    I think he's awesome too but some people might not, and alot of you have to learn to live with that
  • Posts: 297
    Craig owns. Who cares if he has blond hair, can be a bit blunt at times, and was scripted into some stupid situations-- Daniel Craig has brought a long lost element of masculine power and virility back to the role. James Bond is a man again, at last.

    I think he's awesome too but some people might not, and alot of you have to learn to live with that

    Looks that's far easier to swallow than it is for some haters to endure the enjoyment of others. I've yet to see Craig-a-natics gatecrashing craigsnotbond (or similarly obscure places of 'unusual' preferences). The opposite seems to be fairly common these days. I mean c'mon, where's the harm in people having their fun with the current ride? How extraordinarily sick do you have to be if your only joy is taking a p*** on other's parade?

    I've never thought less of anybody for their preferences of actor or film or book. Whichever it is, if it's OK for you it's none of my business. Actually I envy people who can enjoy some works more than I can myself. But that's just it, there's no higher reason or holy truth about it, my verdict is just as uninformed and useless as anybody elses. Whoever claims different is really a sorry bloke IMO.

  • Craig owns. Who cares if he has blond hair, can be a bit blunt at times, and was scripted into some stupid situations-- Daniel Craig has brought a long lost element of masculine power and virility back to the role. James Bond is a man again, at last.

    ^What he said. Nice to see Bond as a two-fisted man's man again - I think that's why a lot of people liken him to Connery.

    But beyond that he's also brought some great acting chops to Bond as well. If anyone had told me when he was first cast (I was a huge doubter as well) that he would take a role that had been played by five previous actors for 45 years, make it fresh and exciting, and give a BAFTA-nominated performance (!) I never would have believed them. I humbly accept that I was wrong to pre-judge him.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Shark wrote:
    NicNac wrote:
    And if it matters do they have such soaring intellects on their own forums that they put us to shame?

    In comparison, yes. Though that's not too difficult.

    A busy forum will attract all sorts both intellectual and otherwise, everyone knows that. We have many very clever and articulate people on here, but what we don't try to do is cherry pick who we want. We give everyone an equal standing.

    And please don't mix up intellect with sheer arrogance Sharky.
  • SharkShark Banned
    Posts: 348
    NicNac wrote:
    We have many very clever and articulate people on here,

    Yes, and most of them are mods.
    NicNac wrote:
    but what we don't try to do is cherry pick who we want.

    Nor does any other Bond forum I know of. As matter of fact, a certain other board hosts j7wild, who's been kicked out of both MI6Community and Cb.n.
    NicNac wrote:
    And please don't mix up intellect with sheer arrogance Sharky.

    No, but (sadly) they tend to go hand in hand.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Shark wrote:
    NicNac wrote:
    We have many very clever and articulate people on here,

    Yes, and most of them are mods.
    NicNac wrote:
    but what we don't try to do is cherry pick who we want.

    Nor does any other Bond forum I know of. As matter of fact, a certain other board hosts j7wild, who's been kicked out of both MI6Community and Cb.n.
    NicNac wrote:
    And please don't mix up intellect with sheer arrogance Sharky.

    No, but (sadly) they tend to go hand in hand.

    Was j7 kicked off here? He may have been but I don't recall. My sympathies to whoever puts up with him now :-)
  • I just read something here that generated some serious humor, nice work

    J7 is on suspension apparently, I don't even know what we did to warrant such a thing, he was one of the more colorful participants and may be back in the near future

    Back to the subject in hand and I can't quite remember if I responded to it, but in any event I'll add there's no real malice for Craig this end, yes I was skeptical when he got the role, buffed up Bond, blond hair, 'this isn't Bond' I remember saying, went along to theaters in 2006 to see his debut performance and I enjoyed it so much I went back again to see it, it was mainly for action than Craig himself though

    I don't think anybody if they really think about it, 'hates' any Bond actor, that's too strong a word. They may have criticism's but there's no real animosity involved, maybe they have been a bit harsh, for instance I could say Moore was a lousy Bond, it was custard and gravy to the franchise for the most part but he did some fine work here and there and I'll always be able to watch a Moore Bond without too much trouble and while at times, silly and banal, Moore puts in a sincere performance here and there and is an enjoyable viewing
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